The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 58


Hu, Hu people are here

There was a sudden chaos in the flower building, footsteps were trampled, and the water cup fell to the ground and made a cracking sound.

There were shouts of killing in the distance, thick smoke stained the sky, and the originally endless white became dark gray and black.

People kept walking around on the tiles, jumping from the second floor, the dancers on the square platform screamed, the boss yelled for the money for the drinks, the door curtain was torn, and the sound of the wind poured into the building like a tide.

Several scholars stood on the steps and shouted "Everyone, don't be impatient!" But no one listened, pushing each other and pushing people down the stairs.

Xu Zhen was a little nervous, and hurriedly said: "Hu Bing is here, let's go hide."

Xun Qianchun got up and said, "Sir, you go first."

Xu Zhen asked, "What are you doing?"

Xun Qianchun said: "I will fight."

Xu Zhen was stunned for a moment, remembering that the little beggar had already joined the army, and now that the Hu soldiers were attacking the city, she had to go to fight because of emotion and reason, so she could only say, "Be careful."

Xun Qianchun nodded, and jumped out of the window on the second floor. There were noisy people outside, and the same was true inside the building.

Longmen was seldom attacked by Hu soldiers, and the preparations were insufficient. Finally, some middle-aged soldiers ran up to the city gate and pushed out their catapults. Hu Bing was already not far from the city gate and kept moving forward. The blood-stained spear broke through the sky, flew into the city, and stood straight on the pillar of the flower building.

Someone's ear tip was scratched and bleeding, he was stunned for a moment, and then yelled, saying that he was going back to Chang'an and not staying in this wretched place anymore.

People are panicked and their feet are in a hurry.

Xu Zhen wanted to take refuge directly.

After walking two steps, I remembered that I still have a student in the flower building.

After thinking for a while, she couldn't leave the students alone, so she went against the flow of people to the back door, trying to find the students.

Longmen official road, officers and soldiers in black armor came.

A row of generals on horseback, wearing armor, galloped across the vast official road, rushing forward with swords in hand.

Xu Zhen was walking in the backyard, taking advantage of the noise of the crowd, and shouted: "Hey—" She got stuck in the middle of shouting, what was the student's name, forget it, just keep shouting, "Classmate! Classmate!!"

Heavy snow fell from the sky, and when it fell into her mouth, Xu Zhen spat twice.

It happened that a servant in short clothes ran past her, saw Xu Zhen and asked angrily, "What are you calling?! Go and hide from the war!"

Xu Zhen said: "No hurry, you go first, I still need to find a student."

"What student!" said the man, "Are you a literati who came to compete?" The man had a loud voice, mistakenly thought that Xu Zhen was here to participate in the Gathering, grabbed her and pushed her into the cabinet.

Xu Zhen was stunned for a moment and explained: "Wait, I'm not—"

The servant shouted: "Longmen is in danger, the Hu soldiers are coming fiercely, the owner of Hualou said, I hope all celebrities can offer advice to fight against Hu soldiers."

Xu Zhen shouted: "I'm not a celebrity!!!"

It's a pity that the shouting was drowned in the commotion, and the servants didn't hear it. They thought Xu Zhen was timid and fearful, and sighed slightly inwardly. These days, this group of scholars is really more attractive than the other!

Xu Zhen was pushed into the building and climbed the stairs to the second floor relying on the handrail.

The ground of the flower building was trampled wet, and there were a lot of broken ice.

The door curtain swayed, and a voice full of anger came from inside, drifting into Xu Zhen's ears.

"The dispute between Hu and Han, the turmoil in the country, what is the explanation? It's because people don't love both!"

"In ancient times, the people began to live, and their words were based on different meanings. Everyone said that their opinions were correct, and despised the opinions of others, so the world was in chaos."

"Confucianism, what is Confucianism? Confucianism is self-contradictory! While emphasizing superiority and inferiority, it is said that the people are more important than the emperor. If you want to enjoy the same pleasure with the people, why are you on the side of the king, greedy for pleasure?"

"The current method is to abolish Confucianism and promote my Mohism! Emphasis on machine skills, martial arts, and farming, so that we have the strength to fight Hu Bing!"

Xu Zhen listened outside for a while, and wanted to leave secretly, but the servant saw from the stairs that she hadn't entered yet, so he ran up and pushed her.

With a plop, Xu Zhen fell forward unexpectedly and fell to the ground.

All kinds of voices in the room stopped abruptly. The man in Tsing Yi who was speaking stopped and looked down at Xu Zhen. The flames of war were flying outside the window, and red smoke was rising.

Xu Zhen avoided her eyes and pretended to look at the scenery.

Someone asked, "Who?!"

Xu Zhen coughed, not knowing how to explain that she was just a passerby.

Fortunately, at this time, the servant outside helped to explain: "This is a literati who is alone!!"

The sound was overshadowed by the sharp geese.

Someone still heard it.

The woman's gentle and leisurely words came from the corner, like snowflakes falling on hot water: "In this case, please sit down first."

The sandalwood in the room is rich, covering up the heavy sandy smell outside.

Xu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly sat down.

The man in Tsing Yi who spoke just now had finished expressing his opinion, and bowed his hands as a salute, allowing the scholars below to continue their discussion, discussing how to rescue Hu Bing from the siege of the city.

Everyone stood up and discussed.

Xu Zhen listened from the side, most of the literati in the room talked about tricks to lure the enemy, or tactics of attacking with fire, and occasionally talked about how to build institutions to resist the enemy, but they were quickly drowned out by other discussions.

It was windy and snowy outside, and the room was talking and talking, and the comfort was like the center of the storm.

Xu Zhen sat at the end with her back against the window, doing nothing.

The north wind blew to the back of her neck through the window, making her shiver with cold. She turned sideways and found that she could see the scenery outside, so she turned and lay down on it to look out. She saw dry firewood thrown around the city wall, and black smoke was set off. .

In the center of the avenue, the generals on horseback planted reddish-brown banners on their horses, and the darkness covered the sky and the sun.

It was the water bird battalion that was fighting, which was the barracks led by the little beggars. Xu Zhen tried hard to find the little beggars among the crowd, and soon saw a golden light.

Xun Qianchun's hair was tied up, and the corners of his eyes were scarred fiercely. He swung the knife to split random arrows, and the golden mark on the back of his neck flickered slightly.

She stood on a straight line in the center of the city gate, and immediately swaggered, no one could enter her aura. A wave of advance soldiers from the barbarians came in, but they were injured by her sword. The horses were frightened and quickly retreated.

A Hu man was stabbed by other soldiers and fell to the ground to be slaughtered. Before being arrested, he cursed at Xun Qianchun in the Hun dialect: "You are also a Hu man, why do you want to become a running dog of the Han people!"

Xun Qianchun looked indifferently.

She never discriminates between Hu and Han, and only has one belief in her heart.

The sky and the earth trembled, and smoke and dust rose in a huge way.

Xun Qianchun felt something, looked back, and saw Xu Zhen lying on the window at a glance, frowning at herself.

She stared at Xu Zhen, and Xu Zhen also stared at her.

The two looked at each other, trying to convey their feelings, but they didn't have time to speak.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.


The city gate was hit by heavy stones!

Xun Qianchun immediately looked at the city gate, and saw that the bronze gate had been smashed with embossed marks!

There was another loud bang.

The barbarians outside are crazy and are still throwing boulders.

The city gate won't last long!

If the city gate is broken, all the people in Longmen will not be able to survive.

The female general of the Shuiniao Camp rode forward, her face was covered with dust, and she shouted sharply: "Get on the horse! Go to the city gate!"

Xun Qianchun looked cold, grabbed a horse and stepped on it.

The female general turned around, pointing to the east slope, and said to everyone in the Miaomiao army camp behind him, "Did you all see that Cangliang Mountain?!"

Snow covered the Cangliang Mountains, the once green and black pines and cypresses and thousands of miles of loess were left blank.

Everyone didn't answer, they looked at the female general.

The female general said: "That is the place where loyal bones are buried! If you die today, as long as I have breath, I will pick up your corpses and bury you in Cangliang Mountain!"

As the words fell, the wind and snow surged and hit everyone's faces. Some people wanted to cry, but the tears had not yet come out, and they had already frozen.

The female general said in a deep, hoarse voice, full of courage: "Follow me! Go!"

"Ah!!!" There was a sound of cavalry stepping together, and a huge tide was stepped on. Thousands of soldiers and horses rushed to the gate of the city. The gate of the city was opened, and the army rushed out.

Xu Zhen was terrified watching from above. She squeezed the window frame and stood up straight away, wanting to shout, but she knew that it was useless to shout out her voice. If she could hear this background sound, it would be hell.

She didn't want the little beggar to block the city gate.

I don't want the little beggar to get hurt.

This feeling has never been stronger.

Her eyes ached, her palms were covered with sweat, and she nervously watched the soldiers and horses walking around in the distance, with knives and guns sticking out.

The army pressed the border, the gate of the city was smashed by stones, and the whole dragon gate seemed to be shaking. The soldiers of the water bird battalion resisted stubbornly and resisted at the gate of the city. Someone kept commanding: "Go back, go back!! From the Get out of the city by the back door!"

Xu Zhen knew that this group of people would definitely not be able to get out.

Now it is the Hu and Han forces confronting each other, the Hu people are good at fighting, and the Han people are soft-handed.

What will you do to win this battle?

What can I do

What should be done to help the little beggar

Xu Zhen was thinking in her mind, a little wanting to summon the system to find some clues.

However, before he could take any action, a soft and mature female voice sounded: "Lady, do you have any ideas about how to crack the Hu Bing's siege?"

The panic in my ears dissipated, and my thoughts returned to the quiet room full of sandalwood. Everyone sat around in a semicircle, with tea in hand, as if discussing the Tao.

Xu Zhen turned her head and saw that she had once again become the focus of everyone's attention. She was very embarrassed, and hurriedly sat down and said, "No, I just wanted to join in the fun."

People around laughed softly.

Someone noticed the word "female official" said by the person who asked the question, and asked the woman who just spoke: "Lord, is this person a female official?"

The one who spoke was the owner of Hualou, nodded and said: "If I remember correctly, it should be the new order from Pingliang."

Xu Zhen nodded.

The smiles of the people around became presumptuous. Those people knew that Xu Zhen was demoted, and that she was demoted from Chang'an to come here. No matter how powerful she was before, she is a person who has lost power and is difficult to turn over. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Confucianism, Taoism, and Mohist schools began to talk freely.

During the battle, someone placed a chessboard and made a move to show Hu Han's strength.

The members of the waterfowl battalion fought bloody battles outside.

This group of literati is drinking tea and chatting, imagining the future

Xu Zhen recalled that when Cao Cao failed to attack Dong Zhuo and returned to Luoyang after the defeat, he saw the princes of the Manchu army camp having a banquet, drinking and eating meat, and not thinking about making progress. This became a turning point in life from a hero to a villain.

Could it be that the little beggar in the plot became the tyrant after seeing such absurd scene

Xu Zhen couldn't remember.

But she finally has a sense of standing at the transition point of dynastic changes.

Surrounded by strong winds and waves, swords and guns were knocking around my ears, and blood was splattered in front of my eyes.

The foundation of this dynasty is good, but the branches and leaves that grow out, many of which are rotten.

Philanthropy, too much.

The situation between Hu Han and the world has changed rapidly, and this group of people cannot keep up with the speed of development of the situation.

To minimize the loss, the only way is to change—

Black clouds billowed outside the window, the army pressed down, and roars rang out everywhere. The city gate cracked again and was closed by a group of veterans against the wind.

A child was sitting on the ground crying loudly, and the man with the broken arm was lying on the horse's back, shouting in a hoarse, bloody voice: "Keep, I can't keep it!"

In this chaos, Xu Zhen suddenly thought of one thing.

That is, there is a barbarian undercover in Hualou.

If he could go along with the flow and trick the undercover agent right now, maybe he could give Longmen a second.

But how to coax is a difficult problem.

I'm afraid it won't be effective to speak directly. If you want that person to believe what you say, you must first have faith.

Everyone was discussing, some people couldn't understand Xu Zhen's mind wandering, and turned the conversation to Xu Zhen.

"Pingliang Guanling, do you have any opinions?"

Xu Zhen listened for a while, and most of the people were talking about Confucianism and Mohism. She wanted to start with this, and talk about her own views, so as to establish prestige.

It's a pity that her thoughts were in turmoil and her heart was full of anxiety.

What you say is different from what you think.

While everyone was watching, she said directly: "I have a plan to keep Longmen safe."

The room was suddenly quiet, gravel flew into the sky and hit the windows, no one dared to answer.

The author has something to say: Passer-by: This guy is really good at bragging