The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 59


The man in Tsing Yi who spoke earlier spoke first: "The Hu soldiers are already at the gate of the city, what else can you do?"

Xu Zhen said: "Send a team to go out from the small path and burn the food and grass of the Hu soldiers."

This was mentioned before.

The man in Tsing Yi said disdainfully: "I thought it was a clever plan, what is this? It's easy to say, but do you know where the barbarians store their food and how many troops are around them? Besides, burning food is too wasteful, and Japan is short of food in winter. If it can be smuggled back, it will be a clever plan to kill two birds with one stone."

Xu Zhen said calmly, "I know where it is."

Immediately, someone knocked over the teapot in shock.

Xu Zhen followed the prestige and saw a scholar in blue clothes. He was probably an undercover agent. Knowing that the undercover agent was really here, she breathed a sigh of relief and began to perform to her heart's content.

"But I won't say that it's not the people here who are making decisions now, but the people fighting outside. I'll tell them to go in a while."

The man in Tsing Yi snorted coldly: "The governor is here, what's the use of finding those military officers?"

Xu Zhen was stunned: "The governor?"

In the middle, a middle-aged man coughed twice, stroked his beard and looked at Xu Zhen, the inquisitiveness in his eyes was self-evident.

This person is the governor.

Xu Zhen has seen him, and he has also seen Xu Zhen. Not long ago, they were talking about the art of war with the Duke in the chess hall next door.

At that time, the governor and the Duke knew that there was a new demoted official in Pingliang, but they never expected that the one who talked about the art of war was the same person who was demoted!

Thinking of what happened that day, the governor felt a little guilty.

Because Xu Zhen at that time had already pointed out the current tragedy of Longmen. At that time, Xu Zhen said that Pingliang was the most important place to protect, but if the attack was not successful for a long time, the surrounding cities would soon be implicated. The use of military tactics can only relieve the situation for a moment, and it is not a long-term solution.

The solution is to concentrate troops in Pingliang and wait for deployment at any time.

At the end of the chess game that day, the Duke thought a lot, felt that the distribution of food and grass was uneven, and he was easy to be hit all at once, so in the end he did not mobilize troops to concentrate in Pingliang, and still maintained an average balance across the regions.

As a result, Longmen is suffering but cannot receive assistance in time.

Of course the governor didn't dare to say that.

He can only hope that Xu Zhen will give him another good idea to ease the war.

Many of the literati here knew the governor, they couldn't believe it when they saw that the governor who had always had a bad temper remained silent, and they changed their views on Xu Zhen slightly.

Someone asked Xu Zhen: "Where is the storage place? The governor is here, just tell me!"

Xu Zhen didn't know where to hide the food, and she didn't dare to talk nonsense, for fear of being discovered by the undercover agent, she asked everyone present: "If you don't do what I say, what are you going to do?"

One of them said loudly: "Wait for the military officer to defeat Hu Bing."

Xu Zhen asked: "The battle is fierce outside, what if we can't win?"

The man said: "Then I will wait for the scribes, and I will live and die with Longmen."

Xu Zhen criticized what he said: "This is arrogance, not arrogance."

The man was suddenly too angry to speak.

Xu Zhen asked other people, but no one answered her.

In the cold wind, there were bursts of heavy clashing sounds, and the scalding blood melted into the sea of snow, flowing towards the city along the gradually melting ice.

Xu Zhen couldn't wait any longer, she stood up and said urgently: "Let's burn the grain!! Let's go burn the grain!! I will go to the city gate to find the generals, and Hu Bing will starve to death!! Anyway, we can't live anymore!"

These words immediately angered some people.

"Wait! You can't do this!" The man in Tsing Yi, who had talked so much before, stood up, frowned and said angrily, "I just said that the world is in chaos because people don't love both. Confucianism promotes benevolence. What is benevolence! It's because Only by abolishing Confucianism and loving each other can the Hu-Han war be stopped. What is the small war in front of me? What I focus on is something more distant!"

Xu Zhen scolded: "Why don't you think about what's in front of you! People in Chang'an hate Hu people, why do you still think about Hu people's life and death?"

The man in Tsing Yi was also angry: "It's a small matter for me, and the world is the most important thing. The world will not change because of this trivial matter! Regardless of the outcome of this war, fighting is the job of military officers. What we need to do is to get along once and for all. .”

And the method he said is to win this war, then pursue love and peace, and work hard to negotiate peace with the barbarians.

Xu Zhen thought to herself, finally came across someone who was right, but why couldn't tell the time and place.

Fortunately, her purpose this time was not really to burn food, but to trick undercover agents.

She was about to say a few words.

All the literati have already applauded: "Zhao Lang is right."

In this group of literati, some were fishing in troubled waters, or some were genuine, Xu Zhen couldn't tell the difference.

The sound of fighting became more and more fierce, there was the sound of flesh and blood being cut, random arrows pierced through the clouds, and screams pierced through the windows.

The heavy snow came in, and the windows squeaked, like a roar of unwillingness.

Outside, the black Hu Bing was almost on the gate of the city, bloody and thick, making people vomit.

Inside the building, Xu Zhen endured the anxiety in her heart, not daring to reveal her real purpose too much, the flames of war were raging, she sat on her seat and begged for a glass of water to drink, and she calmed down a lot.

What she should do now is to let the undercover report quickly, so as to achieve her next goal.

Literati around have begun to talk about how to make peace.

The cold wind was howling, some were silent, some were indignant, and some were passionate.

Xu Zhen tried her best to restrain her other thoughts, weighed her words, and debated with the man in Tsing Yi: "What you said earlier is not correct."

The man in Tsing Yi was talking with other people. Hearing what Xu Zhen said, the surrounding was quiet. The man in Tsing Yi sneered and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Zhen said: "There is nothing wrong with love and closeness. There is a difference between love and love. I admit that there is no difference between love and love. It is impossible. When you fall to the ground, the people around you may help you up and leave you. How can you help me if you are far away? This is intimacy. If someone hits you, you will feel pain. If someone beats me, you will definitely not feel pain. This is also intimacy."

The man in Tsing Yi quickly replied: "The world is in chaos because of the existence of your thoughts! As long as Mohism can eliminate such thoughts, there will be no more wars in the world."

Xu Zhen asked: "According to your words, that means the Han people love each other, and the Hu people are still like this. We Han people tolerate all their barbaric behaviors, cede land, marry each other, give money, and try our best to please them?"

The man in Tsing Yi said angrily: "How can this be the same? You can't lose your pride! Don't you think I'm wrong!!"

Not only the men in Tsing Yi, but also Confucian scholars and Taoist students stood up and explained, talking about civil rights, human rights, and the integrity of a gentleman.

The atmosphere has been pushed in the direction of "protecting innocent barbarians" several times, and the undercover agent naturally has a lot of credit for it.

Xu Zhen vomited old blood in her heart, thinking that the dungeon this time was too fucking hell-level.

She refuted one by one, Confucianism and Taoism are still good.

Confucianism values propriety, while barbarians are rude. As long as one says to repay grievances with sincerity, one can be fooled by repaying virtue with kindness. Taoism pays attention to following the trend and does not interfere much.

The most troublesome is the Mo family.

Xu Zhen can only tell stories.

It is said that when Gongshuban helped Chu State build a cloud ladder to attack Song State, Mozi went to reason and wanted Gongshuban to lend him money to buy it|murder to kill people. Gongshuban was not happy. Mozi raised the issue to the level of attacking a country, saying that attacking an innocent country is not considered benevolent, and killing many people without killing a few is not considered sensible.

"If you are guilty, kill those guilty individuals. Aren't the barbarians the same group of guilty individuals now!" Xu Zhen said.

The man in Tsing Yi couldn't argue and was still struggling to speak.

Xu Zhen couldn't wait, got up to interrupt, and raised her voice and said: "I have never looked down on your theories, but the knife has two sides. Now that you are in crisis, you should not use the back of the knife anymore, it's time to show the edge of the knife!"

The governor looked at her and stood up too, his eyes fluttered, and he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut. A word faintly floated in his mind - "bluff".

Whether that was the case, he wasn't sure.

Because he didn't believe that there would be people who would bluff in such a critical moment.

If there is, it is crazy! It's a crazy gambler!

And what's the bet

The mentality of the leader of the gamblers? Gambling

too crazy!

The governor didn't dare to think anymore, he hoped that he just thought too much.

Xu Zhen spoke too hard, her voice was a little hoarse, she bid farewell to the literati present and said: "Everyone, I'm going to burn food and grass, no matter what I love!"

After saying this, she got up and left, but she didn't walk out of the door directly, but quickly went downstairs to hide in the corner, and secretly looked outside while no one was paying attention.

After a while, the dust was flying, and someone came down quickly, it was the undercover barbarian who knocked over the quilt.

It should be to inform the news.

Xu Zhen thought to herself, this war can be saved, God is looking after her.

She breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the gate of the city.

The snow cover was thicker and it was impossible to run fast.

The world is vast, and she stands on the edge of the official road, as small as a black stone in the snow. Surrounded by a sea of slumped corpses, facing the front of the city gate, there is a huge army, and it is difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

The cold wind made her clothes billow, and her lips were chapped and white.

Xu Zhen was in a hurry, went to the stable, let out the horse she was riding, beside the steed, the female student who came with Xu Zhen before was holding a little girl in her arms, curled up and hiding in the corner.

Are you afraid

Xu Zhen didn't understand why this group of students who love to fight were afraid. She asked out of the teacher-student relationship: "Student, are you holding your sister?"

The student looked up at Xu Zhen and nodded. Her eyes were entangled. As a native of Pingliang, she had participated in many small battles, but she had never seen a war of this scale. She is not worthy to be a border child.

Seeing that she was not in good spirits, Xu Zhen said, "If you hide here, the war will end soon."

The student looked at Xu Zhen blankly.

Xu Zhen was about to get on her horse and leave.

The student hurriedly asked: "Sir, where are you going?!"

Xu Zhen took the rein and turned around, looked at the student, smiled and said, "Go save my sweetheart."

Thinking of the little beggar, she was extremely happy.

When this battle is over, she must touch the little beggar's hand, kiss the little beggar's face, and rub the little beggar's waist.

The dream is really beautiful, everything is there.

Xu Zhen smirked again and again, thinking of the urgency of the battle, but she was not in a hurry, she had already calmed down. She is confident in herself, and also believes in the little beggar.

Her face is small and round, and when she smiles, there are dimples on half of her face, as if she is gathering light.

The student was so shocked that he couldn't help asking, "Is that the barbarian?"

The student had eavesdropped on Xu Zhen and Ge Xier's conversation before, and probably knew something, but this time he accidentally said it out, so he continued to say it all loudly: "Hu people live in a place where Han people are crowded, it's too ridiculous! Sir." She spoke louder, "We are all scholars, how can we go to the front line! It's ridiculous!!"

She said something absurd twice in a row, almost crying out, her younger sister curled up in her arms sobbing and trembling.

Xu Zhen stood beside the horse and asked, "Is it ridiculous?"

The student was almost in tears and said, "Absurd, war, it's absurd."

"I think so too." Xu Zhen said loudly, "So, I'm leaving."

The student asked again: "Sir!! Where are you going?!"

Xu Zhen turned her head and said, "I'm going to end this absurdity."

After finishing speaking, he rode on his horse and headed towards the city wall.

Horseshoes leave deep footprints. Walking forward, the person sitting on it is staggering, looking like he is about to fall down at any time, which is very worrying.

Behind her was an empty stable with air-conditioning reverberating.

On the city wall rendered by black fireworks, someone led troops to fight, and Xu Zhen showed her official seal and successfully boarded the city gate.

The sky was gray, the ground was full of broken military uniforms, broken swords were stuck in the cracks in the stones, no matter how strong the wind was, they couldn't blow them down, and there were almost no people on the city walls.

The mechanism of the catapult was exhausted, and the soldiers who could still move all went down to fight.

Xu Zhen walked forward and saw the commander sitting in the corner.

The commander buried his face in the plush collar, put his hands in his cuffs, his robe was dragged heavily on the ground, his eyes looked straight ahead and looked at the world.

Xu Zhen gained experience from the rainstorm incident last time, so she directly threw her official seal in front of that person, then knelt down and kowtowed and said, "Although my official position is not high, I hope to guarantee my advice with my life and reputation."

She had to speak very loudly, otherwise she would be overwhelmed by shouts of killing.

There was a moment of silence above the head, and a deep voice came: "Get up! Speak!"

Xu Zhen heard the voice familiar, got up and looked carefully at the person sitting in the town, and found that this person was the middle-aged man who had played chess with the governor earlier.

Now that we know each other, it will be easier to handle.

Xu Zhen begged: "Please issue an order to withdraw the troops!"

"Withdraw troops?? Do you want the Duke to abandon the city!! You are treasonous!!" Before the middle-aged man could speak, the servants behind him stepped forward and scolded Xu Zhen, even wanting Xu Zhen to roll off the city wall.

Xu Zhen naturally did not leave.

She was a little surprised, she didn't expect that the person in front of her was the Duke of the state

The name Guogong is quite familiar, and he may also be an important figure in the plot.

Now her mind is occupied by preventing the war, she has no time to think about anything else, and continued: "I lied to the Hu people as undercover agents, saying that I would burn their food and grass, now as long as I withdraw the troops, the Hu soldiers will naturally retreat."

The Duke asked in a low voice, "Why?"

Xu Zhen deduced what she wanted to say: "Hu Bing's food and grass have not been burned yet, so I will definitely send a little more manpower to check at this time, but if our offensive weakens, according to the temperament of the generals on the other side, 90% of them will feel that our people here I have already taken the trail to burn food."

The Duke followed her deduction to think: "So they will send more people to protect the granary? So the war can be eased?"

Xu Zhen said: "Yes, please give the order."

It was windy and snowy at the border. The Duke was wearing a winter coat. The wind and snow blew on his face, and his shoulders and head were covered with snow.

The Duke did not give an order.

He is a person who needs to think about one hundred and eighty moves for one move of chess, and his cautiousness is chilling.

What's more, such things as military deduction, although the internal context is complicated, but after speaking, it is as simple as nonsense.

The sound of fighting below seemed to gouge Xu Zhen's heart, and she was afraid that a little beggar might be mixed up in it. But then he thought again, little beggars don't know how to bark, even if they are hurt by chopping, they still won't bark.

Xu Zhen closed her eyes, grasped the snow on the ground, and wiped it on her face indiscriminately to wake herself up.

The Duke is still looking at her.

Xu Zhen opened her eyes, her legs were sore, she sat in the snow instead, and said, "Duke, if you are afraid of Hu Bing's retaliation, I have other good ideas."

The Duke is silent.

Xu Zhen looked at the scar on his hand, raised her eyes and said: "Confucianism is just an exquisite decoration, which is for outsiders to see. Now the Holy Majesty regards this flashy thing as a treasure, and accepts it completely. Aren't the rest of the hundred schools too ridiculous?"

The Duke's lips trembled slightly, as if he realized what Xu Zhen was going to say.

Xu Zhen had a sore throat from the wind, but she still tried her best to say: "What he admires is completely inconsistent with the basic plan of the country. Throughout the ages, all the kings have used Confucianism to cover up the peace, but the current emperor, he is using Confucianism to cultivate his character and make the world as good as possible." .”

The Duke glared and shouted: "This is not what you and I should talk about."

Xu Zhen continued: "Nowadays, Sheji is an empty shell. As long as there is enough force to push it, it can be overthrown."

The Duke stood up and scolded angrily: "You are bold!!"

Xu Zhen continued unhurriedly: "The Duke has misunderstood, so naturally I don't want to overthrow Sheji, I just want to change."

"Reform?" The Duke calmed down quite a bit, sat on the stool and asked, "How to change."

Xu Zhen said: "Start from the basics."

The Duke said, "More details."

Xu Zhen said: "Build high walls and accumulate grain widely. With Yongzhou as the enclosure, farming and growing grain, give me another two years, and I will teach a group of the best students. These students will have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and Integrate the ideas of a hundred schools of thought, rather than respecting a certain school."

Her voice was not loud, almost overwhelmed by the noise outside.

However, the Duke felt a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart.

He came and went in Yongzhou, and rarely left this place. He had seen businessmen, saw sour and smelly Confucian scholars who were demoted, and he wanted to destroy many things a long time ago.

Xu Zhen's words injected hot blood into his heart.

How many years has it been since I heard such exciting words? The last time I heard it, it was the elder sister-in-law of the old Xun family who went to the battlefield.

Duke Guo thought of the Xun family, covered his lips with fists, and his nose was red.

The servant next to him was trembling, his legs were shaking constantly, and he was speechless.

The Duke waved the servant down.

Then, he took out his official seal, passed Xu Zhen's side, and stepped forward to order the withdrawal of troops. Soon, the horn was blown, the gong was sounded, and the sound of swords and guns gradually became quieter.

The soldiers suffered heavy casualties and did not want to fight for a long time.

Hearing the chime, he quickly retreated.

However, Hu Bing was fierce and continued to attack. The Han soldiers were heartbroken and did not want to resist, and were almost stabbed. At this moment, a dim golden light flashed in front of everyone, and he waved the sword in Hu Bing's hand.

Xun Qianchun didn't say a word, although his body was covered with blood, it was covered with bruises. There was a silly aunt lying under her feet, and she had brought this silly aunt into the water bird camp, so she had to protect him.

When Hu Bing saw the iconic disordered scar at the corner of her eye, he was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Kill!! Kill this traitor!!"

Xun Qianchun did not fear, and killed the enemy head-on.

The retreating Han soldiers could not speak, otherwise they would definitely ask: "Is this man made of copper and iron? How can he still be able to kill..."

Xun Qianchun stood at the forefront, fighting against Hu Bing's thousands of horses with one man's strength. The two sides stared at each other, the iron cavalry flew into the air, and the battlefield was full of turbulent waves and majestic momentum.

The world seemed to pause for half a second.

Ma Xiaoxifeng, the war is imminent.

The air flows again.

Everyone squeezed the hilt of the sword tightly, and was about to swing the sword.

But in an instant, Hu Bing also played a big drum made of sheepskin. This was Hu Bing's signal: "Retreat!"



Hu Han's two groups of soldiers collapsed, and quickly separated a considerable distance, leaving only mottled points still fighting fiercely.

Standing on the city wall, Guogong saw the situation changing rapidly, and thought in his heart: It really is so.

In this gambling battle, the Han soldiers won.

This step of Hu Bing's retreat has already determined that Xu Zhen's subsequent deduction is all correct. When Hu Bing found out that this was just a deceitful strategy, reinforcements arrived nearby, even if the fight was worthwhile. Although there was loss, it was indeed their Han soldiers who won.

The Duke sighed heavily.

The way of heaven has the law of the way of heaven, the method of deduction, when he was young and reckless, he tried it with his friends, although he could push it, but he dared not implement it, if he failed, it would cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

Those who can make such a decision are either extremely cold-blooded or extremely confident.

He didn't know which kind Xu Zhen was, and he didn't want to know.

Walking back to the city wall, Duke Guo and Xu Zhen said, "You have won this debate."

The tension in Xu Zhen's heart was loosened, and she asked again: "Grand Duke, what do you think about my proposal to promote farming?"

The Duke looked down at Xu Zhen.

He picked up the official seal and returned it to Xu Zhen, and asked: "When you and I first met, I saw you as a wanton and free-spirited person, and I had a little high opinion of you, but now it seems that you are just a person who wants to make meritorious deeds and return to Chang'an." mediocrity."

Xu Zhen subconsciously wanted to refute, but soon realized that the Duke was trying to provoke her.

She smiled and said, "You say yes, so be it."

Seeing her unmoved, the Duke asked frankly, "Why are you working so hard?"

Xu Zhen heard the sound of the city gate opening and looked down to find the little beggar.

Seeing her frequently looking at the barbarian girl in the front, the Duke of Guo knew it. He reminded: "If you want to quit Confucianism, if you don't have any fetters, it will be much easier."

The implication is, don't engage in dating before the peak of your career.

Xu Zhen didn't like this set, she said: "I like things like fetters very much."

The army had already returned to the city gate, Xun Qianchun walked last, dragging two people by hand, Xu Zhen saw it, ran over directly, leaned against the low wall and waved to Xun Qianchun, then ran down the stairs to greet Xiao Ming flower.

There were heavy casualties around.

But these casualties were not within the scope of Xu Zhen's rescue, she only had little beggars in her eyes.

After seeing the little beggar, she ran up to give her a hug. Seeing that the man was still standing in front of her, she was so happy that she was about to cry.

Until now, this battle was considered a victory for her. She was fighting against the pedantic literati, the prince who was overly cautious, and her own guesses about the character of the barbarian generals.

She is so tired.

She was so tired that she just wanted to sleep next to the little beggar, but she knew that the little beggar was also tired, so she had to be virtuous and not cause trouble to the little beggar.

Yes, be kind...

Forget it, get some sleep first.

The dream is beautiful, but the reality is that Xu Zhen instinctively fell asleep holding the little beggar.

The sky and the earth were gloomy, and the city gate became narrow again, allowing only one person to pass through.

Build walls high, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly.

In this chaotic world, she is slowly paving a road for the little beggar.

The author has something to say: Today's chapter is to echo the "bluffing" of the art of war in the previous chess hall dialogue. Before talking about war on paper, now it is a personal demonstration. The man in Tsing Yi and Xie Guang are both Mo School, inferior knights from different angles. Those who love to play chess like Duke Guo and the governor, as well as generals like the Xun family, are military strategists.

So far, the main theories of Taoism, military strategists, Mohists, Legalists, and famous schools have been written a lot, and the supporters of various factions have also stood in line (in my outline), and the matter of dismissing Confucianism is secretly going on. The process of rebellion involves a little bit of scheming, that is, it is time for the strategist to appear.

It would be very boring to write about these things, and you probably don’t like to read them, but you have to write them, because it is paving the way for a relationship.

So I took the opportunity to give everyone a small red envelope to compensate, and send a small red envelope to those who leave comments on the latest chapter, for three days, until the evening of 11.10, let us celebrate 1111~