The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 66


"The emperor was taken away by his favorite concubine?" Xu Zhen was slightly surprised.

The female general nodded, and said two things after recovering her emotions. One was that Chang'an's reinforcements would definitely not come, and the other was that the chaos in the world had not yet reached the ears of the common people and the Hu people. Surely it won't be long.

If the Hu people knew about this, they would definitely take this opportunity to go to war.

The matter of the beloved concubine holding the emperor was indeed beyond Xu Zhen's expectations. She had slowly made arrangements this year, and thought over and over what she remembered many times, but she never expected such a thing to happen again.

After the female general left, Xu Zhen leaned against the bed, recalled the contents of the book, thought carefully about the heroine's ten rebirths, and finally found out the relevant content of this incident from a certain rebirth.

I don't know how many times it was reborn. At that time, the heroine hadn't realized how to tame the big villain. In order to establish her prestige, besides preventing the waterlogging, she also did a lot of things one after another, but the effect was minimal.

Later, the concubine favored the court, and the government was chaotic. The heroine had internal troubles and external troubles. On the one hand, there was internal turmoil in the country, and on the other hand, there was a big villain at the border. The heroine simply joined hands with the concubine, trying to defeat Xun Qianchun.

Of course, it failed in the end, and the heroine was reborn soon after being displaced. As for the favored concubine, the book didn't say much.

These things are briefly mentioned in the book, and it has been a long time since Xu Zhen finished reading the book, so it is inevitable that she does not remember.

The current appearance of the beloved concubine made Xu Zhen have to think, has the heroine been reborn

It shouldn't be.

If he was reborn, why didn't he come and assassinate the little beggar, the current little beggar is not a big villain, just an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, she turned around and asked the little beggar, "Has any stranger come to see you recently?"

Xun Qianchun put down the small sword in his hand and said, "No."

Xu Zhen asked, "Is there anything else strange?"

Xun Qianchun thought for a while, but still shook his head: "No."

"Hey." Xu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Xun Qianchun walked to her side.

Xu Zhen then worried about other things: "What do you think will happen to the group of students in Chang'an? They have just gained a firm foothold and have not had time to display their ambitions before they encountered this kind of thing."

Xun Qianchun said: "It will be fine."

Xu Zhen changed the subject and said, "Actually, I had expected this day a long time ago, but I insisted on sending this group of people to Chang'an so as to create momentum in the future. Tell me, am I a little bit bad?"

Xun Qianchun said: "What Mr. does is naturally good."

Xu Zhen said: "I have done too many bad things. Now Chang'an is in chaos, and the grassland should not be fought. It is considered good if we can hold this place. What do you think should be done now?"

Xun Qianchun took off his military uniform and put on his ordinary clothes. The white linen gown was loosely spread beside the bed.

She leaned against Xu Zhen and said, "Take time for work."

After hearing this, Xu Zhen commented: "It really should be like this, but I think it's too slow."

Xun Qianchun asked: "What do you want, sir?"

Xu Zhen said: "Subdue the barbarians."

Xun Qianchun was silent for a moment: "Will you attack the water?"

Xu Zhen said: "Don't be so troublesome, you can put away the small tribes first. The barbarians in Heishui City are now proud, and the surrounding small tribes will definitely feel dissatisfied. If you can seize the opportunity among them, you will be able to subdue the barbarians."

Xun Qianchun said: "Listen to sir."

Xu Zhen asked: "Do you think I'm too wordy?"

Xun Qianchun said: "No, what Mr. said makes sense."

Xu Zhen smiled, propped herself on the bed with one hand, leaned in front of Xun Qianchun, hugged her neck and kissed her. Kissing the little beggar on the cheek, Xu Zhen still felt embarrassed after kissing, and she backed away quite a bit, but was soon pulled back by Xun Qianchun and pressed against the wall to kiss.

The two of them haven't reached the last step yet, Xu Zhen has never been very active in making out, occasionally kissing Xun Qianchun, teasing her, and then running away after teasing. In the past year, Xun Qianchun secretly summed up his experience, and learned a lot, knowing how to seize the opportunity to launch an offensive.

She was so overjoyed that she couldn't bear it.

She can't wait to integrate her husband into her own flesh and blood, as long as Xu Zhen gives her a little sweetness, she is willing to pay any price for it.

She caressed Xu Zhen's body and felt that she was really poisoned. Why would she be so infatuated with someone? Feeling from top to bottom, she knew she couldn't continue, but she still wanted to try, but she was stopped by Xu Zhen soon.

Xu Zhen said, "Wait, wait a minute."

Xun Qianchun stopped moving.

Xu Zhen pushed her away without any strength, and stopped everything else. She lay on her side, pulled Xun Qianchun down and kissed her hard again, as if to vent.

Finally, he asked in a low voice, "Tell me, do you have any physical pain?"

Xun Qianchun was about to say it didn't hurt.

Xu Zhen said, "Tell the truth."

Xun Qianchun said: "It hurts."

Xu Zhen sighed inwardly, and grabbed Xun Qianchun's hand even harder, she pursed her lips and said, "Wait for me for a while, when you don't feel any pain, I'll...that or something."

She said it tactfully.

Xun Qianchun understood, the husband wanted to completely blend with himself. She should be happy, but at this moment, for some reason, she couldn't be happy, so she could only ask Xu Zhen: "Why?"

Xu Zhen stared at Xun Qianchun, saw her dark blue eyes, and explained: "Because I don't want to take risks."

She dared not go against the setting in the book.

Since this poison means that the closer the relationship is, the more painful it will be, leading to loss of reason in the end, so she dare not, dare not make the relationship between the two of them one step closer.

The current distance, in her opinion, is already the limit.

Fortunately, with the advent of troubled times and the suffering of all people in the world, she will soon be able to accumulate enough merit.

The border battle reports continued to be sent to Chang'an, and the news from Chang'an was also sent to Heishui non-stop.

Loyal ministers raised their troops in a weak body to crusade against the favored concubine, killed dissidents, and annihilated the rebellious ministers, but in the end, they missed a step and failed to bring down the favored concubine.

Concubine Chong has many counselors around her, and even kidnapped the Holy Majesty, becoming the nominally correct party. Ordinary people have nothing to do with her.

Chang'an City is completely the favorite of the concubine.

Under the control of Concubine Chong, the people of Chang'an are still ignorant, and they feel that it is not bad to be so comfortable. The brightly red Chang'an is once again indulging in pleasure-seeking.

Huangsha went three thousand miles to the north, and the vast land of Yongzhou used to be tense and difficult to survive, but now it seems abnormally calm.

Only this land is different. Whether they are scholars or farmers, everyone is farming with a hoe.

Looking from a distance, the endless green is constantly rolling out waves, and the immature rice fields are quiet and distant, accompanied by the fragrance of the wind.

There is also the voice of someone talking loudly, the closer to the teahouse at the gate of the city, the clearer the voice of the voice.

"... Now the emperor is in danger, this is the autumn of life and death. As the emperor, we are under the feet of the earth, how can we watch the emperor being kidnapped!"

Someone stood on the second floor of the teahouse and said loudly, "I met Xu Guanling by chance the day before yesterday, and she told me these words, please listen carefully!"

Passers-by and tea drinkers around stopped their movements, looked at this person, and listened carefully.

The man took a deep breath and said excitedly: "The world is rising and falling! Everyone is responsible!!"

All of a sudden, the voice resounded throughout the small town of Pingliang, and no one spoke anymore.

The man continued excitedly: "Xu Guanling asked us to farm, so we will work hard! We will do it for the soldiers of the Shuiniao Battalion. Before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass will go first!"

As soon as the last horoscope came out, everyone applauded: "Well said!!"

Discussions started around, and some people said: "Xu Guanling is a former official, and he is dedicated to the Holy One. He is much better than those who rebelled!"

"That's true!" Passers-by agreed, "If there is a shortage of troops to attack Chang'an, I must be counted as the head."

"And me, and me!"

The hearts of the people in Pingliang City were excited, and everyone vowed to do their part for Xu Zhen's crusade against the beloved concubine.

In the Blackwater military camp, Xu Zhen and a few others instilled in them the matter of having enough food and grass, and then went back to the tent.

Xun Qianchun went out to fight and has not returned yet. It may take a long time for her to go out this time. Heishui and the temporary station have been stalemate for too long. Although it is reasonable to wait for work at leisure, the generals and female generals of the water bird battalion, like Xu Zhen, can't wait.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Zhen deduces the art of war on paper. She is only a modern person, and she is definitely inferior to these ancient soldiers in terms of wisdom and war experience. She can only deduce a few more steps in an attempt to increase the success rate.

When Xu Zhen stayed alone in the tent for a few days, the silly aunt sent her the battle report.

The silly aunt is now a fierce general under Xun Qianchun's command. She wears a mask all the year round, so she can't see her face clearly.

After Xu Zhen saw the mask made of sackcloth, she remembered this character in her mind. It turned out that the silly aunt was a little villain, just like the little beggar, who would do anything to revenge her parents.

When the silly aunt came over with the letter, Xu Zhen asked with great interest: "You can even learn martial arts. Are you going to the battlefield to find your mother?"

The silly aunt handed over the letter and nodded.

Xu Zhen asked, "Did you find it?"

The silly girl shook her head.

Xu Zhen asked again: "Why are you like my family, you can't speak."

The silly aunt opened her mouth and made a hoarse voice.

Xu Zhen sighed and said, "Hey, you go back, by the way, remember to take care of my little beggar for me, and don't let her get hurt."

The silly aunt nodded, turned around and left lamely.

Looking at the figure of that person, Xu Zhen thought of the little beggar's power in Chang'an, and gradually realized that the little beggar's wings were full, and if given another gust of wind, she could fly.

Where should this gust of wind come from

Xu Zhen faintly realized something in her heart, but she stopped thinking about it and opened the battle report letter first to check.

Many of these letters were sent by students from all over the world. Some were written half a year ago, thanking Xu Zhen for betting on the topic, and some were recent, including those from Ge Xier and Li Sanlang.

Ge Xier's letter didn't have many words, just a few words: "Mr. Xu Zhen, today Chang'an is under the enemy's back and forth. My ability is limited, so I can only retreat and defend the Lingnan area. Please take care, sir."

Xu Zhen thought that Ge Xier became the second villain in the book, didn't she start her fortune from Lingnan

Everything really started along the established track.

The letter sent by Li Sanlang was relatively long. It said that he and his grandfather occupied Huainan and wanted to rescue the emperor, but there was not enough troops, food and grass, so they had to temporarily raise troops and wait for the time to come. So I want to ask Xu Zhen what to do.

Xu Zhen wrote back: "Wait, I have food and grass, just lend me your troops."

There are still a few letters behind, which Xu Zhen opened up, and they are all about major events in Chang'an. She wrote back one by one.

After finally finishing all the writing, the little beggar finally returned from the battlefield.

When Xun Qianchun opened the tent, the flames of war exploded thousands of miles away, and the billowing smoke and dust ignited gray clouds, flying in all directions, almost getting into the army tent.

Xu Zhen hurriedly said, "Quickly close the curtain."

Xun Qianchun walked faster, stepped into the tent with two buckets of water, turned around and pulled up the curtain tightly and seamlessly.

The noise outside was cut off, leaving only warmth in the tent.

Xu Zhen had already changed into light clothes, and Xun Qianchun was covered with dust and blood. He stood at the door and looked at Xu Zhen. Without coming over, he took off half of his clothes and began to wipe himself.

Seeing her like this, Xu Zhen felt strange: "Didn't you usually come in to wipe it? Why are you standing at the door today?"

Xun Qianchun's complexion didn't change much, but he was vaguely unhappy.

Xu Zhen asked again: "Are you unhappy?"

Xun Qianchun remained silent, still not speaking.

Xu Zhen said: "If you don't talk anymore, I will sleep on the floor by myself at night."

Xun Qianchun stopped moving, looked up at Xu Zhen, frowned slightly, and then said: "Sir, I hated me for touching you a few days ago."

It turned out to be this.

Xu Zhen laughed immediately: "I don't despise you at all."

Xun Qianchun lowered his eyes and continued to wipe his arm.

Xu Zhen explained: "Aren't I afraid that you will hurt me?" She seemed to be saying it easily, but she felt uncomfortable inside, so she quickly waved her hand to let Xun Qianchun come over, but seeing that Xun Qianchun couldn't come over, she had to walk over by herself, squatting down , and Xun Qianchun whispered: "I have been thinking about you to death these few days."

Hearing this, Xun Qianchun raised her head and looked at Xu Zhen, a gleam of spring bloomed in Taohua's eyes, which quickly suppressed it, she smiled in her eyes, and responded in a flat tone.

Xu Zhen asked, "Are you still not happy?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Happy."

Xu Zhen said, "Then give me a smile."

Xun Qianchun didn't smile.

No matter how Xu Zhen teased her, Xun Qianchun sat still on the low stool and refused to laugh.

Xu Zhen had no choice but to continue talking to her about the division of the world today.

"Do you know what happened in the early days of the third division of the world?" Xu Zhen said, "The prince who favored the concubine took the emperor to order the princes. He learned from Cao Cao. She now occupies a morally dominant position. As long as she holds the Holy Majesty in her hand, what can she say? It's all right."

Xun Qianchun nodded.

Xu Zhen also analyzed: "Dong Cheng, the old father-in-law of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, in order to overthrow Cao Cao, made a fake edict, that is, hid an edict of unknown authenticity in his belt, saying that he had accepted the will of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, They attacked Luoyang and attacked Cao Cao."

Xun Qianchun put the cloth for wiping his body into the bucket, thought for a while and asked, "Sir, do you want to use this method too?"

Xu Zhen smiled and said, "It doesn't have to be a dress code."

Xun Qianchun waited for Xu Zhen to continue.

Xu Zhen said: "Although a hundred schools of thought contend, Confucian scholars still have the upper hand, so they must be famous. If the name is not correct, the words will not go well. For ordinary people, you can use the reason of 'favoring the concubine and disrupting Chang'an', but you can face the people of the world. , there must be a better way to describe it.”

Xun Qianchun asked: "What good ideas do you have, sir?"

Xu Zhen was about to speak.

There was a sudden sound of horseshoes clattering outside, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and the surrounding voices became noisy. Xu Zhen waited for a while.

A familiar voice sounded outside: "Is Mr. Xu here? I brought gold to see you!"