The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 68


There was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, and the torrential rain poured down.

When Xu Zhen woke up, she realized that her hands were tied and the wheels were bumping under her body. She opened her eyes and looked outside, and saw the dark sky outside, and the lush green land was wet. She should have left Pingliang.

There was also a woman sitting in the car, who was the counselor who pulled Xu Zhen down the tower earlier.

The female counselor was sitting by the window swinging her legs, seeing Xu Zhen open her eyes, she smiled at Xu Zhen.

At any rate, Xu Zhen was not kidnapped for the first time, she acted very calm.

At first, she tried to lift herself up and wanted to sit up, but when she found that she couldn't sit up, she had to continue to lie on her stomach, squeezed half of her face to the side and asked the female counselor, "Why are you arresting me?"

The female counselor was not polite, and said with a smile: "I heard that you are a smart person, so my lord wants to see you, and I really want to chat with you."

The rain was splashing on the curtains of the car, and the carriage was bumping all the way, and it was thrown out of balance by the stones on the road from time to time.

The roof of the car was wrapped with oiled paper, but there was still some water leakage, dripping onto Xu Zhen's head, and flowing into her clothes along her hair.

Xu Zhen resisted the uncomfortable feeling and asked the female counselor, "Who is your master?"

The female counselor said: "You won't know it if you tell me. But I can tell you that it's the one from Chang'an."

Master of Chang'an, who else is qualified to stay in Chang'an now

Xu Zhen asked: "Is that the concubine who loves Chaogang?"

"Mei Chao Gang?" The female counselor clapped her legs and laughed.

It was raining heavily outside the car, and the rainwater splashed on the sandy soil of the official road for free. The wheels were rumbling and rolling, and it became more and more difficult to walk.

The female counselor stopped laughing.

Xu Zhen continued to maintain that action, she didn't worry too much about her situation, and tried to get some words out of the female counselor's mouth.

She was just about to ask.

The horses outside the carriage neighed suddenly, and the wooden carriage flew up due to inertia, suddenly lifted the two people in the carriage into the air, and then fell heavily.

The coachman screamed outside.

The female counselor frowned and asked loudly, "What's wrong?!"

After a while, the coachman pulled up the curtain and shouted: "The horse just overturned, and there are unrecognizable soldiers ahead!"

The female counselor shouted: "Let them get out of the way, don't you know who we are!"

The coachman responded, as if he was about to step forward to mediate, but not long after, there was a burst of murderous shouts in the rain, and the coachman hurried back and shouted: "It's two armies that I haven't seen before, fighting!!!"

It is not surprising that the world is in chaos.

The female counselor stepped on the railing of the car door, opened the curtain and shouted: "Then why are you standing still, take a detour!"

The coachman hastily pulled up the reins.

Unexpectedly, a stray arrow shot over and nailed it to the edge of the carriage. The driver was terrified, and hurriedly drove his horse to leave.

But in this turmoil, the two didn't notice for a moment, Xu Zhen broke free from the rope, then slammed into the car door, ran two steps, and jumped down the cliff.

He disappeared in a flash.

The sky and the earth are vast, the wind and rain are howling, and the gold and iron horses are trampling in front of them. The female counselor and the coachman are leaning on the window of the car, and the other is kneeling on the ground with their mouths wide open, with shocked expressions on their faces.

The rain watered people's vision is blurred.

The coachman waited for a long time before stammering: "She, she jumped off the cliff!!!"

The female counselor can't control so much now, the sword in front of her has no eyes, and the weather is really bad, how can she catch Xu Zhen when she has time! Although this person is indeed unusual. But letting go of the variables is better than losing your life.

She beckoned the coachman to leave quickly.

Before leaving, she glanced at the edge of the cliff and thought to herself: This man looks confused, but unexpectedly he is a man of integrity.

The sound of wind and rain, thunder suddenly appeared.

The sound of shouting and killing continued, piercing the sky, and the miserable sound of wheels rolling away, leaving only the car tracks in the mud of the cliff.

The edge of the cliff was overgrown with weeds, and where no one should have come, there were a few traces of being scratched, and near the bottom of the mountain, there was a pool of blood flowing.

At the foot of this mountain surrounded by weeds, Xu Zhen leaned on the mountain wall and lay half down. Her white clothes were completely muddy and dirty yellow, and half of her body was cut. Bright bloodstains bloomed on the white clothes, which were quickly washed away by the rain. clean,

Suddenly, the heavy rain kept hitting her through the banana leaves, so that she was not conscious of consciousness, so she could only vaguely remember that she had to run away.

After a while, she grabbed the weeds by the wall and stood up, walking forward with support.

In fact, the female counselor thought that Xu Zhen was arrogant and would rather commit suicide than be captured. She overestimated Xu Zhen.

The truth is that after Xu Zhen jumped out of the carriage, she accidentally stepped into the air, and then fell all the way down the cliff in despair.

Fortunately, the cliff was not high, and she had Hongyue's small sword that cut the rope in her hand, which buffered a lot of strength.

As for why she rushed out.

This question is really simple, because she saw three moles on the female counselor's ankle! ! !

Three moles on the ankle, this is the configuration of the heroine in the book!

If it was just three moles, Xu Zhen might not care too much about it, but just now that female counselor was with Concubine Chong, and she liked to wear white robes. Who else could this person be if she wasn't the heroine

And 80% of them are still the heroine after rebirth.

Thinking about it carefully, Xu Zhen recalled that one day when she lived in Chang'an Restaurant, she had a severe headache, and later the system told her that the world line had changed.

Could it be that the heroine has been reborn since then? Then this heroine is amazing.

Xu Zhen didn't dare to take risks, she felt that the favorite concubine and the hostess tied her up, probably to recruit safety, but how could she betray the little beggar? When the time comes to Chang'an, if the hostess uses any weird method to threaten the little beggar, the little beggar will definitely be fooled.

In order to prevent the tragedy from happening, Xu Zhen of course had to run away directly.

It's just that she couldn't figure it out after all her calculations, and she would fall off the cliff!

How could this official road be built on the edge of a cliff

The moment Xu Zhen fell down, she cursed in her heart: When I get rich, I must raze this cliff to the ground.

... Fortunately, he did not fall to his death, and fortunately, there were no pursuers behind.

Xu Zhen thought about something optimistic, and walked forward aimlessly. She was going to escape to a further place. I don't know what the hell this is, and how far it is from Yongzhou.

After this battle is over, Little Beggar may change his base, maybe Heishui, or he may go directly to attack other places.

Xu Zhen was walking on the wet mountain wall, she had no strength, her brain was turning more and more slowly, her eyes could hardly be opened, the heavy rain was pouring on her body, making her body temperature keep rising, she felt drenched in What I have on my body is boiling water.

I don't know how far I walked.

Xu Zhen finally saw a dilapidated temple, a Taoist temple left over from the previous dynasty. She didn't bother to care about the people inside, so she rushed in with the last of her strength, and collapsed to the ground.

With a bang, muddy water dripped from the ground.

There was thunder above his head.

At this time, the Black Water Battlefield, which was thousands of miles away from here, was gray and it was also raining heavily.

Countless disciples swung their knives to kill the enemy. On the vast battlefield, everyone screamed hoarsely. Xie Guang beheaded more than a thousand people alone. Li Sanlang's face was covered with blood, and the rest of the students were injured, but they continued to press forward without hesitation.

While the ten thousand horses were galloping, Xun Qianchun felt a sharp pain in his chest, followed by severe pain in all his bones, as if being crushed.

She clutched her chest and fell off the horse.

Someone nearby shouted: "Captain."

The cavalry had no eyes and almost stepped on her. Finally, Xun Qianchun exerted all his strength, grabbed the reins of the horse, turned back on his back, cut off a few hot-blooded heads, and carried the heads back to the barracks.

In the heavy rain, someone came to help her carry the head.

Xun Qianchun remained silent, his body was covered in blood, and the scars at the corners of his eyes were wrinkled due to the pain in the cloudy day.

All the soldiers in the barracks held their breaths, no one dared to take a step forward to provoke this killing god.

Xun Qianchun didn't care, she walked quickly into the military tent, didn't see Xu Zhen, then came out quickly, and asked the soldiers in the camp: "Where's sir?"

Through the rain curtain, the young soldier's face was still pale with fright: "No, I don't know."

Xun Qianchun changed the question.

Almost no one present knew where Xu Zhen was. Only one soldier stammered and said that he saw Xu Zhen and the female counselor go up the tower earlier, but then arrows flew in and the female counselor disappeared, and Xu Zhen also disappeared.

When everyone heard the words, they roughly understood what was going on, they were shocked in their hearts, and they didn't dare to look at Xun Qianchun's face.

Dark clouds weighed on the top, the edge of the menacing battlefield.

Xun Qianchun's face gradually turned fierce. She stood in the rain, holding a dagger in her hand, her knuckles turned white, and her eye sockets seemed to be red!

This person may be going crazy! !

Everyone backed up half a step, just when everyone thought that this barbarian's nature was exposed and was about to slaughter people, Xun Qianchun drew out his sword blade, and a sword energy split the dense rain.

The torrential rain poured down, dousing everyone thoroughly into wet people with clinging clothes.

Only Xun Qianchun seemed to be surrounded by anger.

She stood there expressionless, without any softness and innocence that a young girl should have. Without saying a word, she mounted her horse with her sword in her hand, drove the horses, broke through the heavy rain, and galloped swiftly towards the Blackwater Battlefield.

Today is the battle of Hu Han and Black Water.

A girl from the barbarians, one person, one horse, and one dagger, came to the foot of the city and broke through the walls of the barbarian city, forcing tens of thousands of barbarian troops to retreat steadily.

The rain shakes the valley, and the breath penetrates the Changhong.

A barbarian soldier who had no time to retreat sat on the ground at the gate of the city with limp legs. Hearing the red-eyed girl riding a horse into the city, she suppressed her evil voice and asked, "Sir, where are you?"

It is of course a good thing to be remembered by others, Xun Qianchun missed Xu Zhen over there, and Xu Zhen also missed Xun Qianchun.

The spring rain and spring thunder never stopped, she stayed in the temple for two days, the wounds on her body festered, and she spent merit points to exchange for medicine from the system mall, she breathed a sigh of relief, now she is unconscious and hot all over.

At times like this, it would be great if the little beggar was by his side. The little beggar will definitely look at herself with distressed eyes, wipe her face and hands, feed her medicine and candy, and it is her turn to worry about things like injury and illness.

Xu Zhen kept sighing inwardly.

She first complained about why the little beggar didn't take care of herself, and then she complained that she was not healthy enough, she couldn't go back now, the little beggar was going to cry.

It's been a long time since I saw the little beggar cry. I don't know if she's still as lovely and charming as before when she cries now

Xu Zhen laughed out loud as she thought about it, but unfortunately she didn't have enough strength, so she could only make two humming sounds.

She doesn't have much time to think clearly. The brain is groggy all day long and just wants to sleep.

Xu Zhen was afraid that she would not wake up, so she had to pull the system out to chat.

"Am I dying?" she asked customer service.

The system customer service said: "After the host takes the system drug, the probability of survival is higher than 50%."

Xu Zhen expressed her disdain: "After taking your medicine, I can only get 50%, and you are too useless."

The system customer service does not speak.

Xu Zhen asked: "Wouldn't the Jiedu Pill be the same?"

The system said: "Different qualities of detoxification pills have different effects."

Xu Zhen said weakly: "I got it in the lottery last time. The quality is so bad that it has no effect at all."

The system said: "It makes sense."

Xu Zhen said: "Fuck that, why don't you just exchange your success points and give them to me."

The system is silent again.

Xu Zhen said: "Okay, I won't scold you anymore, let me ask you something, when will the detoxification pill with 50,000 merit points be refreshed?"

The system customer service said: "Can't disclose."

This time Xu Zhen was silent, the customer service was really useless.

Xu Zhen continued to ask: "Sure, let me ask you another question, has the heroine in the book been reborn?"

The system customer service said: "Can't disclose."

Xu Zhen resisted the urge to beat the customer service to death and asked, "What can you reveal to me?"

The system customer service said: "The host should judge by himself."

Xu Zhen said: "Hey, you are so boring, can't you talk to me more? My little beggar is so wonderful. If I am bored and look for her, she is always very enthusiastic."

The system fell silent.

Xu Zhen said: "It's really a reincarnation of cause and effect. The life of the ruined temple that the little beggar experienced before is now my experience. In fact, it is not as bad as I imagined, but she was young, so she must have suffered a lot. If I had It would be great if I didn't make a fool of myself and drive her away."

She was chatting there alone, and when the time came, she spent merit points to continue buying customer service.

The system customer service was able to talk at the beginning, but remained silent afterwards, leaving Xu Zhen happy alone.

Xu Zhen was very absorbed in chatting in her head, but in reality, she could only lie on the ground, gasping for breath, and occasionally there would be a glass of water around her. Accidentally spilled it, it made her feel bad.

This water was given to Xu Zhen by another person in the temple.

Xu Zhen is grateful for this.

It's just that she hasn't had the strength to speak, unable to express her gratitude.

Two days later, Xu Zhen finally regained some strength.

Then she moved her body and approached the man in the temple, laughed twice, and asked: "My friend, can I have a cake?"

The author has something to say: To start making money, find a little beggar! Make an effort to let them meet tomorrow

I no longer dare to update the flag on time, so I will update it at two o'clock in the future...