The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 69


The unkempt man was a young beggar, biting a white cake, he glanced at Xu Zhen after hearing the words, and continued to eat his own, ignoring Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen hadn't eaten for several days, and now she tried every means to cheat her. She continued to smile and said, "Give me a cake, and I'll teach you the theory of a hundred schools of thought, how about it?"

The beggar didn't speak either.

Xu Zhen lay on the ground and said with little strength: "This is a clever plan to win the world. Do you want the world? Now give me a white cake, and I will teach you how to win the world."

The beggar sneered twice, took a sip, and said with a Huainan accent: "If you have the ability, you are still lying here? Why don't you go to grab the world by yourself."

Xu Zhen said: "Because I'm just an idea, I can't lift a knife, I don't want to run, I just want to sit in the temple and gossip and reason."

The beggar seemed to be an educated person listening to her, and asked a little curiously: "Then what do you say?"

Xu Zhen was not polite: "Give me the cake first."

The beggar stuffed the white cake into Xu Zhen's mouth.

Xu Zhen tasted it, sat up quickly, and swallowed indiscriminately.

The heavy rain fell outside the temple again. The beggar still had a jug of wine and a short knife in her arms. She took them out and put them on the ground and said, "If you speak well, I will give you the wine. If you speak poorly, I will give you the knife."

Xu Zhen's mouth was full of white cakes, her cheeks puffed up, she nodded, she grabbed the wine and drank it, she took a gulp and swallowed the dry cakes, the cakes mixed with mud and stones were not very tasty, but very delicious tube full.

The beggar didn't stop her, and she scolded angrily: "You dog thief! You still rob things!"

After eating and drinking, Xu Zhen was satisfied, leaned against the wall and commented with a smile: "This wine is not good, it tastes like plain water."

The beggar scolded: "You eat my food and drink mine, how dare you say it's not delicious?"

Xu Zhen said: "Isn't this an equal exchange? I drink only because what I say is definitely good."

Heavy rain was blowing in, the weather was bad, and the wound on Xu Zhen's body was still not healed, her hands and feet were trembling from the cold, and she wanted to hug someone to keep warm, and when she met the beggar's crazy eyes, she realized in a daze that sitting down The beggars by my side, although they are all poor people living in ruined temples, are not my little beggars.

There are thousands of good and bad people in the world, but there is only one Xun Qianchun.

Xu Zhen put her hands into her sleeves and asked, "Do you want to be emperor?"

The beggar snorted coldly: "Who doesn't want to be an emperor? If you become an emperor, you don't have to eat white cakes. Those who don't like such a good thing are fools."

Xu Zhen asked, "Where are you now?"

The beggar was even more disdainful: "This is Hanoi, Huaizhou, why don't you even know this, where did you come from?"

Xu Zhen smiled and was about to answer. suddenly realized...

Huaizhou? How could it be Huaizhou? This place is too far away from Pingliang!

It takes more than ten hours to drive in a modern car. If you walk back by yourself, it will take at least three days. But what do you eat on the road? Could it be begging all the way.

Begging, this method seems to work.

Xu Zhen had an idea.

The beggar over there got impatient and scolded: "Do you know or not? If you don't say anything, I don't show affection with this knife."

Xu Zhen quickly came back to her senses and said: "I just went to think about the terrain. If you want to dominate, it is very simple. Attack a piece of land, find a few capable people to advise, hold it for a long time, live longer, and in a few decades, the world It's yours."

The beggar laughed loudly: "Fate is hard, I have never been afraid of anyone." After she finished laughing, she asked, "What else? Attack the land, where should I choose?"

Xu Zhen thought about it, considering her few students and the territory that the little beggar was about to occupy. She stretched out her hand from her sleeve pocket, spent a lot of energy to pick up a piece of wet firewood from the side, and gestured on the ground: "Nowadays the power in the world is divided, Lingnan, Huainan, Longyou, and Guannei all have powerful military forces. You If you want to avoid confrontation, you can only choose here."

She circled a large area.

The beggar was confused: "Where is it? Jiangnan? This place is full of flowers and plants, and it is surrounded by powerful enemies. They will be attacked at any time, so I won't go!"

Xu Zhen said: "But here is the official road. This place is the best place except Huainan. If others want to annex the world and attack other forces, they must pass through you."

The beggar was tired of listening, and said in a crisp voice: "Don't talk so much nonsense, just tell me what to do."

Xu Zhen answered unhurriedly: "Different situations require different countermeasures. I can only tell you, first grab Shannan and guard it for two years without arrogance or impetuosity. After a while, you can sit high in the temple." , wait for someone to come and give you money."

"Giving money?" The beggar was happy when he heard the money, and Xu Zhen had the same piss, she asked, "Those people who give money are not stupid, won't they take the opportunity to mess with me?"

Xu Zhen said: "At this time, we will unite vertically and horizontally, unite strong and weak small countries, and make full use of—"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the beggar: "Okay, I don't understand, but the overall sound is good. I am happy with what you said, so I will spare your life."

Xu Zhen originally wanted to tell the beggar some vertical and horizontal theory, but the beggar didn't want to listen, so she didn't bother to talk about it.

It was almost dusk outside the temple, the rain gradually stopped, and no one was walking on the official road. In the distance, there seemed to be a blue-gray city gate with orange-red lights floating above it.

Xu Zhen just said such a long paragraph, and now she is exhausted, lying on the ground and panting with difficulty.

My heart began to miss the little beggar again.

The little beggar should have realized that she is missing, and wonder if she will come to look for her? If he happened to be on the way, the two of them wouldn't pass each other.

Ants and various bugs crawled across the soil of the ruined temple.

Xu Zhen moved her face to the dry grass, secretly thinking: What the hell kind of place is this...

The beggar got the idea and went straight out to recruit soldiers and horses, but unfortunately no one listened to her. She ran back with white cakes and a jug of wine, and exchanged tricks with Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen told her about the methods of uprising in ancient times. To confuse people's hearts, there is always an excuse. Those who follow the situation just need to say a few words like "Heaven is dead, and Huang Tian should be established", or "Princes and generals have a kindness" That's fine, but this beggar has no foundation and can't play this game.

So Xu Zhen said to her: "Draw big cakes."

Beggar was stunned: "How to draw?"

Xu Zhen said: "Promise them, you have gold mines in Jiangnan, and if you conquer Jiangnan, you will dig mines and share them with them."

The beggar said, "But I don't have mines!"

Xu Zhen said: "Don't worry, there are mines in the south of the Yangtze River. You can let them dig together at some time, and save you from finding other labor."

After hearing this, the beggar said hello, and continued to go out to fool people.

During the period, she came back several times and brought food to Xu Zhen. Xu Zhen was very grateful, thinking that this beggar would become a great weapon, and by the way told the little beggar about her love story.

"Did you know that my family also has a little beggar who is about the same size as you, but his personality is much better than yours, and his appearance is also much better than yours. He has high martial arts skills and is smart—"

Before he finished speaking, the little beggar stuffed his mouth with white cakes.

After resting for another four or five days, Xu Zhen felt that she had almost recovered. She picked up several branches from the surrounding area, tied them up and used them as crutches, stood up and said, "I'm leaving. I will remember your kindness for giving me white cakes." of."

The little beggar pursed his lips, snorted twice, and signaled Xu Zhen to leave quickly.

Xu Zhen limped away, her clothes could almost be regarded as poor and tattered, but fortunately, in today's troubled times, there are many people who are more miserable than her.

She asked the system customer service to point her in a general direction, and walked all the way to the gate of Huaizhou City, planning to go out.

But as soon as she reached the city gate, she was stunned.

Because she never expected that in today's troubled times, Huaizhou is still conscientiously checking road guides and identity plates.

Xu Zhen touched her empty pocket, dumbfounded.

ID card? She can have a hammer badge.

She was arrested empty-handed, with nothing on her body, only a small Hongyue sword that she was reluctant to sell. And she couldn't figure out how she got in here? It seems that they came from the bottom of the cliff, and they didn't pass the gate of the city at all.

... But she wants to leave now, and she can't go back the same way, climbing up the mountain with bare hands, right

Xu Zhen was at a loss. There were a lot of people who were about to go out of the city. She walked to the side of the road and asked a passerby what to do if she wanted to go out of the city.

The passerby kindly told her: "Pay the coins."

Xu Zhen broke down and almost cried, she asked: "Brother, can you lend me some money, I will pay you back when I get home, I have gold at home."

The passer-by gave Xu Zhen a crazy look, then hurriedly flung his sleeves and left.

Huaizhou has five counties under its jurisdiction, and Hanoi is only one of them. However, Hanoi is the state government and the first batch of places where the national education was implemented. Even though the rituals are broken and the music is broken, it still maintains a thriving attitude. On the road Those who flee with their luggage and those who read quietly are almost two worlds.

Seeing that the begging failed, Xu Zhen had to squat on the ground next to the city gate and start planning to make money.

After another half day, the beggar came. Seeing Xu Zhen's misery, he gloated and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Xu Zhen asked with a hint of fantasy: "Do you know martial arts? Can you take me out?"

"I will." Beggar said, "but I'm not going to help you."

Xu Zhen was a little confused: "Why?"

Beggar smiled and said, "Because I changed my mind and wanted to find a free counselor to advise me."

Xu Zhen was stunned for a while, feeling that she was thinking too much.

But soon, the beggar took a step forward, raised his hand and knocked Xu Zhen unconscious, and carried her away on his body.

Before she fell into a coma, Xu Zhen thought to herself: Fuck your sister, this is the third time...

This beggar is a man of action, and in just a few days, he has already tricked many soldiers and horses, tied up Xu Zhen, and completely became a free military advisor.

When the surrounding big states were tired, this group of talents began to raise low-quality weapons, and went all the way south from Hanoi to attack Jiangnan. Xu Zhen struggled several times to escape, but the system medicine was not strong enough, and the time she could support was limited, so she didn't run too much. , was arrested again.

Xu Zhen just burst into tears.

Three months later, the beggar's army borrowed a way from Shannan, broke Jiangnan's arm, drove straight into the central area, first shocked everyone with absolute force, and then poured chicken soup for the soul with Xu Zhen's deceit, and succeeded He tricked many local people into joining the rebel army voluntarily.

The beggar was very happy to get a large piece of meat from the south of the Yangtze River, and held a banquet in the city at night.

Xu Zhen sneaked around and tried to escape again, but failed again.

After this time, Xu Zhen finally understood that it was impossible to escape, and she could only wait for the little beggar to save her, but the little beggar didn't come for a long time, so what should I do? What else can I do to help myself

Xu Zhen thought about it for a long time, and decided to cooperate with the beggar and lead her to grab a lot of resources, hoping that she would quickly recruit a few more counselors and release herself by the way.

But the heavens fail to fulfill people's wishes. In the beggar's territory, there are many people who can kill people and think of schemes, which are very scarce.

So Xu Zhen worked as a counselor for another half a year. During this period, she tried countless times to escape, but all ended in failure.

In the end, in this distorted process, she confusedly cultivated this little beggar with no roots into a overlord.

At the same time, battle reports came from all over the country, saying that the Hu-Han battle had finally been won, and the Hu land was trampled down by the Han army cavalry. However, during the period, the Central Plains camp continued to fight. What's more, it was Princess Anle of Chang'an City who seized the opportunity to snatch the Longyou area and take a piece of Yongzhou as his own.

Those who did not want to attach themselves to her were all deported.

So that day, the majestic Great Wall still stood in the Gobi desert filled with yellow sand, dividing a natural moat.

To the south of the Great Wall, there is an extra King Longyou who was once the princess.

To the north of the Great Wall, there is a blue-eyed Zhenbei King.

This piece of meat in the north is so fierce that no one dares to covet it anymore.

In the next few months, the situation in the world will gradually become clear.

The rebels were proclaimed as kings one after another, and the powerful swallowed up the weak. Countless small countries either attached themselves to the big ones or fought hard against them within half a year, but there were no bones left.

In the end, including the favorite concubine and the emperor who occupied Chang'an City, the chaotic world was divided into seven parts.

In the south are Ge Xier and Li Sanlang.

There is a little beggar in the east; Xie Aguang in the west.

In the north, there is the princess, and the King of Zhenbei, Xun Qianchun, who occupies the vast Hudi in the west and north.

The sky changed color, the mountains were covered with snow, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

The first winter day after the seventh day of the world is here.

The winter in the south of the Yangtze River is bitterly cold, and light snow falls.

On the first day of winter, Xu Zhen finally got the qualification to go to various countries to lobby, and realized what she said a year and a half ago, "connecting horizontally and vertically".

A person followed behind to prevent her from running away.

Xu Zhen is used to it.

In the past two years, except for the few days when the temple was destroyed, she rarely revealed her real situation. The beggar hid her tightly, and most of them were from the south. Lang Guan, the disaster relief officer in Chang'an, no one recognized her as Guan Ling of the Longmen Controversy.

So this time, she changed into new pink clothes, wrapped in a bright red collar, and sat leisurely in the carriage, not afraid of being discovered at all, she was going to find Xun Qianchun.

The carriage rolled the snow all the way northward, heading towards the vast northwest filled with cattle, sheep and horses.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful and magnificent, only occasionally broken walls and ruins are seen.

The official road is wide, the carriages and horses are light, and the wind and snow blow the curtains of the carriages rattling.

Xu Zhen counted the days with her fingers in the car for several days, and finally felt itchy, leaned out of the car window with half of her body propped up, and her eyelashes were immediately covered with goose feathers and snow.

After a few years, if it weren't for my wit, there might be several more years. But fortunately, I can finally see it.

A galloping knight on horseback passed by.

Xu Zhen widened her eyes and looked at each of them, fearing that some beggars might be mixed in here. Fortunately, the ones in the past were all of poor stature, so they were not beggars at first glance.

Xu Zhen patted the snow on the top of her head, went back into the car and smirked, and was given a supercilious look by the beggar in the car. The carriage soon reached another pass and was about to enter a small city in the north.

At this moment in the Northwest Hudi, in King Zhenbei's tent, the arms of the blue-eyed King Zhenbei were covered with bloody wounds, and she held a small blue sword tightly in her hand, stabbing herself in pain.

She wants to see Mr.

But the husband can't come, and she can't find him either.

She didn't understand that the world is so big and there are thousands of people in the world, but why did the world want her to be poisoned so that she could meet her husband. She is not reconciled.

The author has something to say: There are little angels who want to watch abuse but I don’t know how to write about abuse. This is probably the limit. I may be able to abuse a little bit tomorrow, but it’s basically sweet 55555