The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 7


Li Sanlang was so angry that he ran home immediately.

Halfway through the run, he thought that his father and mother had finished their rest and returned to Chang'an, and no one at home would help him make decisions.

So he turned back and ran to the head of the mountain to complain.

When the head of the mountain heard it, he learned that Xu Zhen and her younger sister had committed the crime, and suddenly his heart stopped, and he fell off the couch.

Asshole, this man is really an asshole.

Offending one is not enough! How dare you continue to offend!

How many times have I reminded myself that I must not offend others and must not provoke students indiscriminately.

How could this person fall into deaf ears!

Shan Changqi was about to vomit blood, and finally comforted Li Sanlang and sent him away.

There was another person in the house.

This man was wearing the iconic red robe, with a smile on his face, and a pot of wine. It was some time ago that I came to participate in the Guozi Jijiu at the Yaji.

The head of the mountain stood up to greet him, ran up to deliver tea and wine, and asked someone to bring over side dishes.

The two pulled out the low chairs and sat at the table to eat together.

After eating for a long time, the head of the mountain saw that Jijiu looked like he was here to eat and drink, so he couldn't help it, and asked, "Why is Jijiu interested in coming to me today?"

Jijiu rolled up his sleeves and poured a glass of wine, and said, "Of course I have something to look for you."

She drank a glass of wine and saw that the head of the mountain was curious, so she told the head of the mountain about a major event that happened in Chang'an recently.

A few days ago, His Majesty found out that the test questions had been leaked, and he was furious. He tore up the previous test questions and wanted to make a new one. In order to prevent people from thinking about memorizing the answers, he decided to divide the new test questions into three parts with the same difficulty and different questions. Different six.

But in this way, the amount of questions is too large, and I'm afraid I won't be able to finish the questions before the autumn exam.

So the Holy One and the Ministry of Rites came up with a trick—

"Let your academy help out with the imperial examination questions." Jijiu said slowly.

The head of the mountain originally listened well, but after hearing this sentence, he jumped up in shock: "What? Us? Qinglong Mountain? Question??"

Jijiu said: "Don't be nervous, it's not just your academy, but all the academies all over the world will help out, including Guozi School, State and County School, and Mountain Private School."

The head of the mountain was slightly relieved, but soon found that it was not that simple.

One hundred questions, plus the opinion of the question maker.

There are only two Zheng teachers in their academy, and there is one who keeps causing trouble. There are not many days before the autumn exam, and the few of them are too late to think about the questions, let alone make up a hundred questions with answers!

His hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, looked at the sacrificial wine and asked, "This topic... Can a small academy like ours not participate?"

After offering wine and eating food, he said, "As long as your academy has been registered in the Ministry of Households, you must submit a self-made scientific examination with a hundred questions before July."

The head of the mountain was stunned, and asked in a low voice: "What should I do if I can't write?"

Jijiu glanced at her and smiled at the corner of his mouth, but there was not much smile in his eyes.

Can't write

If you can't write it, then you are disobeying the holy order, and you can do whatever you want.

Shan Changqi's brain ached, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Who is the one who leaked the question? Did you find it?"

"Leaking the question?" Jijiu laughed, "I don't think it's leaking the question."

The head of the mountain was stunned: "Isn't it a leak?"

Jijiu said: "At first I also thought it was a leak, but after reading the book carefully, I thought it was just a bet."

Shan Chang's complexion was even worse, he didn't believe it at all, and felt that he was leaking the question.

He thought to himself: If the Holy Spirit can change all the exam questions angrily and change them to six, if this person is betting on the questions, he must bet on more than one question.

But does such a person really exist in the world

He has been the head of the mountain for so long, and he has also seen many gentlemen betting on questions before the spring and autumn exams.

There are tens of thousands of related books on Five Classics, Law, and Arithmetic. If you can choose a topic from them in the imperial examination, it is already a great thing, but you can become a first-class gentleman, enter the state, county, and even the Imperial College from a private school. .

But, all hit? This is simply a fool's dream.

The oldest gentleman of Guozixue is seventy-two years old this year, and he is already in his rare years of doing what he wants, but he still often says that the books he has read are just a drop in the ocean, and he is not qualified to give papers for scientific examinations.

Now someone can go all-in, if it is true, then this person may really be the reincarnation of the God of Gamblers.

Why don't you be a gentleman, why don't you take the imperial examination and become an official.

The more Shan Chang thought about it, the more he felt that it was impossible to succeed in betting.

Jijiu saw his disdainful expression, so he didn't say much, but thought of some insights in that book.

She never thought that she could see such a wonderful thought in an examination textbook.

When I read it on the first day, I thought it was rebellious, but on the second day, and on the third day, every time I read it again, I could feel that the person who did the question was not simple, and his thoughts were far-reaching, as if he had thought of things thousands of years later.

Jijiu thought of this, realized that he still had something to do, and had already notified the head of the mountain, so he was about to leave.

Before leaving, she thought of one thing.

Sitting down again, he took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to the head of the mountain.

The head of the mountain looked and saw on the white rice paper, a woman with a small round face, oval eyes, small nose, small mouth, hair standing up like chicken feathers, and a dull face was drawn.

"Who is this?" Shan Zhang asked.

Jijiu said: "My friend gave it to me, and said it was the person who sold the imperial examination book."

The head of the mountain looked at it thoughtfully for a while, and felt that he had seen this person somewhere.

But will anyone really grow up like this

This is too... unusual.

Jijiu said again: "This book seller, I only know that he sells books in the Jiangling market, and I don't know where he lives. You are familiar with Jiangling, if you see it, remember to tell me."

The head of the mountain said: "Okay, if I see it, I will tell you."

Jijiu handed the rice paper to the head of the mountain, then picked up some side dishes, and left with a jar of sake.

Finally, there was only Shan Zhang alone in the room, very clean.

But the head of the mountain was very confused.

He sat on the spot for a while, then squatted back on the couch, scratching his hair and thinking about what to do with the hundred questions...

It was long past Shen Shi, and the college disciples dispersed with their book bags.

Xu Zhen and the little beggar walked home.

On the way, Xu Zhen asked the little beggar: "Today is the first day of school, how do you feel?"

There was a lot of noise on the side of the road. Someone was selling candied haws. Xu Zhen went over and bought a bunch for the little beggar. The hawthorn was wrapped in syrup, and it bloomed with crystal light.

After the little beggar took it, she said, "Very happy."

Xu Zhen asked: "I left for a while at noon, have you not been bullied?"

The little beggar's expression did not change at all, but she lowered her head slightly and remained silent.

Xu Zhen immediately realized something was wrong, and asked, "Did Li Sanlang bully you?"

The little beggar didn't answer.

Xu Zhen said, "Don't be afraid, just tell me."

The little beggar still didn't answer.

Xu Zhen immediately thought of Li Sanlang's physique.

That young man didn't know what he ate to grow up, he was very strong, and I heard that he practiced martial arts since he was a child, if he really beat a beggar, would he be fine?

She felt a chill.

He hurriedly stopped, pulled the little beggar aside, and checked it from top to bottom.

In the end, he really found a red scar on his wrist. Although there was no blood, it must be a trace of a fight.

Xu Zhen was shocked: "You were beaten."

The little beggar looked at Xu Zhen with a calm expression and never spoke.

Xu Zhen asked: "You were beaten! Why didn't you tell me?"

The little beggar shook her head.

Xu Zhen's heart ached so much, she felt sad and helpless at the same place, and said, "You, why are you so honest."

She hugged the little beggar in her arms and led her to continue walking home.

Every time you take a step, you will earnestly ask: "Don't be so honest, you are a little bit worse, it doesn't matter if you are a little bit worse."

"Others like honest children, but I like bad ones, so you can call them back."

"Hey, you are so honest. I will take you with me wherever I go from tomorrow. You have suffered a lot in the past, and you will definitely not in the future."

She patted Shun's little beggar on her back: "I'll get you home later and apply the ointment."

"..." The little beggar listened, slowly raised her hand, stretched out a little, wrapped her arms around Xu Zhen's neck, and snuggled her whole body into Xu Zhen's arms.

Xu Zhen paused for a moment.

There was a wind blowing, and a petal was blown, which stuck to the corner of Xu Zhen's mouth.

She suddenly tasted something strange.

This feeling is like being stuffed with a cotton candy in your mouth, which is somehow sweet.

The two returned home.

Xu Zhen applied the medicine to the little beggar, then ran to the kitchen, took out the vegetables and put them in the sink to wash, and the little beggar was helping.

While washing the vegetables, Xu Zhen asked, "Mr. Zhao is speaking history today, can you understand it?"

The little beggar replied: "Yes."

Xu Zhen sat on the sidelines to listen to the class today, and she remembered something, so she asked the little beggar some questions.

I asked a few about "Historical Records" and some about "Zuo Zhuan".

The little beggar answered one by one, and most of them were correct.

Xu Zhen admired for a while, and then asked, "Did you pay special attention to what was said in today's class?"

The little beggar said, "There are some."

Xu Zhen was very excited: "Quick, quick, tell me."

The little beggar said slowly: "Today we are talking about "Historical Records", it is in it." She paused, and recited, "Gaozu's Dongyuan, Guobai people, Zhao Xiangguan and others plotted to kill Gaozu, Gaozu was moved, because he didn't stay."

She speaks too many sentences now. Although she still speaks slowly, she can speak a lot of long sentences, which is much better than before.

Xu Zhen didn't take too much effort to listen, but she didn't understand: "Why do you care about this paragraph?"

The little beggar brought up a word she had just memorized: "Heartbeat."

Xu Zhen asked, "What?"

The little beggar repeated: "Gaozu, my heart is moving."

Xu Zhen thought for a while, and said, "A heartbeat means an abnormal beating of the heart. Do you think Gaozu's heartbeat is a very strange thing?"

The little caller said: "A little bit."

Xu Zhen said: "When everyone has an abnormal heartbeat, Gao Zu felt that someone was going to kill him and felt the danger in advance. Some people also encountered other special things, such as meeting someone they like or hate. Or encounter touching and happy things.”

After hearing this, the little beggar looked at Xu Zhen silently.

"How about it, don't you find it strange?" Xu Zhen knelt down and patted her head.

The little beggar stood up straight and said, "I was too, and my heart was moved."

Xu Zhen asked: "Huh? Are you so young that your heart will be moved?"

The little caller said: "Yes."

Xu Zhen asked, "When did it happen?"

The little beggar finished wiping the table, put the cloth on the stage to dry, and said slowly: "You save me, that day."

That was the day the book was stolen.

Xu Zhen laughed when she heard the words: "You must be nervous when stealing things. It's normal for your heart to beat abnormally."

The little beggar shook her head: "I never stole books."

Xu Zhen was stunned for a moment: "Then why did you get beaten?"

The little beggar said: "Someone stole it, but the servant didn't find it. I'm looking for someone to take the blame. I just happened to pass by."

... So he was arrested and taken to take the blame

After Xu Zhen understood, she suddenly felt bitter.

If it is true that people are kind and are bullied, the little beggar is so kind that he will always be bullied.

He was bullied by bookstore servants before, but today he is bullied by Li Sanlang.

The time he stole the book, he was almost bullied. How could this little beggar not learn badly and was still bullied.

She sighed deeply, squatted down and asked, "Why don't you resist?"

The little beggar said: "I was looking for death that day."

Xu Zhen thought she had heard it wrong, so she leaned over and asked, "What?"

"I don't want to live." The little caller Hua said, "After you saved me, my heart beat abnormally, and I just came back to life."

... What's the matter

Xu Zhen was shocked and moved at the same time.

In the years she lived in the past, all the people she dealt with were glib social elites, or rebellious students who lied and didn't make drafts. How could there be a little beggar who told her her thoughts so directly.

It was the first time Xu Zhen met someone who said "heartbeat" to her so bluntly.

She thought of many things at the moment, but she still didn't know how to comfort her, and in the end she could only hug the little beggar at a loss.

The little beggar has a straight body, slender wrists, and because the skirt is too short, her slender and white ankles are often exposed, as if they would be broken if forced.

Compared with her peers, her cheeks are too sharp, without a trace of baby fat, and standing now, she looks like an immortal little poplar.

Xu Zhen hugged her a little tighter.

The little beggar paused for a moment, then continued: "I live because of you."

Xu Zhen hugged her and said, "You live for yourself."

The little caller said: "It's just for you."

Xu Zhen let go of her arms, and was about to explain the truth face to face, but saw that the little beggar's eyes were red, and her pale pink lips were clenched tightly, very hard.

Xu Zhen looked at it, but was speechless at all, partly touched, but mostly sad.

A fourteen-year-old child, what can she understand? She has just stepped into this world and was pushed into the dirtiest and darkest environment.

This life, since the little beggar said that he lived for her, then accept it.

When she asks for it, return it.

But if she doesn't return it all the time... she will always treat the little beggar as her own daughter and sister, and take care of her seriously.

The sound of water boiled.

Xu Zhen held back all the emotions in her heart, raised her hand to pat the little beggar, and said, "Don't cry, I'll add meat to you tonight."

The little beggar shook her head, and after a long time, said slowly, "I didn't cry."

... Really stubborn.

After eating dinner, practicing calligraphy, and checking the little beggar's homework, the day is considered over.

Back in the room, Xu Zhen threw herself on the quilt to sleep, and when she was about to fall asleep, she suddenly thought that she hadn't read the merit points today.

She didn't feel at ease, raised her hand to turn on the system, and glanced casually.

As a result, the above points scared her silly again—

Eighty-eight o'clock!

Xu Zhen felt that she hadn't woken up, so she turned off the system, and after five minutes, turned it back on again.

The above points have not changed, it is still 88 points.

Xu Zhen was confused.

I was only in my 70s a few days ago, so why did my kung fu increase by ten points in one day.

The previous few times the points skyrocketed, one was saving the little beggar, and the other was completing the task, but today she didn't do anything.

She couldn't figure it out.

And the more I think about it, the more I feel that my system is rubbish. Other people's systems are all artificial intelligence that is responsible for solving problems. Only my own system is crazy to add mysteries to myself.

She thumped the system twice to vent her anger, and suddenly thought of the previous task, so she clicked on the main thread and took a look.

To her surprise, the main interface, the task of "discovering the true identity of the little beggar", has changed from the original (0/10) to the current (1/10).

At the same time, there is one more clue below:

Clue one, fourteen years old.

... Can this be a clue

Xu Zhen was even more confused.

What a rubbish system.

She withdrew from the main line, bored, and went to look at the mall.

The things in the mall are different from what I saw last time, and they have been refreshed.

Most of them still need hundreds of merit points, even if I have too many merit points to spend, I will not waste them buying these things.

After reading this, Xu Zhen was about to exit the system and go to bed.

At this time, the mall interface suddenly froze.

I can't turn it off even if I want to.

Just when Xu Zhen thought that the system was malfunctioning, a big pink gift bag popped out from the "pang" of the mall interface. Before Xu Zhen could touch it, it opened automatically, and then a card popped out.

The message prompt scrolls wildly on the screen:

"Congratulations, you have accumulated 100 merit points and won a novice gift pack!"

"The novice gift pack is opening automatically, please don't worry."

"Ding, congratulations on getting a clue card."

"Clue card is automatically activated—"

"Getting clues—"

"Get clues—"

"Clue 2: Six years ago, the entire Xun family was punished."

Xu Zhen looked at the message prompts one after another with a dazed expression.

When she saw the last one, she couldn't hold back: "What the hell is this??"

The Xun family? The whole family was punished

So Xiaojiaohua's surname is Xun, and her first name is Chun

Xun... Xun Qianchun

Xu Zhen didn't know why this name popped up in her mind instead of Xun Chun.

She felt a little inexplicable, but at the same time couldn't help thinking.

In this world, there should not be many people with the surname Xun, and there are not many Xun's family who have been condemned all over the family, so the second clue...why does it look so familiar? Where did I see it