The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 70


In Northwest Hudi, where King Zhenbei is located, there are so many strange things.

Among the other small countries, there must be elders sitting in charge, and capable people are invited as counselors, constantly making suggestions and trying to annex the country.

Only King Zhenbei had only four or five generals around him, and as for counselors, he didn't have a single one. She fights with bravery and recklessness, but she doesn't lose her life in vain without thinking, on the contrary, she knows a lot of strategies.

The Hu State was short of food and grass. After the King of Zhenbei came, he solved the problem instantly. He also reformed the land system, brought farming methods and new weapons, and made the Hu State one of the seven great powers in troubled times.

Although the Hu people once hated the King of Zhenbei, after seeing the benefits brought by the King of Zhenbei, this emotion gradually faded, and children soon began to spread songs praising the King of Zhenbei.

The Hu state was in chaos, and it tended to be peaceful.

Another thing is that, as a woman, the Zhenbei King seems to be a womanizer.

The Hu people didn't know about this at first, thinking that King Zhenbei had no desires or desires.

Later, when a state banquet was held one day, someone discovered that the king of Zhenbei stared at a backup dancer for a long time, never moving his eyes away, and didn't even take a bite of his favorite white cake.

The courtiers sitting below were suddenly shocked. They followed the gaze of King Zhenbei and found——

What King Zhenbei likes is... a white dancer with white skin and thin waist?

There are so many beautiful and enchanting orchids in front of him, and there are so many brave men who are good at fighting, but the King of Zhenbei actually fell in love with an unattractive dancer

As expected of King Zhenbei!

Aesthetics are different from others.

After all the Huren courtiers sighed, they sent the dancing girl in white dress into King Zhenbei's house that night, but not long after entering, the dancing girl ran out trembling and crying.

Things obviously didn't work out.

Now the Hu people were even more confused.

What happened to King Zhenbei? This is too unpredictable.

Just when everyone couldn't figure it out, a famous young general said: "King Zhenbei is setting an example! He doesn't want us to follow suit!!"

This sentence is too reasonable.

Everyone suddenly realized that they were convinced, and their admiration for King Zhenbei went up to a new level. What happened that night spread, and almost everyone knew that King Zhenbei liked the fresh and delicious white skirt dancer.

From then on, various women in white dresses began to appear frequently in the residence of the young and glamorous King Zhenbei.

A brown wooden carriage passed slowly at the Yongzhou Pass. Xu Zhen sat in the carriage with her hands on her knees, looking forward and nervous.

The little beggar sat by the car window with her legs crossed, tossing an apple in her hand to eat. She even threw one to Xu Zhen and said, "This thing is quite rare. It looks like sand fruit and is better than sand fruit. I haven't seen it much in Jiangnan. Did you live in the north before, have you seen this thing?"

Xu Zhen thought to herself: This thing can be so sweet, it all depends on my scientific planting technology.

Now that there are apples in winter, it seems that the fruit and vegetable industry in Yongzhou has developed well.

It's a pity that I have done so much, and I never expected the results to be robbed by the princess.

Xu Zhen didn't speak, but took a bite of the apple bitterly.

The beggar threw fruit at her again: "I'm asking you something, why are you ignoring me?"

Xu Zhen thought that she still had to rely on this beggar, so she could only laugh and say, "I live in the north, but not here."

The beggar said: "You better not lie to me."

Xu Zhen nodded, and began to think about running away again in her heart.

The territory of Yongzhou belongs to the county supervisor, she must not escape here, at least she should go to a place close to the city, so that she can easily find the little beggar...

Before he finished thinking about it, the beggar asked again: "I've been to three countries, why don't you lobby for any of them, don't you want to help me win an alliance, don't you just pull Hu country?"

Xu Zhen immediately regained consciousness and was startled, thinking that her relationship with the little beggar had been discovered.

She glanced at the beggar several times, and felt that the beggar was just asking casually, so she said: "It is often diplomacy that decides state affairs. The Northwest Hu area has a vast territory, and there are cattle, sheep, and horses. The only shortcoming there is that there is not enough soil. Fertile, all of this just complements you who are stationed in the south of the Yangtze River. Once the alliance is successful, you will occupy two star positions on the chessboard, and you can start to gather."

Beggar has heard a lot from Xu Zhen in the past two years, but this time he was a little patient. After listening, he asked again: "Then why don't you recruit the other families to attack Zhenbei together, and then carve up this piece of land."

Xu Zhen thought to herself, of course those people were almost all beaten up by little beggars when they were studying in the past, how dare they have the courage to beat them up now.

She coughed twice and said, "You are too far away from the northwest. If you want to fight, you can only start from Huainan or Shannan and attack all the way north. If someone helps you from behind, you can save a lot of energy."

The beggar listened hard, but found that she was not interested at all, so she stopped asking. She finished eating the apple and threw the core outside.

The speed of the carriage gradually slowed down, and after a while, the coachman shouted outside the door: "The post station is here!"

Xu Zhen quickly took her package and got out of the car.

Outside the car is still the unique land of Yongzhou with the style beyond the Great Wall. The quaint restaurants and teahouses stand low by the roadside.

Heavy snow piled up on the railings on the second floor, as well as the golden drums and catapults on the city wall. The new wind blew past, faintly blowing plum blossom petals, and the mournful sound of Qiang flute.

Xu Zhen hasn't been here for a long time. Seeing that the isolated city is still raging with flames and yellow sand sweeping across the sky, she couldn't help wrapping the collar around her neck tightly. She took two steps forward, and immediately a strong wind blew sand and gravel into her eyes.

The beggar put on a veiled pocket and said, "Go to the inn overnight, and then go to Hudi tomorrow."

Xu Zhen nodded.

The two walked around the alley, Xu Zhen walked in front, and Qi'er walked behind to watch over her.

The atmosphere was extremely harmonious for a while.

But as everyone knows, Xu Zhen was already being watched as soon as she got out of the car.

A Hu businessman who was drinking in a teahouse saw Xu Zhen and overturned his teacup excitedly. He patted his thigh and gestured incoherently to the people around him: "Excellent product! Excellent product!"

Fair skin, slender waist, and half dimples when she smiles. Although wearing pink and red clothes, isn't this the type that King Zhenbei likes!

The clothes are different, just change one at that time! It suits King Zhenbei’s taste so much, if you miss it, where can you find it in the future!

Not only Hu merchants, but also a few Hu people in disguise here saw it, and they started thinking about making money.

Xu Zhen didn't know about it.

She continued to kick the snow with both feet, and complained to the beggar while walking that it was cold in this damn place.

Beggar sneered: "You are the one who wants to come."

Xu Zhen asked again: "Can you go to Hu country earlier?"

The beggar asked: "Why did you go there early? You seem to be very concerned about it. Are there any old acquaintances of yours there?"

Xu Zhen thought she was about to reveal her secrets, so she shut up quickly.

Seeing that Xu Zhen didn't speak, the beggar felt that there was a problem, so he stopped and was about to ask again.

However, at this moment, a group of barbarians in armor and holding scimitars suddenly rushed out from all around!

"Kill!!" roared everywhere.

Xu Zhen was taken aback.

Barbarians? Where did the Hu people come from in Yongzhou?

Cyan sparks were produced when the weapons exchanged and collided, and the heavy snow fell on the ground and soon turned bright red.

Xu Zhen took a few steps back and accidentally sat down on the ground. There were too many people, crowded and trampled, separating her from the beggar. The beggar yelled a few times at first, but soon lost his hearing, and all voices were drowned out by the shouts of killing.

The northern geese wailed, and all the passers-by quickly left.

Xu Zhen crawled two steps on the ground, hid in a corner, and looked around for the beggar.

But she soon realized that this was a good chance to escape. The Hu people who came to fight must be the subordinates of the little beggar, why didn't I take the opportunity to get into their carriage and smuggle to Hu country

She was moved by her own wit.

Amidst the clang of metal clashing, she got up to go to the barracks of the barbarians.

It's a pity that before they took a few steps, a Hu Bing rushed towards him, raised his hand and covered Xu Zhen's face with a piece of sackcloth.

Xu Zhen struggled in a hurry.

It's just that she didn't expect that the sackcloth moved her hands and feet, and there was a strange fragrance from it, which made her dizzy and passed out soon.

Before she fell into a coma completely, Xu Zhen couldn't help but cursed, "Damn."

Being captured by Hu Bing, I don't know if it is good luck or bad luck.

Xu Zhen dare not make a conclusion.

To say that the only thing to be thankful for is that this time, I finally didn't knock myself out with a stick.

There were chaotic footprints all over the ground, and there were endless shouts and killings. After a while, everything finally dissipated. The snow on the ground was flattened, and someone was lying in a pool of blood, panting with difficulty. Beggar ran out of the alley and found that Xu Zhen had completely disappeared, and cursed angrily.

Snow fell all over the city gates, and a carriage galloped quickly towards the Hu country in the northwest.

The carriage was not running smoothly, shaking from side to side, and went straight to the central city of Hu State. The sacks in the carriage were carried out and handed over to a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman opened the mouth of the sack to observe, and immediately she blushed happily, took out coins from her pocket and handed them to the person who delivered the goods.

The people in the sack were tossed and turned, changed clothes, put on makeup, and finally sent to King Zhenbei's tent.

The white-top tents were set up in the open space on the Hu-Han border, and flags and flags were constantly being blown. There is no one in the tent for the time being. This is just one of the residences of King Zhenbei. Most of the time, she still lives in the city.

The presenter stuffed a note into the sack, fastened the rope buckle, greeted the surrounding people, and then moved it into the military tent.

Someone around whispered to that person: "The king of Zhenbei is not here."

"I know." The man said in the same low voice, "Send it off first, King Zhenbei will definitely come here every three days anyway."

The questioner was surprised: "Then what about this person?"

"It doesn't matter." The man said, "It's just a Han who bought it for the King of Zhenbei's entertainment."

The two laughed softly.

Xu Zhen actually woke up for a while.

After hearing the conversation between the two, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

Are you still human, and you want to starve yourself for three days.

She wanted to protest, but the man stuffed her mouth with a cloth strip and bound her hands and feet, and she could only make a slight movement with great effort.

Xu Zhen was too lazy to move, she cursed a few words in her heart, and then let it go.

And King Zhenbei, isn't that the little beggar? After going around for a long time, this group of people brought him to see the little beggar. If this group of people had a good chat with her, she would definitely be willing to come over by herself and get some sacks and bundles.

Young people these days just complicate things.

Xu Zhen was thrown into the tent. There was no one in the tent for the past few days, so there was no coal, and it was terribly cold. The man also threw Xu Zhen on the ground, and there was only a layer of cloth separated from the Gobi sand, and the cold air kept blowing up.

Xu Zhen felt that her hands and feet were cold, and she couldn't bear it. The most important thing was that the little beggar didn't know when she would come over.

It won't take three days to come...

Oops, be optimistic, probably not.

She comforted herself, lying on the ground peacefully, thinking of many optimistic things.

She thought about what she should say when she reunited with the little beggar, probably reminiscing about the past first, and then congratulating the little beggar on her eighteenth birthday.

Xu Zhen thought about it, and felt that it wasn't so cold anymore, and she was still a little sleepy.

She fell asleep.

When she woke up, the little beggar hadn't come yet, Xu Zhen's hands and feet were stiff, and she was colder than before. She felt that looking for a little beggar thousands of miles away was really harder than living in the world by smuggling.

After an unknown amount of time, someone finally stepped into the tent.

The sound of slow footsteps came from far to near, passing by Xu Zhen's side, through the sack that was faintly bright under the light, she seemed to see the little beggar.

There is still a person around, trying to persuade.

"...My lord, the world is in chaos today, and the winner is the one whose fate is tough. Your lord, you have already passed away. Whether you have any relatives, you should leave an heir."

Xun Qianchun remained silent and sat cross-legged beside the desk.

The man continued: "My lord has made outstanding military achievements in the past two years, but the surrounding area has used marriage methods to cling to each other. If we don't do anything, Hudi will soon become a place that everyone covets."

Xun Qianchun was silent for a moment: "Go out."

The man hesitated to speak, but seeing that Xun Qianchun didn't listen, he sighed heavily and walked out quickly.

When she was almost at the door, she tripped over something on the ground and fell.

"What is this!!" The man sat on the ground and yelled.

A few servants ran in outside, looked at the ground, and soon knelt down on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

When Xu Zhen heard such a big commotion, she knew her time had come! Although she can't speak, she can make movement in the sack! She shook it vigorously twice, and hummed as much as possible to attract Xun Qianchun's attention.

The result is not very good.

After being frozen for so many days, she had a stuffy nose and a sore throat, and she couldn't make a sound at all. She just moved a few times in place, and finally managed to shake out the note.

It was the note that was stuffed into the sack by the person who brought her here earlier.

The person who spoke came over, reached out to pick up the note, looked at it, and quickly stood up and ran back to Xun Qianchun, saying: "So it's Lie Nu and the others! I gave this person away and wanted to exchange a ton of grain and grass for the winter! Since they can give it away Entering the army account, this is also a warning to us! Prove that they can approach you effortlessly!!"

Xun Qianchun didn't speak.

The man asked, "Master, what should we do?"

Some servants came to light candles and light coals.

Xun Qianchun was sitting on the couch, her black cloak had not been taken off, her face was gloomy, and there were dark blue eye circles under her eyes.

The servants and those around them were afraid to speak.

After a while, Xun Qianchun said, "Throw it out."

The man was stunned and said: "My lord, what I'm asking is Lie Nu and the others..."

Xun Qianchun repeated: "Throw it out."

Candles flickered in the wind.

Xu Zhen was so angry when she heard this, she lay on the ground and kicked the sack hard, wishing she could pounce on the little beggar to vent her anger.

A faint voice came from the sack.

When Xun Qianchun heard it, her heart suddenly felt hot. She raised her eyes to look at the sack, and felt that something unusual was blooming in her heart.

She stood up and wanted to go up and have a look.

However, at this time, there was another sharp pain all over his body.

She involuntarily crushed the paperweight made of stone in her hand. After a moment of depression, she sat down, smashed the gravel on the ground, and raised her hand to her forehead.

Everyone in the tent knew that King Zhenbei was ill, and they all hurried out of the tent for fear of being implicated by violent anger, and dragged out the sack containing Xu Zhen by the way.

In the boundless snowy day, Xu Zhen was dragged a long way, the underside of the sack was completely wet, and the air-conditioning filled the whole sack. Her hands and feet were cold, her heart was cold, and she was still hungry. After finally being dragged to a stop, the mouth of the sack was untied.

A female servant with a scar on her face looked at Xu Zhen, and said harshly after a while, "I will work in the barracks in the future, do you understand?"

Xu Zhen trembled her lips, gestured twice, and begged for food first.

The female servant was not bad-hearted, she took out half a steamed bun from her pocket and gave it to her, and said at the same time: "There are snow wolves and beasts all around the barracks, if you don't want to die, don't run around."

Xu Zhen nodded.

She was furious, but she still wanted to see the little beggar. Since the barracks was where the little beggar was, she would be able to see her sooner or later if she stayed there.

Thinking about it this way, starving for a few days and having a cold and stuffy nose didn't seem to be such a difficult and painful thing.