The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 71


Xu Zhen felt that she had slept for a long time, and there was the sound of splashing water, talking, and various noisy sounds in her ears. She knew it was time to open her eyes, but her eyelids were hot and heavy, and she couldn't open them no matter how hard she tried.

She spent a lot of effort trying to figure out the system, and exchanged cold medicine from the mall. Her mind was drowsy, and she lay back and continued to sleep.

At dawn the next day, a servant called Xu Zhen to work.

Xu Zhen had no strength to move, so she hummed twice in protest, but she was dragged out anyway.

The soldiers in the military camp were only given a pair of straw sandals and a coat. Xu Zhen was dragged quickly, and she was unfamiliar with the place of birth. She only had time to put on the shoes and walked out of the military tent. The cold wind blew past, and Xu Zhen was immediately crying up.

What kind of broken place is this? Could it be that the little beggar has been living in this kind of environment? It's really hard work.

Leaning on a broom and hiding in a place out of the wind, she felt her feet were already stiff.

The servant who was sweeping the snow next to him saw Xu Zhen's movements, and turned his head to ask, "Are you cold?"

Xu Zhen subconsciously shook her head.

The man said, "Your legs are purple."

Xu Zhen didn't feel anything. After hearing the words, she lowered her head and looked down. She was startled when she saw her swollen ankle. If she continued to freeze like this, her nerves might die.

She asked quickly in a hoarse voice, "Is there anything I can wrap around?"

The servant went back to the tent and brought her a worn-out fur. Xu Zhen stretched out her blue hands and wrapped it around her legs to keep warm.

The temperature in the north is too low. Although she was wearing a thick cotton padded jacket when she came here, she is now wearing a thin white soft cloth gown. It is not far from becoming a fairy.

The discipline of the military barracks is strict, and patrols pass by from time to time. If you don't work hard, you will be beaten.

Xu Zhen saw with her own eyes that a runaway servant was captured and brought back. His back was covered in blood, and the blood clots froze and gave off a chaotic light. She suddenly didn't dare to be lazy. She was holding a shovel and a broom, wrapped in fur, trembling. of snow shovels.

After finally shoveling the snow, her legs were completely numb. A group of female slaves took her back to the tent, moved her back to the original bed, and took out a piece of warm coal from the charcoal stove and handed it to Xu Jane.

Xu Zhen hugged the coals that were still warm, and took several breaths before recovering.

The slave girl asked her, "Have you never had a cold wind blowing outside before?"

Xu Zhen shook her head, speechless.

The female slave made fun of herself and went to the others.

Xu Zhen wrapped her body in blankets.

When the quilt was hot, she tried to tear off the animal fur wrapped around her legs, but found that it was stuck with blood, and with a little force, she almost tore off the whole piece of skin together.

Xu Zhen shed several tears in pain, crying because of this hard life.

She lay back on the couch in despair, thinking: little beggar, where are you, why didn't you come to me.

If you don't come to see me again, I will definitely scold you when we meet...

The warm air diffused in the tent, the air that Xu Zhen breathed into her lungs was no longer cold, and she felt better.

In this military tent, there are three other people besides her.

The other three held their meals and gathered together to chat. After those people finished eating, they felt sorry for Xu Zhen's forehead covered in cold sweat, so they gave her some herbal medicine and told her to tear it up and cover the wound.

Xu Zhen hurriedly thanked her.

She continued to lie on the mattress in a daze, when suddenly she heard her tentmate start talking about King Zhenbei. These few people said that Zhenbei Wang was obviously a womanizer, but he was not close to a womanizer. He was sent so many similar ones, but they were all thrown into the barracks as slaves.

Most of these servants were displaced in the troubled times, and some were sent back when they had no homes to return to.

Xu Zhen felt a little happy after hearing this.

Seeing Xu Zhen smiling, those people asked her from a distance: "New here, what are you laughing at?"

Xu Zhen didn't have the energy to speak, so she could only laugh silly.

Those few people scolded: "It turned out to be a fool."

Xu Zhen still didn't speak.

Seeing that Xu Zhen ignored her completely, these people turned around and started chatting about how to seduce King Zhenbei by relying on their own beauty.

Xu Zhen listened and thought to herself: You probably don't have this chance.

The effect of the herbal medicine gradually increased. Xu Zhen fell asleep and woke up with a high fever. Xu Zhen wrapped herself in a fur uniform and went out to shovel snow.

She spent several days in a daze, but fortunately she did not forget the most important thing. Whenever she was free, she ran to squat around the little beggar's military tent, but unfortunately, the little beggar didn't show up even once.

Xu Zhen was very tired of this.

People around looked at her like this, thinking that she was trying to seduce King Zhenbei on purpose. He was polite to her at first, but now he is completely tearing his face and not giving her a good face.

Xu Zhen occasionally asked them how the little beggar got rich.

Those few people said coldly: "How did you get rich? If we know how the master got rich, would it be our turn to be slaves here?"

Xu Zhen nodded and said, "It makes sense."

These words immediately hit the hearts of several people, and some of the clothes that were supposed to be washed by each of them were all stuffed into Xu Zhen's locker.

Xu Zhen was too lazy to wash.

These people bullied Xu Zhen, accidentally overturned her food, or splashed water on her mattress.

Xu Zhen didn't argue with them.

In the end, the only one who continued to chat with Xu Zhen was the woman with half of her face covered in scars.

The heavy snow stopped and the wind was blowing.

Xu Zhen hid behind the tent, resting furtively, and asked the maid beside her in a tired and hoarse voice: "Do you recognize King Zhenbei? How is she doing recently? Why hasn't she come to the camp yet?"

The female slave shoveled away the accumulated snow and said, "Don't talk casually about the affairs of the Lord."

Xu Zhen said, "You tell me secretly, but I won't tell."

The slave girl glanced at Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen said: "There are so many things in the world, and there are only a few things I care about. You might as well just say it to satisfy me."

Seeing Xu Zhen's earnestness and seeing no one around, the female slave whispered, "Two years ago, the Lord slaughtered all the black water in Yongzhou by himself.

Xu Zhen was surprised: "Why did she massacre the city?"

The female slave said: "I heard that they are looking for something."

"Looking for something." Xu Zhen quickly understood that the little beggar must be looking for her. She was a little moved and asked, "And then? Did you find it? Are you still looking for it recently? Why do I feel like there is no news at all?" .”

"I didn't find it, and I didn't continue to look for it." The female slave said.

Xu Zhen was stunned: "Why didn't you look for it?"

The female slave shook her head: "I don't know, maybe it's due to the high status now, so I can get new ones for everything I want."

Xu Zhen smiled: "It's impossible, she won't change her mind so easily."

The female slave put the shovel aside, squatted beside Xu Zhen and asked, "Why?"

Xu Zhen paused for a moment and said: "Actually, I know her. She is not as cruel as you say, and she is not a lecherous hooligan. She is just an ordinary little girl."

The female slave retorted: "If the master is just an ordinary girl, he will not be able to gain a foothold in the Hu country."

Xu Zhen said: "To carve up the world requires the right time and place, and the right time and place. I helped her do it. As for the harmony of people, she alone can defeat ten thousand people, so there is no need for harmony."

As she spoke, a gust of wind blew snowflakes into her mouth, causing her to cough several times, which attracted the attention of the patrolling soldiers.

The two had no choice but to stand up quickly and continue to shovel the snow.

There was no one around the barracks, but the servants placed here were still busy, besides shoveling snow, they also had to dig mines. When her hands touched the cold tools, Xu Zhen truly felt the feeling of being a slave. She swore that when the little beggar came to her on her knees, she would take the opportunity to change the system here and make it more humane. a little.

She got sores on her hands from the cold, and walked back to the tent. Several people in the tent had already lit coals, and the temperature difference was huge, which made her hands extremely itchy.

Xu Zhen sat on the bed and scratched her hands, unable to stop at all. She thought that she didn't suffer much after time travel, and now that she has eaten all at once, she will be able to live happily with the little beggar in the future.

It would be good if I could share the pain of the little beggar.

A few days later, the little beggar still didn't come to the barracks, maybe she had, but she didn't let Xu Zhen bump into her. Xu Zhen had already gotten used to living in the camp, so she wasn't in a hurry. When she recovered, she ran to the barracks again. Beside the tent began to squat to watch the little beggar.

But this time luck was not so good.

As soon as she squatted down, a few patrolling soldiers happened to pass by, and when they saw Xu Zhen, they roared, "Hey!!! What are you doing?!"

Xu Zhen was terrified by the yelling.

She hurriedly stood up and said honestly: "Wait for King Zhenbei."

Those people stared in disbelief, and said angrily: "Waiting for the Lord? But why are you waiting here! Do you want to assassinate the Lord!"

"Of course not." Before Xu Zhen had time to explain, she was immediately classified as a crime by these people, charged with trying to assassinate King Zhenbei.

Xu Zhen was speechless.

There were executioners in the camp, and after hearing the news, they ran over quickly, took a step forward, grabbed Xu Zhen, and pinned her in the snow. Xu Zhen immediately ate a mouthful of snow. After the snow melted in her mouth, it turned into yellow sand mixed with stones.

Xu Zhen struggled: "Wait, I'm not assassinating—"

Before the words fell, the leader Hu Bing said: "Flogging! Flogging!"

Flogging used to be the third-class punishment in Daqing. Hu Guo was interested in seeing other people's flesh and blood. He learned the punishment of flogging. As long as ordinary slaves made mistakes, they would be given flogging.

It was freezing cold, and Xu Zhen was struggling hard. She was covered with icy snow, and finally she had no strength, so she had to give up.

I want to open it up, but it's just a punch...

You can't take things like expelling shells with you after you die, and you'll pick a new one after you're reborn...

The whip fell on Xu Zhen, and she cried out in pain, "Ah!!!"

It was rare for the Hu people to see such an unbeaten person. They looked at each other in blank dismay, confirmed that they hadn't beaten the person to death, and raised their whips to give the second blow.

But at this moment, there was the sound of horseshoes running in the distance, followed by a tall and straight woman with blue eyes and black hair and high tufts galloping towards her horse. She was so fast that she could hardly see clearly, only a figure could be seen.

But everyone still saw it clearly, and they knelt down in fright: "My lord, my lord!!"

There were buzzing sounds in Xu Zhen's ears. She vaguely heard the word Lord, and thought to herself, it must be a little beggar. sweeping. She was wrapped in a cloak, and heat poured into her body from all directions.

Snowflakes fluttered in the air, and the horse's hooves neighed.

In the clearing, Xun Qianchun's steed never stopped, and went straight through the falling snow towards his military tent.

There was a loud bang from the brazier in the distance, and everyone on the ground saluted in fear, and no one dared to raise their heads. They heard the horseshoes go away quickly, as if they heard the angry roar of some rabid beast.

Even Xun Qianchun has entered the military account.

All the people present were still sweating from fright. The aura that came to them was so strong that they almost thought that their heads might be decapitated for a certain moment.

That man is their master.

It is the god of killing of Tu Heishui.

He is the King of Zhenbei whom no one dares to mess with.

But at this time, why did King Zhenbei rush into the army tent with a female slave in his arms

Could it be that he caught the wrong person

Or, in his heart, King Zhenbei is really infatuated with a woman from the Central Plains with a white robe and a thin waist...and this person just happens to be very suitable...

Thinking of the latter possibility, the patrolling Hu Bing's knees became weak, and even if they wanted to stand up, they couldn't stand up.

The air-conditioning in the military tent swished, Xu Zhen was wrapped in a cloak, and her bare ankles felt the temperature inside the tent. Fortunately, soon, the charcoal was burning, and Xu Zhen was placed on the soft bedding.

She was about to tear off the cloak.

But before he could make a move, someone hugged her tightly, hugged her arms and shoulders tightly, and almost covered her body, without saying a word.

Xu Zhen struggled twice.

The strength on that body is getting closer and closer.

Xu Zhen raised her foot and kicked, but the man still didn't let go.

Xu Zhen had no choice but to use both hands and feet, cursing and kicking people at the same time. Finally, she kicked the people away, and finally pulled off the cloak and cursed: "Are you trying to suffocate me to death!!"

Standing in front of her was Xun Qianchun.

Xun Qianchun, who hadn't seen her for a long time, seemed to have no change in the little beggar except for growing taller and dark circles under her eyes every year.

It was still the little beggar I was familiar with.

Xu Zhen was a little moved, and raised her hand to touch Xun Qianchun's cheek. She hadn't seen this pretty face for a long time, and she had thousands of words to say, but now she couldn't say a single word.

She can still comfort herself in the cold, and even tease herself when she is about to be beaten, but when she sees the little beggar, she just wants to cry.

It's been almost two years since I saw you.

There are only a few years in life, everyone's every year is very important, but she was absent from the little beggar's life for two years.

Xu Zhen opened her eyes, shed tears without warning, and was speechless.

She didn't know how she felt, but she had mixed feelings, and all kinds of emotions came up, causing her tear glands to burst at this moment.

Xun Qianchun looked at Xu Zhen seriously. Seeing Xu Zhen crying, she reached out to help Xu Zhen wipe her tears clumsily.

Xu Zhen let the little beggar wipe, and cried for a while. She took Xun Qianchun's hand and said, "Why don't you come to me?"

Xun Qianchun knelt down in front of Xu Zhen, she looked at Xu Zhen, her lips were tightly pressed, her body trembled slightly, but she didn't say a word.

Xu Zhen didn't feel Xun Qianchun's strangeness, and continued to ask in a hoarse voice: "You haven't been bullied in the past two years, have you?"

Xun Qianchun shook his head.

Xu Zhen said: "You didn't tell the truth, how could you not be bullied, your territory in Yongzhou has been robbed."

Xun Qianchun explained in a low voice: "It was on purpose."

Xu Zhen froze for a moment, not understanding for a while.

Xun Qianchun said: "She and I are allies."

Xu Zhen understood, and understood that the little beggar would pull the alliance on her own, and even pretend to be forced to retreat to the Hu country, and she immediately felt relieved.

"That's good." Xu Zhen endured the sadness in her heart and tried her best to smile. After being away from home for so long, what she was most worried about was that the little beggar would be bullied.

Since he wasn't bullied, that's great.

Xu Zhen let go of her hand and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

She thought that the little beggar likes fair skin, but her hands and feet were bruised and swollen from the cold a few days ago, and she didn't look very good. Taking advantage of the little beggar's inattention, she secretly pulled the quilt to cover her bottom.

However, how could this news be hidden from Xun Qianchun.

When Xun Qianchun saw it, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth so hard that he almost bled.

... What did she do.

She really regretted it.

Xun Qianchun closed his eyes, teardrops were swaying on his eyelashes, Xu Zhen didn't see it, and kept calling the little beggar to go to bed.

Xun Qianchun was not obedient, she got up and went to find the medicine in the cabinet, then walked back, gently holding Xu Zhen's hands and feet, applying medicine to the scattered wounds on it.

Xu Zhen felt uncomfortable at first when she saw her hand scratched into such a tattered state, but she let it go quickly. She thought: I have traveled a lot recently and suffered a lot, but when I met a little beggar, these hardships Why did it become sweet instead

It's great to see little beggar again.

The author has something to say: Sweet! ! There are also 50,000 merit points! It's just that the mall hasn't been refreshed!