The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 78


After finding an errand in the palace, it was already New Year's Eve. Chang'an had red walls and gray tiles, and firecrackers started to be set off during the day, making it impossible for people to sleep late.

Xu Zhen was so sleepy, she got up and wiped her face, and sat down at the desk to think about the vertical and horizontal things. Not long after she started writing, her mind was full of thoughts about the little beggar.

The little beggar is really clingy, she just went out to do some work and insisted on sticking to her side, but that's fine, save this person from losing herself again.

If she loses it again this time, she will definitely scold her.

Xu Zhen was very sweet in her heart, and continued to write on the rice paper, and then suddenly thought of Taixue.

The two of them have entered Taixue now, and they have teaching experience. The little beggar can teach martial arts. If they live in seclusion in the future, it seems good to set up a school like this, and the little beggar's kung fu is learned with real swords and guns. .

There are still a lot of accumulations from the Xun family in the past, and they have formed their own routines...

Xu Zhen thought about it, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Since the little beggar learned a lot of his kung fu from the Xun family, won't he be exposed if he is not careful now that he has entered the Imperial Academy? !

What if someone finds out.

This little beggar is too worrying.

Xu Zhen was immediately enraged, she dropped her pen and sat on a low stool, and began to think about life.

Xun Qianchun went out to buy pepper and cypress wine and came back, went to the room and glanced at Xu Zhen, then went to the kitchen to get a cup and bowl, poured two glasses of wine and handed them to Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen refused to drink: "Did you use the skills of the Xun family in the selection that day?"

Xun Qianchun nodded, and answered honestly: "Yes."

Xu Zhen was startled: "What is it!! Aren't you afraid of being exposed?!"

Xun Qianchun said: "Not afraid."

Xu Zhen hit her on the head with a pen, hating iron and iron: "You idiot! If I'm found out, my plan will be messed up!"

Xun Qianchun asked: "What plan?"

Xu Zhen said, "I won't tell you."

Xun Qianchun walked over directly, hugged Xu Zhen and kissed her ear, Xu Zhen pushed her, and said softly, "You, don't try to talk to me..."

Xun Qianchun chuckled and said, "Sir, I don't want to know, I just want to make out."

Xu Zhen pushed her head and lied to her, "I haven't recovered from my injury last time."

Xun Qianchun whispered, "Show me."

Xu Zhen's face turned red, she couldn't show it, she couldn't do it, she was dragged onto the quilt helplessly, and spent New Year's Eve with the lively sound of firecrackers outside.

This was probably the most absurd New Year's Eve that Xu Zhen had ever lived. She didn't eat, and she just got red marks all over her body, and she was exhausted to death.

Waking up at dawn, Xu Zhen wrapped herself in her clothes and crawled to the table. Seeing that the wine in the glass was not finished, she raised her glass and wanted to take a sip.

Xun Qianchun also woke up.

Sitting up on the quilt to look at Xu Zhen.

Outside the window began to shout the voice of selling food: "Sell cakes—"

New Year's Day is even more lively.

Xu Zhen smiled at Xun Qianchun with the wine glass, then thought of something, moved over with the wine jar and two wine glasses in her arms, and asked, "Do you want to drink?"

Xun Qianchun said: "I drank it last night."

"Let's drink some more today! Drink something different." Xu Zhen smiled, "Come on, here's this cup for you."

Xun Qianchun took it over: "Why is it different?"

Xu Zhen leaned close to Xun Qianchun's ear and whispered, "How about a cup of wine?"

Xun Qianchun's expression froze for a moment, and then his cold white skin showed a bit of rosiness.

She took the wine glass, and according to what Xu Zhen said, she held hands and drank the alcohol. The strong alcohol entered her stomach. She closed her eyes and pursed her lips, feeling a different feeling in her chest.

Xu Zhen asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Xun Qianchun slowly opened her eyes, her thick eyelashes cast shadows, and she said, "It's delicious."

Xu Zhen smiled: "It's not that you haven't drunk it before. This wine has always tasted the same, and you bought it back. Do you need to enjoy it like this?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Today's is especially delicious."

She looked down at the teacup in her hand and said nothing.

Xu Zhen said: "I also think it's quite delicious. Maybe it's because after drinking this glass of wine, our relationship has become different again. If I knew you like to drink a glass of wine, we should hold a wedding in Hu Guo first."

Xun Qianchun looked up at Xu Zhen and said, "Go back and hold the event."

Xu Zhen smiled a little excitedly: "Okay, then you have to remember."

After a few days of absurdity, the palace began to give lectures. When Xu Zhen followed her, she forgot that she was just a sweeper, and was about to stand in the school to give lectures, and was almost beaten up by the master.

Xu Zhen quickly escaped from the study hall, found a broom outside, and started sweeping the floor casually.

Taixue is still there, that is, the imperial examination is still there.

Here are the most outstanding students in the country and the children of the royal family and nobles. The hall of Taixue is majestic and the venue is spacious. There used to be thousands of students, but now there are fewer people in troubled times. It is said that there are four to five hundred students.

In addition, there are more than 50 doctors of the Pentateuch.

It's just that there's nothing wrong with Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen swept the floor for a while.

Heavy snow gradually fell from the sky, she moved to the foyer to rest, and looked up at the palace not far away by the way. The palace has been remodeled a lot. Half of the originally bright red palace walls have been painted blue, and some places are still white and red, and it is too late to change the color.

Although blue is not as elegant as red, it has a strange beauty after looking at it for a long time, like the blue eyes of a little beggar.

Xu Zhen thought of the little beggar's eyes, and laughed.

During the falling snow, a woman dressed as a guard in blue clothes came to the gate of Taixue. Xu Zhen didn't recognize it. Out of professionalism, she asked, "Who are you, are you looking for someone?"

The female guard in blue said with a smile: "It's the man in charge of the palace. It's really here to find someone."

Xu Zhen asked, "Who are you looking for?"

The guard asked: "I haven't seen you before, are you a new guard?"

Xu Zhen said, "The sweeper."

The female guard asked again: "The palace is also precarious now. I think you are a smart person. Why do you still come to the palace to look for errands?"

Xu Zhen said: "If you want to contribute to the country, you should be a lackey under the current sage."

The man covered his face with his sleeve and laughed, stopped and said: "If you want to be a lackey, you must have strength. Do you know the national policy, can you recite the Analects and Zhuangzi?"

Xu Zhen nodded earnestly and recited a few sentences.

The man looked slightly surprised, looked at Xu Zhen for a few times, then his expression changed suddenly, then he laughed again and said, "I'm going to teach first."

This time it was Xu Zhen's turn to be surprised.

She thought he was a guard, why did he become a teacher? Is it also teaching martial arts? This Taixue is really in decline, and the guards are required to come over to work part-time. It really is a chaotic world.

Xu Zhen sat on the side for a while.

Thinking about how to go to see the concubine Chong, the roof of Taixue fluttered tiles were blown by the wind, the school was over, and the students came out noisily.

Some people saw Xu Zhen being lazy and laughed a few words.

Xu Zhen didn't bother to talk to her either.

She inquired around and learned that Concubine Chong has nothing to lack at the moment, and she has no intention of dominating the world. She seems to be watching dancers dance every day and inviting her cronies to drink with her.

Nothing more.

After staying in Taixue for a few days, Xu Zhen was always thinking about approaching the favorite concubine, and it was inevitable that some of these thoughts would be revealed during the conversation.

After the Taixue students knew about this, they despised Xu Zhen even more.

But Xun Qianchun couldn't help Xu Zhen.

This new martial arts teacher looks ordinary and not in the slightest, but those who have taken her class have to call her amazing. There are also quite a few people who already worship Xun Qianchun, wishing to secretly learn martial arts with Xun Qianchun all day long.

Therefore, when someone ridiculed Xu Zhen as a sweeper, and Xun Qianchun immediately took the initiative to teach that person a lesson, all the Taixue students' thoughts were shattered.

Someone was lucky enough to ask Xun Qianchun during class: "Mr. helped that woman sweeping the floor that day, but to fight against injustice?"

Xun Qianchun said: "No, I had a cup of wine with her."

One sentence broke everyone's conjecture and fantasy, and made everyone gasp, speechless and stunned.

Regardless of what everyone thought, Xun Qianchun went directly to Xu Zhen to go home together.

Although Xu Zhen is busy these few days, she still sneaks out a scarf and gave it to Xun Qianchun: "It's another year, and the days go by really fast."

Xun Qianchun liked this scarf very much, she held the hem in her hand and couldn't put it down. After touching it for a while, she saw the pattern of cattle and sheep looking at each other, and asked, "What is this?"

Xu Zhen took out the little Hongyue sword: "I follow this."

On the scabbard of Hongyue are cows, sheep and ears of grain. A few days ago, Xu Zhen thought that this was a token of love between the two, and she hadn't given anything away yet, so she hurriedly wove a scarf to express her heart.

Xun Qianchun said, "Thank you sir."

Xu Zhen said: "I haven't given you anything all this time, this one is too simple, I'll give it to you later when I see something good."

Xun Qianchun said: "This is already very good."

Xu Zhen laughed: "You are really easy to support. If I give you a leaf, you will be very happy too."

Xun Qianchun said: "As long as it is given by the master."

Xu Zhen raised her hand to touch her head.

Xun Qianchun, who didn't know how to behave, didn't let her touch it, and leaned back against the wall on tiptoe on purpose.

Xu Zhen followed suit.

The whole person immediately got close to Xun Qianchun, and then without paying attention, Xun Qianchun hugged her waist and hugged her into her arms.

Xu Zhen said: "You are too treacherous!"

Xun Qianchun smiled: "Mister is heavy."

When Xu Zhen heard about the weight, her complexion suddenly turned pale: "You put me down, and I will weigh you."

Xun Qianchun said: "The past few days have been hard, I am not heavy."

Xu Zhen: "!! Where did you learn to be bad?"

Xun Qianchun said: "I learned it from my master."

Xu Zhen clings to her and is pressed down on the quilt, the heat of the coals swarms in, coupled with Xun Qianchun's perennially high body temperature, it makes Xu Zhen's forehead sweat from the heat, and it is almost impossible to tell whether it is winter or summer.

When her mind was not clear, Xu Zhen suddenly remembered something.

She leaned into Xun Qianchun's ear, and said vigorously, "You are doing well now, ask me, how can I see my favorite concubine?"

Xun Qianchun said casually, "Ask when you have time."

Xu Zhen reminded: "You, you can ask tomorrow—"

Xun Qianchun said in a slightly low tone, "Sir..."

Xu Zhen asked, "What's wrong?"

Xun Qianchun was silent for a while, then said: "It's nothing, I'll go tomorrow."

Xu Zhen continued to collapse on the bed in peace.

Later, Xu Zhen didn't know if Xun Qianchun asked, but after a few days, the opportunity came suddenly.

A maid who used to take turns sweeping the floor, a sister was actually on duty in the hall where the favorite concubine often went.

She has been in poor health for the past few days, and she wants this maidservant to help her, but this maidservant doesn't want to be by the moody Concubine Chong.

When Xu Zhen learned about this, she said energetically: "Let me go!! I can!"