The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 80


On the second day, Xu Zhen was called by the concubine to stay by her side. Since Xu Zhen had promised to "take the world", she was regarded as one of the counselors. The red robes sit together to offer wine.

Xu Zhen is a little confused about the development of the matter. After all, she is in a disguised state, and no one should recognize her at all, although she was indeed quite powerful in the past...

But it's no use thinking so much.

Now there are free things to eat, and you can try clichés from time to time, which is not bad at all. Xu Zhen thought about it and didn't refuse.

On the east side of the palace wall, in the Taixue Hall at the gate of Kaiyang, Xu Zhen took advantage of her lunch break to go over and talk to the principal about this matter, and then went to explain to the sister who was acting as the maid.

Knowing that Xu Zhen has become a counselor, the court lady was shocked. She asked in a daze, "So you are so powerful? Is this the idea that you want to get close to the new emperor without taking money from me?"

Xu Zhen hurriedly explained: "No! I don't want to be a counselor at all."

The court lady didn't believe it, and looked at Xu Zhen with disdainful eyes.

Xu Zhen was dressed in an ordinary white jacket, with messy hair blown into a ball behind her head, she looked no different from a poor and stinky scholar.

The court lady thought that Xu Zhen was just a mediocre man, so she comforted herself a bit, and in the end she felt much more comfortable, without asking too much.

Xu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

But she didn't dare to relax, now that she was so close to the result she had been pursuing, she felt an unprecedented sense of urgency.

She directly started to formulate strategies to win over the world, but there were two strategies, one was to recruit security, and the other was to conquer by force. If it is to recruit security, among the two students I have taught, Ge Xier may listen to her, but Li Sanlang's family... It is said that some time ago, their family snatched the prince back and supported the little prince. This family respects him immensely. With the blood of the royal family, recruitment will definitely not work.

Among the remaining forces are Xie Guang, the princess and the beggar. The princess is the ally of the little beggar, if he wants to fight, he must fight last, the beggar and Xie Guang's territory, fighting from Chang'an is too expensive, and the fight is too disadvantageous.

After much calculation, Xu Zhen thought that she could go to the beggars' place to fight a dozen, and first get a piece of land to make a job.

As winter went to spring, Chang'an felt warmer. When Xu Zhen was busy preparing, the palace suddenly began to recruit counselors.

The officials were shocked.

After the new emperor came to power, he didn't even hold the early court. It seemed that he was not interested in the prosperity of the country and only wanted to enjoy himself. But what is this fun-loving person trying to do by recruiting counselors now

People can't find any results.

The walls of the streets and alleys in Chang'an have been filled with golden notices, which say that the palace hires capable people at high prices. So a group of capable counselors walked out from the corner, saluted at the gate of the dark blue palace, handed in their tablets, and entered the palace for the palace examination.

It took three days to recruit talents.

There were more than a hundred participants, and ten people remained in the end.

The household registration of the last ten people was checked, and it was verified that they were green and white. Many of them were born in Chang'an or had taken the imperial examination before, and a few came from other forces. It is said that they left because of unfair treatment.

Among them was a short female counselor wearing a scarf and a gray robe. She looked familiar. It seemed that she was a brave litigator that Xu Zhen met when she first entered Chang'an. When the litigator saw Xu Zhen, he nodded slightly to Xu Zhen, and Xu Zhen returned the salute. Other than that, everything was so unfamiliar that Xu Zhen didn't recognize any of them.

Not only that, she also maintained a state of confusion throughout the process of smashing the onlookers.

After all, she didn't know how she became one of the counselors, nor did she know that she wanted to help Concubine Chong conquer the world with so many people.

This beloved concubine may be sick.

Otherwise, how can I explain why this person once won the world, but he seems to treat the world as a toy in the palm of his hand, and he doesn't manage it much. It's the same as paving the way for the little beggar in Yongzhou back then.

Xu Zhen didn't understand what this man was thinking.

She continued to sit at the desk and wait for get off work.

It's a pity that the favorite concubine seemed to see through Xu Zhen's thoughts. She smiled at the corner of her mouth. She was wearing a water-blue skirt with gold silk embroidered cuffs and a phoenix on the skirt. Her hair was randomly tied up with an ebony hairpin. Leaning in the center of the couch, he casually recruited a few court ladies to dance with drums and bells, and held a banquet to welcome the new counsellor.

The banquet in the palace begins, and within three hours, don't even think about ending it.

Xu Zhen was desperate.

The light gauze and red silk fell on the ground, and occasionally drifted slowly with the wind. There were more than a dozen desks placed on both sides of the hall. The court ladies who often showed up danced and left. Concubine Chong called a group of women from the Western Regions to come. His eyes gradually became distant.

Xu Zhen looked at it for a while, and soon became impatient. The new counselors around looked down at the green vegetables on the plate, as if they had something to think about.

Not long after, Concubine Chong chatted and drank with the new counselor, chatting about the current situation.

Xu Zhen couldn't wait, when Concubine Chong looked at her, she said directly: "I have something to ask."

Concubine Chong waved her hand to stop the music, and the hall became quiet, Concubine Chong asked, "What's the matter?"

Xu Zhen said: "Since I want to conquer the world, can you give me some troops?"

The people around almost spit out the tea.

It is a bold act for a counselor to directly ask for soldiers and horses. Even in troubled times, they should perform their duties.

In the hall where the gold and blue meet, there is a burst of incense, and there is silence.

The beloved concubine showed her face and smiled, not ambiguous. The sun outside the window shone on her disastrous face, making her even more eye-catching. She asked Xu Zhen tenderly, "How much do you want?"

Xu Zhen said bluntly: "Thirty thousand."

"Is it only 30,000? With such a small number of troops, you can go out at any time." Concubine Chong said with a smile, "But what are you going to do? Where are you going to attack?"

She leaned on the couch with a calm expression, and there was not much smile in her eyes. She looked at Xu Zhen, waiting for an answer.

Xu Zhen thought for a long time before, but she didn't come up with an answer at all, so in order to save trouble and brain cells, she later made a decision——

"Now the situation in the world is stable, those who should form alliances have formed alliances, and those who should form enemies have also formed enemies, and Chang'an is isolated from all forces, so I don't know where to fight. Why don't you let the new friends help you make a decision? Bar."

As soon as she finished speaking, all the counselors in the hall were stunned for a while, and almost no one expected Xu Zhen to throw the blame so quickly.

The concubine Chong burst out laughing upon hearing this.

Xu Zhen explained by the way: "As long as the location is fixed, I can call anywhere."

She really can fight anywhere, that's why she said these words. After Xu Zhen finished speaking, she was a little moved. She felt that she had simply provided a good platform for the counselors to show themselves. These counselors should be very grateful to me Bar.

But what she didn't think of was.

Some of the group of counselors had already started gnashing their teeth, wishing they could knock her out. Because some of them are undercover agents who come from other forces and plan to fish in troubled waters and disrupt the world!

Xu Zhen's move immediately disrupted their plans.

If you talk about attacking other countries, it will expose your murderous intentions, but it is impossible to talk about attacking your own forces.

This group of undercover agents were so angry that they squeezed the cup with a little force.

Fortunately, they still have a lot of experience, so they calmed down for a while and began to chat with each other. They didn't expose it directly, but between each other's fueling and misfortune, they finally decided to attack the Li family.

The position occupied by the Li family is across the river from Chang'an, and that wave of people is ambitious, they come to harass Chang'an from time to time, it would be great if they can be eradicated directly.

Xu Zhen put down her teacup, speechless.

It's one of those places she doesn't want to attack.

It's just that apart from her, no one seems to have anything to do with Li Sanlang and his family.

The beloved concubine looked innocent and innocent, clapped her hands and smiled and said, "Hello, the Li family! I have long wanted to get rid of the Li family."

Xu Zhen looked at Concubine Chong hesitated to speak, she still wanted to speak and struggle.

On the golden couch, Concubine Chong's face gradually became gloomy. She asked: "Aiqing, just now you said that you can fight anywhere. Could it be that you are lying to Gu Gu?"

How dare Xu Zhen!

Even if he really dared to do this kind of thing, he would have to go out of Chang'an to dare. In Chang'an, she and the little beggar were both fish and meat placed on the cutting board, and everything had to be done according to others' wishes.

Fortunately, she is also prepared to attack Li Sanlang now, and she will fight sooner or later. If the goal is to unify the Central Plains, the Li family will fight sooner or later. Taking it down earlier will indeed be a good help for Chang'an.

The remaining forces will be much easier to fight.

It may even threaten the territory of the princess and the little beggar.

It's just that that loving and righteous boy is his student, so he definitely won't be able to do it...

Xu Zhen looked at the piece of tea in the cup in front of her eyes, frowning slightly. After a while, Concubine Chong asked Xu Zhen about the attack, but Xu Zhen didn't dare to expose herself, so she had no choice but to accept the matter.

Concubine Chong is very happy.

The 60,000 soldiers, horses, food and grass were handed over to Xu Zhen, with a general and four or five lieutenants as standard, and two of the counselors could be selected to help.

Xu Zhen chose two people at random.

She plans to leave directly within half a month.

A few nights before leaving, Concubine Chong gave her a vacation. But Xu Zhen is still very busy. Apart from preparing the ingredients, she also has to be gnawed over and over by the little beggar. Xu Zhen had a hard night, she cried and apologized for several nights, and comforted the little beggar: "Anyway, if you don't do this job of teaching martial arts, you can still go to Huainan with me... Don't bite!!"

Xun Qianchun chuckled lightly, not letting her go.

Xu Zhen is free to wander around Chang'an during the day, but she has visited here before, and now it has not changed much except that it is more luxurious and decadent.

Xu Zhen was not interested and continued to wander around the palace.

The ice and snow in the palace had already melted, the branches were slightly white, and the dazzling red plums fell to the ground and turned into a smear of blood.

The Hong bell rang again.

The world is deserted and clear, without any fireworks.

As Xu Zhen was walking, she heard footsteps behind her. She didn't pay attention at first, but then she looked back anxiously, and found that it was the heroine of the plot with a white robe and big sleeves, a round face and a smiling face following her.

Xu Zhen happened to have something to ask the heroine, so she greeted her and said, "Aren't you going to be on duty today?"

The hostess nodded.

Xu Zhen saw that she paid attention to her, and asked directly: "I heard that there is someone around Concubine Chong who can predict the future. Is that person you? How did you do it?"

The hostess smiled and asked, "Do you want to guess?"

Xu Zhen probed and said, "Could it be that you have experienced it?"

The heroine looked at Xu Zhen, the heroine who had been reborn for several rounds became dull, her eyes were calm, she said quietly: "Yes, you really knew everything early in the morning."

The two were still playing charades, but as soon as these words were spoken, everything became clear in an instant.

Xu Zhen had a terrible headache.

After she heard this, how can she not understand that the heroine has been reborn.

Previously, the system lied to her that this was the first world, and the heroine hadn't been reborn. But that's not the case at all! ! The heroine is reborn! !

Although I don't know how many rounds of rebirth.

But no matter how many rounds, the heroine's words are still a bit strange, why does it sound like she still recognizes herself

Was it reborn from the world in which he existed

Xu Zhen was a little confused.

She raised her head and looked at the heroine, and found that there was no killing intent in the heroine's eyes, she was no different from a normal person, maybe because she had a good life in her previous life and was not reborn with hatred.

Xu Zhen wanted to ask about other things.

Unexpectedly, the hostess spoke first.

The hostess laughed again, a little more playful, and she asked: "Would you like to guess again, what you will experience yourself?"

The author has something to say: Tomorrow, I will apply for a leave of absence for a day off. One month of cultivating immortality is too exhausting. I will adjust my work and rest and sleep earlier tt bald babies

In terms of the plot, Concubine Chong is the girl in blue, the brother-in-law of the little beggar. She didn't want to take revenge before, but after seeing her sweetheart's sister live in such a miserable life, she started to take revenge. At the beginning of the troubled times, the two met, so I won't spoil it later, because this chapter is a bit foreshadowing, and it will be easier to understand.

The next chapter will reveal the strength the heroine knows and the little guy's small world line, but rest tomorrow hehe