The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 85


Zhenbei is not far from Chang'an, but there is also a not-so-short distance.

Xu Zhen seldom drives a long distance alone, she is not good at equestrian skills, now she can't wait to fly to the north of Zhenbei immediately, and stuff the pills in the bottle into the little beggar's mouth.

Unfortunately, there were no airplanes in ancient times.

Xu Zhen's eyes hurt from the oncoming spring rain, and her tears kept swaying.

This is the only thing she is begging for now.

Little beggar, please show up soon.

I beg you.

This battle allowed Xu Zhen to obtain the antidote, and also caused some people to lose their long-term refuge.

The mountains and rivers are in turmoil. After Xu Zhen left. A few counselors in wide robes and long sleeves came out of Chang'an Palace, smiling, surrounded by 3,000 Chang'an guards, stretched out their long swords and put them on the neck of the returning favorite concubine and the heroine of the story, Chang'an was forced into the palace, and chaos broke out again.

Xu Zhen didn't know about this, and she didn't have time to care about it.

She went all the way west.

Half a day later, Xu Zhen saw a river, a mountain, the Huaihe River and Mount Tai.

She felt apprehensive, and stopped moving forward.

This is the official way.

It is the only official road from Chang'an to Zhenbei in the troubled times, but Xu Zhen can be sure that the little beggar will definitely not pass through here.

Because this is where the heroine of the previous plot predicted that the little beggar would stab herself to death.

The little beggar must hate this place deeply, it is impossible to come here.

Xu Zhen was silent for a moment, then changed direction and headed east.

Behind them are the mountains with unmelted snow, and in front of them is the wide and empty official road.

Since it is impossible for the little beggar to go to the Huaihe River and Mount Tai, the entire northwest has been blocked, and there is only one place left for the little beggar to go.


After all, the Qinglongshan Academy in Jiangling is a super safe place in the plot, which was once chaotic and war-torn, but has never been affected. Their house in Jiangling has not been sold yet, so the little beggar must have hid there.

Xu Zhen was moved by her wit.

She went straight towards Jiangling. It took her half a day to finally get there, it was already dark, and Xu Zhen didn't have many merit points, and she had almost no energy in her body.

Xu Zhen thought of the year when she just traveled here, when she didn't know how to earn merits, she was in a daze, and felt like going back to the underworld to report at any time.

But even if they want to go back to the underworld, they have to find the little beggar before going back.

Xu Zhen saw the stone stele engraved with the Chinese characters "Jiangling", which was the same as what she saw through the fog when she left in a carriage three years ago, not much changed.

This familiar feeling is not bad.

It was already dark.

Xu Zhen walked slowly inside, and she saw many familiar things, like a puppy on the side of the road, or a wheelbarrow that had been left on the street.

There are gongs and watchmen on the road.

Xu Zhen dodged, and walked to her house by touching the wall carefully. No one should have been in the house, and the wall and door were covered with a layer of dust. Xu Zhen carefully pushed the door open, making a loud creaking sound.

There was no one in the house either.

The little beggar didn't come here.

Xu Zhen was very disappointed, and planned to look for it again, but she couldn't walk anymore, and the gradual loss of merit points made her very painful, so she had to wipe the wooden boards in the house full of cobwebs and dust, and slept casually for a while. Night.

This night was a quiet night, a level of insipidity that I had seldom experienced in the past two years.

Xu Zhen closed her eyes, thinking that when this time is over, she should just live in Jiangling and live in seclusion, she doesn't want to go anywhere.

After an unknown amount of time, the sun shone on her eyes, and it was dawn.

Another new day is approaching, and the sound of birds chirping vibrates in the empty mountain. Xu Zhen stretches out her finger and rubs the center of her eyebrows. She gets up weakly and opens the system interface. There are only two merit points left.

She had to find the little beggar quickly.

After tidying up her clothes and washing her face, Xu Zhen first went to the ruined temple to look for it, and then went to Yunmofang to look for it.

There was no sign of the little beggar.

There is another place I haven't found, and that is Qinglongshan Academy.

This is her last hope.

Xu Zhen bought a white cake on the side of the road, swallowed it indiscriminately to replenish her energy, and then walked directly to Qinglong Mountain. The location of Qinglong Mountain Academy has not changed, and the decoration inside seems to have not changed, but it is more depressed.

Near the gate of the academy, two servants were sitting on a stone bench, holding a broom and chatting: "This chaotic world is messy, who wants to study, they are all taking advantage of the chaos to make money."

"Those who are still studying now are stupid. The troubled times can't end after more than ten years. It's better to farm and sell food to get enough food and clothing."

Xu Zhen bypassed the two of them and went inside.

In the study hall, there are sparse voices of students reading aloud: "Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river continent—"

A strange female gentleman's voice came: "The reading is too messy, read it again."

The student below laughed and defended: "What's wrong, I think the teacher's mind is too messed up."


Today's students are really interesting.

Xu Zhen smiled and continued to climb the mountain. After finally reaching the back mountain, she found that there were still changes in the academy. It used to be the place where I often corrected the test papers, but unfortunately now the house has been demolished and a small vermilion pavilion has been built.

Sitting in the pavilion was a middle-aged man in a gray robe with wide sleeves. His back was facing Xu Zhen, and he had a Guqin on his knees. He was groping the strings with both hands, but he couldn't make a sound.

Xu Zhen walked over and asked, "Sir, have you ever seen a young girl with blue eyes?"

"No!" After the piano player answered, he turned and glanced at Xu Zhen, revealing his signature goatee mustache.

Xu Zhen greeted with a smile: "Shan Zhang, it really is you, long time no see."

The head of the mountain is still the same, living in Qinglong Mountain has been quiet for a long time, neither getting younger nor getting old.

When he saw Xu Zhen, a light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly turned his head away from Xu Zhen, turned his back to Xu Zhen and asked, "Who are you?"

Xu Zhen said: "I'm Xu Zhen. Xu Zhen who taught here used to teach Class E. Do you remember?"

The head of the mountain said: "Oh, it must be Xu Azhen who caused chaos in the world."

Xu Zhen quickly explained: "It's not me who caused the chaos in the world, but a group of students who followed their inner self. Besides, the world is not in chaos, isn't that pretty good?"

The head of the mountain plucked the strings violently, deliberately making harsh noises.

Xu Zhen quickly covered her ears and asked, "Shan Zhang, what's wrong with your qin?"

The head of the mountain hummed his hands twice: "This piano is too old to play nicely."

Xu Zhen didn't have much strength to say, but it was rare to reminisce about the old days, and she felt that it was too late for her to earn merit points. After the merit points reached zero, she would definitely die soon. The medicine was placed beside the head of the mountain.

She followed the mountain and asked; "Is it because the academy accepts fewer students because it has been open for too long?"

Shan Chang said: "That's not true, it's because there was once an idiot Mr. who taught a group of students who turmoiled the government, and the students all over the world stopped studying."

Xu Zhen smiled and said nothing.

The head of the mountain finally turned his head to look at her, his cloudy and wet eyes were shining brightly, revealing some of the shrewdness of the past.

He asked Xu Zhen, "Have you seen each other for a few years?"

Xu Zhen said, "Three to three years."

The head of the mountain asked again: "The world is not peaceful yet, what are you doing when you come back?"

Xu Zhen said: "I'm here to find someone, that little Xianbei girl who is always by my side, do you remember... Hey, you definitely don't remember, she is actually not small at all, she is taller than me, and taller than me." Bai, we are together, but she suddenly disappeared recently. Have you seen her?"

The head of the mountain scolded: "You said that I don't remember, how could I have seen this person!"

Xu Zhen smiled and said, "That's right, I didn't have any hope at first, but I have walked too much these two days, and I can't walk anymore." She pointed to the antidote on the ground, "Master Shan, I think She will come back here, if you see her, can you give her the medicine for me."

The head of the mountain stared at Xu Zhen and asked, "Where is she? Don't tell me where she died."

Xu Zhen said, "I'm not dead, I just lost it."

The head of the mountain scolded angrily: "Then you have the nerve to ask me to help you with the medicine? Pick it up and give it yourself! Where did she really die! Do you want me to wait for her in this academy for the rest of her life? I'm not like you, fuck me .”

Xu Zhen said, "What's your name—"

He didn't speak, and was scolded by the head of the mountain again.

Xu Zhen was wronged, so she had to stand up with the antidote, weeping as she walked, planning to look for it again.

After walking a few steps, the head of the mountain shouted to her: "Wait!"

Xu Zhen turned to look at him.

The head of the mountain coughed twice, stroked his mustache and said, "By the way, there was a shock before, the foot of the mountain collapsed, and there was an extra cave. I don't know if there will be beasts or the like hiding in it. Help me to open the cave." Fill it out!"

Xu Zhen didn't know why, but since it was asked by the head of the mountain, she nodded in agreement and followed the direction pointed by the head of the mountain to fill in the hole.

As she walked, her brain finally started to function. The mountain leader said nothing about what the cave was doing, and there must be something tricky inside.

She walked faster and faster, gritted her teeth and ran straight away. According to the location mentioned by the head of the mountain, she saw a cave with huge stones piled up at the door among the dense dead leaves and weeds. Xu Zhen ran in directly.

There is not much space in the cave, and there is no light.

But Xu Zhen knew that the little beggar must be inside, she felt it!

She walked forward, and after her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw a person kneeling in the cave.

The man sat on his knees alone and lonely.

His hands are on the ground, his fingers are embedded in the soil, his back is bent into an arc, like a wolf cub struggling hard before dying.

Isn't this little wolf cub the little beggar I've been thinking of all along! !

Xu Zhen burst into tears again.

With trembling hands, she took out the antidote from her bosom, ran up quickly, and threw herself on the little beggar's back. She felt the little beggar's body stiffen suddenly, and also felt the little beggar's breathing became a little heavier.

Without further ado, Xu Zhen stuffed the antidote into the little beggar's mouth. The next moment, Xu Zhen felt some pain in her hand. She opened her eyes and saw that Xun Qianchun was holding a small knife at some point in her hand. Her expression was restrained and forbearing, but she couldn't suppress her desire to cut something.

"Sir." Xun Qianchun's hoarse and sad cry echoed in the cave, "Sir—"

Her knife failed to stab Xu Zhen after all.

She endured it, but pointed the tip of the knife at herself, stabbing into her arm forcefully to relieve the uncontrollable pain all over her body.

Xu Zhen was sad and angry, and went up to grab the knife, but the little beggar was delirious, but she was quite strong, holding the knife fiercely, causing Xu Zhen to waste a lot of strength before grabbing it, and when she got it Throw the knife away quickly.

"It will be fine soon." Xu Zhen hugged Xun Qianchun and comforted him, "It will be fine soon, this time it is a real antidote, we will soon have no worries."

Xun Qianchun couldn't hear clearly.

In fact, Xu Zhen didn't have much strength anymore, she pressed Xun Qianchun and lay on the ground, thinking of meritorious things, she cautiously leaned forward and kissed Xun Qianchun.

The merit point seems to be a little longer.

Xu Zhen was quite pleased.

Then, while waiting for the effect of the medicine, she lay down on the little beggar's chest and carefully looked at this familiar face.

But I haven't seen her for a few days, but the little beggar has lost a lot of weight again, her face is covered with chapped skin like white scales, her lips are dry and wrinkled, the skin is broken and bleeding around, and her hands have already had more than one scar.

Fortunately, this tragic and absurd thing is coming to an end.

Xu Zhen looked at Xun Qianchun and waited for the medicine to take effect. After some time, Xun Qianchun's complexion seemed to improve.

But she still closed her eyes, unwilling to look at Xu Zhen.

Even so, Xu Zhen was relieved.

At least he didn't come over and cut himself.

Explain that the medicine this time... is genuine! ! !

Xu Zhen was moved and wept bitterly.

She felt sorry for such a little beggar, and she also felt very sorry for herself. She has been in love these past few days, and now she finally sees the little beggar, and the little beggar ignores her, what is this? She really wanted to talk to the little beggar.

Unwilling to be lonely, Xu Zhen touched Xun Qianchun's eyelashes and asked, "Are you awake?"

Xun Qianchun didn't speak.

Xu Zhen pinched her cheek again and asked, "Is it better?"

Xun Qianchun closed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "Sir, I... I don't know when I will get sick again..."

Xu Zhen smiled and said, "So you want to drive me away?"

Xun Qianchun pursed his lips tightly, his lips turned pale.

After a moment of silence.

Xu Zhen leaned into Xun Qianchun's ear and asked in a low voice, "Do you still remember that in Jiangling—"

Xun Qianchun didn't answer.

Xu Zhen said seriously: "You owe me ten taels of silver, and you haven't paid it off, so you can't drive me away."


She didn't believe that the little beggar could spend twelve taels to drive herself away.

The author has something to say: Continue to the text:

Little caller Hua: Why do you want me to woo woo 5555

Xu Jianqiang: Meat compensation hahahahhhh

So in the dark cave, the two of them with their hair disheveled were happy like gods