The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 107: Great vinegar smell


The next day, the snow fell. The sparse snow flakes fell leisurely from the gray sky, like white elves dancing in the air. The wind also put away its violent temper and became more refined.

Without the obstruction of the wind and snow, the team purchasing food went much smoother. However, the weight of each person carrying dozens or hundreds of pounds is not a joke, and the speed is much slower than when he came. Fortunately, Qingshan Village dispatched a team to assist, and in the late afternoon, the two teams met. The full basket was transferred to the back of the support team, and a smile appeared on the tired face of the grain buying team.

The team did not return to the village until late at night. The food was delivered to the village chief's house, and everyone went home to rest.

Gu Xiao dragged his tired body and climbed halfway up the mountain, and found that his courtyard door was open, and warm lights came from his granddaughter's room. Gu Xiao's heart filled with warmth, no matter how far or how long he walked, there were always relatives at home waiting for him. Is this what home feels like

"Aunt Ba, don't worry! I'll physically cool Xiaodong first." The granddaughter's crisp voice came from the room, "Aunt Yan, there is hot water on the kitchen stove, go and get me a basin."

Yan Qiutong lifted the curtain and came out. Seeing Gu Xiao standing in the yard, he said in surprise: "Five masters, you are back! Why are you standing in the yard? Let's warm up the room, our girl will warm you up on the stove. !"

Gu Xiao nodded and said, "It's so late, Ye'er hasn't rested yet?"

"The girl has been thinking about you all the time, and she has to wait until you come back before she is willing to sleep!" Yan Qiutong smiled, "Now, our girl can finally sleep in peace!"

The granddaughter is filial, and it is worthwhile for him to love her so much. Gu Xiao pointed to Xijian and asked, "Who was Ye Er talking to just now?" It was so late that he came to his house to find Ye Er, either to seek medical treatment or to seek medicine.

"Patriarch Gu's little grandson is ill, and his mother came to seek medical treatment with him. The child has a terrible fever. The girl asked me to make some warm water to wipe the child's body to cool down." Yan Qiutong hurried into the kitchen, Get a bucket of water out.

It's not easy to be a doctor. My granddaughter still has to see a doctor in the middle of the night. How tiring! Gu Xiao doubted whether it was right for his granddaughter to study medicine. However, the granddaughter seems to be enjoying it.

Hearing the movement, Gu Ming rubbed his eyes and came out of the room. Gu Xiaohu stared, and snorted coldly, "You're sleeping quite comfortably! Do you know that your sister hasn't slept yet?"

"Grandpa, you're back! Why do you stand in the yard and get cold? Come into the house to warm up, and I'll bring you some food!" Seeing that Grandpa was back, Gu Ming felt relieved, regardless of Grandpa's drooping face, He pulled him into the room, gave him a basin of hot water to wash his face and scald his feet, and brought him a warm meal. Gu Xiao saw that the quilt in the room was neatly folded, and he could see that his grandson had been waiting for him to sleep, and his face was a little better.

"Your sister hasn't recovered yet, so you shouldn't let her endure like this! How many people have come to seek medical treatment these days? Don't tire my precious granddaughter." Gu Xiao sat cross-legged on the hot kang and took a sip. The small wine sips and the food is deliciously eaten and drank.

Gu Ming poured a glass of medicinal wine for grandpa and replied, "Not much, only Aunt Eight is holding Xiaodong to see a doctor tonight."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Ye came in from outside, called "Grandpa", and turned to go out again. Grandpa Gu Xiao and grandson looked at each other strangely, Gu Ming jumped off the hot kang: "Grandpa, I'm going to see what my sister is up to!"

Gu Ming entered her sister's room, and her sister's voice came from the back room: "Aunt Eighth, the town's Jimintang has produced a special medicine for children under the age of five. It tastes sweet and works well. I asked my grandfather to bring some from the town. There happens to be a medicine that can cure Xiaodong's illness!"

Xiaodong's illness is acute gastroenteritis caused by eating raw and cold things, diarrhea, vomiting, accompanied by high fever, and lethargy.

"Ye'er, if you say this medicine is good, it must be good. But Auntie heard that there are good medicines outside the mountains, and they cost more than a hundred taels for this child's medicine. If it is so expensive, we can't take it. Get up!" There was a trace of apprehension and embarrassment on Aunt Eight's round face. Who doesn't want to give their kids the best medicine? But you have to do what you can according to your own situation!

Gu Ye took two spoonfuls of antipyretic medicine from the porcelain bottle, melted it with warm water, and said with a smile: "Don't say you can't use the medicine for more than one hundred taels, I can't buy it either! Aunt, don't worry. Come on! Take this medicine three times a day, one to two tablespoons at a time, for three days in a row, only one hundred and twenty! This is the price in town!!”

Gu Xiaodong, who wiped his body with warm water, looked refreshed. He leaned against his mother's arms, looked at the medicine bowl in Sister Xiaoye's hand, and asked gently, "Is it really not bitter?"

"Sister Xiaoye never lies. If you don't believe me, you can have a taste." Gu Ye brought the medicine bowl to Xiaodong's mouth.

The little guy obediently stretched his neck and took a sip, smacking his mouth, showing a sweet smile: "Sour and sweet. Mother, it's really not bitter!" After speaking, he drank all the medicine in one breath.

Gu Ye poured him another spoonful of granules for the treatment of enteritis, and the little guy drank it very cooperatively. Even if there was a little bit left in the bowl, he asked Sister Xiao Ye to add some boiling water to rinse it and drink it.

"It's so good!" Gu Ye pinched his chubby little face in admiration, and while cutting the oil paper, he said to the eighth aunt, "Don't give the little guy greasy food these days, and only give him the sticky food tomorrow. Thick rice porridge, you can have some soft noodles or lump soup the day after tomorrow.”

She wrapped three paper packets of the antipyretic medicine and nine small packets of the gastrointestinal medicine, and told the eighth aunt: "This pink medicine powder is for fever reduction. Take one pack each tomorrow morning, noon and evening. Take this white medicine powder together. For three days, one pack in the morning, noon and one in the evening."

Jimintang does not let people buy medicines and take them back, because they are afraid that some people will take the opportunity to stock up on medicines and make high prices. Most of the villagers in Qingshan Village, although they are poorer, still love their children. There will never be a phenomenon of buying medicines and reselling them when children are sick.

Especially since the eight aunts gave birth to several children before they all died, and he loved Xiaodong like an eyeball, and he would not have that kind of concern. This is also the reason why Gu Ye asked the eighth aunt to take the medicine back and give it to the child.

The medicine that Gu Ye left in his hand was added with the dew on the red lotus petals, and the effect of the medicine became faster. It didn't take long for the little guy's fever to subside, and his stomach didn't hurt much.

The eighth aunt paid one hundred and twenty medicine money, hugged her sleeping son, and said a lot of thanks. After seeing off the eighth aunt, Gu Ye yawned and saw his brother smiling at her in the yard. Gu Ye gave him a white look, and said, "If you don't sleep so late, why are you smirking here?"

"Liar children, their noses will grow!" Gu Ming heard the story of the little puppet from his sister. He smiled and stretched out his hand to pinch her sister's nose.

Gu Ye patted his hand, said "childish" to him, entered grandpa's house, and called sweetly, "Grandpa, is the journey going well? How about the medicinal wine I made?"

"Smooth, the medicinal wine is good! It's just too little, it's not enough to drink!!" Gu Xiao shook the deflated wine bag.

Gu Ming climbed onto the kang, lay on his brother's quilt, and said lazily: "Medicinal wine has health benefits, so you shouldn't drink more. If grandpa likes drinking, next time you go to town to buy some sorghum wine, I'll steam it for you. Some soju out!"

Most of the wines in this world are low-alcohol wines brewed from grains. Distilled shochu is extremely rare and expensive. The imperial offering "Shilixiang" that Gu Xiao once drank is a type of shochu. However, the degree is only around 40 degrees, which is still a little less than the 60-degree spirits that Gu Ye makes medicinal wine.

"You can steam soju?" Gu Xiao widened his eyes. He doesn't think his granddaughter can learn to make soju without a teacher, but the craftsmen of this era have been passed down from generation to generation. Where did the granddaughter steal it from

Gu Ye blinked his innocent big eyes to hide the momentary panic. In this case, she could only throw the pot on her head: "My master saved a famous brewer in Yan Kingdom, and that person gave him his most precious soju recipe. My master thinks that drinking is easy to be paralyzed. Brains and hands are taboos for pharmacists. So they passed it on to me.”

One lie, it takes a hundred lies to make up for it, it's really tiring! Gu Ye touched his nose, fortunately, it didn't grow longer.

"It's no wonder that the wine you make medicinal wine is so powerful. It turned out to be a recipe from the Yan Kingdom!" When Gu Xiao was in the army, he heard from his comrades that the Yan Kingdom was very energetic when entertaining the spirits of the vassal states. Some vassal representatives poured out just one drink, what a shame! If it really had the same quality as the wine made by his granddaughter, he would probably get drunk after drinking a few glasses!

"Grandpa, how about we set up a brewery in Yancheng, specializing in steaming shochu and selling it to the rich?" Gu Ye, a little money fan, had his eyes shining brightly in the candlelight.

Gu Xiao frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable. Finally, he had a caring granddaughter, but a medicine sage emerged to snatch him. But Yaosheng left so many good things for his granddaughter, setting off his grandfather as a scum.

There are only one or two steaming shochu craftsmanship in the entire Dongling Congress, and the supply is in short supply. Especially in Northland, the shochu market is bigger. He could imagine that once the wine steaming workshop was built, it would definitely be a chicken that lays golden eggs, bringing a lot of money. But all these money were brought to her by her granddaughter's master. Thinking of this, Gu Xiao's heart felt sour.

"Your master's recipe, is it appropriate for you to use it to make money?" Gu Xiao said sourly.

Gu Ye said with a natural tone: "What's wrong? My master gave me the recipe, isn't it obvious?"

"Yeah! Your master is so kind to you, it's even worse than my grandfather. Hey, this is Yan Mink's sweater. It's light and soft, and it has a very good thermal effect. It is estimated that the whole Dongling country can't find a second place. Come on!" Gu Xiao put a burden on his granddaughter, and the sourness in his tone became stronger.

The author, Jun, has a cold and nasal congestion is on the verge of suffocating. The author has a cold, hurry up, and the manuscript is getting thinner and thinner.