The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 30: The old general's little personal soldier


The next few days were sunny and sunny, and the temperature rose to a certain extent. But people in Qingshan Village know that this light snow heralds the arrival of a long winter. People in the village are busy preparing for winter.

Aunt Ninth and Grandma San worked hard for several nights, helping Gu Xiao and the others sew six quilts and a cotton-padded coat for Gu Ye. Just because Gu Ye had almost no winter clothes, and the single clothes on her body were so shabby that it would break a hole when touched. Even if she had that rabbit skin vest, her grandfather and brother would not be willing to let her go to the kang, for fear of her thin body. Freeze it out anyway. As for Gu Xiao and Gu Ming's grandfather and grandson, you can wait and do it slowly.

Gu Qiang, the second son of the patriarch, is a good carpenter. He usually goes to the town to work, and only returns to the village after winter. For the furniture of Gu Ye's house, I asked him to make it. The wood was cut from the mountain. In addition to the chopping board, kang table, stool and wooden box, Gu Ye also painted cupboards and wardrobes for him.

Gu Qiang's carpentry work was indeed done quickly and well, especially the cupboards and wardrobes. When it was done, many people in the village came to see it. The cupboard is practical and unique. Although the wardrobe is the most common drawer type, it also attracts the admiration of the folks.

If there are daughters in the family who want to get married, or if their sons want to marry, they will also tighten their belts to save some money. Gu Qiang, who used to be the most leisurely in winter, became busy. His daughter-in-law was so happy that the family could have a fat year.

Gu Ye's house was covered with new bedding, and a small wardrobe was placed beside the kang, and life became more and more busy. Gu Ye followed Yao Sheng to learn pharmacy and medical theory, and pestered Ninth Aunt to teach her to pickle winter vegetables in her spare time! In winter, there are too few fresh vegetables, and pickles are very important for every household.

Gu Ye really doesn't know anything about pickles. However, people have theories! From the corner of the space, she pulled out a book of 50 ways to pickle vegetables, memorized several ingredients to find, and the pickling process is simple, put on her new cotton jacket, and excitedly went to Jiu Aunt .

In front of Aunt Ninth's house, I saw Mrs. Liu coming back from outside. Seeing her, Liu Shi gave her a fierce look, snorted heavily, and slammed the door loudly after entering.

Gu Ye pouted and knocked on Aunt Jiu's door. It was Sister Li who opened the door. She took Gu Ye's hand with a smile and said, "My mother just said that you should be here now. The way your master taught you to pickle vegetables is very different from ours. Is it big? Is it easy to make?"

"I wrote it all down, and I'll recite it to Aunt Ninth later. Let's pick up the easiest ones to make and taste them fresh. By the way, I also asked for some herbs and spices from the master, and I'll add them to the pickles later. Serve up." Gu Ye took out a small packet of five-spice powder and some other seasonings from his pocket. Hehe, Master's name is so useful!

The vegetables that Gu Ye's family makes pickled vegetables are half bought and half given away by the villagers. Ninth Uncle's family grows a lot of cabbage and radish, and they give them the same 100 catties.

Aunt Jiu's family has already started to make a lot of sauerkraut and pickled radish. When making pickles, she thought that there was no woman in Uncle Gu's family, so she might not be able to think of picking up pickles, so she made more.

"Ninth Aunt, my grandfather said that among all the pickled vegetables he has ever eaten, the hot and sour dried radish and spicy cabbage are the best! I asked him for the pickled recipe specially, why don't we try it?" Gu Ye She said her two favorite dishes, her big eyes sparkling.

Now Gu Ye is still very thin, but not as frighteningly thin as before. In the past, she was only skinny, like those terminally ill patients with anorexia, she could scare people out at night when she went out.

Today, she has a small, pointed face, a pair of bright and full of big eyes, and the eyelashes are thick and long, like two small brushes, flickering up and down. The skin that was originally withered and yellow was also much whiter, with a rosy luster. When he laughed, two shallow pear vortexes were looming, and that small appearance was painful.

Aunt Jiu couldn't help pinching her little face and smiled: "Okay, today Aunt Jiu will listen to our little leaves. We will pickle whatever you say, and we will pickle as you say." Enough is enough, the pickles won't go bad anyway, and they don't taste so good, let's just eat them!

Gu Yexiao frowned slightly, and solemnly endorsed the song: "Ten jins of radishes, one tael of chili powder, one and a half jins of vinegar, four taels of sugar, four taels of salt, two dollars each of peppercorns and aniseed, monosodium glutamate cough, special spices Moderate amount, four jins of water"

"Wait! Everything else is fine, vinegar costs a pound and a half, will it be too sour? And people in the mountains like us, who can afford that precious stuff? Pepper, my aunt knows, big What is the material?" Ninth Aunt was at a loss when she heard it, and her heart was beating.

"Ninth Aunt, I brought all the spices such as sugar, aniseed and flavor. If you don't like sour food, put less vinegar. Ninth Aunt, let's try it, my master won't lie to me. Yes, the dried radish made is definitely delicious." Gu Ye threw the pot on his master again.

When Ninth Aunt heard it, she believed most of it. The old genius doctor has seen the world outside the mountains, so there should be nothing wrong with this peculiar pickling method. So, she took out a few kilograms of dried radishes that had been dried at home according to Nui Ye's tips.

She felt a little distressed while frying the hot chili powder. The oil was also brought by Xiaoye. It must be Gu Wushu, who can't live a good life. He bought it from the town last time. Alas, I can't live without a woman at home

The fried chili oil is mixed into the dried radish. They began to put salt, sugar, pepper, and aniseed in a pot, add water to boil, add MSG, let it cool, and pour it into a jar with dried radish.

"Okay! Flip it once a day from now on, and you'll be able to eat it in about half a month!" Gu Ye watched Aunt Jiu complete the last step, and slapped it happily.

Aunt Jiu kept praying in her heart that this hot and sour dried radish could be marinated, but she couldn't be blinded by so many good things. Thinking of the sugar Xiaoye brought, it was as white as snow, and it was sweet to the heart when you tasted it. This first-class white sugar, at least a hundred kilograms, is more than half a month's food for ordinary people. This Fifth Uncle Gu is such a loser!

With this hot and sour dried radish as a base, although the process of making spicy cabbage is a bit cumbersome, Aunt Ninth, in addition to talking about Gu Wushu's prodigal family, completed it quickly.

The hot and sour radish has been pickled for ten pounds, and the spicy cabbage is pickled for five pounds. It is only half a month later to taste the fruits of their labor. Gu Li'er was helping out, mumbling, "With such good ingredients, it would be unreasonable if it didn't taste good!"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Gu Ye's face on the side: she was the one, she added a lot of ingredients, but the pickled vegetables were hard to eat. Alas, in her previous life, she was an authentic cook. This life doesn't seem to be getting any better. Cooking only stays at the level of "cooked" and "eatable", and even grandpa's craftsmanship is better than hers. Alas, when will her desire to eat delicious food come true

When she was busy with pickles, her grandfather and brother were not idle. They went into the mountains every day to go to the place where the traps were dug. Of course, most of the time, there was no harvest. Gu Ming was astonished in her heart: Why did the younger sister bring back the things when she went to check the trap

He told his grandfather his doubts. Gu Xiao couldn't find the answer either, so he could only dismiss him on the grounds that "your sister is lucky". There are traps every day, so that's not normal, right? Unless the things on the Cangmang Mountain are flooded!

When they had nothing left, they cut down dead trees on the mountain to make firewood. It seems that Yaosheng is not going to leave this winter, and Xiaoye'er is also unwilling to squeeze a kang with their grandparents and three kangs to burn together in one winter. The firewood stored at home is still far behind.

Fortunately, the pain of Gu Xiao's leg was reduced to almost negligible due to the double effect of his granddaughter's insistence on massaging him with medicinal oil and the hot compress with a salt bag every day.

Gu Xiao couldn't help but think of the old general. Those who come down on the battlefield will inevitably leave some dark wounds. When it rains on a cloudy day, the degree of discomfort is no better than his legs. Do you want to ask Medicine Saint for some medicine and bring it to the old general with this salt bag

Back then, when he replaced Gu Qiao's father in the army, he was only fifteen or sixteen years old. As soon as he entered the battlefield, he saw the scene of corpses lying all over the field and blood all over the floor. If the old general hadn't appeared in time and chopped off the right arm of the enemy soldier who attacked him, his life would have been explained on the battlefield long ago.

"If you don't want to die, take up arms and kill me! The enemy will not be merciful to you just because you are on the battlefield for the first time! Think about the relatives at home who are waiting for your honorable return. Do you want them to send black-haired people to white-haired people?" The general roared at him, pointed at the enemy soldier who had lost his right arm, and oversaw him beheading him.

Killing the enemy on the battlefield, once you have the first time, you are not afraid of the second time! Although Gu Xiao has no relatives at home waiting for him to go back, he has the ambition to make achievements and make a career. From that moment on, he tightly held the knife in his hand, and even when he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he never threw it away. With a ruthless strength, he fought the enemy bravely, and was favored by the old general, who chose him as his personal guard.

The old general not only taught him excellent kung fu, but also taught him how to lead troops. He matured in battles and grew into a qualified and good general. Even if he is a loyal and brave general of the fourth rank, he is on his own. He still regarded himself as a little personal soldier beside the old general, always remembering that his life was saved by the old general, and everything he had was bestowed by the old general.

As a result, the old general's family was framed and exiled to the northwest, he resolutely gave up his high-ranking officials and wealth, resigned from the office he had exchanged for his life, and followed the old general to the northwest and served by his side.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiao had a nostalgic look on his face. He looked to the north: it was only a five-day journey from the border, and in a few days he would personally deliver the medicine to the old general! Although he can no longer ride on the battlefield with the old general, it is not bad to be able to share his worries for the old general in another way. Gu Xiao, who has made up his mind, has more energy in his work!

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