The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 97: Mouth stinks!


"Seventh brother, what are you still doing? Hurry up and find a doctor!" Gu Mo asked his daughter-in-law to grab a handful of plant ash from the hearth and put it on the wound to stop the bleeding. When he turned around, seeing Gu Qiao standing reluctantly, he couldn't help kicking him and yelling at him.

"Oh, good! Looking for a doctor, I'll look for a doctor Wu." Gu Qiao staggered a few steps, woke up, and ran out of the door.

Gu Mo chased after him and shouted, "Doctor Wu killed someone, but he couldn't get off the kang after being beaten. It's useless for you to go to him!"

"Then what should I do?" Gu Qiao was at a loss. Although Liu was ill, after all, he followed him for four or five years and gave birth to a son for him. She was pushed like this by him. If she died, he'd be in a lawsuit. When ordinary people enter the yamen, they have to peel off the skin even if they don't die! Therefore, Liu Shi can't die!

"Go to Xiao Ye! Didn't she learn medical skills from her master? I heard that when she came back from Yancheng, she rescued a dying child in Hewa Village." Aunt Ninth suddenly remembered Gu Ye's master, who was able to make Zhang Lihu's foot is cured, and his medical skills must be very powerful. If Xiaoye Ye could learn 11/2, it would be much better than Wu Angelica!

"Yes! Yes! Find Ye'er, find Ye'er" Gu Qiao was helpless and ran up the mountain after hearing this.

When Gu Qiao was panting and pushed open the gate of Gu Xiao's house, the family was having lunch. In addition to Gu Xiao's family in the village, it is estimated that there is no second family that eats three meals.

On the table, I saw fragrant white steamed buns, two meat and two vegetarian dishes, and a pot of fragrant chicken soup. Although today is a small year, it is still better than their family's New Year's Eve dinner before night. Gu Qiao felt unbalanced in her heart. If he knew that Gu Ye and the others had this kind of food almost every day, he would probably vomit blood with jealousy!

"What are you panicking about?" Gu Xiao didn't look down on this distant nephew, and was once again thankful that he didn't adopt him. The shallow-eyed Gu Qiao, coupled with his daughter-in-law who got into the eyes of money, if they became his son and daughter-in-law, they would be dragged to death if they were not angry.

Gu Qiao's eyes were pulled out from the sumptuous meal. Thinking of Mrs. Liu who was lying on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead, he stomped his feet in a hurry: "Help, Fifth Uncle!"

"What's going on? Make it clear!" Gu Xiao put down his chopsticks and asked with a frown.

Gu Qiao briefly explained what happened, and said to Gu Ye, "Ye'er, I know that Liu's is not good to you. She used to treat you harshly when she was at home. But you can't help her if she died. I'm done! Go and save her!"

"Okay! I'm a doctor, it's the doctor's job to save lives and heal the wounded! Don't talk so much nonsense, you go back first, I'll take the medicine box and come later!" Gu Ye slowly drank the last sip of chicken soup in the bowl, put down his chopsticks and walked away into your own room.

Gu Qiao was in a hurry in the yard. Seeing that Gu Ye came out carrying a large medicine box, he hurried up to pick it up and help carry it. There is free labor, and there is no need for white labor. Gu Ye handed over the medicine box, but Gu Qiao almost didn't hold it.

"Take it easy, there are treasures that save people, you won't be able to afford it if you break it!" Gu Ye pouted when he saw that he was holding the medicine box in both hands, looking like he was struggling.

Gu Ye walked leisurely in front, while Gu Qiao followed behind with a heavy medicine box. Before taking a few steps, I was sweating profusely and panting like a cow. Gu Ming couldn't stand it any longer, took the box with one hand, and took a few steps to keep up with his sister.

Gu Qiao looked at the son and daughter in front of her with mixed feelings. Gu Ming was taller and stronger than him. I heard that if you practice martial arts and read every day, you will definitely have a bright future in the future. Not to mention Gu Ye, not to mention the medical skills, only the ability to make first-hand pharmaceuticals will not worry about Yinzihua. It's a pity that such a promising child has nothing to do with him now.

After going out, this is the first time I have walked into the former home. Gu Ye has no sorrow or joy in her heart. The people and things here, the good and bad of this family, have nothing to do with her.

The wound on Liu's head was not big, so he simply cleaned the wound, applied medicine, and bandaged it with gauze. Gu Ye said, "Don't get wet for a week. After waking up, you will experience slight dizziness, and you will be fine after lying down for two days. "

"Hello, madam!" Gu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Ye packed the medicine box and carried it to Gu Ming. She walked to Gu Qiao and stretched out a hand. Gu Qiao looked at it in confusion, with an inexplicable look on her face.

Gu Ye sighed and said bluntly: "For the folks in the village, you don't need to pay for the doctor's visit. You only need to pay ten medicines!"

"What? Ten bucks for a little medicine? Why don't you go grab it?" Da Zhuang saw that Gu Ye only squeezed a small amount of medicine for his mother and sprinkled it on the wound, but he was embarrassed to ask for ten bucks. She must have deliberately set the price too high to retaliate against her mother for treating her badly!

"Doctor Wu's medicine is cheap, why don't you invite him?" Gu Ye glanced at him, and said indifferently.

Da Zhuang snorted and said, "If Dr. Wu hadn't been injured, he wouldn't have invited you to be a black hearted man."

"Let me ask you, why did Doctor Wu get hurt?" Gu Ye rolled his eyes, too lazy to know this little brat, "You'd better pray that you don't get sick in your life, and don't come to me when you're sick. A doctor with a black heart and liver will see a doctor, lest a small illness become a serious one, and a serious one becomes an incurable disease!"

"You" the common people still have awe in their hearts towards the doctor. After all, no one can guarantee that they will not get sick. If you offend the doctor to death, the one who suffers is yourself.

"This is the best medicine for golden sore. It will scab in three days, and the scab will fall off in a week at the latest, and the wound will be completely healed. Medicines of the same quality will cost at least three taels of silver in a pharmacy. You say, I'll charge ten dollars, but it's still expensive. Isn't it expensive?" Gu Ye looked at scumbag Gu Qiao, and the last sentence was directly asked of him.

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive!" Gu Qiao responded eagerly. He went to the place where Liu's money was hidden, dug out ten copper plates and handed them to Gu Ye.

At this time, Liu Shi slowly woke up. Seeing that his man was holding a money jar he thought was hidden, and was giving money to Gu Ye's cheap girl, he immediately jumped up from the kang, and shouted angrily: "Stinky bastard. , rotten watch! Dare to take my family's money, the old lady chopped your hand!!"

"Bullshit, who are you scolding!" Gu Ye's dark eyes burst into flames, and his pretty face was covered in frost, "If I treat you again in the future, I'll chop off my hands!! It's really unlucky to go out and be bitten by a mad dog!!"

"Liu Shi, you are the Zhongshan wolf with no conscience! Your man asked my sister to heal you. You are not grateful, but you hurt others. What's the difference between you and a mad dog?" Gu Ming trembled with anger, if not for the rest With some reason, he would have smashed the crazy woman in the face with the medicine box.

Mrs Liu touched the gauze wrapped around her head, and said in a stern manner: "Who asked you to heal me? But for a small injury, you will be charged ten dollars. Why don't you go grab it!" She told Da Zhuang As expected of mother and son, the farts released are the same smell!

Gu Ye didn't bother to bother with a shrew, and cast a contemptuous glance at the scumbag, as if to say: Your dog, don't tie it up quickly, let her mouth full of feces, is it really okay

Gu Qiao's face flushed red: This woman really deserves to be beaten. He was so blind that he married her as his successor. This vulgar and unreasonable woman made him unable to lift his head in the village.

Back then, when Miao was still alive, who in Qingshan Village would not praise her for being virtuous and polite? When the villagers saw him, they all smiled and treated him politely. But what about now? Everywhere I went, I felt the contemptuous eyes of the villagers and heard their sarcastic remarks. Thinking of him, Gu Qiao had been fighting for the best for half his life, but he ended up losing face now. Gu Qiao looked at Liu Shi with resentment and disgust that he pushed all the mistakes on others.

Seeing that Gu Ye took her money and wanted to leave, Mrs. Liu hurriedly slipped off the kang without putting on her shoes, so she swooped at Gu Ye, trying to get the copper back. Gu Ming didn't expect that the woman would suddenly come here, and he was holding the medicine box in his hand again, so he didn't have time to stop him. Seeing Liu Shi's dirty nails, he was about to scratch Gu Ye's pretty little face.

At this moment, Gu Ye flicked his fingers gently, and the colorless powder was sprinkled on Liu's big cake face. Liu Shi's feet softened, and his chubby body slammed heavily on the ground under the huge inertia. The big pie face hit the ground first, and his nose bleeds suddenly.

"You bitch, what did you do to me?" Liu shi raised his nose blood-stained face, without a trace of strength, he slumped to the ground like a pile of mud.

"It's nothing, you are too angry, which is not conducive to the recovery of the wound. So, let you lie down for a few days and take care of your injury, so as not to smash my golden signboard." Gu Ye raised his chin towards Gu Qiao and said: " Why don't you put your mother-in-law on the kang quickly?"

Gu Qiao put the jar containing the belongings on the edge of the kang, and bent down to help Liu Shi. At this moment, Mrs. Liu's body seemed to have no bones. In addition, he was fat, so Gu Qiao had to work hard to get him to lie down on the kang with the help of Da Zhuang.

"You poisoned me?" Liu Shi's face was full of horror, and his whole body was shaking.

"It's not called poison, it doesn't dissolve!" Gu Ye rolled his eyes, "It's called cartilage powder. It's specially designed to deal with those patients who don't cooperate. Don't be afraid, it will take five days at most, when your head injury is healed, you You can get off the kang."

"You!" When Liu Shi heard that his life was not in danger, his fear subsided, and his mouth began to be mean again.

"If your mouth is full of feces, believe it or not, I will keep you from opening your mouth for the rest of your life?" Gu Ye showed a sad expression.

The curse words from Liu's mouth got stuck in her throat, and she almost didn't catch her breath. She raised her limp arm and patted the kang feebly to express her anger. Accidentally, her arm touched the money jar on the edge of the kang.

With a "click" sound, the jar fell to the ground and shattered on the ground. Not to mention, the Liu family has really saved a lot of money in recent years.