The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 104: Western Fantasy Plane 2.4


Yafisol was in a trance for a moment, and his extremely keen sixth sense suddenly noticed a fiery gaze staring at him, making his scalp numb.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Yafesol raised his head stiffly, and saw a pair of blue and clear eyes like sea water.

The pupils are deep, like a vast ocean, but at this moment they are staring at Yafesol without blinking.

Yafisol: "... um, hi, hello."

The blood man who opened his eyes heard Yafisol's voice, and his exquisite facial features slightly changed to reveal a faint smile, "Little guy, you woke me up from my deep sleep?"

Although this person seemed gentle and harmless, the powerful coercion emanating from his body still made Yafesol couldn't help being on guard.

Clenching the cross on his chest with one hand, Yafesol quickly waved the other hand, "I'm very sorry, I didn't intend to break into the barrier, let alone offend you."

The blue eyes moved from Yafisol's face to his fingers, and the fingertips that had just been cut by the fangs were still dripping with blood. His throat rolled slightly, and the blond blood man picked up his steps and stepped out of the crystal coffin.

Yafisol involuntarily took two steps back, looking up at the tall and handsome man.

When the man stood in the coffin, because the coffin was slightly tilted, he didn't realize how tall this man was. But when the man stepped out of the coffin, Yafesol realized that the man was nearly two heads taller than him, and the top of Yafesol's head at 1.72 meters only reached the chest of this beautiful man, "Curtisno? Von Laus Vander." The azure blue eyes looked down at the black-haired boy in front of him for a while, and suddenly said a name.

Yafisol let out a "huh" and looked up at him, "What?"

The man repeated it with a rare good temper: "Curtisno von Laus Vander, my name, you can also call me Curtisno, this is the right I give you."

After the man finished speaking the last word, the name "Curtisino" was suddenly engraved in Yafisol's mind. He rolled the name in his throat and almost blurted it out naturally, as if he was born with it. will pronounce the name.

Looking at Curtisno doubtfully, Yafisol asked, "Why is this happening?"

Curtisno did not answer him, but turned his gaze back to his fingers.

Without warning, Curtisno suddenly bent down and wrapped his arms around Yafisol's waist, lifting him up easily. Yafisol was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Curtisno, what do you want to do?"

Curtisno let out a chuckle from his nose, and said in a low voice, "Don't resist, put your arms around me, baby."

After hearing what Curtisno said, Yafesol, who was still a little bit at a loss just now, wrapped his legs around Curtisno's waist uncontrollably, and his arms even wrapped around Curtis Snow's neck looked like a coquettish woman throwing herself into her arms.

Yafisol was shocked, "What the hell is going on?"

Curtisno still didn't answer Yafesol, seeing Yafesol hugging him tightly, Curtisno put one arm around his waist, and changed his other hand to support the boy's buttocks.

The five slender fingers sank into Yafisol's elastic flesh through the clothes with a slight force.

Surprised by the touch in his hand, Curtisno squeezed it a couple more times before lowering his head on Yafisol's gracefully curved neck.

A numb pain came from his neck, and thoughts of despair suddenly floated in Yafisol's heart.

The vampires greedily suck blood, especially human blood.

What's more, the hungry vampire who just woke up from a deep sleep, even if he is not dead, will be assimilated into a vampire by this vampire.

Desperate thoughts flashed through his mind, and then another feeling overshadowed this thought.

The consciousness that had begun to blur due to the flow of blood had gradually been replaced by another sense, an emotion he had never had before.

Pleasure, excitement, tingling, trembling, he didn't even know what language to use to express this feeling, he just wanted to open his mouth and moan happily.

He thought so, and actually did.

Arms hung limply on Curtisino's neck, his mouth let out a humming sound like a kitten, and Afesol narrowed his light green eyes slightly, showing a joyful and lustful expression on his face.

Just when he thought he was going to die in this extreme feeling of pain and happiness, Curtisno took out his fangs.

The beautiful Curtis Nuoding looked at Yafesol's dazed expression, and his heart, which had never been beautiful since birth, suddenly trembled.

He walked a few steps with Yafesol in his arms, came to the crystal coffin where he was sleeping just now, turned around and pressed Yafesol into the coffin.

The left hand that was still supporting the boy's buttocks slowly slid in along his large priest's robe, and directly touched his soft and firm body. The touch on his hand was many times better than through the clothes, so he couldn't put it down.

While kneading the beauty in his hand vigorously, the other hand holding his waist was pulled out.

He withdrew his hand and looked at Yafesol's blurred eyes, and suddenly stretched out his fingers in front of him in a wicked way, his voice was low but full of temptation: "Hold it, use your tongue."

Yafisol's eyes were blurred, and his pink lips were slightly pursed. Hearing Curtisno's words, he leaned forward again uncontrollably, and directly caught his index finger, and licked it with his tongue like a kitten.

As the warm and moist tongue brushed over his fingers, Curtisno's vibrating heart jumped even more.

The hand holding the buttock became more unscrupulous and began to slide deeper.

The root was lifted violently, and Yafisol suddenly felt his whole body tremble, and his originally blurred eyes suddenly became clear. Seeing two pieces of white light suddenly appear from his hand, he shouted loudly, pushing Curtisno hard to the ground and took four or five steps back.

There was a surprised expression in Curtisno's eyes, "The power of light? Humans have actually mastered the power of light?"

The surprise faded away, and Curtisino's eyes were replaced by surprise, "Little guy, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful force, it really surprised me."

Yafisol lost Curtisno's lift, slipped from the air and fell to the bottom of the coffin. His face was flushed, his lips parted slightly and he panted heavily, "You, fucking rascal!"

Curtisno raised his eyebrows, "Good boys are not allowed to curse."

Yafesol snorted coldly, "Why don't you let me go after I'm like this? Don't bully me too much, you blood races, you fucking retarded!"

Surprise flashed again in Curtisno's eyes. He narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice again, with an irresistible command in his voice: "Meow like a cat."

Glancing at Curtisno with eyes like a fool, Yafisol looked indifferent, but didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Curtisno clicked his tongue twice, walked around the boy squatting in the coffin twice, and then asked him, "Is your human mental power strong enough to resist me?"

Yafei Sol has not answered, just holding an indifferent face.

Seeing Yafesol ignoring him, Curtisno was not annoyed either.

He took a few steps towards the boy, then walked up to the boy, squatted down, and Curtisno made a sudden attack and put his hand on Yafisol's black hair, and said with a smile, "If you don't answer, I have a way to know .”

The moment Curtisno put his hand on his head, countless text-like memories played back in his mind like a roller coaster, about the history of this world, about the disputes of blood clans, about the development of human beings, about Yafei Sol's life experience, about why he broke into here before.

After going through all the memories, Curtisno let go of Yafisol's head, and changed to gently soft his black hair, "Poor little guy."

Yafesor recounted Curtisno's actions from beginning to end, with a complex and shocked expression flashing in his eyes, "You know how to attack mentally?"

Spiritual attack is the most terrifying attack power in this world. It kills people invisible, directly beheading people's thoughts.

Not only that, the powerful mental attack can also dominate others, making others involuntarily obey the order of the caster.

Mental attacks are omnipotent. They can steal people's memories and thoughts, control people's actions, and influence people's preferences.

But there are very few spiritual attackers in this world. In his cognition, only the blood emperor who stepped on the blood of others for thousands of years to step on the throne of the king is a spiritual attacker. And the reason why he was able to become the blood emperor was also inseparable from the mental power attack.

But the blood emperor's name is not recorded in the book as Curtisno, not to mention the description of his appearance is also different.

The blood race is handsome, but they call themselves the nobles of the night, the masters of the darkness. The darker their hair, the nobler their status, and the purer their bloodlines. Their eyes are scarlet and forbidding to see.

But the power of this vampire in front of him is pure and powerful, but his hair is light golden like sunshine, and his eyes are azure blue like lake water, which is very different from the purebred vampire.

But if he is a mixed blood, his strength is too strong. Even Olves, the fourth-generation blood clan who chased and killed him just now, is not one percent as powerful as the man in front of him.

Curtisno von Laus Vander, this name sounds like a nobleman's name.

Unable to guess the identity of the blood race in front of him, Yafisol could only ask, "Who the hell are you?"

Curtisno finished digesting the memory stolen from Yafesol's mind, and then looked at Yafesol, "I am the head of the extinct Vander family, the second-generation blood family, Curtisno von Laus ? Vander."