The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 110: Western Fantasy Plane 2.10


Three days later, the blood royal city, Brundil City

The blood emperor's palace is extremely luxurious, and a royal feast is held every hundred years, and each lord brings hundreds of descendants to the banquet. This is also an introduction banquet, introducing young blood races with potential for a century to other blood races, or introducing Child who has just grown up to elders.

Curtisno and Yafesol mixed in the team and followed Lord Alcina into the city of Brundir.

The royal feast was held for three days, and during the three days, there were different exciting programs every day.

And tonight is a feast of drinks.

The blood emperor brought the freshest and purest virgins to the banquet, took the fresh blood in front of all the blood clans, and rewarded the newcomers he was optimistic about.

The banquet had already started when Curtisno entered the castle, and the candles flickered above the main hall, shadows and shadows. The vampires were handsome, all dressed in fancy clothes, and the younger ones followed the older ones to greet and introduce each other.

The air is filled with the mellow smell of rich grape wine, mixed with the aroma of the wine, is the sweet smell of blood that cannot be ignored no matter what.

Yafisol and Curtisno frowned slightly at the same time. Curtisno couldn't stand the stench of blood, but Yafeisol was heartbroken by the scene on the front steps. disgust.

Above the main hall, the Blood Emperor leaned gracefully and casually on a chair in a blood-red robe, and not far from him, a young and beautiful human child was naked, lying on his back on a stone bed. His wrist has been cut, and blood is flowing down.

And under the wrist, there is a transparent glass vessel similar to the shape of a red wine barrel. The blood shed by the girl flowed into the glass vessel without wasting a single drop.

The blood emperor was bored, and snapped his fingers at the maid who was serving beside him. The maid bent over slightly, took the goblet at the side, poured half a cup of blood from the vessel, and handed it to the blood emperor.

The Blood Emperor looked haggard, but he was still in good spirits. He looked about fifty or so, skinny, with two dazzling scarlet eyes inlaid on his thin face.

The Blood Emperor saw Lord Alsina coming in mighty force, and waved to him happily, "Alsina, come here."

The fat-headed and big-eared lord Alsina walked like flying in an instant, and rushed to the blood emperor like a deer. Dragging the Blood Emperor's hand to his lips and kissing the back of his hand, Alsina respectfully said: "My dearest Blood Emperor, it's an honor to meet you."

The blood emperor sneered, pointed at the two blood races who were unfamiliar with the temperature, "Who are those two people?"

Alsina half-kneeled beside the Blood Emperor, and quickly replied: "The one with the blond hair is the sixth-generation blood in my territory, Duke Curtisno. He went to the human world just after he came of age. Only then did he return to the blood race. As for the black-haired green-eyed young man beside him, he is his descendant, the seventh generation of the blood race."

The Blood Emperor nodded, "I see, come and reward them both with virgin blood." As he spoke, the Blood Emperor held up the cup of fresh virgin blood that the maid had just received to Alsina's eyes.

Alsina hurriedly bent over to thank him, but was pushed back while holding it up.

The maid in bold and revealing clothes took two more cups of blood from the container, followed Lord Arsina to Curtisino and Afesol, and presented the wine to them.

Curtisino and Yafesol hesitated for a moment, bowed to the blood emperor on the steps before raising their wine glasses.

After picking up the wine glasses, the two of them wandered around the hall as if there was nothing there, and they came to a corner where no one was there, and then showed disgusted expressions to each other, and poured the woman's blood in the glass into the corner.

After the blood was poured, the two walked out from the corner, but happened to meet Lord Alsina unexpectedly. Lord Alsina also came out of the darkness holding an empty glass.

Alsina saw that the two were slightly taken aback, and then glanced at the wine glasses in their hands. The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and slowly returned to the hall with the empty glasses.

Putting the wine glass on the maid's tray, Alsina came to the two of them with a glass of red wine, "It's okay to drink some wine. This wine is sweet and mellow. You can go and have a glass. If you don't eat or drink like this, you will feel a little bit tired." Alternative."

Yafisol nodded to Alsina, and then walked towards the wine place.

He had just walked halfway, but was suddenly stopped by a person. Yafesol looked up and saw that it was Olves who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Olves has changed his appearance, his eyes are scarlet, and he is looking at Yafisol with puzzled eyes, "You have become a blood race?"

Yafesol gave him a sideways glance, "I asked knowingly, don't you blood races have good noses?"

Alves sniffed when he heard that, "Seventh generation blood?"

He looked at Curtisno in the distance, "Then he is the sixth-generation blood race? Impossible, how could the sixth-generation blood race be so powerful?"

"Everything is good and bad. Who stipulated that the sixth-generation blood must be weaker than the fourth? Didn't your third-generation blood be stronger than the second-generation blood, and you killed the second-generation blood in a rebellious manner?"

"Bold!" The red in Alves' eyes slowly extended to the white of his eyes, "Who gave you the right to judge three generations of blood adults."

Yafesol shrugged and said indifferently: "It's just an example. If you doubt it, you can ask Lord Alsina. We are brought by him. Lord Alsina is the lord of the largest piece of land in the Western Territory. , there is no need to lie, right?"

After saying this, he easily walked around Alves, went to the wine table, took two glasses of red wine and returned to Curtisino.

Handing the red wine to Curtisno, Yafesol looked around and found that Olves had gone to the blood emperor at some time.

He whispered in the blood emperor's ear, and looked this way from time to time.

The blood emperor's eyes flickered, he nodded and rewarded Olves with a cup of virgin blood, and then closed his eyes.

Seeing that the Blood Emperor closed his eyes, Yafesol suddenly had a bad feeling.

When Curtis invaded Lord Alsina's spirit that day, he seemed to have closed his eyes.

He tugged on Curtisno's sleeve without a trace, and was about to remind him, but he found that Curtisno smiled lightly, and a few scarlet lights suddenly flashed in his blue eyes.

Making a "hush" motion, Curtisno shook his head, allowing the blood emperor to invade his spirit.

The Blood Emperor came to Curtisino's mind and carefully checked his memory.

It's just that the family was in decline, and he went to the human race, and lingered in the human race for thousands of years before returning to the memory of the blood race.

It seemed that what Olves and the prince had told was nothing more than that. With the spirit drawn back, the blood emperor devoted himself to the spirit of Yafesol.

Yafesol was about to reject this kind of mental squeeze, but his hand was suddenly held by Curtisno, and the moment he held his hand, Yafesol only felt that there were two things that did not belong to him. His consciousness suddenly rushed into his mind, one of which was full of malice and exploration, and the other was warm and full of protection.

The two consciousnesses collided several times in his mind, and the malicious consciousness was pulled away.

The Blood Emperor slowly opened his eyes, disdain flashed in his eyes, and he never looked at the two of them again.

Although this Yafesol was a priest before, he was cowardly and dull by nature. Even if he got Curtisno's first embrace and became a blood race, he still looked cowardly. I don't know what Alves is afraid of him, but...

Thinking of Curtisno's mental attack that Alves mentioned just now, it made him a little concerned.

Spiritual attack is an ability that can only be possessed when one's mental power reaches an extreme level, and in order to possess this ability.

He didn't know these abilities in the first place, but after accidentally discovering the tricks and secrets in the manuscript of a second-generation vampire, he deliberately strengthened the training in this area to achieve these achievements.

If he didn't have this ability, he wouldn't have survived the struggle of three generations of blood clan thousands of years ago to step on the blood of others to become the blood emperor.

Although he possessed the power to kill other people's spirits at any time, but things will go against the grain, and since then he has also lost his healthy body.

His body became weaker and weaker, his originally strong body became more and more weak, and he became thinner as time went by.

Originally, he was the youngest among the four three-generation blood clans, and the time to fall into eternal sleep was also the last. According to calculations, he should still be a hundred years away from eternal sleep, but his current body can only last him another year.

The Blood Emperor glanced at Elder Olves, who was talking speculatively with Prince Hawk Faction, and a calculating light flashed in his eyes.

Over the years, he has promoted Alves several times and entrusted him with important matters, not just admiring him.

Olves is the youngest of the four generations of blood, but has the most potential. He checked his spirit just now, and not only discovered the power of the vampire, but even discovered the power of an alchemist, a vampire who can control demons.

After the death of the Blood Emperor and the three generations of princes, Alves, who has always been favored, must be the best candidate for the next generation of Blood Emperor.

And I, at that time, had already occupied Olves' body, continued his memory, and replaced him without anyone noticing.

The blood emperor lowered his head and sneered, thanking the second-generation blood clan for leaving him such a mysterious manuscript of spiritual power.

The highest state of spiritual power is to transfer one's spirit into a fresh body when one is about to die, and replace it.

He had taken a fancy to Alves' body early on, and others only thought that he had high hopes for him, but in fact he was leaving a way out for his future.

"Come here, send another cup of virgin blood to Elder Alves."

After a long time, the Blood Emperor glanced at Olves, and his spirit, which had been exhausted due to his body for a long time, was in good spirits, and he said softly to the maid serving beside him.

The Eagle Faction Prince led Olves to greet the blood races around him, and saw the maid bringing up a cup of warm virgin blood, and presented it to Olves with both hands.

There was a gasp of envy all around, and the greeting to Alves became more and more affectionate.

Facing these fake smiles, Alves smiled coldly in his heart, but raised his wine glass calmly on his face, and drank the warm blood in one gulp, leaving no drop.

So what about virgin blood, less than one-tenth of Cousy's. What about the flattering smiles of these people? Not as good as Cousy's bright smile.

Only one day after leaving Cousy, he began to miss Cousy.

The banquet would take two more days to end. If it wasn't for finding the Prince of Wales and investigating Curtisnow's identity, he would not have been willing to leave the seductive Cousy for half a step.

As time progresses, a virgin's blood has been shed.

The Blood Emperor coughed, pointed at the dying virgin on the steps, and said, "This human virgin was found in a sea of flowers after careful selection by my subordinates. At the age of sixteen, the most youthful time. Does anyone want him to be your servant?"

This is another part of the banquet. For the once-in-a-century banquet of the royal family, the virgins selected are also the best in the world, not only the best in blood, but also the best in face and figure.

These virgins who have been drained of blood generally do not die like that, but are begged by various families to become blood servants, who are driven and enslaved by the blood clan.

And the link of asking for a virgin is also the most anticipated.

As soon as the Blood Emperor finished speaking, one person spoke first, "I beg Your Majesty to reward this son to my minister."

The blood emperor looked along and saw that it was an earl of the Hawk Faction.

But how could he want this place alone? This is the best product that is rare in a hundred years, so after his words fell, several people came forward to ask for it.

The Blood Emperor laughed, "Okay, then the old rules. Let's start the war, boys. Whoever stands last will own the kid."

The Blood Emperor clapped his palms, and saw the guards stepping forward to clear an open space for several people to fight.

When all the blood races saw the good show, they gathered around to watch it.

Yafisol and Curtisnow were no exception, standing in the outer ring watching the wild struggle.

Half an hour had passed by now, and all the vampires were also drinking a little loudly, showing their true nature, hugging and kissing each other, and even the vampires bit each other's necks and drank blood.

There is madness in their misty eyes, liberating themselves and paralyzing themselves in this carnival feast.

The fighting of these nobles undoubtedly added new additives to this feast, making the blood races even more crazy.

They slapped their hands on the outer ring and cheered wildly for a few people.

Finally, there was only the last person left on the field crumbling.

The blood emperor laughed loudly, snapped his fingers happily, and rewarded the comatose virgin to the blood clan.

The blood clan took the virgin, and hurriedly carried him to the corner with an obsessive expression, and bit his neck.

Although the blood couldn't come out from the arm, there was still some blood in the virgin's body.

The vampire sucked greedily, not leaving a single drop for the virgin.

The human groaned weakly in pain, but couldn't wake up anyway.

Yafesol only saw the blood race's throat rolling continuously, gobbling it up with big mouthfuls.

After swallowing about a dozen times, he couldn't suck anything anymore. That vampire let go of his mouth unwillingly, bit his own wrist and poured his own blood into the human's mouth.

The human swallowed twice subconsciously, and Yafisol saw his body begin to change.

The originally round ears turned into pointed ears, and the body also kept convulsing.

Curtisino covered Yafesol's eyes, lowered his body and said in a low voice, "There's nothing to see, let's go."

Yafisol nodded, letting Curtisno lead him away from this bloody feast.

"Do you think it's possible that the Prince of Wales is also in this banquet?" Yafisol thought for a while and asked Curtisno.

Curtisno nodded without thinking, "It's very possible, let's see later."

Yafisol frowned, looking up the steps from the gap between Curtisno's arms.

It was still late at night, and the carnival had just begun.

A virgin was rewarded, and this banquet will not be the only virgin.

Sure enough, within a short while, he saw another person being brought up naked. The man was handsome, with short light brown hair, and it was Cousy!

Yafisol's eyes widened in surprise, he pointed at the table and growled, "It's Cousy."

"My guards found this little thing not far from the entrance of the Blood Race. At the age of sixteen, it exudes a youthful atmosphere. It is the favorite drink of us dark night residents." The Blood Emperor smiled lightly and stood up. Standing up and coming in front of him, he pinched his chin and said, "Not only that, this child is also a priest, an intermediate priest."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience suddenly burst into cheers.

"Priest, kill him!"

"The blood of a priest is the most delicious tonic, Your Majesty the Blood Emperor, drain his blood quickly!"

"When his blood is drained, I will definitely turn him into my blood servant and be enslaved by me every day!"

When Cousy was young and had smooth sailing since childhood, when did he say such an insult.

His face was flushed, with anger in his eyes, "You dirty blood races, the God of Light will never forgive you!"

Hearing Cousy's powerful shout, Yafisol covered his face, brother, you are in someone else's territory and you are still so arrogant, aren't you looking for death

Or is this the law of the protagonist's immortality? Hey, strange, why did I say the law of the protagonist's immortality

Shaking his head, Yafisol looked at Olves who was looking nervous.

In fact, there is no need to worry about Cousy. Olves will be the first to sit still when he sees Cousy in danger.

Sure enough, not long after Cousy brought him up, Olves strode forward, knelt beside the Blood Emperor and said reverently, "Your Majesty, I have a merciless request."

The blood emperor didn't lower his head at all, and only looked at Olves contemptuously, "My dear Olves, what's the matter with you?"

"Your Majesty, this child is my favorite Child who has not yet received his first embrace. He is waiting for me outside the blood clan. I also ask His Highness the Blood Emperor to reward this child to his subjects."

Child is a child who has not yet formally become a blood clan, commonly known as a noble son.

The moment Olves spoke, Cousy recognized him, he opened his eyes wide, and looked at Olves in disbelief, "Olves, you, Yafisol are right, you really Is it a blood race?!"

The Blood Emperor laughed when he heard Cousy's words, "Olves, this little thing doesn't seem to know that you are a vampire, can you really make him your Child? He killed two people outside the vampire barrier. A blood family of thirteen generations."

Olves raised his head and frowned at Cousy, then continued to lower his head and said, "I will go back and educate this child well, dear His Majesty the Blood Emperor."

The Blood Emperor chuckled, and a strange shape appeared on his thin face. He sighed slightly, "Well, who made you my most beloved child. Since you pleaded for him, I won't let him go. Treat it as a drink. However, this is my biggest retreat. I order you, Elder Olves, you give this child a first hug now, or I will kill this child immediately and give his blood to everyone to taste. "

The blood emperor pointed in the direction of Yafesol, "I think this child should be friends with the Marquis of Yafesol. Yafesol has already been embraced as a blood clan. Why don't his friend become a blood clan? Two people It’s good to be with each other.”

Alves gritted his teeth, finally nodded in compromise, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Cousy opened his eyes wide, watching in disbelief that Olves, who used to care about him everywhere, has become a blood clan, and he is still a blood clan of four generations.

When Yafisol was leaving that day, he touched his shoulder and used the light spell to convey to him the news that Olves was a blood clan.

He didn't believe it at first, so he put a tracking spell on Olves when he left, and chased him to a place so that he disappeared.

He walked around the open space for a while, and saw five thirteen-generation blood clans coming together.

Humans and blood races are old enemies, not to mention that he is a priest who specializes in punishing blood races. The thirteenth-generation blood family is just the youngest child, and it is more than enough to deal with it by itself.

After confirming that there was no problem, Cousy directly used the Lighting Curse to solve the two thirteenth generation blood clans.

Several thirteen-generation blood races never expected such a sudden change, and one of the blood races immediately sent out a distress signal.

Cousy never thought that this was the entrance to the Blood Race Realm, and as soon as the Blood Race's distress signal was sent out, a group of Blood Races rushed out of the Blood Race Realm and caught him right away.

—The feast came as scheduled, and Olves bid farewell to Cousy and embarked on the road back to the blood race.

Olves' behavior was very abnormal these few days. Seeing his trance-like appearance, Cousy secretly put a tracking spell on him.

After chasing to a place, Alves' aura suddenly disappeared.

While he was searching, five thirteen-generation blood clans appeared.

After some fighting, after the blood clan blew the distress letter, Cousy was helplessly arrested.

That night, Cousy was stripped naked and met Olves at a lewd banquet, Olves with piercing red eyes.

Olves discovered that Cousy had been caught as a drink, and the consciousness that had been suppressed in his heart gradually recovered, and he desperately resisted the consciousness that controlled him.

The energy generated during the struggle between the two consciousnesses caught the attention of the Blood Emperor, who immediately made a decisive decision and sent his mind straight to Alves' mind.

And the consciousness in Olves' mind felt the murderous intent, and fought back vigorously. Under the impact of two powerful mental forces, the Blood Emperor vomited blood and fell on the back of the chair.

And Olves also regained control of his body in surprise, taking advantage of the commotion caused by the blood emperor's sudden vomiting of blood, Olves quickly evacuated the scene with Cousy.

The blood emperor clutched his chest and roared in the direction where Olves was leaving, "From today on, Olves colluded with human priests and attacked the emperor, from today on, Olves is a traitor to my blood clan , see it, shoot to kill!"