The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 112: Western Fantasy Plane 2.12


The Prince of Wales is tall and mighty, muscular and twenty-five years old. He studied alchemy and was already an excellent senior alchemist.

A tall and mighty man was pointed at his nose and scolded for his waywardness by a person who was ten years younger than himself. Wales suddenly became angry, and rushed to Yafesol in a swoop.

He was about to grab Yafesol's collar, but a figure was faster than him. That figure stood in front of Yafesol like steel, protecting Yafesol tightly, so that Wales couldn't find any empty door, it was Curtisno.

"Heh," the Prince of Wales sneered, "If it wasn't for this blood clan protecting you, I would definitely beat you up."

Yafisol frowned, walked out from behind Curtisno, and smiled more sinisterly than the demons that Welsh greeted, "You are wrong, Prince of Wales, if he hadn't stopped you, you would have been beaten to death by me now." pig's head."

While he was talking, he rushed up with a vigorous step, and he didn't use the light spell. Going up was the most direct physical technique.

Wales jumped back with Joey in his arms. After landing, he felt a pain in the corner of his mouth. He reached out and touched a trace of blood.

This kid actually beat him to the point of bleeding.

Welsh is physically strong and is also a leader in fighting.

How could he tolerate himself being disadvantaged in front of the little man.

After pushing Prince Joey onto the table, Wales raised his arms and kept taking small steps, already in a state of preparation for battle.

Yafisol dismissed it, took two steps forward and struck again fiercely with his hands.

Seeing the lightning-fast movement, Wales was startled, jumped back quickly, and shouted, "What kind of fighting technique are you doing?"

Yafesol didn't answer him, he walked with limp steps, his hands seemed soft but full of strength.

Seeing that Yafesol showed his empty door, Wales quickly attacked. But Yafisol's seemingly soft hand pulled Wales' arm and pushed his strength back, "This is called using strength to exert strength, Prince of Wales."

Welsh took two steps back by his own strength, and his wrist hurt even more.

"This is a martial art from the East," Yafesol put his hands behind his back, and continued, "You can't beat me with physical skills, and neither can light and alchemy."

Wales wiped the corner of his mouth, "Speak big."

Yafisol chuckled, "Prince of Wales, you should be glad that we are now in the realm of the blood race. Once I use the light technique, I will attract the attention of the blood race, so you can speak big words casually. The future monarch of our Great Seche Kingdom, Are you such a coward who dare not admit defeat?"

Wales gritted his teeth, "You!"

"What me? Prince of Wales, originally at this time, I should be wandering around towns and cities, driving those vampires who pose a threat to the people back to the realm of vampires or purifying them. But now our church is fully mobilized to find you. You You are a noble person in the sky, you are a generation of princes, your life is related to the people of the country, and the lives of the people are as cheap as worthless?"

Wales was at a loss for words. Although he was embarrassed, he never refuted Yafesol again.

"Prince of Wales, why did you come to the blood realm alone?" Yafesol cleared his throat and asked.

Facing Yafisol's questioning, Wales suddenly had an illusion, as if he was the courtier, and the person in front of him was the emperor above ten thousand people.

"I don't actually want to inherit the throne," Wales thought for a while, but he still opened his mouth to tell the truth. "The emperor has as much power as he has responsibility. I just want to be an alchemist. And if I become an emperor, I need To take on the responsibility of an emperor, I need to marry a queen so that she can give birth to the future master of the country."

Having said that, Wales and Joey looked at each other.

"So you put your responsibilities aside just for the utopia in your heart?" Yafisol clicked his tongue twice, "I don't think you have to inherit the throne, but you have to take care of the aftermath, right? It's a beautiful thing, but if you let love become your burden, it's probably not right?"

"Then what can I do?" Wales walked up and down irritably, "If I become king, I will never be with Joey again.

Yafisol propped his chin with one hand and said without thinking, "My thoughts are exactly the opposite of yours. You think too pessimistically. If you become the king, maybe you can ease the dispute between the blood race and the human race."

"Human beings are highly intelligent, and blood races are also highly intelligent. Why can't humans and blood races be together when they clearly love each other? There is no rule in this world that humans and blood races cannot be together. These are the shackles we impose on ourselves. If the two of you become kings at the same time, although the process of reform is difficult and desperate, it is better than being criticized when you are together, right?"

Yafesol's words brought clarity to the two confused people. Their eyes lit up, but it was fleeting.

"Joy has never been recognized by his father, how can he become a king?" The Prince of Wales shook his head, "The future you describe is really a utopia."

"If you don't agree, fight for it. What is in your hands is truly yours. Everything is variable. Before, the blood clansmen thought that Olves would become the next blood emperor, but now? Blood The emperor fell into eternal sleep, and he defected. What does this mean? It means that the position of Blood Desolation is vacant, and the position of its heir is also vacant."

Wales still hesitated, "Joy has never been taken seriously, and he is a conservative. Among the blood clans, the conservatives are the weakest. Even if there is no Alves, the next successor will be selected from the hawks." .”

Yafesol sighed, "Prince of Wales, you are in vain the prince of a country. You keep saying that Joey is not valued, and if you are not valued, you can't win it? Did you give up without doing anything? Joey What has Prince Yi done since he was born? He only knows how to express his fantasy of peace between the two races. But what has Olves done? Olves has done it himself and made great contributions to the Blood Emperor, so why does the Blood Emperor value Orweis Weiss. As a prince, you don't do anything. As a conservative, you can't seek benefits for conservatives, so what do you want in return?"

After listening to Yafesol's words, Joey felt as if he had been enlightened. He stood on the spot with his mind beating like a drum, shaking his heart.

He bit his lip, recalling the words of Yafesol carefully, and suddenly felt that although he had lived for a thousand years, he was not as far-sighted as a teenager.

"What you are thinking about now is not the love of your children, but what you want to achieve for yourself. If you really want to create the utopia in your heart, you have to take action. You spend all day at home building a car behind closed doors, waiting to create it, The daylilies are getting cold."

Curtisno stood at the door and stroked the devil's chin. The devil had an expression of enjoyment on his face, arched Curtisno's arm affectionately, closed his eyes and made a gurgling sound.

He watched Yafisol's personal speech with a smile, and his eyes burst into admiration.

This little guy kept surprising him, thinking that he was just a living dictionary, but it turned out that his Light Curse had reached the level of the Pope, no, maybe even higher than the level of the Pope.

He thought that his body looked weak, so he could only use the Light Curse, but the set of oriental boxing techniques he used was able to shock the Prince of Wales who was a head taller, burly, and twice his size. retreat.

I thought he was just a child, but I didn't expect that his words were eloquent and his tongue was brilliant.

God, little guy, I really like you more and more, what secrets are you hiding in your body

Beneath Curtisno's admiring eyes, there was a feeling of love. The emotion was so rich and strong that it made his heart pound.

Curtisno covered his chest, squinted his eyes with a smile on his face, enjoying the heartbeat that he had never felt since he was born.

What kind of emotion is this? He felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat, but this unprecedented feeling made him so happy.

Opening his eyes, his eyes kept following Yafesol, unwilling to leave for a moment.

After Yafisol finished speaking, he looked at Prince Joey again, "Prince Joey, everything I said is just a theory, and you still have to rely on yourself to practice it. But don't worry, we will help you, and that guy too conservative."

Caught off guard, Curtisno saw Yafesol sticking out his thumb and pointing to himself behind his back.

Quickly adjusted his facial expression, Curtisno became that upright blood again, "Yes, Your Highness Joey, I am a conservative, and we will help you."

After that, he looked at Yafesol, "How can I help, baby?"

"Ahem," Yafisol coughed twice, "Prince Joey, we are like this..."

Two days later, Prince Joy invited the three princes to the palace for a round table meeting.

The round table meeting is the highest-level meeting of the blood race. All their conversations will be recorded on the conference table, there is no cheating, and it cannot be changed.

Prince Joy, who has always been incompetent, expresses his condolences to his father and condemns Olves. At the same time, he raises the question of finding the next heir to the Blood Emperor.

The princes of the three factions were arguing endlessly. At this moment, the conservative prince compromised and proposed a representative.

Representatives are selected from the factions, and through competition, the last suitable crown prince is selected.

Afterwards, under repeated pressure from the neutrals and hawks, the conservative prince made another concession, saying that their conservatives were willing to have only one representative, while the conservatives and hawks could have two representatives.

Factions also fight with each other, suppressing others is strengthening oneself. Before it even started, the Conservative Party was defeated, and the prince of the whole faction said nothing.

The representative elected by the conservative faction is Prince Currysjoy.

The neutral faction and the hawk faction each elected two representatives. These representatives are the leaders of their factions who are most able to fight for their interests. The round table also recorded the conversations of the four people, which cannot be changed and there is no deceit.

In the end, the way to compete is Alves' life.

It was obvious to all that the Blood Emperor had cultivated Olves a lot, but Olves joined the priests and killed the Blood Emperor. He was a true traitor of the Blood Race.

Secondly, Olves is powerful, and it would be best to use him as the cornerstone for judging the future Blood Emperor.

However, if Alves is killed by someone other than their five candidates, then this decision will be invalidated and the rules must be reset.

After the meeting ended, Prince Joy came to the palace of the Conservative Prince and expressed his gratitude to him.

Just two days before the round table meeting, Prince Joy approached the conservative prince. Made this proposal today and hoped to attend as a representative of the Conservatives.

The conservative prince thought about it all night, but was finally moved by Joey and accepted his request.

After thanking him, Joey returned to his palace.

At this time, Curtisno and Yafesol were also in his palace, and Joey showed a happy look on his face, and said excitedly: "It's done, Yafesol, your idea is great, how do you know?" The prince of the hawks and conservatives will definitely agree?"

Yafesol glanced at Prince Joey, "This is just your means of convincing the public. You are the only child of the Blood Emperor, the prince of the whole blood family. Even if you insist on becoming the Blood Emperor, there is nothing wrong with it. But now you withdraw One step, becoming a candidate, let four people from the two major factions who seemed to have no chance to join in, they naturally agreed. This is what we call retreat, if you insist on being the blood emperor, it will cause their backlash , At that time, not only will you not be able to become the blood emperor, but your life may be in danger. Now you take a step back, and they think they have taken advantage of it."

It's God's speech again, but it makes a lot of sense.

Curtisno showed appreciation in the eyes where Yafesol couldn't see, and inserted his hand into Yafesol's hair uncontrollably, and carefully moved it.

Yafisol didn't reject Curtisno's actions, "Since the matter has come to this point, Prince Wales, clean up, should we go back to the human world? Prince Joey, you can walk with us, O Elvis is with the priest Kuxi, the blood race has no place for him, I think he should also go to the human world."

Joey nodded, "Okay, I'll pack up and go with you."

The purpose of Yafesol's coming to the blood clan was to bring the Prince of Wales back. Now that they were out of the blood clan situation, they headed straight for the imperial city.

Of the four of them, Curtisno and Joey are both bloodlines, Curtisnoe is the second-generation bloodline, and Joey is the fourth-generation bloodline. But because of Curtisnow's spiritual influence, everyone thought he was only a sixth-generation blood, and Joey thought so too.

As for Yafesol, Joey originally thought he was a seventh-generation blood, but after he took out the bottle containing Curtisno's blood, Joey discovered that Yafesol turned out to be a human.

It's just that Yafisol hid his ears in his hair, and because of his extremely strong smell, no one suspected him.

Joey also often traveled to the human world before, otherwise he would not have met Wales. Entering the human world, Prince Joey took a medicine immediately, and instantly put away his pointed ears and turned them into round ears that are no different from human beings. The eyes also turned from scarlet to a beautiful light brown.

Although Joey seems weak, he is a fourth-generation blood family after all, and he still has the strength he should have. Wales is not worried about this.

The fuse for Wales to run away from home was that the king wanted a foreign princess to be his fiancée. As a result, the two had differences and quarrels, and the Prince of Wales left after thinking about it.

As for the traces of the blood clan left behind, it was also used by Wales to confuse the public.

The former Prince of Wales only cared about his son and daughter's love. Two days ago, he was woken up by Yafesol's words. On the way back, he deliberately paid attention to the people passing by.

Before dealing with political affairs, I just took political affairs as tasks to perform.

But looking at the people everywhere around him at this moment, he realized for the first time what he was shouldering. What he shouldered was not the interests of a country, not the expectations of his father, but the eyes of people in a country.

After walking fast for two days, the four of them finally arrived at the imperial city.

The medicine Joey took was a medicine that could hide his blood aura and at the same time assimilate himself into a human form.

But as a side effect, when he turned into a human, he didn't have the power of a vampire. Once the power of the blood race is used, the effect of the medicine will disappear immediately.

It was through this medicine that Alves got into the human world at the beginning, and even learned human alchemy.

The return of the Prince of Wales immediately spread throughout the streets and alleys, and everyone knew about it, including of course the Blood Emperor who had rejoined the Alchemist Alliance and Cousy who had returned to the Church.

Cousy hid the true face of the "Olves" blood family, and even met secretly from time to time.

Since Cousy didn't want Olves to harm humans, he asked him to suck his own blood if he was hungry.

But just a little bit, it's not enough for the blood emperor to get stuck between his teeth.

On the one hand, the Blood Emperor responded to Cousy's request, and on the other hand, he sneaked out at night to pick some young boys and girls to eat. After sucking their blood, they even summoned demons and threw the corpses to the demons as nutrients.

The devil is raised by the contractor, and the character it displays is closely related to the contractor.

Because the blood emperor kept feeding the demons with humans, the demons gradually became more evil and terrifying.

The blood emperor only came to the imperial city for four days and sucked up two people. However, due to the small number of people, people did not pay attention to it, nor did they suspect that blood race was mixed in among the human beings.

Looking at the Welsh prince who had only been away for ten days from above the hall, the aged king felt a vicissitudes of reunion after a long absence.

He walked down the steps in three steps and came to the Prince of Wales, looked him up and down seriously for a long time, then suppressed the excitement in his heart, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Just come back, just come back." .

The Prince of Wales had never seen such an expression on his father's face even though he had been away for a year before. He was determined to go away with Joey this time, otherwise he would not have given the illusion of being taken away by the blood clan.

Thinking about the mistakes he made before, the Prince of Wales regretted it for a while. If he really left like that, he would be ashamed of everyone, including himself and Joey.

He glanced at Yafesol gratefully. If Yafesol hadn't appeared in time to wake him up, he might have made a big mistake. The human race will declare war with the blood race, and this is exactly what Joey wants to see.

Following Wales' gaze, the king also looked at Yafesor.

Now Yafesor has changed into his junior priest's uniform, and there is no trace of timidity on his beautiful face because of meeting the king.

"Thank you for rescuing my son. I have a lot to say to my son, and I also have a lot to say to you. If you don't mind, please stay tonight and accept the hospitality of a grateful person."

The three saluted at the same time, and said in unison: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

That night, the king really entertained them as he had said.

There are delicious dishes on the table, and the red wine in the glass is never empty.

The king was happy and drank a lot of wine. While drinking, he happily gestured at how good Wales is.

The Welsh prince, who is five big and three rough, actually blushed when he heard the unsparing words from his father.

The atmosphere during the banquet was excellent, and he kept persuading Yafesol to drink, but Yafesol couldn't resist his kindness, so he had to drink one cup after another.

Sitting next to Yafisol, Curtisino smiled lightly, his eyes sweeping across the king's without a trace.

The king's eyes flickered, and a voice kept saying in his mind, and he urged Priest Yafesol to drink more.

Although Yafisol didn't get drunk immediately, he wasn't a strong drinker either. After drinking for three rounds, he hiccupped and started to feel dizzy.

The dazed Yafesol kept leaning on Curtisno, and Curtisno looked at His Majesty the King after seeing this.

His Majesty the King's mind was shaken, and he suddenly smiled and said, "Priest Yafesol seems to be drunk, why don't we stop here tonight, and I will invite all the ministers to the grand dinner in my castle tomorrow night, to cleanse my son .”

Curtisno smiled lightly, "Then I would like to thank His Majesty the King."

After saying that, he picked up Yafesol, who was already in a mess, and headed towards the guest room with the wind under his feet.

The king hiccupped when he saw the direction they were leaving, "Did I tell you the direction of the guest room just now? Hey, forget it, I probably said it. Guards, guards, take the Prince of Wales and this Mr. Joey back to the room , I am happy today, and I want to drink for a while."

Wales looked at the happy father and winked at the guards, "My father is drunk, so I will send my father back to the palace first. Mr. Joey, I will just send him back."

The guards looked embarrassed. They were really afraid that the Prince of Wales would disappear again.

Why didn't the Prince of Wales know what they were thinking? After thinking about it, he said, "Split into two teams. One team will send my father back to the bedroom, and the other team will send me and Mr. Joey back to the bedroom. Mr. Joey, the guest room is really boring. Why don't you go to my palace and sit for a while?"

Seeing the grimace secretly sent by Wales, Joey smiled, blushed slightly and nodded, "Okay, please His Royal Highness Wales to lead the way."

With the soldiers divided into two groups, the banquet was considered to be over.

Not long after leading Joey into the bedroom, the Prince of Wales opened the door and said to the guards who were still standing outside: "Mr. Joey feels a little tired, so he will stay with me tonight. What are you busy with? go."

The primary goal of the guards was to protect the safety of the Prince of Wales. Now that the Prince of Wales had been safely sent back to the palace, they didn't worry too much, and left the door of the Prince of Wales' bedroom after saluting.

But these people did not leave the dormitory, fearing that Wales would be taken away quietly again, and these guards would patrol around the dormitory and stay up all night.

The Prince of Wales and Joey felt very guilty when they saw these patrolling guards. They looked at each other and were in no mood to do anything. After taking a hot bath together, they hugged each other and fell asleep.

They have lost the mood to do business here, but the other side can be different.

Curtisino kicked open the door of the side hall, and then slammed the door shut with a hook.

Curtisno held Yafesol in the posture of a princess hug, and there was undisguised love in Curtisno's eyes.

Putting Yafesol on the bed, Curtisno looked down at Yafesol from above.

Yafesol was already drunk at the moment, he muttered to himself, turning over on the bed from time to time.

Curtisno lowered his body and stretched his ears to Yafesol's mouth, trying to hear what he was saying clearly.

In the end, I heard him swearing at a name, s419m? What is this, a name? If the name is a bit strange.

After a while, Yafisol's voice changed into a soft and coquettish voice, "Honey, hug me."

Suddenly hearing his own voice from the little guy's mouth, Curtisno was caught off guard. He lowered his head and glanced at Yafesol, only to find that Yafesol was indeed drunk, so he was relieved.

He hadn't breathed a sigh of relief yet, but Yafesol suddenly stretched out his arm for two days, and hooked Curtisno's face in front of his own with an upward hook. The mouth searched around Kotisno's face, and when he finally found two lips, Yafisol stuck out his tongue skillfully and inserted it into Kotisno's mouth.

Night, lingering and beautiful.

Yafisol opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him clearly, his face immediately turned green.

Lying on the big velvet bed by himself, and on the chair not far away, Curtis Ruo, who was naked with only a bath towel tied around his waist, was now crossing his legs, drinking a glass of scarlet liquid in his hand, His eyes were still looking at himself without blinking.

That look, as if he was a dish for dinner.

Yafisol sat up, and the blanket covering him slipped off, and he realized that he was also stripped naked.

"..." Yafisol's face turned greener, he glanced at Curtisno who was smiling contentedly, and asked hesitantly, "Did I vomit?"

Curtisno shook his head, "No, you're fine. Although you've lost consciousness, you're sleeping well."

"Did you spill wine on me?"

Curtisno shook his head again, "No."

"Then why am I naked?!"