The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 119: Western Fantasy Plane 2.19


[Ding, I report to the host, the restoration of the body is complete. Lord Host, you and Lord God should be a match made in heaven! Even if you have no memory, you still found the soul fragment of the Lord God, and did such a shameful thing with him. ]

[…] This artificial intelligence brain that is becoming more and more human, it is better not to talk...

Taking a deep breath, Bailixin stood up from the bed after getting used to this familiar yet unfamiliar body for a while.

Seeing the messy clothes all over the floor, Prissin recited a cleansing spell to himself, and took out a complete set of junior priest robes from the magic bag, and after putting them on, he walked behind Curtisno and said with a smile : "It smells like rice."

Curtisno looked back at Bai Lixin with azure blue eyes, "I was afraid it would be inconvenient for you, so I made some soft food."

Bai Lixin: "..." Hey, who caused my inconvenience

"Although I really want to try your handicraft, but it will be a little later, the cock crows, and I'm going to church, it's too late." Hearing the sound of the cock crow, Bai Lixin tightened his robe, and wanted to go outside.

"Honey, wait a minute." Curtisno stopped Bai Lixin with a loud voice.

"Huh?" Bai Lixin turned his head and raised his eyebrows.

"The cock crowing that the pope mentioned, do you mean the cock crowing the next day?" Curtisno laughed, not forgetting to stir the rice boiled in the pot.

Bai Lixin didn't understand, so he nodded, "That's right."

Curtisno laughed again, and pointed to the calendar hanging on the wall, "Today is already the fourth day."

Bai Lixin: "..." Damn it, don't let anyone stop me, let me be a beast!

Taking back the raised steps, Bai Lixin flicked his sleeves and came to the dining table, and simply raised his chin and looked at the family cook Curtisno, "I never thought you would have such a skill. You studied it by yourself before?"

Curtisino stirred the rice carefully, without turning his head, said: "Naturally, I still wonder why God let me master this talent, so it is to serve my dear baby."

"..." What kind of experience is it to say sweet words when there is a disagreement

Although they are already an old couple, but if they talk about love from time to time, his heart will still be pounding, okay

After the rice was finally cooked, Curtisno filled two bowls and brought them to the table.

Apart from these two bowls of rice, there was nothing else on the table.

Without taking off the apron on his chest, Curtisno sat down on the opposite side of Bai Lixin, "Other things are not easy to digest or excrete, my dear, if you feel wronged, let's drink some of this first. "

While cooking, the delicious aroma of rice spread into Baili Xin's nose, and when the rice was served in front of him, the mellow and rich smell hit his face, which directly stimulated Bai Lixin's stomach and intestines.

Making a "gulu" sound alone, Bailixin picked up the silver spoon and eagerly took a sip.

wow, delicious! tasty! Obviously it's just a bowl of soup, but is it so delicious

While eating, he couldn't help giving Curtisno a thumbs up. Bai Lixin hadn't eaten for two days, and he was indeed hungry now.

Looking at Baili Xin's tiger-like eating appearance, Curtisno said with a smile, "I know there is an old saying in the East: To grab a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach."

Bai Lixin swallowed a mouthful of porridge, and did not forget to reply: "The subject of this sentence is usually a woman."

Curtisno tugged at the apron in front of him, and said indifferently, "If you like women, then I'll be a woman, what's the problem?"

Thinking of Curtisno's easy transformation into himself, Prissin quickly shook his head, "No, no, there's no need. This sentence is actually applicable to both men and women." It's not difficult for you, but I'm afraid I won't do it.

Surrounded by ordinary huts and simple rice porridge on the table, Baili Xin felt more satisfied than ever before.

After eating this "gluttonous feast", Bai Lixin burped out quite embarrassingly, "It's delicious, but dear, you don't need to switch to making rice porridge. My body was injured, and I used the light repair spell to heal it."

Curtisino said while helping Baili Xin clean up the dishes, "I know, but if I don't take this opportunity, how can I let you eat the porridge I usually cook? Baby, what do you want for lunch?"

Bai Lixin shook his head, "I probably won't come to eat at noon. Even though the appointed time has passed, I'm still going to church to explain the reason to the Pope."

After tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, Bai Lixin stood on tiptoe and kissed Curtisno on the cheek before pushing the door open.

Walking on the road, Bai Lixin recalled his lover's identity in this life, and suddenly felt helpless.

Where did the promised noble blood, the promised luxury, and the promised corrupt life go

A living, most noble second-generation blood clan has turned into the current glib family husband, from a blockbuster to a family ethics drama in an instant.

Covering his face and complaining weakly, Bailixin squeezed his cheeks vigorously to drive away the weird thoughts in his mind, and stepped into the majestic gate of the temple.

In the temple, when Bai Lixin arrived, the Pope was talking to the chief cardinal, Carmelon.

The two sat by the coffee table, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was so harmonious that Baili Xin couldn't bear to disturb it.

Carmelon's gaze happened to be on the gate, and when he saw Bai Lixin who had been late for a whole day, he immediately pulled a face down.

On the contrary, the Pope turned his head and smiled amiably: "Hey, my dear Yafisol, you are finally here. You have been late for a full 24 hours."

Bailixin was embarrassed and coughed twice in embarrassment. Bailixin half-kneeled in front of the Pope, and kissed the back of the hand he extended: "I have seen the godfather."

Bai Lixin looked at Carmelon again, intending to kiss the back of his hand.

Carmelon discovered Prissin's plan, snorted and put his hands behind his back.

Bai Lixin didn't feel embarrassed, and made a pious gesture with his palms together: "I have seen my father."

The Pope laughed softly, and patted the top of Bailixin's head with a palm full of age, "Okay, good boy, get up quickly and sit opposite me."

Bai Lixin stood up and sat opposite the Pope, with his back slightly bent, "I'm sorry, godfather, father, I'm late... well, the whole day."

"Son, can you tell me why you were late?" Carmelon didn't speak, and the Pope asked again.

"Master Godfather, to tell you the truth, I met a blood race the night before yesterday, and the Prince of Wales can also testify to me." Bai Lixin said half-truths with a serious face.

It's true to meet a blood race, but this is not the reason for being late. The reason for being late was because the blood race was true, it was just a specific reason, which was completely different from what Bai Lixin had shown to the blood emperor.

The pope's face changed slightly when he heard it, and he quickly exchanged glances with Carmelon before continuing to ask, "What kind of blood race is it?"

"I don't know. It was too dark at the time, and I couldn't see clearly. But he is very strong, thanks to the Prince of Wales who came later."

The pope nodded heavily, "Son, to tell you the truth, that's why I summoned you here. Because of the powerful barrier of our church in the imperial city, the blood races dare not approach easily. But recently, the imperial city However, incidents happened one after another. First, the Prince of Wales was robbed, and then in the last few days, there have been cases of young people disappearing in the imperial city. This disappearance may have something to do with the blood race."

Bai Lixin nodded and did not speak, but his eyes were fixed on the Pope's clear eyes, waiting for the Pope's next words.

The pope smiled awkwardly, "Although you performed well in the square a few days ago, there is still a lot of controversy about becoming the next chief cardinal, so in order to completely consolidate your position, I decided to let you You are in charge of the attack on the imperial city. Of course, this is also what the twelve red-clothed archbishops mean. A few days ago, a vote of 11:1 decided that you must catch the blood murderer before you can truly inherit the chief red The position of Archbishop Yi."

"Of course, I also fought for some power for you. Priests of the whole church, you can name someone to assist you."

Bai Lixin looked at the pope, and then at the chief cardinal who sat beside him with a cold face, "The priests of the whole church? Anyone?"

The Pope nodded vigorously, "Yes, anyone can!"

"Oh~ I see." Isn't this blatant cheating? Smiling at the eager Blood Emperor, Bai Lixin said, "Okay, then I'll choose Priest Kuxi!"

"What?!" Bai Lixin clearly saw the Pope's body bouncing like a lobster, accompanied by the bouncing of the body, and the Pope couldn't help but raise his voice, "Priest Cousi? Yafesol, are you Didn't you choose wrong?"

Bai Lixin tried his best to hold back his laughter, and said seriously: "My lord godfather, I chose Priest Kuxi. He is my good friend for many years, and I cooperate with him very well."

The pope gestured with his arms dancing in the air, pointed at himself, then pointed at Carmelon, hesitantly said: "I can give you a chance to choose again."

Bai Lixin shook his head, "Thank you Godfather for your help, but no need, please believe me, just like believing that the sun can sweep away the dark clouds, is that okay?"

Seeing Bai Lixin's determined expression, the Pope finally sighed and said helplessly, "Since it's your choice, I can only choose to respect it."

The pope looked at Bai Lixin with some concern, but the expression of the chief cardinal archbishop beside the pope relaxed, without the previous reluctance, "From tomorrow on, you come here, and I will teach you the Light Curse personally. "

In the chamber of parliament, when the voting was over and the pope made the proposal of "anyone can", Carmelon was very opposed to it in his heart.

Anyone can do it? If you think about it with your toes, he will definitely choose himself or the Pope.

What qualifications does a person who relies on others to complete his tasks have to be the successor to the Chief Cardinal

But the facts hit him hard in the face. Yafesol did not choose himself or the pope as he imagined. He didn't even choose a high-level priest, but only chose a mid-level priest as his companion.

The Pope's hint was obvious enough, but Yafisol remained unmoved. The moment Yafesol named him, Carmelon recognized him.

It doesn't matter if he is a junior priest, he is a young man with a brave and responsible heart, this is the principle for him to choose his successor, not his ability!