The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 15: Modern Plane 1.15


Wang Sisi didn't want to stay in this room for a moment, she rummaged through the cabinets, and her clothes were not torn, she tidied her clothes hastily, and then she was fully armed and wrapped so that no one could recognize her before she fled and left the hotel.

Wang Sisifei hurried back to the love nest she built with Xu Haoran, and as soon as the door was closed, she got into the room and threw herself on the bed, covering her head in the quilt and crying bitterly. Why is God so unfair? It was the same in the previous life, and it is the same in this life. God, do you have to drive me to a dead end to be willing? If so, why did you bring me back to life

Wang Sisi was devastated and desperate, but this time she had no intention of committing suicide. She always felt that God had reborn her, so there must be some chance for a reversal.

After a long time, Wang Sisi finally took her head out of the quilt after crying enough.

She stared blankly at the house full of love and fond memories between her and Xu Haoran, blinked her originally empty eyes, and regained a bit of focus.

No, she can't die with Wei Xinyi like this. She still has a bright future and a lover who loves her. She will never put herself to death again in this lifetime. The reason why Xu Haoran loves her is because of her purity, kindness and generosity. If the facts are exposed to Xu Haoran, he will definitely hate and abandon him.

Wang Sisi made up her mind, so she packed up her things and found a spare cell phone.

When she was in the hotel, she broke her mobile phone in a fit of anger, but before she fled, fearing that someone would use it to harm her, she still did not forget to take the wrecked mobile phone and the SIM card with her.

Wang Sisi is a person who cares about her reputation. In her previous life, she suffered from being poked at the spine and scolded. In this life, she is very careful. This is also the reason why she didn't flee immediately after that happened, but chose to leave with full armor until no one could recognize her.

Wei Xinyi's phone number was checked by Lucas for him, and she was also stored on the SIM card, but it was never used. Putting the SIM card into the phone, she immediately sent a MMS to Wei Xinyi. This was the first direct confrontation between the two women in their life, but this was by no means the end, but just the beginning.

Almost at the same time as she sent the multimedia message, she also received a multimedia message, which was a video shot with a mobile phone. The moment Wang Sisi saw this video, the blood on her face faded away.

Wei Xinyi is enjoying the wonderful video of four men and one woman, and she is very happy. The pleasure of revenge is always so intoxicating, so she took a random shot and sent it to Wang Sisi. Almost at the same time, her cell phone rang, Wei Xinyi didn't think about it, picked up the cell phone and fiddled casually.

As soon as the MMS was opened, a gunshot sounded into Wei Xinyi's ears mixed with the moans of the woman on the TV. Wei Xinyi's eyes widened, watching the video in disbelief.

Then there was a sentence: wait and see—Wang Sisi.

Wei Xinyi's head exploded with a "buzz", who is Wang Sisi, and how did she get these videos? Wei Xinyi was both surprised and uneasy, and the voice of Wang Silang's screaming in the video was heard next to her ears, but she couldn't laugh anymore. After a long time, she gritted her teeth, and if you threaten me, I will threaten you too.

She recorded another video on the TV with her mobile phone, and then forwarded it back: Don't force me, come out and meet.

When Wang Sisi saw the MMS message sent again, her face was completely drained of blood. Wei Xinyi actually made four men... She even took a video...

The monstrous hatred swept over, Wang Sisi clenched her hands tightly, and she didn't even notice that her fingertips pierced her palms. After a long time, she bit her lip and replied: Okay, let's talk about the place.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, in Huadongju, it was the first time these two women who had been fighting for a long time met.

As soon as Wei Xinyi came up, she got straight to the point and said: "You have something against me, and I have something against you, so we are both clean. If you hadn't started blackmailing me on the Internet, I would not have retaliated against you , so the culprit is still you."

Wang Sisi looked at Wei Xinyi's superior attitude, and sneered: "You exposed my video, I am nothing more than a hopeless star, I can only change careers or move out of Huaguo, hide outside for ten or eight years, and then return to Huaguo Who still knows me? But you are different, I don’t only have this video, I have many others. About your father, about you, there are more than you can imagine.”

Seeing Wei Xinyi's face suddenly changed color, Wang Sisi felt a sense of revenge, and she continued: "Don't try to kill me, once I die or lose contact, your video will be sent to the police immediately, who will It's a bit of a loss, but I think Wei is always a smart person, so he should be able to weigh it clearly. If I die alone, you and your family will be buried with me, and I will die well, hahahaha."

Wang Sisi laughed wildly. In two lifetimes, she has never been so happy as today.

Wei Xinyi frowned and stared at Wang Sisi, this lunatic, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

"I'm not that good. As you said just now, you have my grip and I have your grip. Now we are two people on the two ends of the seesaw. Anyone who moves will pose a threat to the other. You probably don't want me to share these videos Give it to the police?"

"What's your condition?" Wei Xinyi is a businessman, and now she has heard other meanings in Wang Sisi's words.

"Break Zhou Yun's leg, ruin Zhou Yun's appearance, ruin his reputation, and everyone shouts and beats you like a mouse crossing the street, I will let you go."

Wei Xinyi is now being led by the nose. She thought that Wang Sisi wanted to cut her own flesh, but she didn't expect that she just wanted to deal with Zhou Yun, a little lover. Then clean it up, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, anyway, Zhou Yun is gone, she has other lovers, not bad for this one.

After weighing the pros and cons, Wei Xinyi nodded, "Okay, I promise you."

Seeing that she had achieved her goal, Wang Sisi not only let Wei Xinyi and Zhou Yun kill each other, but also acted as a deterrent, so she stood up arrogantly, squinted her eyes and looked down at Wei Xinyi: "Don't provoke me again. It’s driving me into a hurry, so you should think carefully about it yourself.” After saying that, she turned her head high and stepped on her high-heeled shoes and left happily, heh, from now on, as long as there are these videos, you Wei Xinyi and even your Wei family are me A dog in hand.

"The Good God of Death" gave herself many videos. At that time, she thought over and over again, and finally felt that she hadn't reached the point where she would fall into the water in order to bring down Wei Shi, so she finally hid the most rigorous photos, but those Only the video about Wei Xinyi's promiscuity privacy made Lucas post it on the Internet.

It now appears that the decision at that time was very wise.

In the past three days, Zhou Yun suddenly had a car accident, which resulted in a broken leg, severe scratches on her face, and the bones of her chin were even exposed. His face was severely damaged, and it was no longer recovered.

And not long after his car accident, a series of negative news about Zhou Yun was suddenly exposed on the Internet. There were several news about the abortion of a young girl, not just one girl. Originally, everyone was still feeling sorry for Zhou Yun, but once the news came out, everyone sighed with emotion for a while, this deserves it, God couldn't stand it, and sent down a punishment. As a result, Zhou Yun not only shattered her dream of stardom, but also became synonymous with "sex maniac", "hooligan" and "garbage", and everyone shouted and beat her.

However, because of Zhou Yun's accident, the crew quickly changed the leading actor. It was a fateful fate that three leading actors were replaced in such a good movie right after the filming started.

Director Zhang was exhausted physically and mentally. As soon as the male lead replaced him, he immediately called everyone together and went abroad to work overtime to catch up with the new film. I can't procrastinate any longer, and I don't know what will happen if I procrastinate.

Wang Sisi herself loves filming very much, and only when she is filming is the time when she forgets everything and concentrates on it. She has been filming for six months, and she ate, drank and slept with the crew the whole time. Xu Haoran often came to visit the set, and her little life was sweet and nourishing.

After filming, there will be three months of post-processing. After nine months, the film finally took shape.

The domestic film market is not very clear now. Director Zhang discussed with various planners for a long time, and finally decided to apply for the Oscar Award first, and then show it in major domestic theaters after a layer of gold plating comes back.

At the same time, the large-scale 3D movie that Bai Lixin worked hard to create was also completed, and it was delivered to the competition for the Academy Awards at the same time.

Half a month later, Director Zhang's crew and Bai Lixin both received invitations from the Academy Awards. Both of their films were shortlisted for the Academy Award for Best Director and the Academy Award for Best Picture. The difference is that the 3D film shot by Bai Lixin was also shortlisted for the Best Visual Effects Award, Best Editing Award, Special Achievement Award and Scientific and Technological Achievement Award. In other words, only one 3D movie of Bai Lixin was shortlisted for six Oscars.

Once the news was released, the entire Hua Kingdom was in a state of eruption. Bai Lixin is a native of Huaguo, which represents Huaguo's achievements. Their Huaguo film has finally gone international, and has finally been recognized by the most authoritative organization in the world. People are immersed in Lu's entertainment company's film achievements, and various discussions have arisen from this.

The excitement will continue to boil until the awards ceremony. Director Zhang's film "The World of Three Voices", which was nominated at the same time, was originally an excellent film, but it happened to compete with Bai Lixin's "Looking for the Dragon".

How can the light of fireflies compete with the bright moon? With Baili Xin's 3D movie in front of the mountain, how can people pay attention to the small mound around it

And Wang Sisi, who was supposed to be popular with this movie, was also submerged in people's excitement. She looked at the news on the Internet, and all the headlines were about Bai Lixin's "Looking for the Dragon". ", everyone is not very much looking forward to the release of the movie, and only at the end will they take away their "Three Voices World".

why? Is she willing to be so silent? Like a stone hit on the river, only to stir up some waves before sinking to the bottom of the lake

Wang Sisi covered her head, looked at the highly respected Bai Lixin, and then at herself who had no hot spots. In comparison, she felt that she was unknown. It seems that after being thrown into the crowd, he will be overwhelmed by the crowd in the next second and become the most ordinary person.

No, she is not reconciled. She couldn't let Bailixin go on like this.

But what can be done? Wang Sisi plucked at her hair, calculating in every possible way. Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration and dialed Wei Xinyi's phone: "Let's make a deal, I'll give you a negative, and you can find someone for me, the harder the better."

Wei Xinyi bit her lip and accepted Wang Sisi's threat again: "Who do you want to deal with this time?"

"Like what you did to me, find a few people and take good care of Lu Xuefei. I hope tomorrow the Internet will be full of his fierce fighting videos and negative news, drug abuse, promiscuity, whatever you want."