The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 28: Modern Plane 2.11


After Bailixin returned to Qu Mansion, he locked himself in the room and did not come out for two consecutive days.

He closed the door firmly from the inside, and no one had the opportunity to enter this room except for the attendants who delivered meals daily.

The angel Qu Yasong frowned, seeing the information that his subordinates had investigated, he slammed it down on the table.

Back then, because they respected the boy, they never thought of investigating him, but after the plaster cast was removed the day before yesterday, the two souls murmured in their hearts for a long time, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that the reason for the boy's fall might not be that simple.

The young man's statement is very inconsistent. If according to the young man's statement, he was in a trance for a moment, then he should also appear in a trance these days, but he didn't. Besides, the boy was neither sick nor injured, so how could he be in a trance, or was it just that day

After the investigation was sent, the angel Qu Yasong and the demon Qu Yasong did not compete for the right to use the body, but let the angel Qu Yasong occupy the body, and the two shared the consciousness to read the information.

The two souls only briefly flipped through the information, and their hearts were full of resentment.

It turned out that the young man was pushed down by Zhao Yunhai because he discovered the adulterous relationship between the two, and the young man lost this period of memory because of a deep blow and selective temporary amnesia.

Heh, the villain makes a lot of trouble.

In order to protect Su Ruo, Zhao Yunhai was able to mercilessly push the boy down from the second floor!

This pair of dogs and men, the treasure he holds in his hands every day, how can you allow you to treat him like this, who gave you the courage and courage? ! Qu Yasong narrowed his eyes, thinking of these two people over and over again.

The demon Qu Yasong laughed inwardly: You claim that you don't like killing, and you look at all living beings with pity all day long, so why can't you help but start cursing today.

The angel Qu Yasong snorted: In this world, some people don't deserve sympathy and kindness at all.

Demon Qu Yasong agrees: You are finally right this time.

Unknowingly, the two souls have fewer and fewer disputes, and more exchanges, and even occasionally the consciousness can be shared, and the harmony becomes more and more harmonious.

The angel Qu Yasong was silent for a moment, and thought: Zhao Yunhai is a playboy, I thought that Su would have sex with him if he was coerced, but now it seems that this may not be the case. Zhao Yunhai likes Su Ruo, but uses our baby as a substitute, how dare he

I originally thought about making Bao Bao slowly accept that Zhao Yunhai is a scumbag, so as to save Su Ruo's face. After all, if Su Ruo Bao Bao is a brother who depends on each other, if he is betrayed by his family and lover at the same time, how should Bao Bao bear it

But now, such a brother, don't mind. Since he can throw Su Qing himself in the market without mercy, it means that he doesn't care about Baobao at all. Keeping such a discounted brother will only increase his sadness. It's better to let Baobao directly draw a line with them , far away from them.

Demon Qu Yasong agreed: "I also have the same intention. It's time to give the baby a strong medicine. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain."

After the two souls had a discussion, the angel Qu Yasong turned on the monitor, wanting to see what the boy was doing. The LCD screens lighted up slowly, but none of the seven screens showed a boy.

The demon Qu Yasong let out a "huh" in his heart: Are you taking a bath? The last time he was gone he was in the shower.

The angel Qu Yasong nodded, and switched to another hidden camera, and couldn't help but praise the demon Qu Yasong's actions.

Last time, after the demon Qu Yasong couldn't find the boy, he secretly installed a hidden camera in the bathroom while the boy was going to school. It was called a full-scale protection of the boy. The angel Qu Yasong was disgusted.

But today, his camera finally came in handy. The young man was hit hard, and he really didn't know if he would do anything to hurt himself.

The screen went black, then turned on, and the camera switched to the bathroom, but this time Qu Yasong was disappointed, because the bathroom was clean and empty, and there was no trace of the boy at all.

Qu Yasong couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up abruptly, turned on the pager and called the butler and attendants: "Who saw Su Qing just now, find him quickly!"

The housekeeper and attendants expressed that they did not see Young Master Su, and hurriedly started looking for him. The angel Qu Yasong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. Suddenly, he remembered a place.

Qu Yasong took big steps and ran towards the studio!

Huo Di opened the door of the studio, and Qu Yasong saw a boy in a white shirt sitting firmly in front of the drawing board, with a cane at his feet. The young man looked at the drawing paper calmly, drawing something on the drawing paper slowly with his hands.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, the boy turned his head and looked at Qu Yasong with clear bottomless eyes, doubts and surprises flashed in his eyes, "It was you, who surprised me."

Qu Yasong pursed his lips tightly, strode up to the young man, and hugged the young man into his arms. He didn't say anything, but hugged the boy tightly, as if hugging a treasure.

Bai Lixin was stunned, wrapped his arms around Qu Yasong's waist, and rubbed his head on his shoulder, "What's the matter, you seem a little scared."

The angel Qu Yasong hugged the boy's arms tightly again, "I couldn't see you just now, and I was afraid that you would disappear suddenly." When he was ten years old, his mother and friends all died within a day. The enemy sent killers to kill him alive.

No matter how hoarse I was, how much I cried and begged for mercy, my friends died one by one in front of me. The more he cried, the more excited the killer became. He looked at his young self like an ant. In order to stimulate his screams, the killer even mutilated his friend. He did this just to watch his expression of panic and grief, and to enjoy his begging for mercy.

The young Qu Yasong was powerless, he could only watch his friends leave one after another in the cage, and his mother.

The killer killed everyone, but left himself alone. Just when the killer was about to kill him, his father appeared in time and rescued himself.

The killer was a veteran, and he fled as soon as his father's person appeared. Before leaving, he said with a smile, "I will come back to find you."

Qu Yasong knew that he would definitely do what he said.

Later, after the demon Qu Yasong appeared, he also searched for this perverted killer everywhere, but found nothing. He disappeared completely from this world as if he had evaporated from the world. But Qu Yasong knew that he didn't die, he just hid, as long as he didn't see him die with his own eyes, he couldn't be at peace for a moment, and his soul couldn't be redeemed.

The screams of my friends and the despair of my mother always woke me up from the middle of the night.

So for so many years, he has armed himself with indifference, unwilling to make friends, just afraid that the perverted killer will suddenly appear, drive his friends away, and reproduce the demons of the past again. He can't let his friends face danger because of him. He is more afraid of losing the person he loves again.

But after being indifferent for so many years, this one is so vulnerable in front of the young man. When facing the young man, he couldn't help but fall into the ground, completely into the ground, without any strength left.

Qu Yasong hugged the boy, and gave a wry smile helplessly. Only then slowly let go of the boy, held the boy's shoulders with both hands and turned his face to her, "Why did you come to the studio by yourself?"

Bai Lixin blinked her cat-like eyes, and pointed at the drawing board, "I'm drawing, you're right, drawing can really settle a person's mood, I locked myself in the bedroom for two days and two nights. Not only was there no peace in my heart, but I became more and more uneasy, so I simply came to the studio."

Qu Yasong followed Baili Xin's hand and looked at the drawing board. The boy did not draw a figure this time, but drew a red-crowned crane. This red-crowned crane raised its head high, one foot landed on the ground, and the other foot was curled up On one side, it spreads its wings majestically and confidently, as if about to soar.

Qu Yasong looked carefully at the crooked claw of the red-crowned crane, and carefully found that its claw was slightly deformed, which was a true portrayal of a teenager.

Baili laughed hard, "People say that pictures come from the heart, and so does painting. I was sitting here just now, with a blank mind. I wanted to draw something, but I didn't know what to draw. I just let my mind go blank." , drawing and drawing casually, and I drew this. Do you think I have guessed that the legs will be like this? Otherwise, why did I think of protruding the feet when I drew the ballet dancer a month ago?"

Qu Yasong hesitated to speak, not knowing how to comfort the boy.

"Ahh!!" Bai Lixin suddenly yelled, stomping his feet, "No, I can't go on like this! Come on, accompany me to the bar!"

Qu Yasong: "Huh?!"

Bai Lixin stood up, pulled Qu Yasong, and limped out, turning his head while walking, "During the Anti-Japanese War, General Xu Huang was injured and became crippled in the land battle, but he was admitted as a pilot later, with the best As the captain of the Seventh Air Combat Vanguard, and later became the commander of the flying unit. I am much better than him, he was shot in the leg, I just fell, he can still do that, why should I Can't?"

Qu Yasong followed Bai Lixin's footsteps step by step. When the young man said what he said just now, his whole expression was shining, confident, chic, and fascinating.

When Bai Lixin walked to the steps, he became more cautious. Although the lame leg was a trick, it was a real lame leg, and he should be careful.

Seeing this, Qu Yasong picked up Baili Xin by the waist, walked to the shoe rack and put the boy down, "You want to take me to the bar?"

Bai Lixin sat down and put on his shoes while lowering his head and said: "Yes, I will take you to the bar to open your eyes. With your abstinent appearance, you probably haven't even seen what a bar looks like. Have you never seen it?" I dance? Let me show you how I dance tonight."

Qu Yasong raised his eyebrows, didn't say anything, just imitated Bai Lixin and sat down to put on his shoes.

Seeing Qu Yasong's small movements, Bai Lixin felt warm in his heart. Qu Yasong is not a talkative person, but his concern is meticulous. Just now he could stand and put on his shoes, but he sat down to take care of his own mood.

Bai Lixin's heart seemed to be dipped in honey, he was very happy, and there was a smile on his face involuntarily.

Qu Yasong observed the young man out of the corner of his eye, but saw a big smile on the young man's face. The despair and sadness he thought didn't seem to touch the young man at all.

Teenagers are like golden sunflowers, always full of vigor.