The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 30: Modern Plane 2.13


Bai Lixin picked up the phone and raised his eyebrows.

It turned out that Zhao Yunhai and Su Ruo came back the day before, and they went back to Zhao Yunhai's house directly after returning home. The next day when Su Ruo came home, she found the dusty Su's house and Su Ruo who was gone, and then she thought of making a phone call.

Bai Lixin smiled, and said to the phone, "Brother, I'm at Chairman Qu's house."

Su Ruo, who was on the other side of the phone, was stunned, and suddenly a sense of uneasiness came to her heart, "Why are you at Chairman Qu's house?"

"Brother, my leg is lame." Bai Lixin pondered for a long time before whispering, "I will never be able to dance again, do you know?"

Su Ruo was taken aback again, her voice was trembling because of nervousness, she had already forgotten the uneasiness just now: "Yes, is it? The doctor didn't tell me, Xiaoqing, are you okay now? Is there anything wrong? Don't you want to?" Sorry, I am your brother, and I will take care of you for the rest of my life."

Bai Lixin grinned silently on the other end of the phone, "Brother, you are so kind to me, brother, bring the sea of clouds to find me, I haven't seen you for two months, I miss you very much."

Su Ruo nodded, then hesitated and said: "But I don't know how to get to Chairman Qu's house."

Baili Xin raised her voice and said "O", "Then I'll share the past with you, and you can just follow the navigation later. Hurry up, brother, I want to see you so much."

Su Ruo covered her chest when she received the sharing message from her younger brother, feeling anxious and excited at the same time.

Why are people so greedy? He actually fell in love with two people at the same time. He loves Qu Yasong, but he can't let go of Zhao Yunhai either. Originally, he was just yearning for the pleasure brought by Zhao Yunhai's body, but the s country and his party made him fall in love with Zhao Yunhai.

If it wasn't for Yunhai at that time, I'm afraid he would have been decapitated.

Su Ruo covered her face, recalling the horrific kidnapping incident she experienced in country S. Several men in black forcibly took him away and locked him in a dark room. He didn't eat for a few days. Just when he thought he was going to starve to death, Zhao Yunhai appeared in time like a god, and rescued him with all his life. come out.

From that moment on, he changed his impression of Zhao Yunhai. I used to think that he was a playboy, but when she saw him lying in front of her with the feeling of being torn apart, Su Ruo realized that she had fallen in love with Zhao Yun unknowingly. ocean.

Moreover, Zhao Yunhai later expressed that if Su Ruo really couldn't let go of Qu Yasong, and if Qu Yasong didn't mind, he would be willing to be wronged.

At that moment, Su Ruo was moved into a mess, such a proud and dignified man abandoned his dignity and bowed himself down in front of him, just to make himself accept him, so what was he struggling with

That night, the two of them fought for 300 rounds, did not go out for three days, and officially confirmed their private relationship.

But the two of them confirmed their relationship, but Qu Yasong was still kept in the dark.

Su Ruo's heart trembled again when she thought of that man who was like a banished fairy. He loved Qu Yasong very much, he knew it himself. He couldn't make him give up on Zhao Yunhai, but he couldn't make him give up on Qu Yasong.

Su Ruo lowered her head, and Zhao Yunhai's suggestion kept flashing through her mind, if there could be three of them... wouldn't everyone be happy

With a thought in mind, Su Ruo picked up her mobile phone and dialed Zhao Yunhai's number.

The butler was obviously taken aback when he opened the door, huh, Young Master Su? But Young Master Su is resting upstairs, isn't he

Knowing that he came in a hurry, Su Ruo bowed his head and whispered, "Hi, I'm Su Qing's brother Su Ruo, and my younger brother asked me to come."

The butler nodded, looked at the man standing beside him, and immediately remembered the photo Joey sent. Isn't this the man in the photo

So that was the case, the housekeeper suddenly understood, and smiled amiably: "Then this must be Mr. Su Ruo's partner, right?"

Su Ruo blushed slightly, and said shyly: "No, you misunderstood, he is Su Qing's boyfriend, Su Qing called us to come."

The butler was taken aback, looked at Su Ruo and Zhao Yunhai, and understood everything at once.

Before, I thought that the person in the photo was Su Qing, and thought that Su Qing was cheating on the young master, but after seeing Su Ruo, I realized that young master Su also has a twin brother who looks exactly like him. I thought the other person in the photo was Su Ruo's boyfriend, but I didn't expect it to be Young Master Su's boyfriend.

Oh, the world is really big, full of wonders. It turned out that in this whole matter, the most innocent person was the person he thought was the most guilty—Young Master Su.

He smiled more and more kindly, and slightly moved away from the seat, "Since you are a friend of Young Master Su, please come in."

The butler welcomed the two of them into the living room, pointed to the sofa, and said with a smile: "You two, please sit down. Master Sally is tailoring the clothes for Young Master Su, and it will be ready in a while." Pat, and smiled again, "Oh, that's right, the pork rib soup that the young master ordered me to cook for Young Master Su is still on the stove, but it can't survive the heat. I'm sorry, I still have something to do here, you two, please do it yourself. The attendants will bring you some tea later, you two wait a moment."

He said without turning his head, and left with light steps.

Su Ruo and Zhao Yunhai looked at each other for a long time, then Su Ruo said, "Master Sally that the housekeeper mentioned is Ms. Sally Kaluo, an international fashion designer, right?"

Zhao Yunhai nodded: "It shouldn't be too bad." He looked around at the decoration of this building, and a hint of jealousy flashed in his heart.

Originally thought that Qu Yasong was just the president of a university, just a scholar with some international fame and fame in his early years, without any financial resources or real skills.

But when I saw this mansion, I realized that I was completely wrong.

At first glance, the architectural style of this mansion is the work of Kennedy Garr, the architectural design master of country S. It seems simple and unpretentious, but it actually hides a mystery.

Kennedy Garr is a national treasure-level architect of country S, and one of the world's treasures. There are not many buildings made by him, but each one is a masterpiece of the world, and he has a strange personality, which cannot be hired with money, but if you say that he does not care about money, he is not. No matter how much money a commoner can afford to invite him, only a real noble can invite him out of the mountains. Therefore, the people who can live in the buildings designed by Master Kennedy Garr are the top dignitaries in each country.

Zhao Yunhai frowned. Who is the person who can invite Master Kennedy Garr

Both Su Ruo and Zhao Yunhai had something to hide in their hearts, and since this was on someone else's territory, they both sat absent-mindedly and didn't move much. The two waited for about ten minutes before a waiter slowly brought up two cups of black tea.

Seeing that the attendant took so long to serve two cups of black tea, Zhao Yunhai's expression turned a little ugly. He glared at the attendant, but he was afraid of Qu Yasong's mysterious background, so he finally endured it and did not make a sound.

The two sat for a while, and there was a sound of walking upstairs. Su Ruo looked up when she heard the words, and saw three people walking down the stairs slowly, one was a middle-aged woman in luxurious clothes, she was Master Sally Kaluo; the other was tall and handsome, as if Like a fairy, it was Qu Yasong; and walking between the two of them was the limping Su Qing.

Su Qing and Sally Kaluo were chatting and joking about something, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he limped towards Su Ruo.

Bai Lixin hugged Su Ruo, threw himself into Zhao Yunhai's arms again, and said happily, "Yunhai, you are finally back, I miss you so much."

As soon as Bailixin rushed in, Zhao Yunhai's face turned dark immediately. He has always repulsed and loathed Su Qing, only because he was Su Ruo's younger brother, he reluctantly treated him with a smile, but he couldn't stand any deeper physical contact.

Zhao Yunhai was about to explode, but someone was faster than him.

Bai Lixin only felt that the collar of his clothes was picked up from behind, so he had no choice but to withdraw from Zhao Yunhai's arms.

Zhao Yunhai's complexion was not good, and he looked at Qu Yasong coldly, and Qu Yasong was the same. He glanced at Zhao Yunhai and Su Ruo with contempt for ants, and then lowered his head and said softly: "The stewed ribs for you by the butler is ready. , Be good, go eat it, and your feet will heal faster."

Su Ruo sat stiffly on the sofa from the moment Qu Yasong appeared. He greedily looked at the beautiful Qu Yasong without blinking his eyes, almost completely forgetting Zhao Yunhai beside him.

Seeing Su Qing leaving Qu Yasong, Su Ruo slowly stood up and walked in front of Qu Yasong, shyly took out a box from her bag: "Director Qu, the first time I saw this watch in country S At first glance, I thought it was a good match for you, so I bought it for you specially." He passed the box with both hands, and looked at Qu Yasong full of hope.

The demon Qu Yasong just glanced at the box coldly, without even raising his hand, he said indifferently: "No need, thank you. Your family is poor, so keep it and sell it for some money to supplement your family."

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the dining table, sitting on Baili Xin's side and watching him eat the ribs with relish.

Su Ruo just noticed the interaction between Su Qing and Qu Yasong. Qu Yasong, who was always indifferent on weekdays, looked at Su Qing dotingly with a smile on his face, and even reached out to rub Su Qing's hair from time to time? !

What was this strange atmosphere between the two of them? ! Su Ruo stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

Zhao Yunhai sneered when he saw it, and said in a low voice, "It seems that you green tea bitch brother seduced your boyfriend."

Su Ruo shook her head, and said in a low voice: "Impossible, impossible! It is impossible for Qu Yasong to like Su Qing like Su Qing, I understand him." Qu Yasong only likes beautiful things, and Xiao Qing is limping now , Qu Yasong must not like him. He may, yes, he may be the same as Zhao Yunhai, but he only regards Su Qing as my substitute, yes, it must be like this!

Zhao Yunhai was silent for a while, "You can think whatever you want, but you are coming to my house tonight, do you understand?" He touched Su Ruo's waist without any trace, and stretched out his hand contentedly.

Su Ruo blushed, and took two deep breaths of the turbulent emotions. In Su Ruo's mind, Su Qing, as her twin brother, was never as good as herself. It is better to be diligent. So he never thought that Qu Yasong would like this younger brother who is not as good as himself.

So he only worried for a while before standing up, yes, Qu Yasong must be like Yunhai, who used Su Qing as his substitute, Qu Yasong's gentle eyes and intimate movements should belong to him.

Now as long as Su Qing is dragged back to the original world, everything can be restored to its original state.

Su Ruo bit her lip, got up and walked slowly towards the living room, and frowned when she reached Bai Lixin, "Xiaoqing, let's go home, it's not good to stay here and trouble Chairman Qu."