The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 58: Western Fantasy Plane 1.23


Bai Lixin killed the silver dragon and jumped on the back of the black dragon again. The black dragon flapped its wings lightly and hovered over the priest's hall.

Careful people suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a black mass pressing down on the horizon. When they took a closer look, they suddenly discovered that they were all dragons, a whole group of dragons!

The power of a silver dragon is already so terrifying, and now there are tens of thousands of dragons flying here. How can their fragile country resist it! The people who were still cheering just now hugged each other, screamed, and hid in the arms of their family members in fear, while the ministers and priests who were trapped in the square had already fainted from the great joy, great sorrow and great fear.

The black dragon hovered over the priest's hall, and Baili Xin's clear voice pierced through the air and reached everyone's ears very clearly.

"Sinner Christine, you not only used the forbidden technique to gain longevity and power from the blood of the black dragon, but also boldly stole the most important official history of the dragon clan and a young dragon that has just grown up from the dragon clan region! You have completely angered the dragon clan, They are now coming out in full force, and if they can't find the official history, they will trample the entire human race into ruins! Sinner Christine, return the official history and the young dragons to the Dragon Clan quickly!"

When the crowd heard Baili Xin's voice, they suddenly realized that they stared angrily at the roof of the priest's hall. It turned out that the great power, longevity and beauty of the high priest had all been stolen from the Dragon Clan. Here comes the catastrophe!

Christine has already been stunned by Hillman, and has no idea what happened outside.

Seeing the dark dragon clan getting closer and closer, but the high priest still refused to speak, people began to yell in despair: "Damn Christine, quickly return the things to the dragon clan!" "Evil and cunning high priest, please!" , return the young dragons to them, you can't be so selfish!"

However, the insults and screams were like a stone sinking into the sea, without getting the slightest response.

People were desperate, they covered their heads and wept bitterly.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Your Majesty, I have found the official history and the young dragon!"

People in the imperial capital couldn't hear this voice, but they could hear Baili Xin's voice clearly: "Oh, have you found the official history and the young dragon? Well done, General Kappler."

General Kappler holds a frail baby dragon in his arms and holds a book in his hand. He raised them high above his head and said loudly: "Your Majesty, please see, they are all safe and sound!"

Bai Lixin's condensed face relaxed slightly, he jumped off the black dragon, stood firmly opposite Kapler, and took the young dragon and the book. After that, without any delay, he jumped up again and jumped onto the back of the black dragon, "Christine, even if you don't let go, I will find them all."

After all, the black dragon flapped its wings violently and flew towards the group of dragons.

In the distant sky, a giant dragon headed by it turned into a human and took the book and the young dragon carefully, and jumped onto the back of the other dragon.

There was admiration in his eyes, and he asked Baili Xin and the black dragon, "And then?"

Bai Lixin coughed, "Then you all go back, this scene is over, thank you for your hard work."

The man's eyes widened, "This is the end of the show?! I haven't had a chance to play yet, Your Royal Highness."

The black dragon under Bailixin made a heavy nasal voice, "If you want to go back, go back quickly!"

The man froze, and hurriedly said to the thousand dragons, "Okay, retreat! Let's go back to the dragons."

People stared at the sky without blinking, and when they saw the dragons began to fly back, the feeling of the rest of their lives was not very good.

People cheered, screamed, and shouted "Long live King Alexander!" From then on, people only knew "His Majesty Alexander" and never knew the priest's hall!

On the vast and remote desert, a petite and beautiful figure walked slowly. In her hand was a rein made of leather, and the other end of the rope was tied to a collar made of metal. Inside the collar was a huge silver dragon with a graceful figure.

Sophia held the silver dragon, breathing the free air outside, her heart seemed to fly.

The silver dragon being led by her showed a confused expression of nostalgia in its eyes. It stared at Sophia obsessively, allowing itself to be led like a pet.

At the end of the war, Yinlong woke up and found himself chained and trapped in the square of the Senna Kingdom. It struggled for a few times, but suddenly found that its strength was exhausted. It tried to make a sound, but suddenly found that what it spit out was actually a dragon's cry. Not only that, it couldn't transform into a human form anymore!

Its current strength is not even as good as a young dragon! It must be because of Bailixin's artifact, it must be that artifact that emptied his own power!

Just when Hillman discovered this reality in horror, King Serinon came in front of him in a mighty manner with his soldiers.

King Serinon said righteously: "Hillman, you are actually a silver dragon! Because of your fault, the Saron Empire sent troops to our country. It is all because of you! Now the only option is to kill you and sacrifice your head." Give it to King Alexander to eliminate the resentment in his heart and save our country from the dire straits."

Hillman was bound in chains and yelled at King Serinon. It was clearly the Saron Empire that you asked me to attack, but now you have blamed me for everything. You hateful and treacherous human beings! I am going to kill you!

King Serinon shuddered a few times when he saw the roaring and crazy silver dragon, but he continued: "Cut off its head and present it to King Alexander."

Seeing the executioner approaching step by step, Hillman struggled desperately, but the chains on his body became tighter and tighter, until finally it couldn't move.

Hillman let out a cry of despair and closed his eyes. Princess Sophia, my favorite person, goodbye.

Suddenly, a beautiful voice pierced through the air, "Stop it, let me see if any of you dare to touch a single hair!"

Hillman opened his eyes suddenly, staring obsessively at the charming figure who was approaching step by step without blinking.

Sophia, Sophia, yes Sophia! I was able to see Sophia one more time before I died! Hillman's silver vertical pupils were filled with tears, and when he saw Sophia's running figure, he let out a few whines.

Within a few steps, Sophia was already standing in front of Hillman, she said with a cold face, "I see who dares to touch him!"

King Serinon looked at Sophia and frowned, "Sophia, what are you doing? It is a dragon, an evil dragon. You will become the wife of King Alexander in a few days. Now Come out to join in the fun."

After criticizing Sophia for a few words, he directly said to the guards beside him, "Send Princess Sophia back to the bedroom."

Hillman looked at the approaching guards, and let out a dragon cry, Sophia, hurry up!

But a miraculous thing happened, the moment the guards met Sophia, the two guards flew out like a ball.

Hillman opened his silver eyes wide and looked at Sophia who stretched out her fist in surprise.

King Serinon couldn't believe it even more. He pointed at Sophia tremblingly, "You, what's the matter with you?"

Sophia chuckled, and looked at King Serinon, "Father, you have to bear the consequences for your own sins."

She retracted her fist while speaking, and easily tore off the iron chain tied to Yinlong's body.

King Serinon was dumbfounded, pointing to Sophia who had already ridden on the silver dragon's neck, and said, "Shoot, shoot me down, as long as she is still alive!" She must not leave, if she leaves, King Alexander will find her An excuse, he will definitely razed their Senna country to the ground!

Seeing the archer raise the bow and arrow at her without hesitation, Sophia laughed out loud, clenched her hand into a fist again and waved heavily in the void in their direction. Suddenly, an extremely powerful airflow followed As Sophia's fist was produced, it blew those people hard.

Everyone, including King Serinon, was thrown to the ground and blown upside down.

Sophia patted Yinlong's head lightly, and said in a low voice, "Let's go, Hillman, take me to freedom!"

Today is the day when the court pronounces the sentence. The old Christine was locked in a cage and began to think about how to excuse herself later.

The verdict was open to the public, and the location of the court verdict was also chosen in the central square of the imperial capital. Due to Christine's special status, the surrounding area was already crowded with people before the court opening time.

Finally, as the sun rose, the trial finally began.

Christine coughed twice, not thinking much about how to defend herself. But before he could defend himself, a familiar voice suddenly made him tremble.

Those were Chief Priest Kenny and five other seekers. They were standing on the witness stand, listing Christine's crimes one by one.

When everyone heard that Christine tricked Bai Lixin into the Dragon Race area with the excuse of a curse, and then lied to Silver Dragon that Bai Lixin was going to kill the Dragon King, the whole field was boiling.

Evil, treacherous, cunning, unforgivable crime!

This man almost killed their patron saint, their king! This man has committed a heinous crime!

As the six people continued to narrate, Christine's reputation had been discredited. Even the judge did not give Christine the right to speak, and directly sentenced him to the crime.

Endangering mankind and murdering the king are heinous crimes! Sentenced to eight hundred years in prison!

Eight hundred years is already a long time for the Dragon Clan, not to mention for humans, Christine, who looks like an old man, can only live for ten or twenty years at most, how can he last eight hundred years!

Christine sat in the prison van, trying to wrap herself tightly in an old cloak.

The prison van had circled the imperial capital three times, and there were still people throwing melons and eggs. Some of these things fell on the prison cart, and some hit him heavily.

If it was before, countless flowers would be thrown to him!

Christine also buried his face in the cloak. He only felt ugly looking at his face now. If he could drink another bottle of black dragon's blood, he would be able to leave this ghostly place with just one bottle!

At that time, with the disappearance of the effect of the medicine, all his strength was exhausted. Now I have become an ordinary old man! A disgraced old man waiting to die!

Christine looked at the dark future in despair. What awaited him was long imprisonment and endless insults. He was no longer a high priest, no longer a revered messenger of God. Just a disgusting sinner!