The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 67: Modern Plane 3.9


In reality, people struggle to maintain their image.

But in the veiled network, some people put on wolf's clothing, while others took off sheep's clothing.

Without moral constraints, many people don't need to be suppressed or afraid, and they can speak freely, whether it is true or fictional, whether it is good or bad.

Due to a small suspicious incident of the Midsummer Gang, the beautiful environment created before was knocked out layer by layer in an instant, and the previous cohesion no longer existed.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, even though the unity of Midsummer's gang no longer exists, the majesty of their gang still exists. If nothing else happens after this incident, the consequences of the verbal violence created by Bailixin will slowly disappear and be forgotten by the public, and everything will continue as before.

However, the last straw that breaks the camel's back will appear sooner or later.

Qiao Qun heard the sharp retorts in the chat room, and said with a sneer: "Since the things belong to you, I won't touch any of them. Don't worry, I don't care about these things. But now I don't care about them." When it's not for you, when our team finishes the Arena Masters, I will not only give you these things, but also give you another 100,000 gold, no problem?"

The 100,000 gold in the game is actually 1,000 yuan in real life, which is not much, but Tenderness is a student party and usually has no source of income. Although it is not much, it is not too little for her.

Qiao Qun only said that he would give himself the money and materials after the Arena Masters, but he didn't say that he would give it to himself only after winning the championship. After thinking about it tenderly, he slowed down his voice and said, "Master, we only changed the password just to be on the safe side, so don't be so angry. The most important thing for a team is unity, we can't let the white water become a song. "

Liang Xuan bit the corner of his lips angrily when he heard the words of tenderness, he was about to choke back but was stopped by Qiao Qun's eyes.

"Unity, you are right. Since everyone understands the truth, it will be much easier to handle. I will pretend that this incident has never happened. We are still good brothers and sisters. After participating in the Arena Masters, I will I will give you 100,000 gold coins as a reward." Now is the time for the team to score points, and their team has just gone through a tacit understanding. If they find someone to form a team again, it is difficult to imagine what the result will be.

In this case, Qiao Qun chose to make the major incidents into minor ones.

Hearing that the leader intends to find a step for everyone, everyone also heaved a sigh of relief, and this matter was temporarily revealed.

Unlike Midsummer Gang, which is a pot of rotten porridge today, Sihai Pingsheng Gang is surprisingly quiet. As a group of pensioners, they chatted in the chat room for a while after fighting the gang war, and then continued with the unfinished tasks at hand. .

The time was almost up, the second child pulled several other people into the team chat room, and talked with the boss about the results of today's gang battle.

Pei Fuchen didn't say much, just listened quietly, and laughed knowingly when he said something interesting.

The time passed by every minute and all the people who had eaten and walked around came back. Only then did Pei Fuchen organize everyone to start today's scoring competition.

Pei Fuchen is the captain of the team, plus the assassin of the second child, Xueyumen of Bailixin, the archer of the third child, and the monk of the fourth child.

It's still the early stage of the points race, and most of the opponents they meet randomly in the queue are not strong enough.

When Baili Xin added blood, he asked the second child: "Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye, come back in three days for a new dungeon, are you going to make a first armor?"

The old second-hand paused slightly, and smiled awkwardly, "Little Luo, you don't know, I usually don't make dungeons. Hahahahaha, ahhahahahaha..."

Bai Lixin: "...then where did you get your equipment?"

The fourth child was the first to say: "I know, find power leveling to play a dungeon, find power leveling to shoot equipment, and then use the equipment you bought to pretend to be aggressive in the arena."

The second child chuckled, but did not refute.

Bai Lixin: "... yes, you're such a dick."

One knife ended the opponent's treatment, the second child shrugged in front of the computer, "Pvp is okay, pve is my side."

"Boss, I heard that the first armor of the new ten-player elite copy of the whole game will reward an orange weapon, which heals with an acceleration attribute. My equipment and that weapon can just reach the perfect attribute, and the dps weapon The attributes are also top-notch, do you want to get a first armor?"

"I can do it, it's up to you to decide." Pei Fuchen now plays this game as entertainment, so he doesn't pay much attention to the issue of top-quality equipment.

When the second brother heard the top-quality weapon, his eyes shone green, "The top-quality weapon?! What is the assassin's?"

Bai Lixin thought for a while, and replied: "I read the introduction on the official website, the assassin seems to be a special effect weapon with the attribute of breaking defense + understanding, and the special effect is to add 50 points of poison damage."

"I, me, me, add me, Xiaoluo!" The second child screamed and almost fell off the chair, "This attribute is good, but who of you can command? And it's the first dungeon, so everyone probably doesn't know how to do it." Let's fight? Boss, can you command?"

"Me?" Pei Fuchen sneered, "I can command the arena, but commanding dungeons is not my strong point."

Bai Lixin tapped on the keyboard, exposing the hidden assassins in the opponent's team with a hundred flowers, and said slowly: "I can command, but I have one condition. If I can let you take the first armor, you The four can invite me to dinner, and I can't be absent."

The second child patted his thigh and promised, "Of course it's okay, don't say treat you to dinner, it's okay to treat you to eat stars!"

Bai Lixin snorted, "Whoever wants to eat the stars, you can eat them yourself."

Pei Fuchen raised his sword and killed the last assassin. The last match was over, and they got another point this time.

The second child opened the scoring competition rankings, and snorted when he saw his second ranking, "We are now ranked second in the scoring competition, and the first is the ever-victorious team, that is, Xianlaihe belongs to them."

After he finished speaking, almost at the same time, Bai Lixin and Pei Fuchen said calmly at the same time: "Don't be afraid, you will lose to us sooner or later."

Both of them were taken aback after they finished speaking, and the second child laughed, "You two really have a tacit understanding."

Bai Lixin smiled slightly, and neither of them said anything.

Pei Fuchen was about to say something when the housekeeper opened the door of the study and brought in the schedule. Pei Fuchen looked at the schedule of hospital observation tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and said to everyone in the chat room: "I have something to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so I won't come. Five of you will play first in the points match. I trust you. I should be able to do it the day after tomorrow." Come back, Xiaoluo, when I come back, I will join in helping you win the first prize."

Bai Lixin nodded, "Okay, thank you boss."

Seeing that Pei Fuchen was offline, Bai Lixin hurriedly left the game after saying goodbye to everyone.

Seeing that the two went offline one after another, the second child scratched his head, "The third child, have you noticed that every time the eldest one goes offline, Xiao Luo quits. Why did I suddenly think of the word 'husband sings, wife follows'?"

The third child rolled his eyes, "Okay, since you read those messy books, your brain is getting bigger and bigger. Aren't you going to join Xiaoluo's first team? Come here soon, I want to train you. If you make any mistakes when Xiao Luo is directing, let's see if the boss beats you to death."

The second child sighed, "You know how to bully me." He said so, but he still accepted the invitation of the third child, and went to hone his dungeon consciousness together.

Here, after Bailixin went offline, he silently summoned and woke up s419m.

s419m woke up crying and was about to act like a baby when Bailixin snorted coldly, and it immediately stopped crying.

[s419m,] Bai Lixin asked in his heart, [Can you find out Pei Fuchenming's itinerary the day after tomorrow? ] [Report to the host, no problem, let's start collecting plane information. Ding, the plane information is collected, and the formation of Pei Fuchen will be transmitted to the host. ] As soon as s419m's voice fell, a lot of information appeared in Bai Lixin's mind.

On the second day, accompanied by Pei's mother and Pei's father, Pei Fuchen entered the General Hospital of the Provincial Military Region for observation, but the examination results were not satisfactory. Pei Fuchen's tumor was a brainstem cavernous vascular tumor. Although it was benign, the tumor in his brain was getting bigger day by day and began to compress the nerves.

Because of this, Pei Fuchen has been in a trance and slightly dizzy recently. Over time, he will also experience symptoms such as intermittent coma and lethargy.

Hearing the result, Pei's mother looked sad, "Fu Chen, it's not an option to continue like this. I've discussed with your father, and I will no longer force you to marry a wife and have children. We plan to use IVF to have another child. You Don't have any psychological burden, we must treat this disease."

Seeing the result of the examination, Pei Fuchen shook his head slightly, "Thank you for your understanding and sacrifice. In my whole life, you are the one I am most sorry for. When I was young, your two elders tolerated my youthful and frivolous hobbies. Now, after I have been ill for a long time I have to put up with my selfish behavior for a while. But even so, I decided to wait a little longer."

For some reason, in the bottom of his heart, he always felt that there was a reason to persevere without surgery.

He didn't dare to bet on a surgery with only a 10% success rate. He never believed in his own luck, he only believed in strength. He was sure that if he chose to have an operation, what awaited him would be a vegetative end.

Become a vegetable? No!

Instead of becoming a body, he would rather have his own mind these days, because he felt that there seemed to be such a person who was always looking for himself.

Although this kind of thinking is a bit ridiculous to him who is nearly thirty years old, he firmly believes in it.

After Pei Fuchen finished speaking, he saw that Pei's father and mother's expressions were a bit decadent, as if they had aged a lot.

The company still has things to do. While the old housekeeper stayed here to take care of Pei Fuchen, Father Pei helped the trembling mother Pei slowly leave the ward.

Watching the old backs of the two elders leave, Pei Fuchen sighed, as if a lump stuck in his throat. He recalled the resolute expression of his parents when he joined the national team regardless of obstacles when he was young and energetic. At that time, his parents originally planned to send him abroad to study abroad, but he resolutely gave up this way out, and instead secretly left home to participate in the national team. Team evaluation and enter the team to develop in one fell swoop.

At that time, his parents spoke ill of him, and even cut off contact with him for a long time.

But after hearing that he had a tumor in his brain, the two elders took him back. Mothers never think their children are ugly, and fathers never think their children are sick. The love of parents is always the most selfless love in the world.

After dinner, it was still bright, and Pei Fuchen wandered slowly in the back garden of the hospital in his hospital gown. Since his illness, he has slowly left his busy work. After calming down, Pei Fuchen realized the beauty of the surrounding scenery.

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the hot day is gone, and the cool autumn wind is blowing, and the sound of cicadas is one after another, but the restless sound makes the surrounding area extraordinarily quiet.

In the garden of the hospital, there are usually some patients who are recuperating leisurely. Walking here, they seem to be isolated from the world, without the chaos of the outside world.

Pei Fuchen's heart is as calm as a deep pond. Now that the lead is gone, he knows how to enjoy life better.

As he was walking, he was suddenly caught by a figure.

It was a young man in his twenties, with a delicate and lovely face the size of a palm, his eyes calmly looking at the notebook placed on his lap, with a look of tranquility.

Pei Fuchen's heart moved, and he walked in the direction of the young man involuntarily.

Bai Lixin was typing on the keyboard, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Pei Fuchen walking towards him and straightened up slightly.

Tacit understanding, too much tacit understanding, this is the tacit understanding between lovers.

He was still thinking about how to have a fateful encounter with Pei Fuchen, but in the end his lover sent him to his door.

Pei Fuchen walked to the empty bench next to Bai Lixin and slowly sat down. He heard the familiar sound effect from the notebook on Bai Lixin's lap, looked at Bai Lixin sideways with a gentle and calm expression, and asked, "Where is the play games?"

Bai Lixin swallowed secretly, lowered his head and continued to stare at the screen intently, fiddling with the mouse on the mouse pad of the bench beside him with his right hand from time to time, and replied casually: "Well, I'm playing "The Way of the Knight", do you also play? "

Pei Fuchen said "En?", and frowned slightly. Why is this young man's voice so familiar

"The Way of the Knight? I play it occasionally. Because of my illness, I haven't played it for a long time."

Only then did Baili Xin raise his head from the screen, and smiled slightly from the side, showing two small canine teeth, "Really? Hello, my name is Xiaoluo, do you want to watch me play in the single player arena?"

Bai Lixin turned the notebook towards Pei Fuchen as he spoke. On the screen, Xueyumen was in the waiting mode before the game, and this character, he was all too familiar with. He was just pulled into the team not long ago. Little Luo!

Pei Fuchen's slightly pale face was slightly startled, and the peaceful expression on his face gradually shattered.

Such a coincidence? fate

After watching it for a while, the young man turned the screen back to his direction and smiled, "The competition will start soon. If you are bored, you can watch me play games. I am very good."

Looking at the young man's slightly raised forehead, Pei Fuchen shook his head and chuckled, "Okay, you can play, I'll watch."

Bai Lixin nodded, and his ten fingers danced beautifully and briskly on the keyboard like fluttering butterflies.

These are a pair of beautiful hands, but they are also a pair of nimble hands.

Baili Xin's hand speed is extremely fast. Pei Fuchen used to be the chief of the professional national team. His eyes can keep up with Bai Lixin's hand speed, but now he can only catch it with his eyes, and his hands can't catch up. This speed is up.

Three years ago was his most glorious moment. At his most glorious moment, he wanted to ascend to the highest point in the world. But since three years ago, he has been unable to do what he wants. Once he started to fight for hand speed, his hands will not stop shaking after a long time. After a thorough physical examination, he found that there was a problem in his head, and he immediately gave up his wish to stand at the highest point in the world.

But the young man in front of me is full of vigor, quick hands, and great consciousness. He is fully capable of representing the country on the world stage, standing at the apex of the world, and crushing everyone under his keyboard!

The heart that had been silent for many years suddenly started to beat the moment he saw Baili Xin.

Pei Fuchen suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and watched the young man's position and play seriously, calmly. The young man's move was very peculiar, neither conservative nor offensive, but more like playing tricks on the opponent. Move coquettishly.

His position is not static, but every game is different, which is unpredictable. However, what is needed in the team is this kind of unexpected players. There used to be famous table tennis players. In order to defeat their opponents, they kept watching their opponents' game routines and constantly asked their sparring partners to send out their opponents' hitting trajectories.

Practice uninterrupted every day, and finally practiced the technique of repelling the opponent's attack by relying on instinct.

This is true of table tennis, and so is the team's style of play.

If teammates always adopt the same style of play, after a long time, they will be counterattacked.

In the pvp confrontation, what is needed is this ever-changing, endlessly emerging style of play and positioning. He knows the corresponding solution of each skill, but it is not an ordinary routine, there is no trick to win.

After the game was over, Bailixin quit the game and put on the computer, and put the computer, mouse and mouse pad into the computer sleeve.

He stretched, stood up and smiled at Pei Fuchen: "The injection is over, it's time for the injection, I have to go back to the ward first, my ward is in 4302, if you feel bored and want to play games, you can come to me. goodbye."

4302? 4302 seems to be an ordinary flu ward, "Are you caught a cold?"

Bai Lixin paused slightly when he stood up, and turned his head to look down at Pei Fuchen: "Last night, I felt a little dizzy. I went to the hospital for an examination and found that my fever reached 40.2c. The doctor suggested that I stay in the hospital for two days, and I went through the hospitalization procedures. He paused, and asked Pei Fuchen, "What about you?"

It is actually a taboo thing to ask about the condition in the hospital, but when the young man asked this question, Pei Fuchen didn't feel annoyed at all, "I have a small pimple on my body."

Bai Lixin suddenly realized and nodded, "Oh, so, which ward are you in, I'll go and play with you."

Pei Fuchen shook his head, "I have more time, so I can go find you."

Bai Lixin smiled when he heard the words, "Then it's settled, remember to come to me!" After saying that, he headed towards the ward.

While walking, Bai Lixin silently asked s419m, [What's the situation with the tumor in Pei Fuchen's brain now? ]

[Reporting to the host, it has not deteriorated yet, but benign tumors are not absolutely safe. Although there is no possibility of disease for the time being, as the benign tumor expands, it will compress the surrounding nerves and cause a series of complications. ]

Hearing that, Bai Lixin frowned tightly, [How should I touch him to cure his tumor with plane points? ]

[Master host, in order to prevent Mr. Pei Fuchen from becoming a material for the doctor, I suggest that you take pictures slowly and eliminate the tumor from your brain bit by bit. ]

Bai Lixin nodded: [I know this, Pei Fuchen comes to the hospital for reexamination every half a month, if I remove all his tumors at once, it will definitely attract the attention of others. But the problem now is that I can't meet Pei Fuchen often, it's hard for me to even touch him once, this time I use the fever as an excuse, but what about next time? I can't always have a fever. ]

Bailixin walked heavily and gritted his teeth secretly. In the past, the lover could not wait to press himself on the bed every day, but the lover in this life is always inseparable. They could meet each other tomorrow morning, but they all chose to refuse. He could clearly reveal his identity just now, but he still didn't say it.

Does this mean to fight an underground war

Oh, who is afraid of whom

It was about nine o'clock in the evening, Pei Fuchen thought about it, and took out the notebook that the housekeeper specially brought in the evening.

He opened the client of "The Way of the Knight", and after silently logging into the game, he found that Baishui Dangge was still online.

Pei Fuchen frowned, didn't he have a fever of 40 degrees? Don't take a good rest, what game are you still playing now

Slightly sullen in his heart, he logged into the chat room and found that the second child and the others were indeed competing for points. As soon as he came in, he heard the second child complain: "Xiao Luo, what's the matter with you today? How many times have you made mistakes?"

Xiao Luo's voice was a little weak, "I'm sorry, I'm a little out of shape today."

Hearing their conversation, Pei Fuchen became even more angry, "Disband, we won't fight today."

The second child gasped and said in surprise, "Emma, you scared me to death. Boss, when did you come in? You're so elusive, you scared me to death, baby."

Pei Fuchen is not in the mood to make fun of them now, he repeated again, "Disband, we won't fight today."

The second child wondered: "Why, Boss, this is just our second match, if we don't play today, the points will be pulled even further by Xian Lai He Gui and them."

"The competition is more important than the body? Didn't you hear that Xiao Luo has a fever?" Pei Fuchen's voice was cold, secretly filled with anger.

The second child paused, and said cautiously: "Xiao Luo, do you have a fever?"

Xiao Luo's voice was still a little weak, "Well, a little bit, but it's nothing serious."

"Oh, I'm going," the second child patted his forehead, "Go and have a good rest if you have a fever. Playing a game is just for entertainment. You play games, so you can't be played by the game. Don't be so serious, you have to keep up with Desperate like Saburo!"

Xiao Luo's voice paused slightly, "But...our ranking..."

"Hey, go to his ranking, my little ancestor, you can rest well. We can continue to play after the points are gone, and the body is the first, okay? And I still count on you to take me to get it the day after tomorrow Shoujia, you can't work hard at this time and fall down at that time, so you must take a good rest!"

After he finished, he thought for a while and said, "But boss, you are really powerful. Others can tell whether he has a fever by looking at his face, but you can tell that Xiaoluo has a fever just by listening to his voice. Boss, tell the truth, you Is it a fox fairy?"

Pei Fuchen: "..." Damn it, how could I recognize such a pig teammate.