The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 88: Ancient Plane 1.10


The two of them made fun of each other and blended harmoniously, and the sky was already white.

"Do you know where the soul-drawing Gu worm's mother was hidden by the medicine king?" Bai Lixin wrapped his index finger around Su Miejun's black hair, and asked while entangled.

"I have been living in the valley since I was brought back from the outside world by Chi Yuanxian more than 20 years ago. After living for more than 20 years, Mr. Kong Hou has never left the Valley of the Medicine King. He rarely leaves himself. Mr. Konghou is very vigilant in his garden. However, there is a secret room in his main house, and I guess the female insect should be hidden in the secret room by him. But even if we find the female insect, we cannot control the daughter insect. Mr. Konghou has a Set up a special mental method to control the mother worm, so as to manipulate the child worm."

"If the mother worm dies, will the larvae also die?"

"No, after the mother worm dies, the larvae are out of control and will gnaw at the host's brain like crazy, but the host will die after a while."

Hearing this result, Bailixin frowned slightly.

But soon he stretched his brows again, and continued to ask: "If I know where the mother worm is and I can also lure Mr. Konghou out, are you sure you can find the mother worm and bring it out safely?" Bai Lixin paused , explained, "My so-called safety is your safety. If the mother worm dies, she will die."

Hearing Baili Xin's words, Su Miejun's heart moved slightly, he grabbed Bai Lixin's hand and put it on his warm chest, and said, "Yes, but what are you going to do?"

"I want you, kill God by the way!" Bai Lixin's eyes shone with golden light, and he felt the powerful heartbeat from Su Mie Jun, "I need your help this time, will you help me?"

"my pleasure!"

Hearing the expected answer, Bai Lixin was still moved with snot and tears. In the end, he turned his emotion into practice in the simplest way, and had sex with Su Miejun again.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and Bai Lixin secretly discussed the countermeasures with Su Miejun during the two of them resting.

When Su Miejun heard Baili Xin's idea, his eyes showed surprise, and he said in shock: "This method is wonderful, but is it feasible?"

"The chain is intertwined, it depends on whether these people can play a key role."

Su Miejun nodded, remembering one of his links, his face immediately pulled down, "Chi Yuanxian is a cannibal, are you sure you want to seduce? You might as well go."

Bai Lixin hurriedly waved his hand, "Don't, don't, don't. I'll go, you have more important tasks, so leave it to me to run errands and bicker."

After taking a deep look at Bai Lixin, Su Miejun kissed Bai Lixin hard on the lips, "I will trust you once, but if Immortal Chi Yuan does anything to you, I will not spare her."

Bai Lixin nodded her head vigorously, and said in her heart that I wish you could not spare her.

"By the way, do you still have the antidote that Mr. Konghou gave you once every three days?" Bai Lixin suddenly remembered the most important thing, and asked anxiously.

"Yes, Mr. Konghou would usually give me three months' supply directly, but now I have used it for two months, and I still have one month's supply left." Su Mie-jun pointed to the medicine shelf in the distance.

"That is to say, if you get the antidote next month, you can persist for three months?" Bai Lixin's eyes lit up, and he asked happily.

"That's right." Su Mie Jun didn't know why, but still nodded his head.

This antidote is his life, and it is also the rope that he is controlled by Mr. Konghou. He hates it, but he cannot do without it.

Only he and Lord Konghou knew about the antidote, but Immortal Chi Yuan probably also knew about it, she just knew it and didn't reveal it. Others don't know that they are controlled by the antidote. The world only thinks that there are three masters in the Valley of the Medicine Kings. In fact, there are no three masters in the Valley of the Medicine Kings. There are only two people who are the real masters.

Seeing the direction Su Mie Jun pointed at, Bai Lixin slid out of Su Mie Jun's arms like a loach, and came to the side of the shelf. He took out the pill in the bottle and sniffed it, but he couldn't smell any smell, "No smell?"

Su Mie Jun also sat up, he sat cross-legged on the bed, put his hands on his knees casually, the full chest muscles and the strong eight-pack abdominal muscles were undoubtedly revealed, Bai Lixin sniffed, and quickly turned his head to one side.

"It has no smell, so I can't analyze what is in it. Otherwise, I can detoxify it myself."

"Are there quantities of these medicines? Can I take one?" Bai Lixin poured out a black pill from it, and glanced at Su Miejun's eight-pack abs from the corner of his eye.

"Okay, you can take it. Kong Hou-jun will usually give it to me five days in advance, which is exactly the size of a pill. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Okay! Believe me, give me this pill, you won't regret it!" Bailixin grabbed the pill in his hand, carefully put the antidote back on Su Miejun, and promised.

Seeing the serious look of the usually wild and ostentatious man at this moment, Su Miejun gave him a doting smile, waved to him and said: "Come here, you are still naked, shaking and shaking makes me hard. "

Bai Lixin snorted, and his face immediately flushed red.

Lord Sumie came back last night, and today he needs to report to Lord Konghou what he has done.

Watching Su Mie Jun leave, Bai Lixin emptied his soul body into the darkness.

[S419M, are you there? ] Bai Lixin called out to S419M who hadn't seen him for a few days in the pitch-black darkness.

[Reporting to the host, I have always been by your side, it is just inconvenient to appear. ] As soon as Bailixin finished speaking, he got the answer from S419M.

Nodding in response, Bai Lixin continued, [I got Su Miejun's pill, but can you use the plane points here? ]

[No, Master Host, you need to leave. I can only appear when I leave the circle of the obscene god. ]

[OK, I see. If I want to kill a prostitute, what should I pay attention to? ]

[If you want to kill the God of Obscenity, you must kill him in one move, and you cannot let her have a chance to breathe. Although the lecherous god is not bright-minded, he is occasionally clever. If she finds out that there is a problem, she will immediately withdraw her soul. If she is allowed to escape at that time, our whereabouts and plans will be completely exposed in front of false gods. ]

Bai Lixin frowned, [Since this is the case, is there a way for you to set up a barrier so that her soul cannot escape from a certain range? ]

[Sorry, Master Host, although I have collected countless soul powers from various planes, these powers belong to the power of false gods. If you use the soul power of false gods to set up an enchantment, the false gods will not be afraid at all if you use the soul power of false gods twelve times. Easily escape through the enchantment. ]

[Okay, I see, I have a solution. ] Bai Lixin nodded, and he didn't have much fear after knowing the truth.

[You have a solution? Lustful God is known for cherishing life, if this plane is beyond her control, she will definitely leave immediately. ]

[You have said that she is the god of lust, what is she most obsessed with? It is the best food that is clearly in front of you, but you can't eat it anyway. The more you can't eat, the more you can't stop, and you won't let go. And I am the best. ]

[Wow,] There was an electronic sound imitating clapping hands in the darkness, [Master host, you are sacrificing yourself and trying to seduce the obscene god, that obscene demon! ]

There was a joke in this tone, Baili Xin rolled his eyes, [What role have you played in this plane? The useless plane system actually has the face to joke here, so I quickly reflect on it, this is a pill, I brought it for you, quickly analyze the ingredients for me, and then help me detoxify Su Miejun's poison. ] Bai Lixin turned his palm, and a pill lay quietly in his palm.

Baili Xin is a soul body, but he is a living soul in this world. If the living soul is strong enough, it can touch objects. That's why Bailixin was able to bring the pill into the darkness of the void.

I saw a gleam of light flashing in the void, and then a crack appeared. When Bai Lixin saw the crack appear, he put the pill into the crack.

After putting the pill into the void, Bailixin didn't stop, but continued to grope inside for a while, before he took out a bottle of medicine, and asked the void, "An antidote for miasma poison?" ?”

[This is not, this is the antidote you sent the day before yesterday to cure love poison. ]

[O,] Bai Lixin said "O", poured out two pills from the bottle and put them in his left hand, then put the bottle back into the space bag, and he fumbled out a light green one from inside again. Bottle, "The antidote to miasma?"

[No, this is the antidote you sent in five days ago to solve Qibu Powder. ]

Bai Lixin sighed again, and said flatly, "Give me a pill for the antidote to the miasma, I will use it." ]

[Obey, Master Host! ] As soon as S419M finished speaking, Bai Lixin saw a small light blue bottle floating out of the interspatial bag, floating in front of him.

Bai Lixin took the bottle, poured two pills from it, and put the bottle back into the space bag.

These days, he is not in vain in the Valley of the Medicine Kings. While learning medical skills, he also retreats to deal with the affairs of the Demon Cult secretly. The most important thing is that he often fiddles with some pills for S419M to analyze the ingredients to prepare antidote and poison.

In just over a month, S419M has configured hundreds of poisons and antidotes.

Bai Lixin looked at his hands, he never thought that he still has the ability to reach the stars, this skill is really self-taught.

Ren Qiankun walked out of Chi Yuanxian's room again, he wanted to leave directly yesterday, but it was getting late, so he stayed overnight in Yaowang Valley. His residence happened to be not far from Chiyuan Immortal's room, and just about to fall asleep, he heard the ups and downs of Chiyuan Immortal's room.

If it was normal, Ren Qiankun would have entered one ear and exited the other.

why? It's just because he has long been used to Chi Yuanxian's lewdness. But so what about sensuality, he also said that he likes her so much that he can't help himself.

He felt a dull pain in his heart, but he couldn't help but swell when he heard her voice.

Suddenly, he stopped suddenly, his eyes widened in horror.

What did he hear

He actually heard Immortal Chi Yuan calling the name "Xuan Bing" forgetfully! ! !

You know, Chi Yuanxian has always been in the dominant position on the bed, and the word "baby" has never been uttered from her mouth, but she has never called anyone's name!