The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 101: Great victory, Brother Xiu returns


It is a big deal to eat stones in the soup. If it is found out who made the soup, it will cost you thirty sticks, or dispatch to the Department of Criminal Justice. The sharp-eyed maid recognized that this was not the soup from the imperial dining room: made by the master."

Director Cui, who was guarding outside, heard this, secretly thought that something was wrong, and hurried to the kitchen, but the people around the emperor were not vegetarians, almost as soon as he arrived, they followed behind.

Eunuch Fu glanced at everyone in the room: "Who made the shrimp and mushroom soup?"

Qiao Wei just put the two children to sleep, gave the child to Boss Rong and Yao Qing, stood up and said, "I did it."

Eunuch Fu said calmly: "There are stones in the soup, this is a death penalty!"

The prince's banquet, the crime is aggravated, and it is not an exaggeration to kill him.

Everyone was taken aback.

Qiao Wei frowned and said, "There are no stones in my soup, I have checked them one by one."

Cooking for the emperor, how dare she take it lightly

Eunuch Cui hurriedly said: "Brother, this is probably a misunderstanding, give her a chance."

The House of Internal Affairs is the most lucrative part of the palace. Eunuch Cui has a lot of money, so he does a lot of filial piety to Eunuch Fu. Eunuch Fu always wants to give him face: "Miscellaneous family members are soft-spoken, and they can't speak in front of the master."

"Look at what my brother said, you are in front of the royal family, that's it!" Eunuch Cui gave a thumbs up.

Eunuch Fu smiled: "Don't put a high hat on me."

"I'm telling the truth!" Eunuch Cui pointed to the child who was held in the arms of Boss Rong and Yao Qing, "Those two little things, hers, there is no man in the family, she is in business and has a baby, It's not easy."

Eunuch Fu looked at the thin and frail backs of the two children (Wangshu chubby), and his heart was a little touched: "Okay, I will take her to Princess Zhao to kowtow and admit her mistake. Princess Zhao's anger has disappeared. It's over."

Princess Zhao? Ah, that old bastard has gone back to rescue soldiers.

Qiao Wei snorted coldly, took off her apron, and followed Eunuch Fu to the Changhuan Palace where the banquet was held.

Qiao Wei knelt outside Changhuan Hall, separated by a curtain of broken jade beads.

Eunuch Fu opened the curtain and went in, and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, someone brought it here. It's a woman from a Taoist family with two children. It's so pitiful."

This is to intercede for Qiao Wei.

Concubine Zhao has been brought to the front by the emperor. Standing at the side of the male guests' table, she glanced at the thin figure kneeling outside the bead curtain, a triumphant smile curled up on her lips.

How about making you arrogant? Are you out of luck

You dare to bully my concubine's people, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth!

"Why do you say you are so careless in cooking? Fortunately, I ate it. If the prince ate it instead, do you know what the consequences will be?" Princess Zhao said "kindly".

Qiao Wei curled her lips and said, "Caomin doesn't remember putting stones in it, can you show Caomin?"

Princess Zhao winked at Nanny: "Bring her the soup!"

The grandma took the soup and opened the curtain to go out: "Look, it's such a big rock!"

Qiao Wei scooped out the stone, squeezed it lightly, and it became fine powder.


Seems to have gotten stronger recently.

"If you go back to the princess, it's not a stone, it's wild broad beans released by the grass people!"

Princess Zhao scolded: "You are lying!"

Qiao Wei said solemnly: "The grassroots don't dare. If the princess doesn't believe it, come and see for yourself. Although it looks like a stone, it is soft in texture, rich in protein, and contains a lot of vitamins B1, B2, iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium than bananas." The content is still high, it is really a good product for prolonging life and beautifying the skin.”

"Then why is there no one?" The prince asked angrily, although he didn't understand those fake elements of beep beep beep at all.

"Back..." Who is this

Director Cui reminded in a low voice: "Prince."

Qiao Wei straightened her expression: "Returning to the prince, it's because the other broad beans have been boiled and melted, but the inside of this one is actually melted, and only a little thin skin is still there. Caomin just pinched it lightly and it shattered."

Princess Zhao: Did I really put a broad bean instead of a stone

"The emperor! She lied!"

Qiao Wei said calmly, "I cooked the soup. I know better than anyone what was put in. Princess Zhao is so sure that it is a stone. Could it be that you put it yourself?"

Princess Zhao really almost revealed that she let it go, but fortunately she stopped in time: "I... I... I bit it! It's hard! It almost broke my teeth!"

Qiao Wei said amusedly: "You are the old lady's tooth. I crushed it when I squeezed it, but you can't bite it."

Princess Zhao bit the "bean" without witnesses, but Qiao Wei crushed it to pieces under the watchful eyes of everyone. Who would believe that a frail woman has such strength to crush a stone? That must be broad beans! It has to be boiled broad beans!

Through the curtain of broken jade beads, the emperor's eyes fixed on the woman's body. Although she was kneeling, her eyebrows were downcast, and her posture was pious, but her unruly arrogance was hard to ignore. An old friend of mine seems to be full of flaws even on the surface.

The emperor thought: "Raise your head and let me see."

Qiao Wei is a little unhappy, the original owner has a face that is a disaster, the emperor has been so lustful since ancient times, won't he fall in love with her all of a sudden, right

"The emperor asked you to look up!" Eunuch Cui reminded in a low voice, this girl looks very clever, why did she just dawdle in front of the Holy Majesty? Aren't you afraid of offending Long Wei

Qiao Wei raised her head reluctantly.

The emperor looked at that face, and the more he looked, the weirder his expression became. He couldn't help but leaned slightly, and even wanted to stand up to see her clearly.

Qiao Wei's scalp felt numb after being watched: "Your Majesty! I'm a widow!"

"Pfft—" The most dignified imperial concubine who was drinking water behind the screen spewed out a mouthful of tea.

The emperor was also choked, he just thought she looked familiar, so he took a second look just now, and this girl actually regarded him as a disciple!

The emperor sat up straight and said, "What's your name? Who are your parents? Where do you live?"

This question... is a bit much, but the yamen also tried cases in this way, and everyone didn't think it was wrong, but thought that the emperor's professional quality was very good.

Look, the emperor also asked his parents, and the emperor also watched people order food.

Qiao Wei said sternly: "Caomin Qiao's family lives in Li Village, Diandu. Both parents were born in grasslands, so they are not outsiders."

"The capital of Yunnan." The emperor murmured, "The Medicine Valley seems to be in the capital of Yunnan..." After a pause, he said again: "You said your surname is Qiao?"

Qiao Wei said: "Yes."

The emperor asked, "What's your mother's name?"

Why did you ask about her mother? Qiao Wei was at a loss: "If you go back to the emperor, the grass people have no parents, and the grass people are orphans at birth."

Everyone didn't understand why the emperor asked so carefully. Could it be that he was worried that this woman would not succeed if she had a strong mother clan? Only King Yin understands it. His good father is probably thinking of the genius doctor Shen who saved the queen mother and child many years ago. Although he has never seen Shen's real face like most of the people present, since Da Qiao's is Shen Her daughter's eyebrows and eyes look somewhat like Shen's.

Now, should I tell my father that the woman in front of me is Shen's own daughter

No, this woman hates him so much right now, if she sues her in front of her father, she won't be able to take it anymore.

With this in mind, King Yin chose to stand still.

Concubine Zhao saw that the balance in the emperor's heart seemed to be tilted toward the little cook, she frowned and asked, "Nanny, what are you talking about?"

The nanny was startled, and then she understood: "If you go back to the princess, this servant will recognize who she is."

"Who is she?" Princess Zhao asked.

The nanny said: "She is the cook who threatened Xiao Shizi with a knife just now."

Princess Zhao's complexion changed: "She threatened you with a knife? Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter?"

The nanny said in fear and trepidation: "Servant... The servant was afraid that the princess would blame her. At that time, the servant did not take a good look at Xiao Shizi and let Xiao Shizi run to the kitchen. Those children were ignorant and gave Xiao Shizi food and let Xiao Shizi drink cold well water. , Xiao Shizi's belly has always been delicate, the slaves were frightened and clashed with them, she was so fierce that she threatened me with a knife!"

This nanny is far more powerful than Mother Fang who distorts the facts. She only used a "conflict" to expose her crime lightly without adding fuel or jealousy. She did not excuse herself and admitted it It was her own initiative to provoke trouble, but no matter who heard what she said, they would blame Qiao Wei's mother and son.

Qiao Wei snorted and said: "Your prince's child is a human being, but my child is not? He is hungry and thirsty, and my child will give him food and drink. It's fine if you don't appreciate it, and even scolded my daughter." You are a dog slave, and you beat him up, is this the upbringing of your royal family?"

"Bold!" This time, even King Zhao, who was busy avoiding suspicion, couldn't stand it any longer. He yelled loudly, like thunder that exploded in the clear sky, and the prince, who was always ignorant of the world around the emperor, was too lazy to answer such boring words. A farce, I just ate the shrimp slippery in the bowl, but was scared by my stupid brother and choked.

Of course, the emperor didn't notice the abnormality of his precious son at this time, and he was still asking his little grandson: "Did you ask someone to ask for it, or was it given to you?"

I hope Shusai will give it to Xiao Shizi.

Xiao Shizi blinked: "I want it."

Princess Zhao gave the concubine a hard look, how dare she lie? How dare you sing against her for an outsider? What an unfamiliar thing!

The emperor patted Xiao Shizi on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "Jing'er is a good boy."

"Uh...uh..." The prince grabbed his throat and grabbed the emperor.

"The prince also thinks that Jing'er is very good, doesn't he..." The emperor turned his face pleasantly, but saw that the prince's face turned purple, and his expression changed immediately, "Prince!"

The prince fell off the stool and fell straight to the ground.

Everyone who was attracted by Qiao Wei and Xiao Shizi just now looked at this side, and the scene fell into chaos in an instant.

The emperor hugged the prince: "Prince doctor! Tell the doctor! The prince choked on food!"

A palace official ran out in a hurry!

King Yin showed a worried look, but secretly exclaimed in his heart, hey, hey, hey, he has occupied the position of prince for many years, and he should go after his unlucky mother.

King Zhao ran to the other side of the prince, with snot and tears: "Eighth brother! What's wrong with you, eighth brother?"

How could you choke

You have lived for twenty years, and you are finally looking for death.

The rest of the princes also shed tears of excitement.

Suddenly, Qiao Wei stood up, opened the curtain and entered the room.

The eunuchs in the room didn't know what she wanted to do, they thought it was an assassination, and hurriedly blocked her, but she knocked her down one by one.

Everyone was stunned. Such a sturdy woman is the only one I have ever seen in my life!

Princess Zhao was the only female family member standing in the main hall. To show her sincerity, she spread her arms and blocked Qiao Wei's way: "Bold and unreasonable! Get back soon!"

Qiao Wei didn't even look at her, and kicked her away. Like a kite with a broken string, she pressed against the screen behind her, and fell backward together with the screen, which happened to be on her own dining table On the table, the screen was cracked, and the oily dishes were stuck all over her body, especially the portion of boiled pumpkin, the whole pot was turned over, and her head was covered——

Tsk, the picture is so beautiful.

King Yin was startled by Qiao Wei's toughness, and didn't realize what she was going to do for a while, and when he saw some clues and wanted to stop it, it was already too late.

Qiao Wei grabbed the prince from the emperor's arms like a chick. The prince is not as strong as King Yin, but he is also a grown man of 1.8 meters, so he was easily twisted up by a girl I saw Qiao Wei walking around behind him, embracing him with both arms, clasping her hands, and lifting him from the bottom to the top!

When it was lifted for the third time, the prince spit out a mouthful of shrimp slippery!

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way, old man! The crown prince wants to open his throat!" The doctor Liang, who is over half a century old, rushed in holding a knife, huh? what's going on

The prince is ready!

The prince turned his head and glanced at someone who almost cut him in half with a pair of arms: "Let go!"

Qiao Wei let go.

The prince fell down the steps with a bang, and rolled face down...

Qiao Wei saved the prince's life (the emperor automatically ignored the incident of falling into a pig's head), the emperor was very happy. He heard from the doctor Liang that severe choking would have to cut the throat to remove the foreign object, but this private chef The prince's throat was saved without any effort. The emperor said that it was a lie that he was not surprised. He asked Qiao Wei where she came from and how she knew such a powerful way to save people.

Qiao Wei said that this method was invented by a man named Heimlich, but Grandpa Heimlich has passed away, so don't worry about finding his traces. In fact, if calculated according to the AD, Grandpa Heimlich was not born yet.

The first time this method was used to save someone was an elderly lady. She was hesitant at the time, but the treatment was successful in the end, which built up a lot of confidence in her, and even started today without any hesitation.

She said: "Your Majesty, this method can be popularized. It is simple and easy to understand. It is easy for scholars, celebrities, traffickers and pawns to learn it."

The emperor likes anything that is beneficial to the people, so he asked the imperial doctor Liang to write down this method, and decided to popularize it in the imperial hospital first, and then in the imperial school. After that, all departments and even the military and civilians popularized this method.

This method reduced the number of Daliang choking deaths to the lowest in the six countries after a few years, of course, that is a later story.

At this time, the emperor was just immersed in the joy of Qiao Wei saving his son: "You saved my son, and I will reward you well."

Oh my God, a trip to ancient times not only saw the legendary emperor, but also received the emperor's reward, it was a worthwhile trip!

What will the emperor reward her with

The emperor is so rich, the rewards must be many and good!

"Fufuquan." The emperor gave the personal eunuch a wink. Eunuch Fu has served the emperor for many years, and he knew what the emperor wanted to fart when the emperor pouted his ass, let alone a look.

Eunuch Fu went to the side hall to fetch the four treasures of the study, and the emperor swiped his pen.

Qiao Wei's eyes widened. Is this writing her a check

"Okay." The emperor looked at the "cheque" in his hand with satisfaction, and asked Eunuch Fu to hand it to Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei took a look, and was instantly dumbfounded: "Why... why is it a word?"

It's still a word she doesn't understand, where is it all

Eunuch Fu reminded in a low voice: "This is an ancient text, which is only passed down in the royal family, and ordinary people can't ask for it." He followed the emperor for half his life, and there were no more than two people who got the emperor's book and this book.

Qiao Wei doesn't care whether it is ancient or not. She only knows that this thing is definitely "worthless". If it is brought back to modern times, it may become a sky-high priced antique. The same is offered every day.

She doesn't have enough time to work every day. One person can't wait to break it into three people. Where can I find the leisure to appreciate a picture

She has strong hands, and the children are also quite destructive. If they accidentally break it, they will be charged with disrespect to the royal family.

She is free.

Seeing that she seemed unhappy, the emperor asked, "Don't you like my calligraphy?"

"I like it... I like it." Qiao Wei stuck the words into her arms, and Babaer looked towards the emperor, "Is there anything else?"

"Cough!" Everyone in the room choked, did they ask the emperor for something? Do you want to lose face? Still, want, no, want, have? !

It was rare for the emperor to meet someone who was not holding it, and he said with a smile: "What do you want?"

"Hmm." Qiao Wei said with her nose, only her voice came out.

The emperor was slightly startled: "What?"

"Yeah." Qiao Wei's voice was a little louder, but the tone was still coming out of her nose, but her mouth didn't move.

The emperor looked at Eunuch Fu who was standing beside Qiao Wei, Eunuch Fu shook his head, but the slave didn't hear clearly!

The emperor said slowly: "Whatever you want, don't be afraid, just tell me."

Qiao Wei tugged on her small earlobe: "Silver."

"Pfft—" the imperial concubine sprayed again.

The demeanor of a noble concubine is a walking textbook in the harem, but today, because of this female cook, she sprayed tea twice, and the harem will have new talking points in the future.

The emperor smiled heartily. He didn't know whether he was laughing at someone who finally broke the imperial concubine's feat, or because he had never seen such an interesting person in his life. In short, he was in a good mood and agreed.

He rewarded Qiao Wei with one thousand taels of silver, ten pieces of heavenly brocade, ten catties of ice silk, and a box of jewels.

Qiao Wei looked at a box of glittering jewels, swallowed her saliva: "If you can't use it up, can you sell it?"

A house full of people—

The emperor nodded, agreeing to sell the imperial gift. Although selling the imperial gift was a capital offense before, since he opened his mouth, Qiao Wei was an exception.

"Thank you for your kindness, the grassroots leave." Qiao Wei happily stepped back, Eunuch Fu winked at the court lady beside her, and the court lady stepped forward and led Qiao Wei to give the emperor a lame salute.

This posture is a bit... indescribable.

The emperor covered his eyes.

Princess Zhao originally wanted to take the opportunity to teach Qiao Wei a lesson, but unexpectedly, Qiao Wei made a contribution, her face turned green with anger, her forehead became hot, and she said, "Father! Do you know now? She is stronger than men The soup is either broad beans or stones! She crushed the stones!"

As soon as Princess Zhao's words fell, the hall fell into a cold scene.

Is this princess blind? Didn't you see that everyone guessed that it was a stone? so what? At this juncture, who would care about Qiao Wei putting stones in the soup? Not to mention the matter of intimidating the grandma, the little prince said that he wanted to eat, and the grandma deserved to be intimidated if she meddled in her own business and beat the child indiscriminately!

Oh, Qiao Wei also kicked Princess Zhao, but saving people is like putting out a fire, Qiao Wei doesn't care so much.

King Zhao felt that his wife had completely embarrassed him, so he hurriedly asked someone to pull out the concubine Zhao who didn't know how to flatter her!

Princess Zhao stood outside the main hall, watching Qiao Wei walking past her with a box of jewels in her arms. She just fell down and died in embarrassment. Wei: "You, you, you... you did it on purpose just now!"

"Yeah." Qiao Wei smiled, didn't you see the hands she used to push others, did she use her feet to "push" her? None of this is intentional, what is

Princess Zhao did not expect her to admit it so readily: "How dare you?"

"Ah! Princess Zhao, don't hit me! I didn't kick you on purpose! I'm in a hurry to save the prince! Uh—" Qiao Wei yelled blindly with her eyes closed. Halfway through her yelling, Princess Zhao covered her mouth.

Princess Zhao broke out in cold sweat: "Shut up!"

not closed.

Eunuch Fu opened the curtain and came out, Princess Zhao immediately let go of Qiao Wei, and smiled slightly at Eunuch Fu: "Why is Eunuch Fu here?"

Mr. Fu said fairly: "The emperor asked the servants to come and ask Mrs. Qiao what she was talking about."

Princess Zhao's heart suddenly rose to her throat.

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "I just told the princess..."

"Ah!" Princess Zhao called.

Qiao Wei just laughed.

Princess Zhao took a deep breath and whispered to Qiao Wei, "What do you really want?"

Qiao Wei gestured.

One thousand taels, I won't sue you.

Concubine Zhao almost fell down in anger, all her private money added up is only so much, this one almost bankrupted her, isn't it too vicious

"Five hundred taels." She gritted her teeth.

Qiao Wei: Refuse to bargain!

The emperor is a bit annoyed by Princess Zhao at the moment, eating a stone in the soup is not something that will kill people, it has to make people turn their backs, the measure is too small, if he is as fussy as she is, he will cook The people dragged out a board, who will rescue the prince if he chokes? Really asked the imperial doctor to draw a knife on the prince's throat

Thinking of this, the emperor felt a little scared, and also a little angry.

Concubine Zhao knew that the situation was not good for her when she saw her father's expression, she only cared about admonishing this little bitch, but forgot to play tricks, it was her own carelessness.

Princess Zhao heartily agreed to Qiao Wei's condition.

In fact, even if Princess Zhao refused to agree to Qiao Wei, Qiao Wei would not really go to the emperor to sue Princess Zhao. If she really wanted to sue, Princess Zhao's chicken-like strength could not cover her mouth at all.

Concubine Zhao is the emperor's daughter-in-law. The emperor may have some complaints about this daughter-in-law's behavior, but he will not really hate her. If he brings out the real hammer, the emperor will have to punish Princess Zhao because of his fair and upright image, but after the punishment Woolen cloth? I'm afraid she will blame her, the outsider who alienated the relationship between their father-in-law and daughter-in-law.

This windfall was completely blackmailed by Qiao Wei.

What the emperor rewarded was cash, and Princess Zhao gave silver bills, a total of two thousand, so happy!

Qiao Wei hummed a little tune and went back to the kitchen.

Everyone gathered around and looked at her worriedly. Of course, there were also a few people who gloated about her misfortune.

"Little Qiao, are you okay?" Boss Rong held her arm and looked him up and down.

Qiao Wei raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Bring things in!"

Several young eunuchs carried the emperor's reward into the yard.

Boss Rong ran to the door to have a look: "These are..."

The leading eunuch said respectfully: "Master Qiao, all the rewards from the emperor are here, do you want to move them to the gate of the palace?"

Qiao Wei smiled and shook her head: "No need, we have people here, thank you guys." Then, she took out a few pieces of silver from her purse and gave them to the little father-in-laws.

Unexpectedly, she will also have a day of giving rewards to others, it is really, no, amazing, thinking, discussing!

The little father-in-laws thanked each other and left with smiles on their faces.

The remaining group of people were dumbfounded. How could a person who was taken away to receive punishment be rewarded by the emperor? What exactly are they missing

Qiao Wei is an open-minded person when it comes to money, but she is never stingy when it comes to repaying favors.

The banquet ended earlier than expected due to the prince's choking incident. Before the palace gate was opened, everyone packed up and prepared to leave.

Qiao Wei left the two sleeping children in Boss Rong's carriage, while the family found Director Cui of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Manager Cui now looks at Qiao Wei with admiration. If he had known that she was so powerful, he would have given her 5,110 taels, not to mention the "exit fee" of 1,500 taels of silver.

He said politely: "Don't worry, the second master, I will send the money to Rongji after the settlement at the end of the month."

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "I didn't come here to ask for money. Thanks to Manager Cui's care, I was able to turn danger into good fortune today. I prepared a little gift, and I hope Manager Cui will not dislike you."

Manager Cui laughed and said, "Where is that? I didn't do anything."

Qiao Wei looked at him and said, "Sometimes doing nothing is more grateful than doing something, what do you think?"

Whether it was confronting the nanny or responding to the emperor's interrogation, Director Cui did not add insult to injury to her. On the contrary, he tried to pick her out as much as possible. Although she understood that Manager Cui did this not for her, but because the two were grasshoppers on the same rope, compared to those who sacrificed their companions in order to protect themselves, Manager Cui seemed much better.

Such a person deserves her long-term trust.

Qiao Wei put an envelope and a small jar on the table: "Some snacks I made myself are not respectful. Manager Cui took them to try something new, and I wrote down the way to eat them on paper."

Manager Cui opened the envelope, but what he saw were banknotes with black letters on a white background.

Director Cui's eyelids twitched, and he closed the envelope calmly: "Second Master, you are welcome."

Walking out of the house, Qiao Wei felt that the sky above her head seemed to be bluer.

Today, although only Qiao Wei's dishes were presented to the imperial court, and only Qiao Wei was praised by the emperor, everyone was still very happy. After all, a place like the imperial palace should never be able to enter in a lifetime. Thanks to Xiao Qiao, Everyone will be in the palace and cook for the emperor in the future, and they can brag about it for a lifetime!

Rongji came with four carriages, including the carriages for the ingredients, one for Qiao Wei and the children, one for the boss, one for the rest of the people, and one for the vegetables. The carriages stopped at the gate of the palace and lined up for inspection.

King Yin walked over leisurely, and said without anger: "I don't have eyes, don't you know who this lady is?"

The palace can't hide the news. Qiao Wei was rewarded by the emperor on the front foot, and then spread throughout the palace on the back foot. Rongji's female cook is so easy to identify.

The guards checked it symbolically, but they didn't check it carefully, unlike when they entered the palace, they wished to catch every fly flying in the carriage.

Qiao Wei looked at King Yin who was walking beside the carriage with a funny face: "Is it too late to come out now? When I was forced to kneel on the ground for interrogation, why didn't the prince stand up and speak for me?"

King Yin said arrogantly: "If you can't even settle that little matter, what qualifications do you have to stand beside me?"

Qiao Wei almost vomited. She has seen shameless ones, but she has never seen such shameless ones. She said that she escaped death in front of the emperor to prove her ability to him. With such a big face, why doesn't he go to heaven

"Thank you, my lord! You can't stand the little girl who values you so much, you'd better find someone else to stand by your side! Look at me, I'm a reckless person, I want status without status, I want rules without rules, and I don't know how to serve others , I really followed you, if you don’t keep it for three days, I will piss you off, and they all say that you will hurt yourself, in order to live a few more years, you should stay away from me!"

While talking, the carriage left the palace gate, King Yin glanced at it from the corner of his eye, jumped onto the carriage, and sat down beside Qiao Wei.

The carriage that Qiao Wei rented didn’t have much space, but because the two children were sleeping soundly in Boss Rong’s carriage, there was still enough space, so Qiao Wei moved aside in distaste: “Don’t even think about taking the overlord’s carriage, you have to pay for it.” .”

King Yin said: "You take the child back to the mansion with the king, and the gold and silver mountains are all yours."

"The princess is also mine?" Qiao Wei asked, blinking her eyes.

King Yin paused for a moment: "This king will invite the emperor to grant you the position of side concubine."

"For a long time, you asked me to bring the child back to the house to be your concubine?" Qiao Wei was almost laughed at by him, so she looked down on her impression of him as the main concubine, side concubine? Get lost!

King Yin frowned coldly: "Do you think the concubine of the royal family is just any concubine? That can be included in the jade plate and the family tree."

Originally, when this woman did such disdainful things to him, he only wanted to give her the status of an aunt, but what happened today made him discover more value in her.

Qiao Wei said with disgust: "So what about the family tree? My child is still a concubine? In the future, if you marry a concubine and give birth to a few sons, my child will have to be a servant. My head is caught by the door." To do such a thankless thing!"

Prince Yin was so angry that his breath became stagnant: "You..."

Qiao Wei said again: "And you also saw that I was alone, without the support of my natal family. I was really bullied by your future concubine, and I have no place to reason. I seem to be able to foresee the tragic life in the future. So forget it!"


Who is the woman who kicked Princess Zhao away today

It would be good for her not to bully Ziyu in the future, a gentle woman like Ziyu would never bully her.

"The princess is easy to get along with, she will treat your child as her own."

"Who cares about her kindness? My own child hurts me, so why do she pay a dime?!" She didn't believe that the main wife would love the third child's child. People do small? She just said that King Yin's brain is broken, didn't she see that she hated him so much? He tried his best to chase but couldn't catch up, and even offered a junior seat to expect her to be grateful. Are people in the royal family so shameless

"Wait." Thinking of something, Qiao Wei said, "You said princess, you already have a princess?"

King Yin didn't think there was anything he couldn't say, and said bluntly, "We're engaged."

Qiao Wei kicked him down!

"Ma Dan! My old lady hates this kind of man who eats what's in the bowl and looks at the pot! We both have fiancees, and they come to try to trick our mother and son! You really think of yourself as a gold ingot, how much my aunt cares about you! "

The moment Qiao Wei's foot kicked over, King Yin dodged to avoid it, but at the same time, he also fell to the ground.

He got into the car again, but was blocked by Qiao Wei at the door, not allowed to come in.

"Don't force me to use force!" He gritted his teeth.

Although Qiao Wei is strong, but this guy knows internal skills, she insisted a little hard: "You just use it, you'd better kill me! If you can't kill me, I'll go to your fiancée's house to make trouble for three days and three nights, Let's see if she dares to marry you!"

King Yin's face turned red: "You... shameless!"

"What's wrong with me being shameless? It's better than you being nasty! Hurry up and get out of the way! Don't let me yell again! Make sure your voice is ecstasy, and everyone in the street knows that you are 'dirty prostitution'!"

King Yin is a big man with countless royal daughters, but this time he was so bullied that his ears turned red.

Qiao Wei glared at him: "Still leaving?"

King Yin gritted his teeth, let go of her coldly, jumped up, and landed firmly on the ground.

The old coachman drove the carriage without changing his face, as if he didn't see or hear anything...

The carriage left in the dust, King Yin coldly shook his sleeves and left the place.

In a small alley, Jin Zhi walked out with the help of the pale Doluo Ziyu: "Miss, are you alright?"

Doluo Ziyu pressed her dizzy forehead: "Don't tell Second Miss about this."

"I understand, but Miss, what are you going to do? Do you want to forgive my uncle? Or..."

Doluo Ziyu interrupted her with a wave of her hand: "I want to be quiet first."

I have experienced too many shocks today, and everything seems to be related to the Da Qiao family in the Enbo Mansion. In the past five years, every time I recall the Da Qiao family, it is the delicate face with pear blossoms and rain, but today the Da Qiao family But it was like a scorching sun, so dazzling that it was impossible to look at it.

No wonder Prince Yin, who didn't want her five years ago, is now chasing after her.

Jin Zhi said: "Miss, don't worry too much, who made her scheming to give birth to the prince's child? The prince just took her back to the mansion for the sake of the child."

"Am I going to become someone's mother as soon as I pass the door?" Doluo Ziyu pressed her forehead, "Jin Zhi, go back home."

"Miss… "

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear it."

"Then... let's go home." Jin Zhi had no choice but to help Doluo Ziyu into the carriage.

In the quiet villa, Ji Mingxiu was wearing a large white robe, standing quietly under the porch, with the crescent moon above his head like a bow and the stars twinkling, the villa was quite lonely.

Ji Wushuang came over with a cloak, and put the cloak lightly on his shoulders: "It's windy in the villa, young master, be careful not to catch a cold."

Ji Mingxiu looked at the crescent moon indifferently: "Is the carriage ready?"

"It's ready, you can leave at any time. Young Master... Should I go to the south of the Yangtze River or go north to Beijing?"

"Didn't Qianyin go to Jiangnan for me?"

Yi Qianyin, one of the seven masters under Ji Mingxiu, is very good at disguise and ventriloquism, and can easily pretend to be anyone, but the price of this kind of disguise is a bit high, unless it is a last resort, Yi Qianyin Tone will not be cast.

Ji Wushuang said softly: "The young master was in a coma at that time, we couldn't think of any other way to conceal the injury for the young master, and we were afraid that too many acquaintances would show our feet, so we came up with a way to go south to control the water."

Floods occur every year in the south, but this year there is little rain in Daliang, and there are no floods in the south. Only a few dikes and dams that have been in disrepair need to be sorted out. Qianyin can handle it by herself.

Ji Mingxiu's thin lips parted lightly: "Go back to Beijing."

After the carriage drove into the downtown area, Qiao Wei first deposited the money in a bank. Daliang Chao saved money without interest. It takes a meager interest to save the money.

She already had a preliminary plan in her mind, the money would be spent in a short time, and before that, it was enough to keep the money safe.

The carriage wobbled to the town, Boss Rong and others got off the carriage at Rongji, Qiao Wei carried the two sleeping children over, and took the old coachman's carriage back to the village.

It was getting late, and Aunt Luo waited at the entrance of the village with a fan. While chasing mosquitoes, she looked towards the road. She finally waited for Qiao Wei's carriage and hurried over.

"It's so late, you haven't slept yet." Qiao Wei hugged Wang Shu and got out of the car.

"I can't sleep." Aunt Luo hugged Jing Yun into her arms.

Qiao Wei gave the old coachman a piece of silver: "Master Guan, you have really worked hard today."

"Don't pay so much for the car!" Master Guan returned the money.

"Take it, treat it as..." Qiao Wei smiled.

Master Guan nodded: "I know, I know."

"What are you talking about?" Aunt Luo was at a loss.

Said not to spread the news about her crush on King Yin, Qiao Wei smiled and said: "Master Guan is getting old and working so hard, I can't bear it."


Suddenly there was a violent crash in the carriage.

Master Guan hurriedly lifted the curtain, held up the lantern to take a picture, and a small thing crawled out awkwardly from under the brocade cloth of the car seat. Master Guan thought he had seen a ghost, and was so scared that he threw the lantern away!

Qiao Wei boldly stepped forward, and was about to open the curtain when she saw Xiao Shizi rolling down from the carriage.