The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 105: Take the child home


Every time Qiao Wei goes up the mountain, she likes it more. She doesn't like busy streets by nature, so she likes places with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Jing Yun also likes it. The big hillside, the green grass, the shade of the trees, the gurgling stream, and the sound of birds chirping can be heard. It is simply a natural playground.

Qiao Wei took her son to the north of the forest where she used to pick wild mushrooms. Because she often came to pick wild mushrooms, Qiao Wei set up a trap by the way, hoping to be lucky enough to hunt only wild rabbits and pheasants, but the beasts in this area are obviously smarter. , rarely take the bait.

After changing the bait for the empty trap, Qiao Wei and her son began to pick wild mushrooms around them.

Wild mountain fungi are rich in monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Some wild fungus even contain a lot of glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose, etc., which can significantly improve the function of the body’s immune system. There are also many protein vitamins that can Said to be very nutritious and delicious food.

"This is a pine mushroom, which grows specially under the pine tree. You will find it when you find the pine tree." Qiao Wei took her son to a pine tree, where there were pieces of pine mushrooms. Qiao Wei picked one and prepared it with Wipe off the mucus on the surface of the bacteria with a cotton cloth. "This mucus must be wiped off first, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of it when you take it back."

Jing Yun nodded, no wonder his mother put a piece of cotton cloth in the basket for him.

The mother and son started to pick pine mushrooms. Pine mushrooms are not a particularly rare species of wild mountain mushrooms. They are not as famous as black truffles and matsutakes, but they have a function that other mushrooms can't match - moistening the intestines.

Xiao Jingyun picks them very carefully. After picking them, he will wipe them clean carefully, and then put them into the back basket accurately. Soon, there is a thin layer of pine mushrooms in his little back bag.

Suddenly, he saw something that looked like a white fungus and a honeycomb: "Mother, what is this?"

Qiao Wei wiped off her sweat, walked over to take a look, her eyes lit up.

If she's not mistaken, this should be the rumored morel that is priceless.

Morchella is a good thing, much richer in nutritional value than pine mushrooms. The protein in the human body is composed of 20 kinds of amino acids, and morels contain 18 kinds, of which 8 kinds of amino acids cannot be produced by the human body Yes, it can be seen how powerful it is. In addition, it is also extremely rich in vitamins. It can also help digestion and stomach, reduce phlegm and regulate qi... In short, all kinds are good, and the taste is not to be picky.

It's just that morel mushrooms are too rare, and it's usually hard to come across them. Qiao Wei has gone to the mountain so many times, but she hasn't seen a single one. She didn't expect her son to meet her.

What kind of luck is this

Qiao Wei pointed at the morel and said, "Son, this is the morel."

"Is it the belly of a sheep?" Jing Yun asked.

"Yes." Qiao Wei nodded.

Jing Yun has seen morels before, and they do look alike, no wonder they are called morels.

"Can this be eaten?" He asked curiously.

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "Of course, it tastes better than the wild mushrooms we ate before."

The previous wild mushrooms are delicious enough, even better than those, what kind of taste will it be

Jing Yun took a deep breath.

Qiao Wei laughed, it was very rare to see her son so greedy, usually it was Wang Shu, a snack foodie, who would show such a greedy and sly expression.

Jing Yun blushed in embarrassment.

I had picked a lot of pine mushrooms before, and the basket was almost full. After picking about three catties of morel mushrooms, it couldn't fit anymore. Seeing her son's heavy little basket, Qiao Wei felt distressed and called Xiao Bai over.

Xiaobai didn't come, and shrank back from the tree.

Qiao Wei went to grab it, and it crawled onto the book.

Qiao Wei clapped her hands in confusion: "What are you doing? Are you still hiding in a tree? Why don't you just let you pack a few mushrooms? Come down for me!"

not come down.

Xiaobai wags his tail.

Qiao Wei narrowed her eyes: "Have you learned to be lazy, have you? You just want to eat and don't want to work, have you? Come down for grandma! I'll count to three, if you don't come down, let's see how I deal with you!"

Xiao Bai came down pitifully, and walked slowly to Qiao Wei's feet.

Qiao Wei picked it up, opened the basket on its back, and a little flower snake came out, so surprised that Qiao Wei threw Xiao Bai out!

Xiaobai bumped into the big tree, and with a bang, he was fixed on the tree for two seconds, and then fell back to the ground with a bang.

As soon as it fell, the little flower snake took the opportunity to run away, and soon, the other two little black snakes also ran away.

Qiao Wei's face turned black into charcoal, last time this little guy hid seven or eight poisonous snakes on Chengchen, she hasn't had a chance to settle accounts with it, catch it again

"Stinky little white, what do you want to do?!"

Xiaobai wags his tail, he just wants to raise a few baby snakes, and eat them in one bite when they grow up.

The end result, of course, was that Xiaobai said goodbye to the poisonous snake babies, and was beaten up by Fatty.

When the two and one beast returned to Luo's house, Wang Shu just opened her eyes. She didn't know that her mother and brother had left her out again for "entertainment", and excitedly twisted her little buttocks: "You are all here, today I Did you get up early?"

Yes, very early, your brother and I both picked mushrooms and came back.

Qiao Wei smiled and carried the mushrooms into the kitchen.

Cuiyun was surprised: "Why are there so many?"

Qiao Wei said: "Today's mushrooms are good, I can't help picking more."

Cuiyun looked at the sky outside, and took off her apron: "I'm going to the field first, you help me look after Brother Jun, if you go out later, send Brother Jun to my mother."


Breakfast is white flour steamed buns and noodles. Qiao Wei cooked a pot of lean meat balls and mushroom soup. There are pine mushrooms and morels in it. The taste of morels is really tender and unique. Qiao Wei is not very obsessed with food. They couldn't stop eating.

"Where are grandma and uncle and aunt?" Wang Shu asked softly.

Qiao Wei took a sip of the mushroom soup: "Grandma and auntie went to work in the fields, and uncle went out to collect shrimps. Do you think everyone is like you as a little slob? You don't get up until the sun is up."

Wang Shu said unconvinced: "Little brother is sleeping too!"

Qiao Wei said with a smile: "You are five years old, and you are still shy compared with your half-year-old little brother?"

Wang Shu thought for a while, and it seemed to be the reason, then he said: "Then... well, when I'm half a year old, I'll sleep in later!"

Qiao Wei couldn't hold back, and smiled: "People only grow bigger and bigger, why do they grow smaller?"

Wang Shu took out his fingers and broke them off one by one: "When I grow up to be a hundred years old, I will be one year old again."

If only that were the case, girl!

Qiao Wei squeezed her face, and gave her a spoonful of mushroom soup: "Eat quickly, and go to school after eating."

"Okay!" Wang Shu responded readily, picked up the small bowl, and started to eat in big mouthfuls.

After breakfast, Qiao Wei packed two catties of pine mushrooms and morels, and sent them to the old scholar when she sent the children to school. Because the children were in a hurry to go to class, she forgot to remind the old scholar to moisten the intestines with pine mushrooms, and she couldn't do it all at once. Sex eats too much.

Afterwards, Qiao Wei carried Xiaojun to Zhao's house, and she took the farm tools to the sorghum field.

Although King Yin's master and servant and Xu Shijie hated it, they said that the weeding was quite clean. Qiao Wei checked it back and forth, and there was nothing but a few stubborn weeds that just emerged.

The most feared thing for sorghum growers is not weeds, but locusts, commonly known as grasshoppers. They reproduce fast and eat a lot. If they are recruited in sorghum fields, the harvest will turn yellow. But this year there is little rain, and as the saying goes, locusts will come after a long drought, so Qiao Wei is even more worried that there will be grasshoppers harming the sorghum she has worked so hard to grow.

Qiao Wei would take Xiaobai to patrol the field every day. Xiaobai was sensitive to grasshoppers, and could find even a little bit of insect eggs. The land was as big as ten acres, and it was very hard to run.

He was beaten up today, Xiaobai is emotional, so he won't enter the sorghum field.

Qiao Wei: "Can you get in?"

do not enter.

Qiao Wei took out a taro sweet cake she made herself from the basket: "Can I get in?"

Come in!

Xiao Bai hugged the sweet cake and entered happily!

One man and one beast caught grasshoppers in full swing, and Xu Shijie, who hadn't shown up for a long time, came again.

"My lady!" He raised a big smile, "I'm here to see you again! Are you working? Let me help you!"

Qiao Wei glanced at him indifferently.

Xu Shijie smiled and said, "Are you mad that I haven't come to see you for so many days? Lady, listen to my explanation. I've always wanted to come here, but my father is sick. I want to bring him tea and medicine. As soon as your illness improves, I will come to see you!"

Qiao Wei caught a small grasshopper from a sorghum leaf: "It's as if I care about you very much, Mr. Xu, don't get into the drama too deeply."

Xu Shijie touched his nose, pretending to be angry and said: "What did you say, my lady? I am your husband-in-law, you don't care about me, who do I care about?"

Qiao Wei flashed out her dagger: "If you talk about your husband again, believe it or not, I will kill you with one knife?"

Xu Shijie jumped back in fright: "My lady, don't be impulsive!"

"Miss is not allowed to call!"

Xu Shijie shut up.

Although I don't know where this guy is a charlatan who knows so many things about her, but he was kept in the past to make trouble for that bastard King Yin, and now that King Yin is not coming, there is no need for Xu Shijie to exist.

Qiao Wei left Xu Shijie alone for a while, Xu Shijie made fun of himself, but it was not good to leave, after all, the dowry price offered by Lin's mother was really attractive, and after all, Qiao Wei was really beautiful, and the two little cuties were also huge What about potential stocks? Marrying this woman is like marrying a gold mine waiting to be developed, no man will give up.

And after getting along for a while, he was really a little tempted.

The women he has seen are either as weak and incompetent as his mother, or as gentle as his maid, or as deep-hearted as his aunt, but there is no one like Xiao Qiao, who is unrestrained, domineering, and unaffected. , at the critical moment, it can stand in front of the family like a mountain—

He won't admit that being with Xiao Qiao feels super safe.

Qiao Wei ignored him and just looked for grasshoppers in the sorghum field.

Xu Shijie stuck to it like a dog's skin plaster, and suddenly a cauliflower snake swam past his feet, making him jump up and down in fright!

Soon, two, three, four...

The cauliflower snakes crawled towards this side in a formation, Xu Shijie ran away, and ran out of the sorghum field in one breath.

Qiao Wei sneered, a few non-poisonous snakes have become like this, and they still want to marry her? Did you know she spends nights with vipers every night

Xiaobai swayed over, showing off his biceps, is the young master fierce

Qiao Wei slapped it on the forehead: "Work! Don't be lazy!"

It's noon since returning from the sorghum field, Aunt Luo and the others have all returned home. There is a person sitting in the main room, wearing a brocade suit with dark patterns. He is tall and has a calm temperament. His complexion is slightly white like sapphire, and he looks much more feminine than a normal man. , Aunt Luo heard that he was from the capital, so she hurriedly took out the best tea in the house to entertain the guests, but she didn't know whether it was an illusion or something, but when she was with him, Aunt Luo always felt nervous.

Qiao Wei's eyes fell on him, she was slightly surprised, but her face didn't show, she said with a smile: "Master Cui came to the humble house, it really makes the humble house flourish."

Manager Cui followed the sound and looked sideways, seeing Qiao Wei dressed as a peasant woman, he was slightly taken aback, and then smiled: "What is the brilliance of the succulent, Mrs. Qiao, don't bury me!"

"I know you." Aunt Luo approached Qiao Wei and whispered, "It's not a liar from outside."

Don't blame Mrs. Luo for being careless, it's just that Qiao Wei's business is getting bigger and bigger, so it's inevitable that some people have evil intentions and want to come to ask for some bargains.

Qiao Wei nodded and said: "It's a nobleman I met in the capital, it's hot, can my godmother cook us a bowl of mung bean soup?"

"Okay!" Aunt Luo went to the kitchen.

Qiao Wei went to the backyard to fetch water to wash up, went back to the house and changed into clean clothes, and then came out to talk to Manager Cui: "What wind brought you here?"

Manager Cui said with a smile: "If you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, it's natural that the miscellaneous family is looking for you. But you live too far away, so it's easy for the miscellaneous family to find you!"

Qiao Wei smiled.

Director Cui said again: "The emperor has rewarded you with so much money, why don't you find a better place to live?"

The residence of the Luo family is considered to be in very good condition in the village. It is big and bright. It has three formal bedrooms, a hall room, and a backyard. In the circle, the green bamboos are staggered behind the house, and the air is pleasant. It's just that in Cui's view, such a capable woman should invest in a bigger, better and more exquisite house in the city.

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "I'm building a house on the mountain, and it will be finished soon."

"I'm talking about it." Manager Cui took a sip of tea and got to the point, "The miscellaneous family is here this time to discuss a business with you."

"Oh? What business?" Qiao Wei became interested.

Mr. Cui said: "Last time you gave the miscellaneous... eggs?"

Qiao Wei smiled: "Preserved eggs."

"Yes, Preserved Eggs." Manager Cui nodded with a smile, "I often hear His Highness the Ninth Highness boasting how delicious preserved eggs are to the emperor. A few, I think the taste is not bad, so I want to ask you to buy some."

Qiao Wei didn't ask Manager Cui why he didn't go to Rongji, since Manager Cui could find her house, he must have been to Rongji, and there is a reason why he didn't place an order at Rongji.

The population of the imperial palace is over 10,000, and a few casual meals are a number that should not be underestimated.

After a pause, Qiao Wei asked, "How much does Director Cui want?"

Manager Cui didn't answer right away, but asked, "How much do you sell for one?"

"It depends on how much Director Cui wants. Since Director Cui has found my house, the price I will not be more expensive than what Rongji sells. Eighty yuan for less than 10,000 pieces, 10,010 to 50,000, seven One for ten coins, one for more than fifty thousand, and one for ninety coins.”

It sounded passable before, but the last sentence frightened Director Cui: "Why is the quantity more expensive?"

"The quantity is too much, and I have to over-expand the production scale. This is risky. If there are no so many orders in the future, the people I hire, the land I rent, and the warehouse I buy will all be idle, so it's best not to do it all at once. So much sex."

Director Cui has been in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for many years, and has dealt with many merchants. Anyone who hears that it is a business in the palace will try to make large orders, but Qiao's knows how to do what he can, and holds the control in his own hands. Here, it is rare.

Manager Cui said: "Then ten thousand and one per month, what do you think?"

One more, it's ten cents cheaper each, it's really a good deal.

The cost of a duck egg is less than two yuan, and it will be cheaper to buy in large quantities. Seventy yuan a duck egg is already a sky-high price, and the quantity is so huge, Qiao Wei will not dislike her earning less.

"It's just..." Director Cui said calmly, "Can the price be lowered? It's too expensive to buy a preserved egg for seventy renminbi."

"Director Cui, I can sell two hundred coins for one outside."

Of course he knew, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to her house directly: "Salted duck eggs are only twenty cents a piece."

"Salted duck eggs can be bought all over the country, but preserved eggs are the only ones in my family. You have tasted the taste, and I promise not to disappoint you. I have a lot of recipes here. If Director Cui likes it, I can teach them all. for you."

Director Cui was a little moved.

Qiao Wei strikes while the iron is hot: "As you can see, my family is bare and I don't have a man. It's not easy to support a family. Don't look at it as an egg. It's more complicated to make than a salted egg. I need to hire people and build a factory. After all the expenses, the price is not expensive, but Manager Cui takes care of me like this, and I am not ignorant of good and evil, so, how do you think each preserved egg will give you a bonus of ten cents?"

Taking kickbacks from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a common thing, otherwise how can we say that everyone in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is full of vacancies

10,000 preserved eggs, a rebate of ten cents, one hundred taels of silver in a month! This is not a small amount!

Qiao Wei played the last friendship card: "To tell you the truth, I supply preserved eggs to Rongji for 100 yuan each, and Rongji sells them for 200 yuan, but the profit from the sale has to be divided again." I am 70%, the price I give you is so conscientious, who asked you to help me in the palace? With this friendship, I will not kill you if I kill anyone. "

Manager Cui was coaxed into submission, and gave her a stern look: "You say you have such a mouth, it's really life-saving! I don't agree to you, and I'm embarrassed!"

This matter has been settled like this, but Qiao Wei still needs to inform Rongji and Boss Rong, after all, this transaction cannot go through Rongji.

"You abandon me, you abandon me, you abandon me!" After hearing Qiao Wei's words, Boss Rong snarled.

Qiao Wei coaxed patiently: "Don't be angry, am I also thinking about the business of our restaurant? Think about it, I didn't sell it outside, I just sold it into the palace. The people in the palace are addicted to eating and want to eat again." If you buy too much, where should you go? Don’t you still remember? I just give him the order according to the amount, and I won’t sell it alone. I earn, you earn, and they drive each other. Isn’t this win-win?”

"Wei Wei?" Boss Rong frowned.

Qiao Wei said: "Win-win."

Boss Rong thought about it carefully, and it is indeed the truth. There are many people in the palace, including masters and slaves, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have unlimited supply. If you want to eat more, you have to buy it outside.

Thinking of something, Boss Rong asked again: "There are so many preserved eggs, can you do it?"

If you can't do it, you have to do it. Who knows if there will be such a good opportunity to make a fortune in the future? While Director Cui is in office, it is a fortune to make a fortune. When he steps down from his position, the vacancy may disappear.

Ten thousand and one, more than 300 per day is enough. The daily quota of 50 at Rongji remains unchanged. On average, it is less than 400 per day. If you work hard, you can do it. People, it's not a big project.

After making up her mind, Qiao Wei went back to the village and told Aunt Luo about her acceptance of the big order.

Aunt Luo was shocked: "Oh, oh, 10,000... this... this is not a small sum!"

This is just the number for "trial operation". I believe that the nobles in the palace will enjoy the meal, and Manager Cui will add more orders.

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "I'm not going to deliver the goods right away. You don't have to hurry, you can do it slowly." The delivery time she negotiated with Manager Cui was two months, and the maturity period of preserved eggs was one month. It needs to be finished within the first month. By the date of delivery, all the preserved eggs will be marinated successfully. "In the future, the business will grow bigger and more people will be invited, and the method will inevitably be leaked. It will be impossible to sell it at this price. .”

Aunt Luo felt that living with this girl was "scared" almost every day. She collected herself and asked, "How many people do you need to hire now?"

Qiao Wei thought for a while: "For beginners, three or four are enough."

Aunt Luo waved her hand: "Then you don't need to ask, we can do it ourselves."

Qiao Wei takes a long-term view of the problem: "It can be done now, but when the business grows in the future, we can't do it alone. It is better to train new hands earlier, so as not to be in a hurry and not be able to deliver the goods. I will go to the capital tomorrow to have a look and buy some clever servants back."

Aunt Luo was startled: "Buy?"

Aunt Luo is an honest farmer, but she has never bought slaves, but there are people in the village who cannot stand poverty and sell their children for money. Aunt Liu went to Beijing a few days ago to "sell" her daughter to the wife of a wealthy family As a maid, I heard that the lady was pregnant and it was inconvenient to serve the master, and she was afraid that the aunts in the backyard would compete for favor, so she bought a little girl who was easy to control from outside to cage the master instead of herself. Poor girl from the Liu family, a juicy girl, just warmed the bed for a man who could be a father. I heard that if you are lucky, you can be made a face to be an aunt. If you are lucky, you will have to swallow the bitterness.

She looked at Qiao Wei, "Our family can' that kind of thing?"

Qiao Wei knew that Mrs. Luo was soft-hearted, but the general environment of the times was such that even if she didn't buy people, others would. This kind of thing is legal in the government. There will be a lot of profitable businesses, and it will be more appropriate to have your own confidants.

The next day, she set off for the capital, and when she heard that she was going to the capital, the two children pestered her to follow, each hugging her thigh.

She said amusedly: "Mother is not here to play."

"Neither are we!" Wang Shubaer said.

Isn't it strange? Who doesn't know your little thoughts

"Mother, mother, mother!" Wang Shu pushed himself into Qiao Wei's arms.

Qiao Wei couldn't stand this guy's cuteness offensive the most, so she went to ask the old scholar for leave.

The old scholar who was so moistened by the pine mushroom happened to need a rest, so he agreed without saying a word.

As usual, he first went to town in Daddy Shuan's carriage, and then entered Beijing in a carriage from the town's hire car dealership.

Still Master Guan.

The two little buns also recognized him, Wang Shu held Xiao Bai in his arms, and sweetly called "Grandpa Guan", and Master Guan happily grabbed a handful of fried peanuts for her.

Wang Shu blinked his eyes and said: "Thank you, Grandpa Guan, but mother said that my teeth are broken, so I can't eat candy."

In fact, she doesn't like peanuts!

Master Guan was amused, and asked Jing Yun again. Jing Yun didn't like peanuts either, but Xiao Bai liked them. Holding the peanuts in his little paws, he began to eat them.

The carriage wobbled away from the small town and walked on the spacious official road. Seeing the two rows of houses and birch trees retreating rapidly, Wang Shu's eyes lit up excitedly: "Mother, mother, we will meet Uncle Ming when we go to the capital." Is it? I haven't seen him for a long time!"

Qiao Wei rubbed her little head: "Your Uncle Ming has gone to the south of the Yangtze River, and he will return after a while."

"Oh." Wang Shu was a little disappointed, "How long will it take?"

"Your Uncle Ming didn't say anything," Qiao Wei said.

"Three days?" Wang Shu raised his finger.

"I do not know."

Wang Shu also raised his index finger and thumb up: "Then, that's five days."

Qiao Wei looked at her eager look, and couldn't help laughing: "Do you like Uncle Ming very much?"

"Yes!" Wang Shu said without thinking.

"Why?" Qiao Wei asked curiously.

"Because, because... I really like it!" Wang Shu smiled brightly. She likes how Uncle Ming dresses her, and also likes how Uncle Ming wipes her hair. Uncle Ming's hands are so comfortable, and she also likes how Uncle Ming hugs her. It's like... being hugged by daddy.

She doesn't have a father, if she does, she hopes to be like Uncle Ming.

The place for buying and selling people had a very interesting name in the Liang Dynasty, it was called the Hongren Pavilion. There was a Hongren Pavilion in every district of the capital, but the largest and best one was in the west of the city.

The west of the city is regarded as the "slum area" of the capital. Perhaps it is for this reason that the number of celebrity halls here is the largest, the quality is the best, and the price is not too expensive compared to the celebrity halls in other areas.

Master Guan said: "Many noble people come here to buy maidservants and servants, and the asking price is high. You can just pay half of it."

The Red Man's House is in a small alley, which is already crowded with the carriages of the nobles who came to select servants, Master Guan's carriage couldn't drive in, so Qiao Wei had to abandon the carriage and walk.

Qiao Wei walked in holding the hands of the two children.

According to Master Guan's account, not all the servants of the Red Man Hall are from benevolent people, there are criminal slaves, untouchables, and maid children who have been kidnapped and sold. She must find out the details of each other when she chooses Otherwise, it will be too late to bring back a disaster.

If the disaster is not a disaster, Qiao Wei didn't see it, but it was a disaster.

Qiao Wei turned around and left!

King Yin's eyes sank: "Stop for me!"

"You let me stand and I will stand? Who are you?" Qiao Wei snorted disdainfully, and led the children to another road.

King Yin gave Eunuch Liu a wink, and Eunuch Liu hurriedly chased after her, blocked Qiao Wei's way, and said with a smile: "Ma'am, if you are invited, you can go there."

The little bun looked at him innocently, then at his mother, did not understand what the phrase "Prince" meant? Isn't that person Mr. Li? Prince is his nickname

Qiao Wei won't go.

King Yin came over by himself, he reluctantly accommodated her because it was inconvenient for him to do anything with her for the sake of his two children.

Looking at the two cute and cute little babies, a trace of softness appeared on Prince Yin's cold face: "Jing Yun, Wang Shu."

A trace of vigilance flashed across Jing Yun's eyes.

Wang Shu politely called "Uncle Li".

King Yin raised his hand and stroked her hair: "I'm not your uncle, I'm your father."

"King Yin!" Qiao Wei interrupted him sharply, "Don't talk nonsense in front of my child! What did you promise me before?"

"This king promised you before to keep it a secret for the time being, but now, this king has changed his mind." With his hands behind his back, King Yin looked at the celebrity pavilion not far away, "To tell you the truth, this king is here today. It is to choose servants for the two children, and this king will take Jing Yun and Wang Shu back to the mansion today."

"Do you dare?" Qiao Wei held the hands of the two children tightly. Xiao Bai was already ready to go, like a dormant beast, his eyes were fierce.

King Yin snorted disdainfully: "Ziyu came to pick up your mother and son back home with good intentions, but you didn't appreciate it and drove her out. Since you don't take this king's concubine seriously, then this king also Don't be too kind to you.

I will take the child, but you, I don't want it. "

Qiao Wei's eyes were as cold as a pool of ice on the top of a snow-capped mountain: "Who cares about you? If you want to touch my child, there is no way!"

King Yin snorted: "This is beyond your control."

After saying that, he made a gesture, and several Qingyi guards descended from the sky, surrounding Qiao Wei and the two children.

Murderous intent instantly came out from the eyes of both sides. In the hot summer, it seemed that a sudden gust of cold wind blew, making everyone's backs feel chilly.

Qiao Wei's eyes were like torches and said: "It's not your child, why do you come to snatch it again and again? You are a prince, you have no shortage of women, and you can't get as many children as you want? You ask Miss Doro to give birth to you. Ah! Let the concubine in your mansion give birth to you! Why did you come to snatch me?"

King Yin was invincible and said: "This king will naturally have many lives, but King Jing Yun and Wang Shu will not let them live among the people."

"Mother!" Wang Shu hugged Qiao Wei's waist tightly.

King Yin said softly: "Good boy, father will take you back to the mansion."

"I don't want it!" Wang Shu buried her head in Qiao Wei's arms.

King Yin looked at Jing Yun again: "Jing Yun, take your sister and go back to the mansion with your father."

Jing Yun didn't move, just looked at him warily.

At any rate, it was his own flesh and blood, King Yin was not angry, but leaned down slightly, and looked at Jing Yun gently: "Listen to the father's words, and go back to the mansion with the father. I am the lord, you are the young master of the mansion, your sister is Daughter of the palace, you are a hundred times more honorable than those lowly villagers. When you return to the palace, you will have a big house to live in, servants at your disposal, and you can eat the best food and wear the most beautiful clothes. Do you want to buy it? Anything, my father can buy it for you, and wherever you want to play, my father can also promise you."

Jing Yun was unmoved.

Qiao Wei protected her son behind her: "Do I admit that they are your children? One mouthful and one father, the face is so big!"

King Yin said sternly: "Qiao Wei, whether you admit it or not, they are all my king's children."

Qiao Wei smiled sarcastically: "Didn't you already know that they are your children? But how did you tell me?" Don't think that if you pretend to be indifferent, the king doesn't know your dirty thoughts and tricks It’s useless to this king! This king can tell you clearly that no matter how many tricks you play, even if you give birth to my own flesh and blood, this king will never look at you more!’ When you said this to me , Have you ever thought about recognizing them? You haven't! You turned around and left, as if you were afraid that I would entangle you! You didn't come to recognize them for the sake of the so-called blood relatives, you just regarded them as to curry favor with the emperor tool!"

King Yin was hit by the words, his face turned blue and red.

That's right, it was because of this that he decided to take the two children back to the mansion. The idiot of Xiao Shizi can fool the father into a ignorant state. Jing Yun is so smart that he can surely make the father's whole heart go away. Captured, at that time, I am not afraid that Prince Yin's mansion will not rise with the tide.

But blood is thicker than water, and he is somewhat sincere towards the pair of children.

In particular, Jing Yun is so filial to him, no wonder he doesn't like it.

Qiao Wei said with a serious face: "I won't let you take them back to play like monkeys, give up."

King Yin glanced coldly: "Do you think you can stop this king? Qiao Wei, you are no match for this king. What's more, this king has so many guards. The sword has no eyes. If you hurt the child during the fight, You mother, I'm afraid you will feel distressed, right?"