The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 109: Marriage bed, villa (end)


The village head has been in office for many years. A small official like him who can’t be counted as a sesame seed doesn’t have to be appointed every three years like the serious officials outside. Under the governance of the Communist Party of China, the village does not say how rich it is, but it is by no means the poorest in all villages.

In order to let the villagers live a good life, he visited many places and learned from others how to get rich, but unfortunately all ended in failure. He is the richest in his village, followed by the Luo family, and now he has become Xiao Qiao. The wealth of him and Luo's family is compared to the poverty of other villagers. In fact, they really don't have a few taels of silver if they take out their savings.

Xiao Qiao is different. This girl is really rich. She bought the land for five hundred taels, and then built a house. She hired eight masters. How much does it cost

The old scholar said that Xiao Qiao did not set off the fireworks yesterday, but he did not believe it.

The village chief approached the Luo family.

Qiao Wei was free today, so she moved a chair and a stool, sat under a tree to enjoy the cool air, and let Jun in her arms lick the melon on her hand from time to time.

The village head saw Qiao Wei at a glance, and felt that she looked good today: "Little Qiao, you are so happy, is there any big happy event?"

Qiao Wei wiped Brother Jun's cheeks with a handkerchief: "I just passed my birthday, and I'm one year older. Where does the joy come from?"

The village chief was taken aback: "Yesterday was your birthday? What a coincidence, you set off the fireworks, right?"

Qiao Wei denied it outright: "Of course not, I've been with my godmother and the others all day, if you don't believe me, ask."

The village head really asked.

It's not that he doesn't trust Xiao Qiao, but this matter is too mysterious.

What are fireworks? According to the old scholar, the crown prince was let off only once when he was born, so why did his village let him go? Everyone in the village is extremely poor. Who has the spare money to spend on such high-level pleasures? Even if someone is lucky enough to pick up gold, they don't know they need to buy fireworks, they've never heard of it!

The village chief soon came out from the backyard of the Luo family.

Qiao Wei smiled narrowly: "How is it? I didn't lie to you, village chief?"

"No." The village head was disheartened.

"It's just a little fireworks, don't you?" Qiao Wei said in a tone, a little fireworks? She was excited all night, okay? Now the black eye is still like a giant panda.

The village head sat down opposite her, and grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the small stool in front of her: "I asked the old scholar, and the old scholar said that some important person must have put it, and chickens in our village don't shit and birds don't lay eggs." , such a powerful person came out of nowhere, do you think I can not make friends for a while?"

Qiao Wei muttered: "The reason why he didn't show up is because he doesn't want to be friends with others?"

The village head glared at her: "Is it interesting to tell the truth?"

Qiao Wei lowered the corners of her raised lips: "I'll go to the field to have a look, village chief, please sit down for a while."

Village Chief: I always feel that this girl knows something...

The incident of fireworks in the village in June has been talked about for a while. The villagers always say that when they talk about the fireworks all over the sky, they unconsciously use a little pride in their hearts, and when a knowledgeable person shows incredible expressions At that time, the pride became more obvious.

"There are really fireworks?" In the private school, a rich young master who came to study from the town asked. He is one of Jingyun's long-term customers. Because of his rich family background, he is very generous, so Jingyun takes more care of him. , so much so that his career in the private school was quite good, unlike those disobedient ones who were all "repaired" by Jing Yun miserably, so he admired Jing Yun even more because of this, and he almost made this one several years younger than himself The younger brother became a big boss, and he took Jing Yun's hand, "Jing Yun, tell me, is it really there? I don't believe Er Gouzi."

Er Gouzi snorted, "Why don't you believe me? I said yes! We all saw it! Jing Yun saw it, and Tie Niu saw it too! Did Tie Niu?"

Tie Niu has always been at odds with Er Gouzi and Jing Yun, and this time he also stood in the camp of the two for the first time: "Yes, I saw it, I lied to you as a puppy!"

Fireworks were rarer than gold in the Liang Dynasty. The rich young men only read about them in books and heard about them in dramas, but never saw them with their own eyes.

At this moment, they suddenly envied the children in the village. If only they lived in the village, they would definitely be able to see the legendary fireworks.

The news of the fireworks soon spread to the capital. Ever since King Yin was seriously injured by Ji Mingxiu, he couldn't even get out of bed. Then he guessed who did it.

In order to please a woman, thousands of catties of fireworks were used, what a great deal!

In this way, Jing Yun and Wang Shu are bound to like him even more.

Sly guy!

He lost hundreds of thousands of taels, and he didn't even get a single fart. If he knew this, he might as well sell that room of antiques and exchange them for fireworks. At least he can make the children look at him more——

On this day, King Yin, who finally got better, was vomited blood again.

The censors who were not afraid of the sky and were not afraid of the emperor with their mouths, soon found out about this, and they scolded Ji Mingxiu bloody in the memorial! It's fine if you don't go to court, but fireworks are still set off among the people!

Are fireworks something that can be set off among the people

The royal family doesn't even want to let it go!

The greatest pleasure of the censors is to hate the emperor, but recently they no longer hate the emperor, but instead hate the prime minister. Fireworks are rare things, why is the prime minister so full of eunuchs? It must be that on weekdays, the Li'a party compares Zhou and seeks no one. I hope the emperor will order a thorough investigation.

The emperor laughed it off.

What are you kidding, these old guys finally stopped grabbing his pigtails, and he wanted to keep his ears clean for two more days. After disposing of Ji Mingxiu, the censor was relieved, no one was angry, and he had to run back to complain He, is he idle or stupid

The censors were sweating profusely in the court hall, writing vigorously in the mansion, trying to annoy this arrogant and domineering Prime Minister Ji, but unfortunately Ji Mingxiu didn't buy it, and laughed every day, not only didn't he have a long fight with the censors Instead, they sent someone to send hundreds of catties of fresh lychees to your homes.

If people want to give away watermelons and pears, he can get angry, but he chooses big, red and super sweet lychees. This is because they think they are not angry enough, to be precise, do they think they are not hot enough!

The censors vomited three liters of blood!

Just when King Yin and the imperial censors were so angry that Ji Mingxiu vomited blood and fell to the ground, Qiao Wei's house was built on the mountain.

After fifty days, a small country house was built, surrounded by a brown wooden fence, on which delicate and charming pink roses were planted, fluttering in the wind, like a graceful girl.

Entering through the main entrance, there is a five-bedroom house facing you. There is a small courtyard behind the house. Walking through the small courtyard is a row of rear-facing rooms. There are four rooms in total. According to Qiao Wei's original plan, the rear-facing rooms can It is used for kitchen, firewood room, chicken coop and utility room, but now it is going to be a workshop, so it may have to be changed.

Passing through the back cover room is a relatively closed small garden surrounded by rockery. In the center of the garden is a white marble swimming pool that mixes deep water and shallow water.

On the left side of the house is a large garden, and on the right side is a vegetable garden where some seasonal vegetables can be grown.

The warehouse is not in the fence. When it was built, Master Zheng was careful. He was afraid that Qiao Wei would hire people if his business expanded. It would always be inconvenient for outsiders to come in and out of the house. She is a widow with two children, and Wang Shu is a little girl. Fearing that the mother and daughter would be taken advantage of by some cunning scheme, the warehouse was specially built outside the villa. It is a completely independent entity, and it is equipped with several rooms for board and lodging. It can be said that it is very thoughtful.

Qiao Wei had inspected the house, and it was time to settle the workers' wages if there was nothing wrong.

When I was looking for someone at the beginning, I negotiated that it was 150 yuan a day for major workers and 100 yuan a day for minor workers.

Qiao Wei put her wages in three boxes, one for the big worker, one for the small worker, and one for Master Zheng himself.

Master Zheng counted the money in the first two boxes in front of Qiao Wei, and felt something was wrong after counting the number of people: "The construction period is fifty days, the big workers are seven taels of silver and five hundred dollars per person, and the small workers are five taels of silver per person." , why did you give them all too much?" The big worker gave an extra tael of silver, and the little worker gave an extra five hundred cash.

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "Masters have worked hard, this little money should be regarded as a bonus."

In fact, Qiao Wei has carefully calculated this account. According to the original agreement, the construction period is two to three months. If it is rainy season, it will be March, and if the weather is good, it will be two months at the shortest.

Calculated based on 60 days, the big worker would get nine taels of silver, and the small worker would get six taels of silver, but now they only spent seven and a half taels of silver and five taels of silver, plus her bonus, it was only eight and a half taels, five taels Half, she also earned half a tael per person.

After knowing Qiao Wei's thoughts, Master Zheng couldn't help laughing: "Why don't you say that you packed two meals, and you were full of fish and meat, and you got fat from eating them all? I have been working for so many years, and this is the first time I see you. Those who do coolies feed the fat ones!"

Even if I gained weight, I was afraid that people would say that I would get fat because I was lazy and didn't do anything, so I worked hard and finished it in less than two months.

I really don't know whether to say that this girl is clever or that stupid people are blessed with stupidity. In short, in that sentence, compare your heart with your heart, and being convenient to others is also convenient to yourself. Everyone knows her kindness and will never treat her badly.

"Since that's the case, I'm not going to be polite. I'll accept it for them. When you move in later, we'll come to celebrate!" Master Zheng accepted the wages, opened his own, and found that he had too much, it was two taels, " Xiao Qiao, are you too out of touch? I don’t count on the day, you don’t make money whether you are long or short.”

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "There is no difference between long and short, but the quality is bad."

She has never built a house by herself, and many problems have not been considered in advance. Master Zheng can finish things casually, anyway, it is her request, but Master Zheng is not too troublesome. She can see her heart, just like they will work hard because of her big meals, and she will also want to pay more because of their hard work.

Master Zheng doesn't like to be courteous. Since Xiao Qiao insists on this, he just accepts it. At worst, if there is a place that needs him in the future, he will come to help more: "You girl, look at your age. Qing, she's a woman again, but her vision is farther than a man's."

Qiao Wei smiled: "In our hometown, men and women are the same. Both men and women have a share in studying, working, and raising a family."

Master Zheng's jaw dropped in shock: "Ah, there is such a place..."

In fact, even in the place where Qiao Wei lives, not every woman is a workaholic. Qiao Wei is a strange thing. The same did not fall, the more it turned like a top, the more at ease it felt.

After paying the wages to the masters, Qiao Wei also settled Ergouziniang and Aunt Zhao's. Thanks to their cooking for the past two months, the workers can eat enough and have the strength to work. The food she bought is true. But the taste is so fragrant, the two of them also put in a lot of thought.

In addition to cooking, the two are also responsible for the daily cleaning of the construction site. They are not tired, but their time is wasted here. Qiao Wei's salary is ninety yuan a day, which is similar to that of a small worker.

In Qiao Wei's understanding, the salaries of cooks are very high. At first, Qiao Wei wanted to offer the same price as Dagong, which almost scared Aunt Luo into a fool. Aunt Luo told Qiao Wei that women should not outnumber men. Asked why, Aunt Luo couldn't tell why she was ugly and Yinmao for a long time, only that the rules were like this.

Do as the Romans do, Qiao Wei can't make it too special, she only raised 10 Wen on the basis of the market price of 80 Wen, but other people invite people to cook, only one at a time, Qiao Wei invited two, each 90, Not only earning a lot, but also earning easily, Aunt Zhao and Er Gouziniang had a lot of fun.

"Little Qiao, if you still need someone in the future, call me! My sister-in-law won't charge you!" Er Gouziniang took the money bag with a smile on her face, and found that there were four hundred coins more, "Why, why are you so many?"

Qiao Wei nodded with a smile: "There are all of them, sister-in-law and auntie can accept them."

In less than two months, she earned nearly five taels of silver, which was a good thing she never dreamed of, and Er Gouziniang happily accepted it.

Aunt Zhao did not accept the money immediately, but took out two taels of silver: "Little Qiao, this is the money I owed you earlier."

Qiao Wei glanced at the money on the table, and said, "The registration fee for the child prodigy is only one tael."

Aunt Zhao said awkwardly: "I know, but you will pay for food and accommodation in the capital. Asheng told me that the capital is very expensive, and I don't know if this tael of silver is enough..."

"One yard is one yard. Will you charge me for the meal when I go to your house for dinner?"

"Of course not!" Aunt Zhao said.

Qiao Wei said: "That's it. Our two families are relatives. If I take a relative's child out to eat, the child has to pay for it himself?"

"That's what I seems to be the reason, but it's too expensive..." Aunt Zhao said uneasily.

Qiao Wei comforted her and said: "It's just a few meals, Aunt Zhao doesn't have to worry about it, she doesn't have to be seen by others."

Aunt Zhao smiled embarrassingly: "Then...then I won't see you anymore."

In the evening, Qiao Wei went back to Luo's house for dinner, and Aunt Luo asked how much she spent in total.

Qiao Wei took a bite of the rice: "Four master masters, four junior masters, plus Master Zheng, Ergouziniang, and Aunt Zhao, less than ninety taels."

Aunt Luo gave her a spoonful of morel mushroom soup: "Why is it so expensive to build a house now? When Lao Luo and I built the house, it cost less than twenty taels."

Qiao Wei took a mouthful of the delicious morel mushrooms: "Prices are going up!"

Aunt Luo slammed her mouth: "I don't think so. Lao Deng in the next village also built a house. They only spent a small thirty taels, and only hired four masters."

Qiao Wei thought to herself, she is both stone and wood, and she also used blue bricks to build houses, dig ponds, build gardens, build vegetable gardens, and build warehouses. There are fewer people and she can't be busy. It's not bad to extend the construction period , but isn’t the salary still the same in the end

"But old Deng's is a small house, yours is small... small..." Aunt Luo couldn't remember that word.

Wang Shu raised his little hand and said, "Small villa!"

Qiao Wei smiled and fed her a piece of morel mushroom: "You remember it?"

Wang Shu nodded like a pest: "Yes, yes! Am I very good?"

Qiao Wei was amused by her: "Yes, Wang Shu is the best."

"I knew it!" Wang Shu shook the invisible little tail behind him shyly, and picked up a piece of braised fish for his brother, "Mother said that eating fish can make you smarter, brother, you must eat more to be able to follow me." I'm just as good."

Jing Yun: "..."

"When will the furniture arrive?" Aunt Luo asked.

Qiao Wei picked out the fishbone in Jing Yun's bowl: "It's already done, just wait for the completion here, I'll go to town tomorrow and ask Boss Huang to deliver the furniture."

Aunt Luo said: "After dinner, I will go to the mountain to clean up."

Qiao Wei smiled: "There are Agui and the others, you forgot?"

Aunt Luo patted her head: "Oh, look at my memory."

The next day, Qiao Wei communicated with Boss Huang, and Boss Huang promised to deliver it to the door within two days. On the afternoon of the second day, Boss Huang really pulled the carts of wood with horses. Some furniture, such as bedside tables and dressing Tables, coffee tables, desks, etc. do not need to be assembled, and they are placed on the cart so big. The bright colors and fashionable styles make the eyes of the villagers straight.

"Isn't that something used by people in the city?" Sister-in-law He said enviously.

Zhang's aunt said, "Who said it wasn't? The village head's house isn't that pretty either."

"Little Qiao has made a lot of money." The sister-in-law of the He family said: "I heard that she paid a hundred taels of silver for people's wages."

Zhang's aunt was dumbfounded: "Oh, so many!"

The sister-in-law of the He family said with emotion: "It's not easy for a widow to live her life like this."

As a woman, Xiao Qiao lived out a posture that they dare not even imagine. How much she looked down on this widow once, and now she is so envious.

The village head and his wife also went up the mountain to join in the fun.

"Little Qiao, the new home has been completed? Congratulations!" The village head clasped his hands and said with a smile on his face.

The wife of the village head became the head of the house spontaneously, and greeted the workers: "Enter this way! Xiao Qiao, where do you put the cabinet?"

"The room on the left!" Qiao Wei said loudly.

The village chief said with a smile: "Come, come, you lead me in and have a look."

Qiao Wei brought the village chief into the house. Inside, the two little cute babies were circling around the newly arrived furniture. The excited little eyes were more excited than a trip to the capital.

The village chief looked at the eyes of the two little dolls, and couldn't help but think of how they used to be. They were timid, sallow and thin, they seemed to never smile, and they seemed to avoid everyone when they saw them. It's not like they are not only physically strong now , the temper is also cheerful.

The village chief was very pleased.

Qiao Wei led the village head around each house, which was big, bright and airy. The village head raised his finger and said indifferently: "Old Zheng is not kind! He was not so meticulous when he built the house for me. !"

Qiao Wei smiled and said: "The times are developing, so you have to allow Master Zheng's professional level to improve."

"Haha!" The village head was amused.

There was too much furniture, and the masters didn't know how to arrange it to suit Qiao Wei's new ideas. After a few words with the village chief, Qiao Wei went to "order" the furniture.

Wang Shu followed behind Qiao Wei like a little tail: "Mother, mother, my bed! My bed!"

Qiao Wei pinched her face with a smile: "Okay, okay, your bed." She said to the master: "First install my daughter's bed."

Both Wangshu and Jingyun have canopy beds. The difference is that Wangshu chose a blinding "big gold bed". Qiao Wei doesn't know what material Boss Huang uses to make it. The carved peacocks are the same as those made of real gold.

The two masters installed the canopy bed. Qiao Wei unpacked the newly bought fluffy cotton wool, and put two beds under it. Wang Shu couldn't wait to kick off her shoes, and hugged her flat, deflated one brought back from Prince Yin's mansion. The ugly golden peacock got into bed.

While jumping up and down, she yelled at Jing Yun: "Brother, brother, come up too!"

Jing Yun went up.

Soon, the six-year-old brother Zhong came over and looked at the siblings enviously.

He also really wants to play.

But was pulled away by Gu Qiniang.

Gu Qiniang helped clean up the house, and Agui installed the furniture with the masters. He knew a little carpentry and could help the masters.

The village chief knew that they were the people Qiao Wei invited back to work, so he went to another house without saying anything.

Outside the fence, there were crowds of folks who came to watch. Looking at the green lawn and the round cobblestones, the big guys felt like they couldn't get their feet off the ground, for fear of dirtying the land.

Aunt Luo greeted people warmly: "It's okay, come in and have a look! Cuiyun! Pour tea!"

"Come on!" Cuiyun brewed tea and served it to the villagers.

The folks took a sip, good tea, good tea!

A lot of people in the family is a good thing, people are popular, Feng Shui is prosperous, and luck is prosperous.

Qiao Wei greeted the folks with a smile: "I'm installing a bed here, I don't greet well, everyone don't mind!"

Shuan Zi's father also came, he said with a smile: "No, no, you are busy with your work, so let's go around casually and broaden our horizons!"

Such a beautiful house, like the fireworks that night, is really eye-catching.

"Let it be, let it be!" The masters carried a big wooden thing into the main room.

The crowd scattered to both sides, and the sister-in-law of the He family asked angrily, "What is that? Is it a painting? Why did you put it in wood?"

Shuanzi's father didn't know either! He just drove the car and returned every time he came to the town. If he wanted to talk about good things, he hadn't seen many.

The old scholar put his hands behind his back and strode in: "That's a screen."

"What is the screen used for?" Shuanzi asked.

The old scholar said: "The screen is also used to block the wind."

"Oh." Everyone suddenly realized.

The sister-in-law of the He family strolled to the back and shouted to everyone: "Look, look! Xiao Qiao also dug a fish pond! She wants to raise fish at home!"

The old scholar rolled his eyes: "Have you ever seen a fish pond made of white marble?"

If you can afford white marble, who cares about a few fish? By the way, does Miss know that this is white marble? Last time I told him that it was a few broken stones...

Shuanzi's father interrupted the old scholar's thoughts: "It's not for raising fish, what is it for?"

The old scholar: "Of course it is to raise lotus!"

In the bedroom, Qiao Wei found that the bed was installed differently from the one she had ordered: "Huh? Boss Huang, it seems that I didn't order a Babu bed, but a canopy bed."

Boss Huang looked shocked: "Ah... is it a canopy bed? Did I make a mistake?"

Qiao Wei glanced at him strangely, Babu bed was more than a star and a half more expensive than canopy bed, this boss Huang, how could he get this wrong

Boss Huang patted his thigh and said: "Oh, maybe I sent your goods and another person's goods by mistake!"

Qiao Wei was disappointed, she had been looking forward to it for a long time before moving into the new house, and suddenly told her that the bed was gone, how could she swallow this breath

"Boss Huang, it's not that I'm fussy. What business is about is integrity. I set up half-year installments with you and promised you 10% of the interest. Now that I have more money, I didn't say that I would pay the installments to you." If I withdraw, even if I pay in one lump sum, I will not refuse the 10% interest."

"Yes yes yes." Boss Huang nodded his head.

Qiao Wei hit the iron while the iron was hot: "You can move the bed back, and it will be delivered within today, and I will pretend nothing happened."

Didn't the little girl just want to take advantage of him

Boss Huang said angrily and funnyly: "This Babu bed was originally ordered by my natal nephew's wedding, because I was in a hurry to get it, I sent it by water two days ago, and now it's too late to get it back. , How about this, Mrs. Qiao, I won’t transfer the goods here and there, I’ll give a gift to my nephew and refund some money, and you’ll also make up for the difference in the cost price here, and I’ll treat it as a few days in vain Workers, just count your lumber money!"

Qiao Wei laughed: "How much is the wood worth? Don't bully me as a woman who has never seen the world."

Boss Huang explained: "This is the best rosewood among mahogany!"

Qiao Wei pointed to the top of her head: "You said red sandalwood is red sandalwood, but I also said that the beams of my house are golden nanmu!"

Golden nanmu is not an ordinary wood. It takes sixty years to grow. It has a strong luster. Even if it is not painted, it will become brighter the more it is used. They are all used by people in the palace, this girl really dares to brag—

Boss Huang looked up, almost scared to pee!

Oh my god, it's really golden nanmu!

Why does a peasant woman's house still use golden nanmu? From the girl's tone, it's clear that she doesn't know this kind of wood, could it be... She didn't know when she bought it

"Excuse me, how much did you spend on this beam?" Boss Huang asked cautiously.

Qiao Wei said casually: "Why? Want to talk to me? Let me tell you, I also spent a lot of money! Golden nanmu, this is, I spent, spent... twenty taels of silver! Just buy it like this Light up the beams!" Actually, all the wood together is only twenty taels, so it's not some golden nanmu, she's just bragging.

Boss Huang almost vomited blood, such cheap golden nanmu, please bring me a cart!

It seemed that someone had robbed her again, literally stealing the beam, literally changing the post.

Boss Huang said, "Then what do you want to do?"

Qiao Wei said with a long voice: "It's not impossible to make up the difference, but don't talk to me like a lion!"

"Then... let's make up ten taels." Boss Huang said helplessly.

Qiao Wei made a hand gesture: "Five taels! One more point is out of the question."

"Eight taels."

Qiao Wei said seriously: "Just five taels, if you don't do it, just drag this Babu bed back, and send my canopy bed here within today!"

The little girl has two faces in front and back of the film, how bright she smiled when she begged him for an installment, and she turned her face and refused to recognize anyone if she wanted to take advantage of him.

If Boss Huang had not already received compensation, she would have been so mad at this moment: "Five taels is five taels, alas, who made my mistake?"

Boss Huang said he was wronged, but he didn't feel it at all in his heart, but he wouldn't let this girl know about it.

Qiao Wei paid the money secretly. Of course, if she knew that the bed payment for the Babu bed had already been settled, she would probably vomit blood when she didn't even have to pay the fifty taels.

It was dusk when all the furniture was installed and arranged. Qiao Wei asked Boss Huang to have dinner with the masters, but Boss Huang declined politely. , I will come to celebrate again!"

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "Okay."

"Mother, can I sleep on the new bed tonight?" Wang Shu asked softly.

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "Of course."

In modern times, there is a saying "no formaldehyde, no glue". Many modern furniture adhesives contain a lot of formaldehyde, but in ancient times, pure natural isinglass was used.

Isinica glue, also commonly known as yellow fish glue, is an adhesive made of fish foam and fish maw. It has a particularly good bonding effect on wood, and it has certain physical expansion and contraction characteristics, which can expand and contract with wood. It is a pity that it is not easy to obtain materials, complicated workmanship, and cannot be mass-produced, so modern people prefer to use adhesives that contain formaldehyde as a fixative.

The furniture in this room is all natural, so there is no need to worry about the hidden danger of formaldehyde.

It was night, and Qiao Wei moved to the mountain. She said there was not much luggage, and she said it was not too much. Luo Yongzhi pulled it twice with a donkey cart.

The messy house has been cleaned up by A Gui and Gu Qiniang.

Originally heard that Agui and Gu Qiniang were family members of officials in distress, Qiao Wei was a little bit worried that the two of them would not do things well enough, it seemed that she thought too much, they not only did a good job, but also did it beautifully, and because of Because of having lived in an official family, his eyesight and appreciation are quite good. There were a few things that the masters did not arrange smoothly, and the two of them made it through one by one.

There is a set of furniture for the guest room at the villa. Qiao Wei moved to the dormitory behind the warehouse. From now on, the warehouse is a workshop. Agui and Gu Qiniang chose a room with the best lighting, and placed new furniture in it , like a new house, the two are very satisfied.

Don't ask why they are not allowed to live in the guest room of the villa, if it is only Qiniang and the child, Qiao Wei has planned that, but Agui is a man, she is not used to it, and she is not comfortable.

Gu Qiniang and Agui also thought of getting together with Qiao Wei. Qiao Wei is kind and has no airs. They were really afraid that Qiao Wei would let them live in a villa. I feel sorry for Qiniang.

Qiniang didn't want to either, Agui belonged to her, she wanted Agui to be seen only by her.

And they want to make out at night, if the master overhears, they will be ashamed, right

The moment they moved into the dormitory, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This night, after Brother Zhong fell asleep, the two of them were lingering in love without mentioning it.

Qiao Wei sat by the window, eating melon seeds while watching the curtain that the two forgot to draw, and sighed helplessly.

Finally, there is no need to watch Cuiyun and Luo Yongzhi showing affection, and there is Agui and Gu Qiniang, who are still restricted.

Dogs are being abused all over the world, and being single is so lonely.

Wang Shu has her own small bathtub, and there are a few wooden yellow ducks carved by Qiao Wei herself in the bathtub. She had such a great time, she sat in the bathtub and refused to get up until the little yellow ducks were all broken. , just ran out wet.

But, but there are too many rooms, which one is mother in

"Mother! Mother!"

"Here it is!" Qiao Wei closed the window!


As soon as the sound fell, there was a chaotic sound of kicking, banging and banging in Qiniang and Agui's room, and after that, their windows were also closed.

Wang Shumai walked into Qiao Wei's bedroom with a small, naked body. Qiao Wei grabbed the dry cotton cloth on the washbasin stand and wiped it up and down for her. After wiping, she put on a small red apron for her .

My daughter is very cute in a bellyband.

Looking at Qiao Wei's Babu bed, she exclaimed, "Mother, your bed is so beautiful! It's like a small house!"

This is a wedding bed, of course beautiful.

Festive dark red, dignified and exquisite, simple in texture, but not old-fashioned, with a sense of luxury everywhere.

I really didn't expect that I would sleep on an ancient version of a marriage bed one day.

Qiao Wei lay down, the soft and thick touch made her close her eyes in enjoyment.

It's so comfortable.

All it takes is a man to get lost.

Damn Agui and Qiniang staged a live erotic palace in front of her, which made her a little restless.