The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 115: Husband and wife, confess


Ji Mingxiu's expression was calm.

It wasn't any important news, everyone thought, eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink, and watch the show if you should watch it.

Suddenly, a court lady passing the dishes accidentally tripped, and although she quickly stabilized the soup bowl in her hand, she still shook it, splashing a few drops of soup onto Ji Mingxiu's body.

The palace lady was so frightened that she almost fainted, oh my god, who is wrong if she splashed it, why did it hit the prime minister? die die die...

"Prime Minister, please forgive me!" She knelt down and kowtowed heavily.

"It's okay, let's get up." Ji Mingxiu took out a handkerchief and wiped off the soup on his legs, without any grudges.

The court lady said, "Thank you, Prime Minister!"

The emperor glanced at Ji Mingxiu with great interest: "Is there a happy event?"

Ji Mingxiu was expressionless: "The emperor thinks too much."

The emperor snorted, raised his eyebrows, and picked up a piece of mushroom, which seemed to be about to be put into Ji Mingxiu's bowl, but "accidentally" fell on Ji Mingxiu's lap.

Ji Mingxiu was still not angry, and the emperor seriously suspected that Ji Mingxiu didn't even know that he had put vegetables on his clothes.

It's been a long time since I saw this kid so out of shape, it seems that there is something big...

The emperor was about to ask what happened to Mingxiu, when the other side was suddenly interrupted, and then the cold Prince Yin couldn't bear it and said: "Father, my son has something to say."

Ji Mingxiu slightly raised the corners of his lips: "If I were King Yin, I wouldn't bring myself to be humiliated."

King Yin clenched his fists: "How do you know that this king is asking for humiliation?"

Ji Mingxiu smiled, "If you don't believe me, try it."

King Yin's face became very ugly, and there was a strong murderous aura between the two, as if the two armies were facing each other, fighting desperately on an invisible battlefield, Ji Mingxiu was indifferent, but King Yin seemed like A little anxious, cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and everyone across the table felt his embarrassment.

Ji Mingxiu and Prince Yin did not deal with each other. Everyone here is aware of it. After all, the matter of Da Qiao's family was full of turmoil back then, and no one present had heard of it. As for a "witness", everyone felt that Ji Mingxiu didn't kill King Yin with a sword because he was looking at the emperor's face.

It's just that Ji Mingxiu never shows anger. He likes someone or hates someone, and he hides it in his heart, just like he can have a chat with a certain minister during the day and send Seventeen to assassinate him at night.

The same is true for the dislike of King Yin.

Seeing the way King Yin gritted his teeth at him, you can know how many good things he secretly ruined King Yin, but King Yin couldn't grasp his handle, so he could only be bullied by him in vain.

Such as tonight, it was the first time in so many years that King Yin was slapped in public.

Everyone's first reaction was not to see King Yin, but the emperor on the throne.

King Yin is his son after all, and his son was slapped in the face by the prime minister, so he is somewhat upset, right

However, to everyone's disappointment, the emperor's expression didn't change at all, as if he didn't hear Ji Mingxiu's words mocking Prince Yin.

On the other hand, King Yin seemed to be irritated, his eyes became very cold, but he could bear it, he had already made up his mind to tell his father about the two children, even if Da Qiao denied it again, it would not change The fact that he married her overnight.

As for Ji Mingxiu, if he wants to be a cheap father for his child, he has to ask his father whether he agrees or not!

Can outsiders snatch the royal blood

Ji Mingxiu sneered: "It's so dark, Prince Yin, don't mistake someone."

"What do you mean?!"

"Prince Yin thinks about it slowly." Ji Mingxiu stood up and said to the emperor: "I still have some private matters to deal with, please forgive me for leaving first."

Leaving in such a hurry, probably has something to do with the previous note. The emperor didn’t force him to ask what was written on the note. It’s not been a day or two since he spoiled Ji Mingxiu. Ji Mingxiu has done even more outrageous things, not bad In this two pieces.

The emperor nodded generously: "Go, I hope you didn't leave because you didn't want to be urged to marry. I also know that I was a little too hasty, but I also did it for your own good. You can go back and consider my proposal. You can't be a bachelor for the rest of your life." ,do you know?"

"Yes, meditation remembers."

It's rare not to choke with the emperor.

The emperor waved him off.

Just leave? Still waiting for the war with King Yin! What is King Yin going to say, to bring shame on himself? You should speak clearly!

A good show that everyone was looking forward to ended before it started, and everyone couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, and lazily watched Ji Mingxiu leave.

As expected of the number one beauty in Daliang, just a back view is like a spirit under the moonlight.

However, I don't know if it's their delusion, but I always feel that the prime minister walks a little strangely tonight, and... jumps and jumps three times? !

Everyone was blinded by the flash, they must be dazzled, right? How could it be possible for the cold and serious Prime Minister to do such a foolish thing

Everyone rubbed their eyes fiercely, trying to see Ji Mingxiu clearly again, but Ji Mingxiu had already turned the corner and disappeared into the boundless night.

On the mountain, cooking smoke curls up.

Qiao Wei was cooking dinner for the children in the kitchen. In the past, she had eaten early at this time, but today she went shopping in the town, so she was late.

Since the workshop has Agui and Qiniang, Qiao Wei has more free time than usual. Both Agui and Gu Qiniang are very transparent people. Raising it up, the daily output increased from 350 to 400, and Qiao Wei's supply to Rongji also changed from 50 per day to 80 per day.

Today I just went to Rongji to deliver the goods, the boss Rong smiled and insisted on taking them to the theater, but the children couldn't understand the babbling, so they dozed off in their seats, so Qiao Wei had to take them back first.

It was already dark when they got home, and Qiao Wei quickly boiled water for the children to take a bath, while she prepared dinner for the family in the kitchen.

In the spacious courtyard, there are three wooden pots arranged in order from big to small. Jing Yun, Wang Shu and Xiao Bai sat obediently in the pots.

"How do you wash it, brother?" Wang Shu asked pitifully, "Can you wash it for me?"

Jing Yun said patiently: "Bathing is very simple. Let me teach you. Wash your hair first, and you pick up the soap."

Wang Shu picked up the soap obediently, her hands were slippery, so she squeezed the soap out with force.

The soap soap fell into Jingyun's wooden basin impartially.

"I'm out of soap," said Wang Shu's rascal (Gu Pi).

Jing Yun grabbed the soap soap, tossed it lightly, and accurately threw it back into the Wangshu basin, the water droplets splashed on Wangshu's face.

My brother is bad!

Wang Shu pursed her red mouth, picked up the soap soap with both hands, followed his elder brother's example, and threw it lightly back into Jing Yun's basin.

Jing Yun frowned, and threw it back to his younger sister, and Wang Shu threw it over again. In this way, the two of them became more energetic, Wang Shu played more and more happily, and when he threw it ten times, he was not sure of his strength , The soap soap didn't fall into the water, but hit Jing Yun's forehead with a bang, and then saw Jing Yun turned over like a milk doll with a bang.

Wang Shu laughed.

Jing Yun got up in shame and annoyance.

Wang Shu's laughter startled the women in the kitchen. Qiao Wei came out wearing an apron, looked at her daughter who was staggering from laughter, and then at her son who was blushing. The son carried it in.

Wang Shu couldn't laugh anymore, why didn't she wash it? She wants too.

Qiao Wei came out and looked at Wang Shu seriously: "Don't bully brother, you know?"

"I'm not bullying, I'm playing with my brother." Wang Shu said aggrievedly.

It's not that I hit my brother on purpose, at worst, let my brother hit it back.

Ji Mingxiu was standing outside the fence, watching this scene for a moment, feeling an indescribable emotion stirring in his heart.

His woman, his child.

As if in a dream, the whole person was a little bit swayed.

He wanted to walk over, but he didn't know what he was afraid of, so he fixed there firmly.

Wang Shu's little mouth is pouted high.

Qiao Wei rubbed the soap soap on her hair, and rubbed out a bunch of bubbles: "Take a good bath, why do you throw soap? Don't be crazy in the future, you know?"

Soap is very expensive, especially the flower-scented suet soap. The two children threw the soap back and forth in the basin, and the soap lost a lot of weight.

"Brother is also lost..." Xiao Wangshu was wronged.

Qiao Wei criticized her brother in the room, but Xiao Wangshu didn't know, she felt that her mother was partial to her brother, so sad.

She pursed her lips, looking like she was about to cry.

Qiao Wei chuckled: "Hey, are you still crying? Are you so wronged?"

Wang Shu sniffed, turned his face away, and saw Ji Mingxiu standing outside the fence.

When the aggrieved eyes looked at Ji Mingxiu, Ji Mingxiu was so nervous that he tensed up, and then he saw Wang Shu standing up from the basin, staring at the bubbles all over his head, and staring at the bubbles. he came running.

The naked little body threw herself into his arms.

My heart was shocked.

Ji Mingxiu hugged Wang Shu who was naked buttocks, Wang Shu wrapped his small hands around his neck, buried his small head in the socket of his neck, and twitched with grievance.

Qiao Wei looked at her daughter acting like a baby in Ji Mingxiu's arms speechlessly: "Wang Shu, come down, you've wet Uncle Ming's body."

"No." Wang Shu twisted his chubby little butt, and slipped into Ji Mingxiu's arms.

Ji Mingxiu hugged her tightly, his heart filled with this soft little guy.

Ji Mingxiu hugged him tighter and tighter. Seeing that Uncle Ming was hugging him so tightly, Wang Shu also hugged him very tightly. She tried her best to feed her, and then heard a click—

The neck is "broken"...

Qiao Wei brought Ji Mingxiu into the bedroom, took out Dieda wine from the drawer of the Babu bed, and patted him gently on the neck: "You said that in ancient times, you didn't play with computers or mobile phones. Is it so bad? You can twist it while standing, right, Wang Shu?"

Wang Shu blinked his innocent eyes and nodded.

"Hold on, I'll straighten you up." Qiao Wei put down the medicinal wine, held down Ji Mingxiu's head and twisted it vigorously!


Ji Mingxiu turned his head 90 degrees towards his right shoulder.

Qiao Wei covered her mouth: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it seems to be reversed."

Ji Mingxiu: "..."

No wonder this, what, hurts!

Qiao Wei blushed and coughed lightly: "Be patient, I'll twist it back for you."

"Then hurry up." He still wants to see his wife and children, what's the matter with always twisting like this

This time Qiao Wei finally got it right.


The neck is halfway back.


The neck is all right.

Qiao Wei clapped her hands in relief: "Okay!"

However, Ji Mingxiu broke out in cold sweat from the pain.

He is not a person who is afraid of pain, but this taste is really ecstasy, and he does not want to experience it a second time in this life.

Qiao Wei went to the kitchen to cook.

"Uncle Ming, are you okay?" Wang Shu asked cautiously, mother said that Uncle Ming's neck was twisted by herself, but, but she felt that she had broken it by herself.

Ji Mingxiu hugged her on his lap.

"I'll give you Hu Hu." Wang Shu leaned close to his neck, blowing softly with his small mouth, and after blowing for a while, he looked at him with big watery eyes, "Does it still hurt, Uncle Ming?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Ji Mingxiu said, seeing her drooping her little head with a preoccupied look, she asked softly, "What's wrong with Wang Shu? Are you still angry with your mother?"

Wang Shu shook his head.

"What's the matter?" Ji Mingxiu asked.

Wang Shu lowered his head and rubbed the corner of his clothes with his small hands: "I... I... I hurt you, I'm very sad."

A five-year-old child actually knows "sadness". Ji Mingxiu was amused by her adult-like words: "It's not your fault, don't be sad."

Wang Shu opened his eyes wide: "Is it really not me?"

Ji Mingxiu stroked her little head and said, "Of course not, you are so small, where do you get so much strength?"

Wang Shu thought for a while, then squinted and smiled: "I think so too!"

After saying that, he threw himself at Ji Mingxiu.


"Broken" again...

While eating, Ji Mingxiu had a strange protective gear around his neck.

Jing Yun looked at his sister.

Wang Shu spread his hands: "It's not me, I don't have that much strength."

Jing Yun touched his forehead, which was swollen like a bun, and pretended to believe it.

After eating, the two children fell asleep after playing for a while. The child slept well, almost snoring as soon as he hit the pillow.

Ji Mingxiu sat by the bed, quietly looking at the sleeping child, with no intention of leaving.

Qiao Wei folded the children's clothes, glanced at him, and said, "Why don't you leave? Do you want to stay overnight?"

Ji Mingxiu said, "I have something to tell you."

His tone was very serious. Qiao Wei's first reaction was that he knew that she didn't save his grandma. She thought she did nothing wrong. If he scolded her indiscriminately, then she would ignore him again. up.

Qiao Wei opened the closet and put the folded clothes into the grid one by one: "What are you talking about, I'm listening."

"I know you don't remember the old days, or how you had children," he said.

My child, Qiao Wei's eyes moved, not to say that his grandma is good.

He pondered for a moment: "I don't know how to tell you to believe it, but Jing Yun and Wang Shu are not the flesh and blood of Prince Yin."

Qiao Wei's eyes lit up: "I knew it wasn't his!"

How could that turtle bastard be the father of her pair of cute babies? It's incredible to think about it.

Ji Mingxiu gave her a complicated look: "Why don't you ask who it is?"

Qiao Wei poured a cup of herbal tea and said casually, "It will never be yours."

"It's mine."

Qiao Wei spouted out a mouthful of tea!

"Ahem, you have to have a degree when joking."

Ji Mingxiu looked at her seriously: "Do I look like I'm joking?"

not like.

Qiao Wei was dumbfounded: " it yours? Impossible? How could it be yours? You"

Qiao Wei was incoherent and didn't know how to express her shock at all. She didn't dare to say how vicious her eyes were, but she could tell that Ji Mingxiu was not acting as a father when getting along with the child.

But what did he just say? The child is his? This, how is this possible

As if seeing her doubts, Ji Mingxiu explained, "I'm only sure tonight."

"What I just confirmed tonight means..." Qiao Wei looked at him inexplicably.

Ji Mingxiu paused, and decided to start from the beginning: "I went crazy that night, and I had no memory of what happened. I didn't know that I had a woman until Yan Feijue leaked it not long ago."

Qiao Wei cleared her throat strangely: "Then how can you be sure it's me?"

Ji Mingxiu hesitated for a moment, raised his hand, and took off the mask on his face.

The moment she saw that face, Qiao Wei froze.

How could these two men look so alike

It would not be too much to say they are exactly the same, the facial features of Mingxiu are more refined and three-dimensional, and the face shape and eyebrow shape are all different, but when they are put together, there is a seventy-eight percent similarity.

People who have met King Yin will suspect that Jing Yun is King Yin's child, but if they have seen Mingxiu's true face, they probably won't think that the child is King Yin's.

Jing Yun is more like King Yin, but more like meditation.

The only regret is...

Qiao Wei reached out her cold fingertips and lightly touched a dark red flame totem on his right face: "Is this... a birthmark?"

"No." Ji Mingxiu exposed his ugliest side in front of her, "Did it scare you?"

Qiao Wei shook her head.

Ji Mingxiu lightly pulled the corner of his lips: "My physique is different from ordinary people. There is an internal force in my body that I cannot suppress. My master sealed it with medicine, and the aftereffect is an ugly 'birthmark'."

If this mark was on someone else's face, it would be ugly and disgusting, but for his "beautiful appearance", this flame must not have weakened his appearance, but instead made him a little more coquettish.

"Is that why you wear a mask?" Qiao Wei asked softly.

Ji Mingxiu said calmly: "Half and half. At first, my master used drugs to control my internal energy, but as I grew older, it became stronger and stronger. No matter how difficult the drugs are to suppress, I will Master asked someone to chisel a piece of extremely cold jade from the northern region to make a mask, which can restrain its restlessness."

She had to wear a mask to live since she was a child. Without the mask, her life was in danger. Thinking about it this way, Qiao Wei felt that he was pitiful. If she had been worried all day long, she would have broken down countless times.

Ji Mingxiu said: "I really don't remember what happened that night, but if I remember a little bit, I won't stop looking for you."

Qiao Wei whispered: "It's not too late now..."

You come too early, that person is not me.

"I thought you would blame me." Ji Mingxiu said.

Qiao Wei pursed her lips, and gently pushed the hair from her temples behind her ears: "I have no right to blame you."

Ji Mingxiu narrowed his eyes: "So it was indeed you who raped me that night?"

Without even thinking about it, Qiao Wei said: "No!"

Ji Mingxiu smiled: "Why are you so guilty without you?"

"I'm not guilty." It's just that she was not the one who was "bullied" back then, and it wasn't her who was treated coldly in the past few years. Naturally, she has no right to blame him. But how would she explain this to him

Ji Mingxiu said slowly, "Master Qiao, has anyone told you that you are not very good at lying?"

Qiao Wei was speechless.

Knowing that he was "forced", the Prime Minister's expression became very serious: "For the sake of your good attitude of admitting your mistakes, I will not bother with you."

The bickering between the two somewhat diluted the embarrassment of the "one-night couple", but when I thought of this person next to me, who had done the most intimate thing in the world with me, I still felt a strange unease in my heart.

"I... I'll go and see if the water is ready." Qiao Wei found an excuse and left the bedroom.

You can't think about this kind of thing, it will be embarrassing if you think about it, it's a good thing you don't remember it, but because you don't remember it, you don't even have the space to recall it, so you can't be sure whether it was out of control that night. more embarrassing.

Qiao Wei took a deep breath and let it out slowly, planning to wait for him to leave before passing.

Ji Mingxiu waited in the room for a while, but when he couldn't wait for her, he came to find her himself.

Qiao Wei pretended to add a handful of firewood to the stove.

The firelight reflected on her face, covering the abnormality on her cheeks.

Ji Mingxiu was calmer than her. After all, it wasn't the first day he found out that he had slept with a woman. He already had enough time to digest the various situations that night. However, she was so embarrassed that he was infected and gave birth to a baby. A little embarrassed.

The fire in the kitchen was burning hotter and hotter, and the firewood crackled and sparked a few sparks.

Neither of the two spoke, and the level of embarrassment rose unconsciously.

"you… "

"I… "

Qiao Wei and Ji Mingxiu spoke at the same time, and stopped at the same time, Qiao Wei pursed her lips, waiting for him to speak first, and he was also waiting for Qiao Wei to speak first.

The hot kitchen fell into an eerie silence again.

Qiao Wei couldn't bear it any longer, so she bit the bullet and said, "I just want to ask why Prince Yin insisted that the child is his? Just relying on his face?"

That's not what I wanted to ask, I don't remember what I wanted to ask specifically, but with inspiration, let's just go on.

Ji Mingxiu also seemed to ease the embarrassment brought out by her, and said solemnly: "There is a misunderstanding, and King Yin mistakenly thought that you were the one who married him overnight."

There are countless similar people in the world, and a face alone cannot be an irrefutable proof, but if you count the incident five years ago, no one will doubt that Jing Yun Wangshu is not the child of Prince Yin.

When it comes to business, the atmosphere is finally not so hard to describe.

Qiao Wei cleared her throat: "That bastard stabbed me with a sword, so he didn't do anything? The sword was for nothing!"

Ji Mingxiu glanced at her tenderly: "I will find evidence, restore the truth, and give you and the children justice."

In the cold night, Ji Mingxiu came out of the villa with a throbbing pain in his neck, but his heart was never satisfied.

From now on, he also has a wife and children.

"Uncle Yan." The Prime Minister greeted him friendly.

Yan Feijue looked at him as if struck by lightning: "What's wrong with you, young master?"

Ji Mingxiu didn't speak, but patted him on the shoulder and got into the carriage.

Second Monk Yan Fei Jue Zhang was puzzled. When he came out of the palace, the young master's expression was not quite right. When he came out of the villa, he seemed to be stimulated.

Inside the car, Ji Mingxiu suddenly sang Peking Opera.

He has a magnetic voice, and he speaks very pleasantly, but he can't help being out of tune. In the blink of an eye, he can run from the capital to the Xiongnu.

Yan Feijue was trembling all over, and the two steeds were also shocked by the thunder. They rolled their eyes in disgust and almost pulled the car into the river!

When I returned to the courtyard, more news arrived.

Ji Mingxiu looked carefully at the clues from Hai Shisan, and when he saw that "madam asked the doctor for a bowl of Bizi soup", Ji Mingxiu's eyes dimmed instantly.

It really is a little heartless person who dares to drink Bizi Tang.

But so what? Aren't the two little guys still tenaciously alive, down, come,? !

Worthy of his kind.

The prime minister is a little proud.

After that, Ji Mingxiu set his sights on the word Youyi.

Judging from the current situation, You Yi may be the only witness of the accident that year. Only he can prove that Qiao Wei spent the night with Ji Mingxiu in the ruined temple that night five years ago, instead of spending a good night on King Yin's bed.

As for why Qiao Wei appeared on King Yin's bed at dawn, the possibility that someone knocked Qiao Wei unconscious and threw her there, or the possibility that Qiao Wei climbed into the tent by herself, could not be ruled out.

It happened that when King Yin woke up, Qiao Wei was on the bed. King Yin mistakenly thought that something happened to the two of them, so he stabbed Qiao Wei with a sword in anger, which made sense.

It's just that in Ji Mingxiu's view, there is not much reason for King Yin to become angry from embarrassment, and it is more likely that he wants to use this to get rid of the matter.

I can't control my lower body, but let a woman take the blame, it's really shameless.

Ji Mingxiu's slender jade-like fingers tapped lightly on the table a few times, and he had to find You Doctor.

He doesn't care what the world thinks of him, but he can't let Qiao Wei bear a lifetime of infamy, and make the child's origin unknown forever. He wants to give Qiao Wei justice and pour back the dirty water that was splashed on Qiao Wei's body!

Qiao Wei doesn't care what the world thinks of her. If she cares, she won't do any fighting. What she cares more about is getting rid of that bastard King Yin.

Every time she thinks that such a cute little baby like her is the seed of Prince Yin, she feels like swallowing a fly.

She loves Xiaomengbao very much, but she really can't accept that they have such a scumbag father.

Well now, the little Mengbao belongs to someone else!

If Ji Mingxiu knew that Qiao Wei was excited, it was not because the child belonged to him, but just because the child did not belong to Prince Yin, he would probably vomit three liters of blood...

In the end, Prince Yin failed to tell the emperor that Jing Yun and Wang Shu were his children. He wanted to say something, but Ji Mingxiu left without paying attention, which made him suddenly at a loss.

"If I were King Yin, I wouldn't bring myself to be humiliated."

What does this sentence mean

Why is it self-inflicted humiliation to announce the identities of Jing Yun and Wang Shu to the public

Is Ji Mingxiu trying to scare him, or is there something hidden about the identities of the two children

On the carriage to the palace, King Yin was helpless.

Eunuch Liu persuaded: "My lord, don't take it to heart, you don't understand the prime minister? You can say that the black is white, and the dead can be dead. He is afraid that you will recognize the child in front of the emperor. This is intended to scare you."

King Yin touched the jade wrench in his left hand and said: "I wish he was scaring me, but I look at him... he is clearly sure that I will make fun of myself."

Eunuch Liu said disapprovingly: "Hey, madam doesn't want to see you, so why don't you just make fun of yourself? That's what the prime minister meant."

"No." Prince Yin said thoughtfully, "This matter has nothing to do with Da Qiao."

He is the prince, and it is natural to recognize his own flesh and blood. Even if Da Qiao is his biological mother, as long as the emperor nods, she will have to accept her fate.

So Da Qiao is actually nothing to be afraid of, so what exactly is Ji Mingxiu hinting at him

"Liu Quan, what happened back then... Could there be something strange?"

Eunuch Liu was stunned: "My lord, you don't suspect that the young master and young lady are not your flesh and blood, do you? How is it possible? You don't know whether you slept with others or not?"

That's right, he did have a relationship with that woman. He thought it was his concubine, but he didn't know it was her when he woke up the next day!

He gave her a sword in a rage.

But Ji Mingxiu said, "It's so dark, Prince Yin, don't admit the wrong person."

What does this mean

Could it be that Da Qiao was the one who had an affair with him that night

But Da Qiao is clearly on his bed—

King Yin's mind was in a mess, he didn't want to question what happened that night, but Ji Mingxiu's few words easily aroused his suspicion.

"My lord, Jing Yun looks like your child." Eunuch Liu said.

Looks like it is, but what if it isn't

King Yin stared: "Chi Yi!"

The leader of the red guards stepped in: "My lord!"

King Yin said coldly: "Go to the south of the Yangtze River yourself, and find out whether the woman who seduced this king five years ago is Da Qiao's or not!"