The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 116: It's Daddy!


After moving to a new house, Qiao Wei spent significantly more time at home. It wasn't that she really had nothing to do. In fact, she was still very busy after the children went to school. What happened to the watermelon, let's see how the sorghum is doing, pick up the children for dinner at noon, go to the workshop in the afternoon to help Agui and Gu Qiniang, and when the children come back in the evening, she will be busy again.

But she has been going to Rongji less frequently recently, so it seems that she spends more time at home.

She likes wandering around the house, looking at each room from time to time, the more she looks, the more pleasing to the eye.

The same is true for the children. The first thing they do after school every day is to go around each room first, and then go back to the study to do their homework. After finishing, they run to the backyard to play.

It is said that the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Qiao Wei's original plan was to divide the front yard and the back yard to grow small vegetables, but since a swing frame was set up in the back yard, the back yard has become a children's world. Qiao Wei Bai The vegetable seedlings planted in the day can be trampled into vegetable puree by Wang Shu's feet that night.

How did she turn a shivering kitten into a lion cub with teeth and claws

The backyard was no longer available, so Qiao Wei began to toss the front yard, turning over the land first, improving the soil, and then planting fresh vegetables, such as pumpkins, wax gourds, leeks, onions, etc.

It's just that Qiao Wei didn't expect that the land in the front yard would not be able to grow vegetables in the end.

Leaving aside the rest of the story, it is said that Qiao Wei was buried in the yard tilling the land, and Boss Rong came to the door in person.

Qiao Wei put down the hoe: "Hey, what wind brought Boss Rong here?"

Boss Rong rolled his eyes: "Naturally, I have to find the second boss for something. The second boss can't register with Rong, and hides at home for a while, so I have to visit the door in person."

Qiao Wei pointed to the ground she had turned all afternoon: "I'm taking a break? Doesn't your conscience hurt when you say such things?"

Boss Rong cleared his throat. To be honest, he really thought Xiao Qiao was just lazing around at home. Didn't Xiao Qiao buy two servants and open a workshop? Many things don't have to be done by myself, but when I got here, I found that she was actually working under the scorching sun.

This is much harder than cooking at Yung Kee.

"Where are your servants? Why don't you see them come out to do things?" Boss Rong's tone was somewhat reproachful.

Qiao Wei put the hoe aside and welcomed Boss Rong into the main room: "They are working, I didn't hear any movement in the workshop."

Boss Rong only looked at Qiao Wei when he came, and didn't notice the workshop not far away. At this time, Qiao Wei mentioned it and then cast his eyes on the workshop. When Master Zheng built the warehouse, he thought it was bigger. Qiao Wei is still self-employed, but he didn't know where the confidence came from, so he built a warehouse as big as the villa for Qiao Wei. There were many people on the day of the housewarming, and the boss didn't take a closer look. Now the surroundings are quiet. Look at that There is an indescribably majestic and solemn feeling in the warehouse.

To be able to build a third-rate warehouse with a solemn and solemn feeling, I have to say that Master Zheng's design is really superb.

The door of the workshop was closed tightly, and subtle sounds could be faintly heard inside.

"If you close the door, you're not afraid of them being lazy inside?" Boss Rong asked.

Qiao Wei didn't care much and said: "What's there to be afraid of? It's fine if you can complete the tasks with quality and quantity. If you go beyond the basic tasks, you will be rewarded. If you can't complete the tasks, the bonus will be deducted. Whether they want to earn more or lose me money, it all depends. they themselves."

People in feudal society are slavish, and it is rare for poor people to have policies at the top and policies at the top, especially those who signed a death contract with Agui and Qiniang, and life and death are in her hands. Whatever they say, both of them will do it, never questioning her decision, and never complaining about being too tired or too hard.

So even if Qiao Wei didn't stare at them, they would still complete the tasks she assigned.

Boss Rong's criterion for judging the quality of an employee is not whether he is efficient or not, but whether he works overtime. For example, Xiao Liu is very popular with Boss Rong because Xiao Liu is always the first to come and the last to leave. one of.

As for Qiao Wei, this is not the case at all. Xiao Liu has the most overtime hours and the least things to do. She always allows the boss and her to be on the first floor, and Xiao Liu is busy and only waits for the second. As soon as people went upstairs, Xiao Liu ran to the corner and sat down.

It's not speculative, but when it comes to the management of employees, Boss Rong and Qiao Wei can't talk about each other, so they can't help but blush, so they simply don't talk about it.

Boss Rong changed the topic: "I came to see you for business."

Qiao Wei washed her hands in the backyard and poured Boss Rong a bowl of herbal tea: "What's the matter?"

Boss Rong was afraid of the heat, and he almost got heat stroke after climbing a mountain. Holding the teacup, he drank more than half of it, and then wiped his mouth with his sleeve and said, "The supply of preserved eggs, can you mention it?"

Qiao Wei gave him a weird look and said, "I've gone from fifty in two days to eighty in a day."

Boss Rong said, "I know, but isn't it enough to sell?"

Qiao Wei looked at him suspiciously: "What are you bragging about again?"

"Ahem, no more!" Boss Rong's expression was a little embarrassed, "It's just... the people outside heard about the business in the palace, and the palace is rushing for things, do you think it can be sold well? "

"I don't know where I heard it? I think it's you who spread the news?"

Boss Rong denied it categorically: "No!"

Qiao Wei glared at him: "It's written all over your face."

Boss Rong blushed from choking, and tugged on Qiao Wei's sleeve like a little wife, and said in a low voice, "Is it possible, Xiao Qiao~"

Is it really good to be shamelessly cute at a lot of age

Qiao Wei gave him a contemptuous look, then pulled back her sleeves: "How much do you want?"

Boss Rong's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile, "No more, no more, just two hundred a day."

Qiao Wei frowned: "Two hundred is not much? The day I give to the palace is only three hundred! You are exhausting me to death!"

Boss Rong's scalp was numb from the spray, he squeezed his cold sweat, and said embarrassingly, "Can't you hire someone? I've done the calculation for you. If you invite two more people to come back to work, the wages won't keep up with the profits you make. You It’s a surefire way to make money.”

Qiao Wei sneered: "As far as your half-baked arithmetic level is concerned, you did the math for me?"

Boss Rong's daughter-in-law pouted: "I just forget it~"

Qiao Wei was so shocked by his appearance that her body trembled.

"Is two hundred okay, Xiao Qiao?" Boss Rong asked resentfully.

Let’s not talk about two hundred or two hundred, but Boss Rong reminded her of another thing. After one month, three hundred to four hundred preserved eggs will be successfully marinated every day, and the preserved eggs she sells are all It is peeled off the mud shell and wrapped in paraffin wax, which not only helps to preserve freshness, but also effectively protects the formula. Now Agui and Qiniang are busy because they only need to marinate, they don’t need to wash, wax, or pack. When the shipment starts, it will be very costly to remove the shells, wax and pack hundreds of dollars a day. Mind, the three of them alone are not enough.

So in theory, she does need to hire more people, and when she hires people, the increased shipments from Boss Rong will not be a problem.

"Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao..." Boss Rong murmured.

Qiao Wei squinted at him: "It's not that easy to hire people. You have to train and get on the job if you hire someone. Who knows how long it will take to reach the shipment you want."

Boss Rong put on a smile: "It doesn't matter what date, I can wait, as long as you nod."

The matter of the workers has been settled in this way. This time the workers can only be responsible for the steps of shell wrapping, shell washing, waxing and boxing, and will not be exposed to the previous formula, and there is no problem in recruiting from outside.

The news in the village spread quickly. As soon as Qiao Wei told the Luo family about the recruitment at noon, the whole village knew about it in the afternoon.

Such important news naturally cannot escape the eyes of Xiao Wei, a news expert. When Xiao Wei heard that rich households were recruiting workers, he ran to report to the village owner.

But he said that day after watching how Wang Shu knocked an assassin into the air, and how he caught a poisonous snake, the village owner was a little frightened. Although he saw the man in black feeding the little milk dog, he saw that the little white dog was not only fine, He also looked like he was enjoying it and wanting more. He guessed that the man in black gave meatballs, candy balls and other snacks to please the little milk dog. If he knew that those were actually poison, he might have been scared back to his grandma's house by now. up.

"Master of the village!" Xiao Wei ran into the lobby of Heifeng Village, which was actually a broken tile house that leaked when it rained.

The village owner's complexion still had a trace of paleness remaining, and he would not admit that it was caused by shock.

Glancing at Xiao Wei, he said calmly, "What? Another fat merchant?"

"It's not the owner of the village." Xiao Wei said: "The business of that rich family seems to be growing again, and they are recruiting workers again!"

"What? It's getting bigger again?" The village owner completely ignored the recruitment, and his mind was full of money for walking. Coincidentally, Heifeng Mountain echoed that mountain. Heifengzhai was on the top of the mountain, and the rich man lived On the mountainside, from the Heifengzhai to the rich family's house, it happens that you can have a panoramic view.

They saw with their own eyes that the mother and son moved into the abandoned thatched hut, and they watched them get poorer and poorer. The woman sat in the yard crying all day long, and the younger one cried too, but she didn't care, and let the younger one go outside. After crying for a long time, she had a bad temper and would beat the child when she was bored. Once the little girl wet her pants, she shut the little girl outside. In the cold winter months, the little girl cried heartbreakingly.

The little girl was barefoot, wearing wet pants, crying and twitching: "Mom... I was wrong... I will never pee my pants again..."

Alas, a baby who is only two or three years old.

They are a group of bandits, and they are almost invisible.

But that woman is not like this all the time, most of the time, she is quite motherly.

Gradually, they stopped looking at the situation over there and concentrated on looting. It wasn't until the sound of ding ding dong dong sounded on the opposite mountain that they realized that a house had started to be built there.

They felt that the old family must have moved out and a new one had come in.

The new family also has three mothers and children, what a coincidence.

The mother and son are living a happy and prosperous life, which is very in line with their conditions for robbery.

However, the first time he left the army, he was so frightened that the whole army was annihilated. Whenever he recalled the cowardice that night, the village owner was actually a little angry, but when he went to rob again, he seemed to have no courage for the time being. However, courage will also increase with the increase of temptation. For example, Xiao Wei said that the other party's business has grown again, and the village owner's already annihilated mind began to stir again in an instant.

"Let's outsmart this time!" the village master said.

"Re, still, still... still robbing?" Xiao Wei still has lingering fears when he thinks about the weird boy that night, how much strength does it take to knock a grown man into the air? He can guarantee that the child has deep internal strength, and he can be crushed to death with a single slap.

The village master smiled maliciously: "Didn't I say I want to outsmart?"

"Why, how to outwit it?" Xiao Wei asked in horror.

The village owner slapped his thigh: "Let's not rob! Let's steal!"

"Steal?" This... this is too embarrassing! As a bandit with national temperament, Xiao Wei looked down on those thieves very much, and the pure man would go into battle with a knife. There are people, it’s not easy to steal.”

The village owner said: "You said just now that her business has expanded and she is recruiting workers?"

Xiao Wei nodded blankly, does this have something to do with stealing a penny

"Xiao Wei~" The village owner patted him on the shoulder with a smirk, "This village owner thought of an excellent solution, but it's just a hard trip for you."

Xu's situation is not very good recently. There are four houses in Enbo Mansion. After the first house disappeared, the second house became the eldest house in the mansion, and she also became the eldest daughter-in-law.

She is slick, sweet and generous, and she is very considerate in serving the old lady. The old lady is quite satisfied with her daughter-in-law, but since the incident of the second master's imprisonment, the old lady has hated her.

The old lady didn't say anything, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the old lady was blaming her for not rescuing the master in time, but instead "having a good time" outside.

The conscience of heaven and earth, didn't she buy so many things to send to Mrs. Ji so that she could rescue the second master as soon as possible

Is it the only way to have to hand over the marriage certificate

It really complied with the phrase "One hundred good things are not enough for people to do good; one bad thing is enough for people to do bad things".

She had served the old lady with all her heart and soul for so many years, but because of this incident, all her previous efforts were wiped out.

As a result of the old lady not waiting to see her, her situation in Ember Mansion became more and more embarrassing.

"Second sister-in-law, the monthly payment for this month seems wrong." When greeting the old lady, the third lady said with a smile.

Xu's serious expression said: "What's wrong? I will give as much as I originally ordered."

The third lady smiled and said: "I remember that every quarter, every house has additional subsidies. Why is it gone this season?"

The extra subsidy is the income of the shop. It is distributed once at the end of the year, and a little bit will be distributed every quarter to cover the expenses of each house. The masters of the Enbo Mansion, regardless of whether they are masters or wives, have some private properties. These private properties are not included in the public house. Subsidies Most of the dividends come from Lingzhitang.

Xu said unhurriedly: "Ganoderma Lucidum's performance declined in the last quarter, and the profit was not enough for everyone to share, so we moved it to the next quarter and distributed it together."

The third lady said in a strange way: "Ganoderma lucidum business is so good, it's not enough for us to share? Second sister-in-law, don't you use the money from Lingzhi hall to subsidize that little bitch?"

Xu frowned slightly: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

The third lady shook her handkerchief: "Don't be stupid, Second Sister-in-law, we have already seen Da Qiao's portrait, she seems to be very close to your son, is it your order, Second Sister-in-law?"

Xu suppressed her anger and explained: "Yuqi and her have only met her a few times, and I don't know who she is at all!"

The third lady didn't believe it at all: "I don't know how to draw so many portraits and still praise her so much."

"Are you talking about my son?" Xu's face darkened.

If Mrs. Shen had such a straight face, the third lady would be afraid, but Mrs. Xu, the third lady didn't even move her eyelids: "Second sister-in-law, don't speak so harshly, I just care about Yuqi and I'm afraid of him I was deceived, and now it seems that I was overthinking. The second sister-in-law loved Da Qiao in the past. Thinking about the kindness of nurturing her for so many years, the second sister-in-law is very worried about her? Second sister-in-law, tell us the truth, we will not Blame the second sister-in-law, the also used to help Da Qiao?"

Mrs. Xu is about to vomit blood. Will she help a little bitch who robbed her son-in-law? How about helping the beggars on the roadside!

"Originally the Ganoderma lucidum hall belonged to her mother. You really gave her the money from the Ganoderma lucidum hall. We have nothing to say, but second sister-in-law, please don't hide it from us. This will make people misunderstand that you are returning the property to the original owner." Yes, it’s still full of money.”

The last sentence is the point, right

She broke her heart for this family, but in the end she was suspected of embezzling the money. It's really chilling!

What was even more chilling was that the old lady sat in the main seat without saying a word, letting the third wife run on Mrs. Xu, and Mrs. Xu probably understood that the third lady was just expressing the old lady's thoughts with her own mouth.

Xu was so angry that his head hurt.

It was at this time that the news of Qiao Wei's recruitment reached Mrs. Xu.

Mother Lin didn't intend to inquire about Qiao Wei's situation, but the last time Mrs. Xu put eye drops on Mrs. Ji, Ms. Lin wanted to see if Mrs. Ji had repaired Qiao Wei, but she heard that she was recruiting. .

There is also the mood to recruit workers, which shows that Mrs. Ji did not do anything to her at all!

Xu's head hurt even more.

Even Mrs. Ji can't do anything to her, she's completely evil!

Mother Lin said thoughtfully: "Ma'am, now is the perfect time for us to take down Da Qiao's!"

Mrs. Xu paused for a while rubbing her temples: "How do you say?"

Mother Lin asked back, "Do you remember what she sells?"

"Preserved egg?" Xu's impression was the deepest. After all, he was deceived so badly, and now thinking about it, his heart still bleeds.

Mama Lin said persuasively, "Do you know where all the preserved eggs are sold?"


"In the palace."

Xu was startled: "What? The palace also started to eat her preserved eggs?"

Mother Lin nodded: "Rong Ji's boss said it himself. A few days ago, on the crown prince's birthday, Rong Ji was invited to cook for the emperor's master. I think it was at that time, when I tasted her preserved egg, the servant guessed that she was recruiting to be a palace worker. business."

Xu sat up straight, and said in disbelief: "The business in the palace, how big is that business?"

"That's right, ma'am, the sale of preserved eggs is crazy outside now." Mother Lin said, "As long as we get her formula, are we afraid we won't make any money? It's a business of our own, and we don't have to cooperate with others like Ganoderma lucidum." How many houses are divided, and every penny is your own!"

Thinking of Baihuahua's silver, Xu's eyes turned green: "She dares to deceive my daughter's gold, wait until I get the formula and see how arrogant she is!"

Qiao Wei made it clear that there is no limit to men and women when recruiting. Xu felt that a woman could gain the trust of a little widow better than a man, so she sent two heartfelt maids to apply for the job.

Qiao Wei was digging the ground in the yard, when a figure stopped at the door, she said without raising her head, "The recruitment is tomorrow morning."

"This king is not here to recruit workers."

King Yin's voice suddenly rang at the door, Qiao Wei frowned, folded her arms on the handle of the hoe, and looked at King Yin speechlessly: "His Royal Highness, what are you doing here again?"

King Yin said: "This king has come to see the child."

Qiao Wei rolled her eyes in her heart: "How many times have I told you before you realize that Wang Shu and Jing Yun are not your children!"

King Yin said sternly: "They are, the king sent someone to check, and the person who married the king that night is you!"

Qiao Wei couldn't explain to this paranoid: "Okay, okay, even if the person in your bed is me, so what? If I sleep with you, I will definitely conceive a child? There are so many women in your house, why don't you?" See who is pregnant? King Yin is not cursing you, I think you may... have a problem with this."

King Yin's face instantly turned black into charcoal!

He didn't allow the women in the backyard to conceive children because he would give them a bowl of avoidance soup afterwards, but the time with Da Qiao's, he was in a mess, and after stabbing her with a sword, he forgot to let her take it. It's time to avoid soup.

Fortunately, I forgot, otherwise, there would be no such cute pair of babies.

How did King Yin know that Da Qiao not only drank it, but also drank it with "relish", and gave birth to two cute babies in the end.

I have to say, the Prime Minister is too mighty!

Qiao Wei was too lazy to entangle with King Yin, so she carried a hoe into the house.

King Yin caught up and was blocked by Qiao Wei at the door: "This is my home, you are not welcome in my home!"

"You have no right to prevent the king from seeing the child!"

Qiao Wei raised her eyebrows: "Then you sue me!"

How can he sue

The prince of a country sued a woman in court to snatch her child. Isn't this a joke for the whole world to see? He can't afford to lose this man!

It's just that he can't force it for the time being.

For one thing, he is still investigating the news from five years ago, but he has not come up with any results. What he said just now was actually to scare Da Qiao, who knows that this woman is not fooled at all!

Second, the children seemed to have a grudge against him, and if he fell out with her again, the children would ignore him even more.

"I'll see them." He softened his tone.

If she didn't know what he was like, Qiao Wei might be moved by his fatherly side: "What are you doing seeing them? Taking them away won't work, are you going to come with sugar-coated shells? Let me tell you, I won't let you see them! Give up your heart!"

It was not easy for King Yin to make up his mind to have a peaceful talk with her, but she just didn't know how to flatter her: "Isn't it too much for you to do so?"

Qiao Wei sneered: "Compared to when you stabbed me with a white sword, I think I am very polite to you."

King Yin fixed his eyes: "What happened back then was a misunderstanding. If you are willing, this king can make it up to you. The position of side concubine is still yours. You can go back home with the children."

Beep the dog!

Who cares about a side concubine

She had said she didn't want it, but he was still talking about it like a piece of gold. If he didn't see it in her eyes, is that a piece of shit

Qiao Wei smiled lightly and said, "My lord, I'm not afraid of embarrassing you. If you don't leave, I will report to the police."

King Yin walked away with a cold face.

Qiao Wei guessed right, he did not go up the mountain to see the children, he thought of going to Da Qiao's to find out the news because he couldn't find any news in the south of the Yangtze River, would Ji Mingxiu dare to say that kind of thing to him? Could it be that Ji Mingxiu found something? And if Ji Mingxiu finds any clues, it is impossible not to tell Da Qiao.

After a face-to-face meeting, he didn't come up with any useful information. I don't know if Da Qiao didn't know it at all, or he hid it too deeply and too well.

In the study of the courtyard, Ji Mingxiu received another letter from Feige from Hai Shisan.

He asked Hai Shisan to search for You Yi's whereabouts with all his strength, but to his disappointment, Hai Shisan mobilized almost all his men, but failed to dig You Yi out.

The mysterious person who erased all the clues five years ago failed to "erase" Youyi, which shows how mysterious Youyi's whereabouts are.

Ji Mingxiu sat in the study for a while, and suddenly missed the child.

In the past, I didn't know that it was my own, and I could visit it unscrupulously, but now that I know it, I have some scruples.

What happened back then has left a mark on everyone's hearts. It is definitely not a good thing for people to find out the fact that he and Qiao Wei are married before strong witnesses and evidence are found.

It can't prove that King Yin's woman is not Qiao Wei, and it is revealed that he has slept with Qiao Wei. In the eyes of the world, he may become Da Qiao's one maid and two husbands.

When the pot of dirty water poured down, Qiao Wei and the two children would be in an embarrassing situation.

I've never been so worried.

Have they eaten and washed? doing what? Did you mess around...

My heart was filled with an unspeakable emotion, and there was a cool astringent pain in my breath.

"Master." Ming An entered with a plate of snacks, "You don't eat much for dinner, so why don't you eat something."

After Mrs. Ji punished the servants in the courtyard, Ming An temporarily took over Lu Zhu's position.


Ji Mingxiu stood up and went to the east chamber.

There are paintings of Wang Shu hanging on the wall, each of which looks like a ghost painting talisman, but in Ji Mingxiu's eyes, all of them are very cute.

On the desk are the books that Jing Yun has read. At a young age, he has already started to read some miscellaneous geography notes, and he is smarter and more diligent than when he was five years old.

There was a woman's rouge and gouache on the dressing table. He had seen her use it secretly, and he painted it as if it hadn't been painted, but it was a little more beautiful.

If he had known that she was such an interesting person, he shouldn't have avoided her five years ago, right? Married her in early, and now the family is complete.

But I heard that her temperament was not like this five years ago, if she really met at that time, maybe it would not be what she is now.

"It's time to drink the medicine." Yan Fei knocked on the door.

Ji Mingxiu took the medicine bowl and drank it without saying a word.

Yan Feijue was dumbfounded, the young master was the worst drinker of medicine, every time he said it was useless, why not drink it, let him drink a bowl of medicine, Yan Feijue would say nothing.

"What did Hai Shisan tell you? You've been so good lately!"

It's so strange, Yan Feijue added in his heart.

Looking at the graffiti on the wall, Ji Mingxiu said with deep eyes, "Uncle Yan, I want to live, more than ever."

When the sky was bright, the little guy got out of the bed.

Jing Yun woke up naturally, and Wang Shu was woken up by urinating.

She doesn't remember being locked up outside, but it left a shadow in her heart, and she couldn't wet her pants or bed.

Wang Shu got off the bed in a daze, with his eyes closed, and walked out crookedly.

She has her own little toilet in the backyard.

She sat on the small toilet, peed, wiped her butt with the "tissue paper" on the toilet, and went back to the room in a daze.

But this time she took the wrong direction and went to the front yard.

Suddenly, I tripped over something and fell to the ground!

So soft, so comfortable...

Wang Shu snored and fell asleep.

When Qiao Wei finished making breakfast in the kitchen and went back to her room to wake Wang Shu up, she found that there was no one on the bed.

Could it be... went to the study

"Jing Yun, come over for dinner with your sister!" Qiao Wei called out.

Jing Yun thought that mother meant to wake up his sister, closed the book, and went to Qiao Wei's bedroom: "Huh? My sister is not here? Mother! My sister is not in the room!"

No study room either

Qiao Wei quickly searched all the rooms, but she couldn't find her daughter. Qiao Wei was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out of her throat!

"Mother, mother! My sister is here!"

Qiao Wei followed her son's voice and found the front yard, and saw a pile of golden dolls appearing on the green lawn at some point, each of them was very cute, wearing different styles of skirts, the skirts were exquisite in workmanship and unique in style. Looking at it, it is simply the ancient version of Barbie.

And her daughter is lying on a "Barbie", holding a "Barbie" in her arms, drooling.

"So many puppets, who sent them?" Jing Yun asked with wide eyes.

I don't know, she was thinking about job recruitment, she wanted to finish cooking early and send the children to private school, and she didn't have time to go to the front yard to have a look, she didn't know how these beautiful and delicate "Barbies" appeared in the villa without a sound .

Soon, the mother and son discovered that there were not only puppets, but also a brocade box beside them, which opened several books of geography miscellaneous notes.

Next to the brocade box, there is a pot of delicate and beautiful flowers.

Qiao Wei was a little dumbfounded, who sent so many things early in the morning

A note fell out of Geography Miscellaneous Notes. After Jing Yun read it, his mouth became O-shaped: "It's Daddy!"