The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 12: to do business


Aunt Luo didn't discuss with Qiao Wei about the confession of marriage, and she was worried that Qiao Wei would not be happy. In fact, her worries were completely superfluous. Qiao Wei had no one to rely on, and meeting an elder like Aunt Luo was simply a wish she could only wish for. But in ancient times, it was a big thing to recognize a relative. She hesitated for a moment, then said: "Aunt Luo, do you want to discuss this matter with Uncle Luo first?"

Aunt Luo patted her hand that was afraid of her and said: "Don't worry, he listens to me in everything. I mentioned you to him, but he also took pity on you and asked me to take care of you."

Qiao Wei said with emotion: "Uncle Luo is also a good person."

Aunt Luo gave her an angry look: "You still call him Uncle?"

Qiao Wei's face was slightly ashamed: "Godfather."

Aunt Luo pointed to herself: "What about me?"


Aunt Luo smiled comfortably.

This is how the matter of admitting to be a relative is settled.

In the evening, Qiao Wei cooked a large table of dishes, leaving Aunt Luo to eat. Aunt Luo's husband works in the county government office and only returns once a month. The eldest son has married and moved out, and the younger son is studying art in the capital. She is alone most of the time. Recognizing Xiao Qiao as a god-in-law meant pity for the mother and son, but she herself was really lonely.

Xiao Qiao kept her for dinner, and she graciously stayed.

The children seemed to smell the aroma of home, and came back before the meal was ready. When they saw Aunt Luo who was setting the dishes in the main room, they called "Grandma Luo" sweetly.

Qiao Wei came out from the kitchen with a bowl of mutton vermicelli soup. Hearing this call, she smiled and said, "Don't call me Grandma Luo from now on, just Grandma."

In the child's heart, he didn't feel much about multiple surnames and few surnames, so he obediently agreed. Qiao Wei thought, it would be a good time to talk to the children about the meaning of being married, and let them know that Grandma Luo is different from other grandmas.

Qiao Jingyun took the initiative to pour water in the yard to wash his hands. Before Niangsan moved here, there was a well in the yard. The children knew how to draw water from the well, but Qiao Wei covered the well just in case , usually only ask them to use the water in the tank.

After the brothers and sisters washed their hands, they went to eat in the house.

Qiao Wei made four dishes and one soup—scrambled eggs with green peppers, braised pork with carrots, stir-fried shredded potatoes, stir-fried cabbage, mutton vermicelli soup, and steamed a basket of red bean glutinous rice cakes on the stove.

Aunt Luo had never tasted Xiao Qiao's cooking skills, but she felt that the dishes were good after seeing the dishes. She took a piece of dry-stir-fried potato shreds: "What is this?"

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "Potatoes."

"Can you do this with potatoes?" Mrs. Luo took a bite. It was spicy and refreshing, oily but not greasy, salty and sweet, and tasted good. After that, she tasted eggs, braised pork, and cabbage in turn, and the more she ate, the more amazed she became, and when she drank the mutton vermicelli soup, the surprised expression could no longer be hidden, "Xiao Qiao, you are good at cooking! "

Qiao Wei smiled irrefutably: "So-so, I'll cook."

"Cooking?" Aunt Luo seemed to remember something, and said strangely: "Then when you first entered the village, you didn't even know how to wash the dishes."

Can't even wash the dishes? Is the original owner a pampered lady? Qiao Wei smiled calmly: "I haven't done it since I was pregnant. It's a bit rusty. I just picked it up again in the past two years."

Aunt Luo did not doubt that he had him, and had a happy meal with Qiao Wei. The mutton vermicelli soup was learned, but the children said it was better than the one in the town, and Aunt Luo thought so too. Qiao does not look like a mountain, but he cooks such a good dish.

After the meal, Qiao Wei brought out the red bean and glutinous rice cakes. The children loved her desserts the most. Even carnivorous animals like little ferrets loved it. Three little paws brushed toward the plate.

Aunt Luo actually couldn't eat it anymore, but the glutinous rice cakes were made into little white rabbits, which were really beautiful. She couldn't help but eat one, one, and another, until the end she felt embarrassed up.

She is not a greedy person, why does it seem like she hasn't eaten for eight hundred years when she comes to Xiao Qiao's place

After dinner, the children and the little ferret went to play in the yard. Aunt Luo stayed behind to help Qiao Wei clean up the kitchen, and talked about her future business by the way: "What are you going to do? Keep farming or..."

While washing the dishes, Qiao Wei said, "I will continue to plant the fields. When the weather is good, I will go hunting in the mountains."

"Look at you, what am I talking about? You are not allowed to enter the mountain alone again." Aunt Luo glared at Qiao Wei and said, "I'll think of a way for you, I don't know if you want it or not."

Qiao Wei smiled warmly: "Godmother, please tell me."

Aunt Luo took the bowl that Qiao Wei had washed, and wiped it carefully with a clean cotton cloth: "The last time I ate the radish cake you sent, I felt that your craftsmanship was good. Have you seen the bazaar? Do you think you can do it yourself? How does your stuff compare to what they do?"

Qiao Wei thought for a while: "The color and fragrance should be better."

Aunt Luo squinted: "Some? You really think highly of them!"

Qiao Wei was embarrassed by the compliment, and bent her lips: "Godmother, you want me to make food and sell it?"

"Yes." Aunt Luo nodded.

Qiao Wei thought that this was indeed the way to go. Farming was not enough to make ends meet, so it was not counted in the ranks of making a living. Hunting was a source of income, but the chances were too high, and it was not always possible to meet prey. She really needs a relatively stable income.

Qiao Wei is an actionist, she only mentioned things at night, and she made them early the next morning, so the materials she went to town to buy were limited, she only made red bean glutinous rice cakes, crispy radish cakes, and radish cakes Not for sale, but for myself and the kids to eat.

At dawn, she carried two baskets of snacks and went down the mountain with the children.

The children love this kind of "running around" with their mother. In the past, their mother always stayed in the yard and never went down the mountain except for farming. They were also required to stay in the yard most of the time, and they were always lonely. Although I can go down the mountain later, the feeling of going down the mountain with my mother is of course very different!

Aunt Luo went with Qiao Wei, and they still rode in Father Shuan's carriage.

Qiao Wei is Aunt Luo's daughter now, that is, she is from her own village. Father Shuanzi's price is cheaper than yesterday's, still ten cents per person, but the two children will not charge any money.

The four of them didn't go to the bazaar, the stalls there were rented monthly, seasonally, and annually, and there was no extra space for Qiao Wei. Qiao Wei came to the seat where she had lunch yesterday, and the flow of people here is not bad. The booth is rented for 20 yuan a day.

Qiao Wei paid the rent and took out the small table and stool with Aunt Luo.

The two children sat at the back obediently, neither arguing nor making trouble, and they were so sensible that it made people feel distressed.