The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 120: Search and rescue, lessons learned



Qiao Wei's heartstrings were broken, she didn't have time to think about how all this happened, and she didn't even have time to blame Ding Xiaoying, so she jumped into the water.

The lake water in June is warm, but Qiao Wei's heart is cold.

Seen from the boat, the water does not seem to be turbulent, but when it is underwater, it is found that it is actually flowing in a hurry. The reason why the water waves hit the boat lightly is that there is a strange circle embedded in the place where the whole boat is submerged in the water. Things that can slow down the impact of the water flow, so the waves are very gentle to the naked eye.

But after Qiao Wei dived into the water, she was almost washed away.

One can imagine what will happen to her son!

Qiao Wei's heart sank suddenly, she tried her best to stabilize her figure, and began to search for her son in the emerald green lake.

And Xiaowei and Agui, who were watching the lake view on the second floor, first saw a small figure fall into the lake. They didn't recognize it as Jingyun at the time, because they were watching the scenery, and they saw it from the corner of their eyes. When they heard the sound of falling water and looked towards the lake, Qiao Wei also jumped down.

"It's Jing Yun!" Xiao Wei's eyes trembled!

The two of them didn't know that Jing Yun was thrown into the water. They thought it was a child who was naughty and climbed out of the window to get out of the accident.

Agui grew up by the sea. His grandfather once served as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, commanding 100,000 sailors. Although his father did not achieve his grandfather's achievements, he was also quite prominent in the navy. There are no children born in such a family who can't swim. .

Agui took off his clothes, kicked off his shoes, and plunged into the water like a slippery fish.

Xiao Wei didn't know water, so he leaned on the railing and looked down. The lake was so green that it was almost impossible to see people once they entered. Xiao Wei got angry and went downstairs!

Downstairs, it was a mess.

The elder brother was thrown into the water, and the mother also jumped.

Wang Shu cried in fright, and Brother Zhong was frightened stupid.

Qiniang hugged the two children in her arms distressedly.

Hearing another sound of falling into the water, Qiniang guessed that it was Agui who had gone down, knowing that Agui was a good swimmer, but she hoped that Jingyun could be rescued.

Bi'er has been a maidservant in a wealthy family for so many years, and she has never encountered such absurd things. A servant who signed a death contract dared to throw an innocent child into the water in broad daylight. How vicious this person's heart is. Can you do such a heartless thing

Her little brother is also Jing Yun's age, if someone throws her little brother into the water in front of her, she will definitely go crazy!

She doesn't know how to swim, if she could, she would jump to save others!

The maid on the boat also heard the movement, and hurried over: "What happened?"

Qiniang choked with sobs and said, "My little master fell into the water! Quickly find some water-savvy people to save him!"

The maid's complexion changed: "Where did it fall?"

"There!" Qiniang pointed to the second window.

The maid leaned out and looked at the lake where the dark tide was surging. Others didn't know her, but she knew very well that the water in Yanghu Lake was actually not as calm as it appeared on the surface. The traps were placed under their painting boats to reduce the flow of water. The impact and noise from the outside, but the position under the mechanism is not so optimistic.

Last month, she just dropped a turban, and immediately asked people to go down to salvage it, but they couldn't get it up.

She didn't dare to think about the consequences of falling down instead.

No matter what, the maid hurriedly called the boatman to go down to salvage.

Ding Xiaoying and her companions at the side were already shocked by this posture. The companions did not expect that the gentle, kind, intelligent and quick-witted sister Shiliu in the house would do such a crazy thing. Something was wrong.

Shiliu always has a low-browed and kind-hearted look in the mansion, even the servants who are inferior to her are very friendly and gentle, but just now, Shiliu scolded a lot of nasty words, and her words were full of disdain for Qiniang.

At that moment, she felt that pomegranate was very strange.

But she never thought that pomegranate would go so far as to poison a child.

Is this still the sister Pomegranate in her mind

Ding Xiaoying was terrified, she had no plan to do anything to Jing Yun, she didn't even think about Qiao Wei going to force her, but when the little thing ran past her, her body seemed to be out of control, she knew She couldn't control what she was doing, and when she finally regained her strength, Jing Yun had already been thrown into the lake by her.

She regretted it, she shouldn't have done this to a child.

Now, what would her peers think of her

What will Madam do with him later

When she returned to the mansion, how would those sisters laugh at her

She dare not think. Bi'er stared at Ding Xiaoying coldly: "Why are you two standing there stupidly? Can you know the water? If you can, hurry up and save someone!"

The companion shook his head in panic, "I won't."

Ding Xiaoying opened her mouth, and was about to say that I would, when Bier thought of something, she opened her mouth again: "Forget it, who knows what will happen to my young master if you jump off? Maybe you will hold him down in the water to prevent him from getting up !"

Ding Xiaoying had good intentions, but was wronged by others, aggrieved and angry: "Don't swear..."

"I'm bloody? Who threw my young master down? Who quarreled with my wife? I really admire you for paying back the official's daughter. With this measure, even a maid like me is better than you! At least I won't go Harm other people's children! Look at what you have done?"

These are Bi'er's words from the bottom of her heart. Although she was ordered by Mrs. Xu to steal Qiao Wei's secret recipe, it was a last resort. Her master is Mrs. Xu, and Mrs. Xu told her to go east. She went west, she couldn't go east, but she never thought about what to do with the wife and the two children.

Even wicked people have their bottom line, Bi'er's bottom line is not to harm the innocent.

But according to the current situation, it seems that the bottom line of the former governor's daughter is completely lacking, which is simply surprising.

"What's the matter? Someone threw the young master down?" Xiao Wei heard a little bit of Bi'er's words when he went downstairs.

Bi'er glared at Ding Xiaoying sadly and angrily: "It's her!"

Xiao Wei recognized at a glance that the other party was the former official lady who slapped Qiniang in the workshop the day before yesterday when she had a quarrel with A Gui and his wife. He was very angry at the time, but now knowing that she threw Jing Yun into the water, He was so angry that he slapped her across the face without saying a word!

"Are you fucking sick? You even threw a child? My mother threw you down! Let you feed the fish in the river!"

Qiniang sobbed, "She knows how to water..."

Xiao Wei yelled: "Fuck you, you're still standing here without knowing how to get wet! Don't you know how to go down and save people?"

Ding Xiaoying is the most bullying and fearful. Xiao Wei quarrels with her, and she can still be angry. Xiao Wei slapped her as soon as he came up. She was frightened instantly, but she didn't dare to show it. It was too embarrassing, so she had to cover her face and watch Glancing at Bi'er, she said, "It's her who won't let me save..."

Xiao Wei fried his hair: "She told you to eat shit, do you want to eat it? Damn, I am a bandit and I have never seen such a vicious person! What a fucking official daughter!"

Everyone present thought he was making an analogy, but didn't really believe that he was a bandit.

Ding Xiaoying really lost control at that moment, she regrets it very much now, she was scolded and wronged: "I didn't mean it..."

Xiao Weifei kicked her and kicked her and the chair behind her over: "Fucking father didn't mean it! I just got so angry that I couldn't hold back!"

Qiao Wei held her breath for too long, couldn't hold it anymore, and surfaced.

Qiniang hurriedly leaned out of the window and asked her, "What's the matter, ma'am? Have you found Jing Yun?"

Qiao Wei wanted to save every ounce of energy to dive, but didn't answer, took a deep breath, and continued to dive into the bottom.

Agui also surfaced.

Qiniang said anxiously: "Ah Gui, have you seen Jing Yun?"

Agui shook his head, got his breath and dived into the bottom of the water again.

The rest of the people who helped with the search surfaced one after another to take a breath, and then continued to search underwater. The scope of the search gradually expanded, starting from the boat on Yanghu Lake, and began to spread around.

Boatmen passing by heard that there were children falling into the water here, and they all offered their help. Those who could go into the water went into the water, and those who couldn't go into the water would use poles and nets to scoop them up.

The tourists on the shore and the shop owners and buddies also quickly learned about the situation. The deserted river bank was instantly crowded with people, and then they watched them jump into the river one by one like dumplings.

That is a child.

Who has no children

No one's heart is made of stone.

The more Qiniang watched, the more anxious she became. So many people went down, why didn't the young master come up

On the other side, Ding Xiaoying was kicked several times by Xiao Wei, almost breaking her intestines.

Companions want to help but dare not help, want to persuade but dare not persuade.

"Qiniang!" Ding Xiaoying shouted.

Qiniang looked back at her, turned her head without saying anything.

Qiniang was angry in her heart, and she also blamed herself deeply. If she hadn't angered Ding Xiaoying, the series of things that followed would not have happened. She wished to replace Jing Yun and fall into the water...

But Vision Cloud is fine, otherwise, she would have no face to live on.

There were more and more people in Yanghu, and the river bank was crowded, which quickly alarmed the government. As soon as the government got the news, it quickly spread to the palace.

At this time, Ji Mingxiu didn't know that his son had fallen into the water, and was being left in the imperial study by the emperor to discuss border matters.

The emperor sighed and said: "The Xiongnu are restless again. They are setting up grain camps at the border. It seems that they have plans to send troops to attack. This year there is little rain and the people's harvest is not good. Although it did not cause a large-scale drought, it still Some areas need relief from the imperial court, and if the Huns invade at this time, it is not good, not good!"

The prince yawned.

The emperor looked at Ji Mingxiu: "What is the prime minister's opinion?"

King Yin tastes good, so many sons are here, he doesn't ask his own people first, but an outsider first.

Ji Mingxiu said calmly, "This battle cannot be fought."

"Oh? How do you say it?" the emperor asked.

Ji Mingxiu said: "The Xiongnu would not go to war with sincerity, so they would not build barracks and granaries at the border. These things were done for Daliang. The drought in Daliang caused the people's harvest to drop sharply, but the treasury of Daliang was full enough to cope with the famine. The Xiongnu, I have heard that their situation is not very good."

The emperor became interested and motioned him to continue talking.

Ji Mingxiu continued: "The Huns are nomads. They farm less land and tend more sheep. This year's drought is not limited to Daliang. The Xiongnu are also facing the same situation. The disaster there is even more serious than Daliang. Our drought in Daliang , It’s just that the crops died, the Xiongnu was drought, but the cattle and sheep died. After the death of the cattle and sheep, the corpses were not disposed of in time, and the epidemic broke out. The Huns’ internal chaos became a pot of porridge. Anne's strategy."

King Yin sneered: "The prime minister's words seem to have ignored the Xiongnu at all. Don't forget, the prime minister, that the Xiongnu soldiers are strong and strong, and my soldiers from Daliang have suffered a lot in their hands. This time they have started hoarding soldiers and horses, don't they? Do you want us to sit and wait?"

Ji Mingxiu said calmly: "Prince Yin wants to fight so much, why not apply for command and go north to conquer?"

"You don't dare to be my king?" King Yin is both civil and military, the most powerful is martial arts, and only in war can he display his strengths. Compared with being unable to fight, he would rather be able to fight heartily. No one in court to support him or follow him

Ji Mingxiu casually opened a memorial: "King Yin fought for the war, did he consider the border people and the soldiers of the two armies?"

King Yin snorted coldly: "When the Huns invade, our soldiers will also be slaughtered, and the people will also be displaced."

"I said, this battle cannot be fought."

"It's too late for you to regret it when you fight!"

The emperor had a headache: "Prince..." Just as he was about to ask the prince for his opinion, he saw the prince fell asleep lying on the table.

A little eunuch swayed outside the door. Eunuch Fu retreated from the side with sharp eyes, pulled the little eunuch into the yard, and scolded in a low voice: "Didn't you see that important things are being discussed inside? How do the miscellaneous family teach you?" ? If you're so unintelligent, you won't be afraid of losing your head!"

The little eunuch is the godson of Eunuch Fu. He was promoted by Eunuch Fu to become the tea eunuch in the imperial study. If he can show his face in front of the imperial court, his qualifications will not be too bad. Otherwise, Eunuch Fu would not dare to recommend him. After all, if something happens , Eunuch Fu is also to blame.

Of course, the little eunuch knew that he couldn't come to him casually. He just heard a piece of news and wanted to tell his godfather: "Godfather, something happened at Yanghu."

Eunuch Fu scolded him: "When will something happen to Yanghu? Do you need to worry about it, kid?"

The little eunuch said in a low voice, "It was done by people from the Duke's Mansion."

"The Duke's Mansion." Eunuch Fu frowned: "Which Duke's Mansion?"

The little eunuch said: "An Guo Gongfu."

When he heard that it was Duke Anguo's mansion, Eunuch Fu became restless. There were ten people sitting in the imperial study, and three of them were relatives of Duke Anguo's mansion, the oldest of which was their emperor.

The late Empress Lin is the daughter of Duke Anguo's mansion, the old Duke Anguo is the emperor's father-in-law, the current Duke Anguo is the emperor's brother-in-law, and the son of Duke Anguo is the emperor's nephew. This nephew probably married the emperor's cousin. It's a bit confusing, but in short, it's right that An Guogong's mansion is a famous family that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ji family.

If something happened to it, Eunuch Fu would naturally communicate with the emperor.

The little eunuch reported everything he heard to his godfather.

"You boy!" Eunuch Fu patted the head of the little eunuch, the little eunuch smiled, and Eunuch Fu said: "Come on, you go, and be smarter later on."

The little eunuch bowed: "Yes, my son has remembered!"

Mr. Fu entered the house.

The emperor looked at him strangely: "What happened again?"

Eunuch Fu hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully: "It seems that people have been killed in An Guogong's mansion."

"It's a big fuss?" The emperor frowned.

Mr. Fu said fairly: "It seems to be quite big. The area around Yanghu Lake has been alarmed."

Ji Mingxiu's eyes flickered: "Where is Yanghu?"

"Yanghu Painting Boat, a child fell into the water." Eunuch Fu replied.

With a bang, Ji Mingxiu's mind exploded: "What's your name?"

Eunuch Fu was confused by the prime minister's reaction. Could it be someone the prime minister knew? Shaking his head, he said, "I don't know."

Ji Mingxiu's eyes dimmed in an instant: "I still have something to do, so I will take my leave first."

The emperor was stunned: "Hey! We haven't finished talking about the Xiongnu! Are we going to fight or not?"

Ji Mingxiu has already stepped out of the imperial study room.

King Yin was puzzled, could it be that the child who could make Ji Mingxiu react so violently—

"King Yin..." the emperor looked at his son.

King Yin clasped his fists: "Father, my son and minister also have important matters, so I will take my leave first!"

The emperor rubbed his chin, he could still understand that Ji Mingxiu left him, after all, he was related by marriage, why did King Yin go too? The prince should go—

The emperor slapped the prince across the face: "Something happened to your grandfather's house!"

The prince opened his eyes in a daze: "Oh."

fell asleep again.

The banks of Yanghu Lake were crowded with people, three floors inside and three floors outside.

With a crash, a head rushed out of the water. The owner of the head touched his face and stretched out his hand to the people on the shore: "Give me a hand, I can't do it..."

Another exhausted man ashore.

Everyone pulled him up.

After that, many search and rescue people were forced to go ashore due to exhaustion.

Of course, there are also people who have enough rest and continue to jump back into the water.

Only Qiao Wei, without resting for a moment, continued to dive into the water after breathing for the first time, searching for her son.

Agui, even a sailor, couldn't hold on anymore. His body was soaked in the water, his arms were lying on a small boat, and he was panting heavily.

He watched Qiao Wei dive into the water desperately, and wanted to stop Qiao Wei, but she was too tired to speak.

An old man in his fifties came out of the water and lay beside him, panting, "It's been so long, I'm afraid this baby is in danger."

How bad is bad? Impossible, Jing Yun wants to live!

Agui took a sharp breath and sank to the bottom of the water.

More and more people went into the water, and more and more people went ashore, but no one found the child.

The sky was a little light, the blue sky was covered with a layer of gray, and the lake waves lost their sparkling luster.

Suddenly, a young man rushed out of the water holding a shoe: "Shoe! I found the shoe!"

Qiniang took a closer look and said pleasantly, "That's Jing Yun's shoe!"

The crowd was a little boiling.

The young man threw the shoe to Qiniang and continued to dive and search.

When Qiao Wei surfaced again to take a breath without knowing it, the people on the shore shouted away.

"Tell her to come up. I think she hasn't rested since she got into the water. If this continues, her son won't be found. She'll be exhausted first."

"Yes, yes, come up!"

Her son is still soaking in the icy lake, how can she come up

Someone went to pull Qiao Wei, but Qiao Wei threw her away.

Qiao Wei's water quality can't be said to be very good, and it's all because of her obsession that she can last until now.

Suddenly, a powerful arm wrapped around her waist. She struggled, but was imprisoned so that she could not move. The owner of the arm hugged her tightly and brought her out of the water.

Qiao Wei bit his arm.

But even after biting with all his strength, he didn't feel any pain, which shows that he really lost his strength.

Ji Mingxiu stroked the back of her head and said, "It's me."

Qiao Wei choked up: "I know it's you."

Ji Mingxiu hugged her, letting the weight of her whole body rest on him, looked at her pale face, and said, "I will find Jing Yun, you get on the boat first, and wait for my news."

Qiao Wei shook her head with red eyes.

Ji Mingxiu lifted her face, looked into her red eyes, and said firmly: "Jing Yun is my son, even if everyone is tired, I won't be tired; even if everyone doesn't look for him Yes, I will continue to search, even if I drain the lake, I will definitely find him. Wang Shu is still on the boat, you and brother are gone, she is terrified, don't let her have another accident. "

Qiao Wei nodded, unable to tell whether it was tears or lake water, it fell from her eye sockets.


With an order from Ji Mingxiu, Seventeen flew up, tiptoe skimming over the water, and carried Qiao Wei onto the boat.

Seventeen can't water.

Yan Fei died.

When King Yin rushed here, he really saw Ji Mingxiu getting into the water, and heard that it was a boy, so he guessed that it was probably Jing Yun. Like Ji Mingxiu, he didn't bother to ask how Jing Yun fell. The water fell into the water with a plop.

The guards from both sides came to the boat, gestured tacitly, and spread out in different directions.

This is probably the only time the two of them have done together in this life.

Qiao Wei was put on the deck of the painting boat by Seventeen, Wang Shu ran over and threw herself into her arms: "Mother!"

Qiao Wei hugged her daughter tightly, heartbroken.

Qiniang came over with the bundle: "Madam, change your clothes first."

Qiao Wei pushed Qiniang's hand away, looked coldly at Ding Xiaoying who tiptoed out of the room and was about to run away, kicked up a stool nailed to the deck, and the stool flew onto Ding Xiaoying's body, hitting Ding Xiaoying Bleeding!

Ding Xiaoying screamed, covered her head and fell to the ground.

Qiao Wei handed Wang Shu to Qiniang, and walked towards Ding Xiaoying with a cold face. Ding Xiaoying's head was hit by a stool and a bloody hole was made. Scarlet blood squeezed out from between her fingers and flowed all over her face. She wanted to see who it was Such a bold person, but saw Qiao Wei standing in front of her like Shura.

Qiao Wei looked down at her with bloodthirsty eyes like a female leopard whose cubs were robbed.

Ding Xiaoying never knew that a woman could be so terrifying when she was fierce, her eyes seemed to swallow her alive, her scalp started to hurt, her body trembled slightly, and she hugged her head.

Qiao Wei said disdainfully: "Ding Xiaoying, you are so courageous, you dare to touch my son?"

Ding Xiaoying didn't know whether it was pain or fright, so she cried with a whimper: "I didn't mean it... I didn't know what happened to me at the time... I didn't mean to hurt someone... I... I... I'll help you find him Come back... don't scold me, I'm so scared... "

Qiao Wei stepped on her shoulder: "Are you so scared? Have you ever thought that my son is only five years old, and he will be scared if you throw him into the lake!"

"Ah - ah - it hurts!" Ding Xiaoying felt that her shoulders were crushed, she wanted to look weaker, but the other party's heart was not soft at all, trampling her to death, it hurt her died.

Qiniang covers Wang Shu's eyes.

Ding Xiaoying was in so much pain that she cried out heart-piercingly, "Help—help—"

"You can still call for help, but my son doesn't even have a chance to speak." Qiao Wei increased the strength of her feet.

Ding Xiaoying's right shoulder was cracked inch by inch, she passed out from the pain, and was woken up again by Qiao Wei splashing water.

None of the people on the boat stepped forward to dissuade them. They didn't know the entanglement between Ding Xiaoying and Qiao Wei, but even animals couldn't do such things as throwing other people's children into the water. This kind of maid deserves to be beaten to death.

Ding Xiaoying begged for mercy: "You let me really hurts..."

Qiao Wei looked indifferent: "My son is also crying out for pain, but unfortunately I can't hear it."

Ding Xiaoying was scared, she was really scared, she knew that this woman was so difficult to mess with, she would never lose her child no matter what, no, she is not this kind of person, she didn't do it on purpose, she wasn't so vicious, she was , At that time, my brain was really blank...

Ding Xiaoying felt so regretful that her intestines turned green.

But no matter how regretful she was, time would never go back.

"Who is so bold? How dare you move someone from the government?"

Suddenly, there was a woman's shout at the boarding port. After the officers and soldiers arrived, they immediately blocked the boat, and all the people who watched the fun were invited out. They were able to break through the siege and walk onto the boat, which shows that they have a lot of background.

Qiao Wei turned her face lightly, the coldness in her eyes made the women who came tremble.

The lady who spoke earlier was surrounded by the crowd, she was wearing a lavender dress, she was beautiful and bejeweled, beside her stood a maid in pink bijia, followed by six people who were dressed the same as Ding Xiaoying and her companions. the maid.

For those who didn't know about this battle, they thought they were meeting the emperor's favorite concubine. Concubine Zhao was not as ostentatious as her.

Ding Xiaoying's companion quickly walked up to the woman: "Second madam!"

Li Shi didn't look at her, but set her eyes on Qiao Wei and Ding Xiaoying: "Who are you? How dare you beat and kill the servant girl of the Duke's Mansion." After speaking, before Qiao Wei could answer, she looked coldly Sweeping towards the officials on the side, "Are you all working for nothing? Didn't you know that this is from the Duke's Mansion? You are still being bullied by a... common people?"

The officials are suffering. They asked each other's identity as soon as they came, and they also wanted to betray the Duke's favor. However, the prime minister first, and then King Yin, went into the water to save people one after another. Could the one who fell into the water be an ordinary child

Not to mention that there was a young man with high martial arts skills sitting on the side of the boat. The young man sat still, but he acted like I would kill anyone who interfered. Who would dare to take his life

Qiao Wei didn't bother to pay attention to her, and made up for Ding Xiaoying again.

Li Shi was angry: "I don't know how to praise! I told you that you are from the Duke's Mansion, how dare you be stubborn!"

Qiao Wei said indifferently: "Why don't you ask your maid what did she do?"

Li Shi raised his chin: "No matter what you do, you have to be disciplined by the Duke's House, and it's not up to others to intervene!"

Qiao Wei's face turned cold: "You mean, even if she kills someone, your Duke's Mansion will keep her?"

Li said solemnly: "The state has state laws, and the family has family rules. If the servants of the Duke's mansion do something wrong, they will be dealt with by their own family rules. If they kill someone, they will be dealt with by the government. What kind of thing are you? You used lynching in public! "

"Madam, save me—I didn't mean to—" Ding Xiaoying begged in pain.

Li Shi said coldly: "Did you do it on purpose? My wife will find out when I return to the mansion!" It didn't seem like she wanted to protect Ding Xiaoying, but she didn't intend to let Qiao Wei use punishment, "You let her go , If you have any losses, I will compensate you, but the servants of our government must discipline themselves."

If this girl really did something wrong, she will not tolerate it, but it is not here, not by an outsider, if an outsider is casually disciplined by the servants of the Duke's Mansion, and if it is spread, who will tell the Duke's Mansion Put it in your eyes? Will she put Li Shi in his eyes again

compensate? It's really easy to say, her son has not been found so far? Can she make Jing Yun back to her

Qiao Wei's words were like ice: "If you can really discipline yourself well, you won't let out this kind of vicious dog. Whoever catches and bites whomever is bitten will make my whole family uneasy! Let me remind you, you'd better not meddle in her affairs , I don’t want to take my anger out on you yet, but if you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I’ll throw you into the water together!”

Li Shi was furious: "How dare you?"

Qiao Wei withdrew her foot from Ding Xiaoying's body, strode up to Li Shi, grabbed Li Shi, and hung her overboard!

All the servant girls' faces turned pale!

A servant girl said: "Where are the guards? Come and escort them! Someone is going to kill Madam!"

Several guards from the Duke's Mansion performed lightness kung fu and came in response to the sound, but they were kicked into the water one by one by Seventeen before they even touched a piece of Qiao Wei's clothes.

Li Shi was grabbed by Qiao Wei with both hands, and her feet were stretched into the water. She looked at Qiao Wei's eyes burning with anger, and unconsciously shuddered: " pull me up..."

Qiao Wei said every word: "You give me back your son, and I will pull you up."

"What's so noisy?"

Here comes another troublesome woman.

Qiao Wei's eyes turned cold, and Li Shi suddenly sank into the water, Li Shi screamed in fright: "Sister-in-law! Help me—"

"Hey, who are you, dare to move..."

The woman looked at Qiao Wei's back, and before she finished speaking, she saw a small figure rushing towards her.


Wang Shu threw himself into Ji Wan's arms.