The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 126: Hero saves beauty


The rain was getting heavier, Zhu Bo closed the door, and went back to the kitchen with an umbrella.

Most of the dishes had been eaten, the cook saw him coming, quickly opened the steamer again, and brought out two plates of good dishes to go with wine.

"As long as you are busy, you can care about all kinds of cats and dogs." The cook laughed at him.

Uncle Zhu took a piece of glutinous rice ribs, ate it and said, "I'm a doctor, it's not easy to go out, and it's not like this happens every day."

The location of the villa is remote and inaccessible, and there are more stray cats and dogs than homeless people.

The cook smiled and said nothing more.

Several people were eating and drinking, it was so lively, suddenly, Ji Wushuang rushed in!

Everyone was so shocked that the tiger's body shook, and the talking and laughing stopped abruptly.

Suddenly, the ribs in Zhu Bo's hand fell to the ground.

Everyone stood up abruptly: "Master!"

The cook glanced at the food on the table, and his heart skipped a beat. Eating such a good dish by stealing is simply courting death...

"Owner, we... our work... finished..." the cook faltered.

Ji Mingxiu didn't look at the food on the table at all, but asked with burning eyes, "Who came here just now?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, is the owner a ghost? How do you even know this

Uncle Zhu, Uncle Zhu, you have caused us misery.

Uncle Zhu boldly said: "A doctor passing by asked me for a drink."

"Do you know his name? Where does he live?" Ji Wushuang asked urgently.

"I don't know." Zhu Bo replied.

Ji Wushuang's face darkened: "Which direction did he go?"

Zhu Bo shook his finger and pointed: "East."

Ji Wushuang rushed to the back door in the rain, opened it and walked out, but in the long rainy night, where is there anyone

The mountains are beautiful and the moon hangs high.

Qiao Wei walked into the fence of the workshop, and gently knocked on Qiniang's door: "Qiniang, are you asleep?"

"Not yet." Qiniang opened the door for Qiao Wei, looked at her clothes, she did not fall asleep, "I am mending clothes, is there anything Madam can do for me?"

Qiao Wei cleared her throat: "That's right, I want to make a dress, but I'm not very good at it, can you?"

Qiniang smiled and said: "Yes, madam, wait a moment, I will speak to Agui."

After saying that, he turned around and went into the room, and said to A Gui who was leaning on the bedside reading a book: "I'll sit with my wife for a while, you sleep first, and brother Zhong will go to the latrine in half an hour, remember to call him, otherwise He'll wet the bed."

What Agui understands is quite different from what Qiniang wants to express: "You still haven't returned in half an hour?"

Qiniang said softly: "If I come back, I'll call you. If you can't come back, don't forget."

"Understood." Agui responded, but there was some resentment in his heart. It was getting more and more shameful for a woman to go out to visit the house in the middle of the night.

Qiniang and Qiao Wei entered the villa, and the two little ones were already asleep. This was the first time Qiniang saw Wang Shu's sleeping face stretched out, but she laughed for a while.

The two sat down by the window, Qiniang picked the wick to the brightest, and Qiao Wei made two cups of tea.

Qiniang took it and asked, "What kind of clothes does Madam want?"

"I want to make a set of pajamas."

"Who was it made for? Did you measure it?"

Qiao Wei didn't answer, but took out a finished set from the basket and handed it to Qiniang.

"Madam want to make exactly the same?" Qiniang picked up the pajamas, the soft and silky touch made Qiniang's heart tremble, she had never seen such a good material in the Governor's Mansion.

When I opened it again, it turned out to be a set of men's clothes.

Qiniang was startled, and seemed to understand something for a moment.

Qiao Wei drank tea solemnly, her expression extremely calm, but she was as careful as Qiniang, how could she not notice the strangeness in her eyes

"Is it the man who was in the water last time?" Qiniang asked.

There were many men in the water last time, but for some reason, Qiao Wei could feel that Qiniang was referring to meditation.

Qiao Wei hummed casually.

Qiniang laughed.

It's that young man.

That day, when Ji Mingxiu hurriedly boarded the boat, Qiniang noticed him. It wasn't that Qiniang was in Cao Ying and her heart was in Han, but such a magnificent figure, it was hard not to notice him. .

He jumped into the water and swam towards Qiao Wei. In the eyes of outsiders, he was just another kind-hearted person who wanted to drag the exhausted Qiao Wei ashore, but Qiniang clearly saw the grievance flashing in Qiao Wei's eyes.

Madam is such a strong person, in front of whom can she show her emotions

It's just that Qiniang didn't break her mouth, she just kept it in her heart when she realized it, and didn't even tell Agui.

"Is it also the owner of the courtyard house?" Qiniang asked.

Qiao Wei nodded: "Yes."

Especially casual!

Qiniang laughed.

Qiniang would not have thought that this man was the father of Jing Yun and Wang Shu. Like everyone in the village, Qiniang believed that Qiao Wei's man had passed away. I have thought about it for a long time, what kind of good man can match such a woman who does not fall into the stereotypes of my wife. That man has extraordinary appearance and demeanor. To have such a luxurious courtyard in the capital, it can be seen that he is either rich or expensive. Is a good match.

Madam is in the countryside, but she has met a noble person there. Who can tell the fate

"Do you have a measuring tape here, ma'am?"


Qiao Wei took a tape measure from the cabinet on the Babu bed.

Qiniang first taught Qiao Wei to measure the size, and then taught Qiao Wei to draw lines and cut cloth.

Once cut and cut, time passed without knowing it.

The two women were chatting and laughing, very comfortable, but Agui who stayed alone in the vacant room was not so comfortable.

It's already midnight and I still haven't returned, what's the point...

The next day, when Qiao Wei went to the workshop to order goods, she always felt that Agui looked at her with sour eyes...

The daily output of the workshop is too high. Salt, black tea, edible alkali, and lime are all used up. Unlike plant ash and rice husks, which can be bought in the village, they must be bought in the town. After tidying up, Qiao Wei called out Get into Shuanzi's father's carriage, and transport the jars containing the ingredients up.

Looking at the pots one after another, Shuan Zi's father knew that Qiao Wei was going to make a big purchase, and secretly felt that this girl could really make money. After half a year of work, it seemed like a turnaround.

After putting the last jar on, Qiao Wei clapped her hands: "That's all."

"Little Qiao, you are a rich man now!" Father Shuan gave a thumbs up.

Qiao Wei smiled: "Look at what you said, if I'm really rich, I'll move to the city long ago, what do you think? Do a small business, look busy, but in fact it's just busy work, and I won't make much money .”

It's no wonder that Shuanzi's father believed her, but he is not the kind of jealous person, it is his ability to make money, he is just a little envious.

Qiao Wei was about to get in the car, when Qiniang came over: "Ma'am, are you going to town? Can I go with you? I want to buy two pairs of shoes for Agui and Brother Zhong."

"Okay." Qiao Wei agreed very generously. Originally, she planned to ask Ah Gui to go to the street, but since Qiniang wanted to go, she could take Qiniang with her, "Ah Gui, you can keep it as a housekeeper."

Agui: "..."

Leaving him again, is there something for these two women? !

"Qiniang, your breasts are so beautiful." Qiao Wei covered them with one hand.

Eating my woman's tofu in broad daylight, what on earth do you want to do? !

Ah Gui is going crazy!

After going to the town, I naturally have to go to Rongji.

Looking at Qiao Wei who had disappeared for hundreds of years, Boss Rong's face became stinky.

Qiao Wei took out a deer leg that she had smoked and put it on the counter: "Don't be angry, come here, the deer leg is for you to eat."

"Hmph!" Boss Rong is not so easy to coax!

Qiao Wei propped her forearm on the counter, tapped the counter gently with her fingertips, rested her chin on the other hand, looked at Boss Rong whose nose was not nose and eyes were not eyes, raised her eyebrows and said: "It is said that there was no rule at the beginning. Let me remember, now that the crayfish business is on the right track, and all the chefs can take care of themselves, it makes no difference whether I come or not, or are you reluctant to part with me? Seeing each other every day is like three autumns?"


Boss Rong's little heart was hit by lightning.

Is this why he has been sulking at Xiao Qiao? Did he miss Xiao Qiao

This woman oppresses him all the time, why does he want her

But his wife bullies him all the time, and he also likes his wife...

It really is abusive.

The boss is a cow.

Qiao Wei patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, my sister is gone, and I will come to see you another day."

Boss Rong jumped up: "Go to the kitchen and have a look before leaving!" After finally coming here, who knows when the next meeting will be? After half a month? a month later? half year later? !

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "Okay."

That was the original plan.

Qiao Wei went to the kitchen. Yao Qing has changed from a little apprentice who washes dishes to a big apprentice who can help the master. He is hardworking and intelligent, and he is very quick to learn. Several masters are full of praise for him.

"Second leader." Yao Qing greeted warmly.

"How is it? Are you still used to it?" Qiao Wei asked kindly.

Yao Qing said happily: "Very good." At first he wanted to learn how to cook shrimp quickly and left, but now he doesn't want to leave even if he is driven away.

Qiao Wei "inspected" the work in the kitchen. The original chef was working in two shifts. Master He was not there, but there were two new faces. After careful questioning, she found out that they were recruited from Yuelai Restaurant.

Boss Rong is not bad, everyone knows how to fight back against that old lady Yuelai.

Qiao Wei saw people making braised pork, and her hands were itchy, so she asked Yao Qing to cut a piece of high-quality three-thread pork belly, put it in the pot and boil it for a while, then took it out and fried it with oil.

Yao Qing asked curiously: "Such a big piece, why don't you do it again? It won't taste good."

"Cut it now." Qiao Wei put a large piece of pork belly on the chopping board and cut it into slices, fried the sauce with tempeh, rock sugar, cinnamon, scallion, dried beans and other seasonings, put it on the plate, and put the braised pork on top , said to Yao Qing: "Steam it."

Yao Qing put the plate into the steamer.

Half an hour later, Qiao Wei opened the steamer, and a tantalizing smell of meat slowly wafted out, covering the aroma of braised prawns in oil.

Qiao Wei poured the fried sauce on it, then handed Yao Qing a pair of chopsticks: "Taste."

Yao Qing took a sip, the meat was tender and melted in the mouth, salty and slightly sweet, and the dried beans were also soft and tender: "Delicious!"

Qiao Wei also thought it was delicious, so she asked the chefs to taste it, secretly thinking that it would be even better if there were plum vegetables.

Qiao Wei didn't cook much, each of the chefs was able to take one bite, and when Boss Rong came over after smelling the fragrance, there was only a small piece of dried beans left.

While Qiao Wei was cooking in Rongji, Qiniang was buying shoes at the cloth shop in the next street.

That is the cloth shop that Qiao Wei often goes to. The price is a little higher, but the quality is good. The proprietress is also kind and doesn't look at people with colored eyes.

The proprietress knew that she was with the twin mother, so she treated her with more enthusiasm: "The lady is a frequent customer in my shop, and she buys everything from head to toe here. What do you like and what do you like?" I said, I'll sell it to you cheaper."

"I want to buy shoes." Qiniang said.

The lady proprietress took her to the shelf: "These rows are all there, for adults and children! Are you buying it for yourself, Madam, or for your husband?"

Qiniang's own shoes are not worn out, it is enough to buy Agui and Brother Zhong's shoes: "Buy two pairs for each of my husband and son."

The proprietress is not surprised that Qiniang has a son. Qiniang has a good background, beautiful features, and fair complexion, but she doesn't have a fourteen or fifteen-year-old baby face like Qiao Wei. She looks like a gentle and decent woman.

The proprietress smiled and asked, "Do you have the size?"

"Yes." Qiniang reported the size to the proprietress.

"Are your husband's clothes for work or for going out?" The proprietress saw that she didn't look like a noble lady, and thought that the man in the family needed to work to make ends meet.

Qiniang said, "One pair for work, one pair for going out."

The proprietress picked out a pair of durable black cloth shoes and a pair of white cloth shoes with bamboo leaves: "What do you think of these two pairs?"

Qiniang was very satisfied, and asked, "How much?"

"The black ones are fifty coins, and the white ones are one hundred coins."

Qiniang has never bought anything outside, so I don't know if the price is high or not, but she has four taels of silver on hand, and she can still get it for a mere one hundred and fifty cash.

The proprietress was ready to be counter-offered, but this girl took the money without saying a word.

The proprietress: "..."

Qiniang also bought two pairs for Brother Zhong, the child's shoes are cheap, two pairs cost less than a hundred cash.

How did she know that Qiao Wei always buys shoes with "buy two get one free", every time she can chop up the proprietress and vomit blood.

Qiniang walked out of the shop with four pairs of shoes in her arms, Rong Ji was nearby, Qiao Wei told her the route, she knew how to get there.

Walking into the alley, a tall figure came oncoming.

She hurriedly made way for the other party.

She goes to the left, and the other person also goes.

She hurried to the right, and the other party also turned to the right.

The other party didn't do it on purpose, and the other party also wanted to make way for her, but why does this little lady always go along with her

The other party smiled: "I'm not leaving, I'm standing, you go first."

Qiniang heard the voice sound familiar, she let out a snort, and raised her head: "Treasurer Qiu?"

Shopkeeper Qiu was surprised: "Qiniang?"

He knew her name, Qiniang quickly lowered her head and saluted.

Shopkeeper Qiu didn't expect to meet her here. She was still the same as last time, like a frightened little rabbit. Was he so scary

"I don't eat people." Shopkeeper Qiu said with a smile.

Qiniang lowered her eyebrows and said nothing, just like all the respectful servants.

Shopkeeper Qiu glanced at the bundle in her arms: "Have you bought anything?"

"En." Qiniang nodded, not intending to start a conversation with him.

Shopkeeper Qiu smiled helplessly. He admitted that he had some interest in her, but he stopped thinking about her after knowing that she was married. She really didn't need to be so guarded against him: "Where is your wife? Is she nearby? I happened to have something to do with her."

"She's remembering." Qiniang said.

"Rong Ji, let's go, together." Shopkeeper Qiu brushed off his wide sleeves.

Qiniang hesitated for a moment, and said, "I still need to buy something, shopkeeper Qiu can go by himself."

This road is obviously leading to Rongji, shopkeeper Qiu sees it through and does not say it. If the thought that was stifled by himself was ignited the moment he saw her, then now that she is clearly alienated, it will completely let her go. He gave up.

"That's fine, I'll go first." Shopkeeper Qiu turned and went to Rongji.

Qiniang had lied, so she had to tell Yuan the lie, turned around, and ran in the opposite direction from shopkeeper Qiu, thinking about going to the cloth shop to buy a pair of shoes again, but just as she walked to the entrance of the alley, she ran into a robber.

The man knocked her to the ground and snatched her bundle and purse.

Qiniang hugged his leg: "Help—someone is robbing—"

Shopkeeper Qiu didn't go far, but when he heard Qiniang's cry for help, he turned around and ran over.

Seeing that Qiniang had rescuers, the man wanted to run for his life, but Qiniang held her and refused to let go, so he raised his other foot and kicked Qiniang hard several times.

Shopkeeper Qiu got angry, and slapped the little thief to the ground with a big mouth!

Then he grabbed the thief's clothes and punched him left and right, causing the thief to yell, "Don't hit brother... I... I was wrong brother... I'll give it back to you... I'll give it back to you..."

Shopkeeper Qiu beat him up until he passed out, then took the purse and bundle, and helped Qiniang up: "Are you all right?"

Qiniang reluctantly shook her head: "I'm fine, thank you, Shopkeeper Qiu."

Shopkeeper Qiu pinched her shoulder, and she gasped in pain.

"It's all right?" Shopkeeper Qiu frowned.

Qiniang bowed her head and remained silent.

Shopkeeper Qiu said: "There is a medical center nearby, I'll take you to see it."


"I will pay the money."

"... I will do it myself."

Qiniang's injuries were not serious, and her muscles and bones were not harmed, but her skin was tender, a little red and swollen, and she would be fine after rubbing some traumatic wine.

Shopkeeper Qiu sent Qiniang back to Rongji. It was obvious that Qiniang was very embarrassed, so shopkeeper Qiu didn't go to see Qiao Wei, and took the carriage back to Beijing.

Of course, this matter cannot be kept from Qiao Wei, Qiniang thought that shopkeeper Qiu really had something to do with his wife, but because of her own reasons, she left without doing anything: "It's all my fault, it's my wife's business that was delayed .”

Qiniang, Qiniang, you guess me and Mingxiu guessed so accurately, how come you don't dare to guess

Shopkeeper Qiu, what do you want me to do? It's obviously just looking for an excuse to walk a little longer with you and say a few more words.

Qiao Wei had a good impression of shopkeeper Qiu. At the brick and tile factory, shopkeeper Qiu reminded her to avoid the sixth master. If the sixth master wanted to touch her, shopkeeper Qiu tried to help her. Although it didn't have much effect, this kindness was rare.

It's a pity that Qiniang already has Agui, otherwise, Qiao Wei really wouldn't mind the two getting along.

Qiao Wei took Qiniang to buy ingredients, Shuanzi's father's carriage was full, and he couldn't sit in it at all. Qiao Wei went to the Qinglong Gang to borrow a carriage, and told Chen Dadao by the way that there was a small town in the area under his jurisdiction. robber.

Chen Dadao was furious. Since the signing of the agreement with the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce has hired the Qinglong Gang to maintain the law and order in the major commercial districts. It has been a long time since no one dared to make trouble in the streets. Today, a small thief appeared and bullied his own house. person's head.

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

"Little Tiger, take a few brothers and go catch that little thief!"

The little thief was picked up by the brothers of the Qinglong Gang that afternoon, and he was beaten up in the street, which alarmed the government before giving up.

Qiao Wei and Qiniang went back to the village. It happened that Wang Shu and Jing Yun were after school, and the old scholar was leading them up the mountain.

Qiao Wei jumped out of the carriage and greeted with a smile: "Mr."

The old scholar looked back and said in surprise: "I'm back, I see that you didn't come to pick up the children, and you were about to send them back."

"Mother!" The two little buns threw themselves into Qiao Wei's arms.

Qiao Wei rubbed the little heads of the two: "Are you still good today?"

"Be good, be good, I'm so good every day! If you don't believe me, ask your husband, I'm really good!" Wang Shu looked at the old scholar with a smile.

Old scholar: "Yeah, very good!"

I just slept for two classes, ate for one class, and played for half a class. There are four classes in total today.

Qiao Wei thanked the old scholar and took the child up the mountain.

Xiaowei and Agui are tidying up the workshop. Qiao Wei has very strict requirements on the hygiene of the workshop. After finishing work every day, she must clean the inside and outside of the workshop. In the past, these were the jobs of Bier and Qiniang. After the bonus was linked, Xiao Wei and A Gui also rushed to do it.

"Have you cooked yet?" Qiao Wei looked at the bare chimney behind the workshop.

Xiao Wei snorted, stopped the broom in his hand, and said, "By the way, madam, someone came to Bi'er's house just now, saying that her mother is sick, let her go back and have a look, she asked me to ask you for leave."

Qiao Wei nodded: "Got it." She said to Xiao Wei: "Today you and Agui will cook."

Qiniang was injured.

That night, all the bandits on the mountain vomited.

It was dusk, and the wheels of the car rolled on the hard road, making a heavy sound.

Bi'er sat quietly in the car, the curtains were closed, not a gleam of light came in.

The carriage drove into the capital, drove through the noisy streets, and stopped in front of the corner gate of Enbo Mansion. A clever young man opened the curtain for her: "Sister Bi'er is back?"

Bill got out of the carriage.

The boy took a look at the carriage and found that there was no luggage, so he directly led Bi'er into the mansion.

Bier is the son of a family in the Enbo Mansion, and my wife worked in the Enbo Mansion before getting married. There are two rooms in the mansion, one for Bier's mother and younger brother, and one for Bier and her sister. After my elder sister got married, she was favored by Mrs. Xu and transferred to the main courtyard. There was a bed for her in the main courtyard, so this side was vacant.

In the past few days, it has been lively again.

It's gambling inside.

Bi'er glanced through the crack of the door, frowned in displeasure, and entered her parents' room.

The younger brother went to play, and her mother was sitting on the bedside eating melon seeds with the concierge's mother-in-law. I don't know what they said. .

"Mom, you're not sick." Bi'er entered the room.

Feng waved to his daughter and said with a smile, "If you don't say that, how can I ask you for leave?"

"Bi'er doesn't work in the mansion recently, did she go to the Second Madam's shop?" Chang Pozi asked gossipingly.

Just as Feng Shi was about to speak, Bi'er said, "Where have I been, mother Chang can just ask Madam?"

Chang Pozi's face was downcast: "Yo, you've done something big, don't take us seriously."

Feng scolded, "Why did you talk to Chang's mother?"

Bi'er's face became a little ugly, she didn't refute her mother's words, she took the broom and swept the melon seed husks on the ground, and when she reached the old woman's place, the broom scratched her leg.

The old lady jumped up: "Oh, didn't you just go out and do things for a few days? Your ass was sticking out to the sky! You even hit me! It's okay, okay, your daughter doesn't like me, I'm leaving, I'm going Walk!"

Chang Pozi walked out with a dark face.

Feng grabbed her daughter's arm and said, "What are you doing? You've grown up, haven't you? You're embarrassing for your mother! What do you want? Rebellion!"

Bi Er was pinched in pain.

When Mama Lin entered the room, Mrs. Feng was pinching Bi'er to the left and right. Bi'er's eyes were red, but she didn't resist or speak. Mama Lin was annoyed for a moment, and she entered the room and shouted: "Mrs. Feng, what are you doing? Madam's maid Is it something you can fight too?"

Feng's face turned pale, and he hurriedly got off the bed, and bowed to Mama Lin: "Sister Lin."

Lin's mother pulled Bi'er over: "You too, you are Madam's maid now, not her punching bag, your rank is higher than her, if she hits you again, you will hit me back!"

Feng shrank her neck in fear.

Mother Lin took Bi'er out of the messy house, she really didn't understand how such a useless couple gave birth to a beautiful and sensible daughter? It's really ancestors burning high incense!

"Madam wants to see you." Mother Lin said straight to the point: "Wipe your tears, don't disturb Madam."

Bi'er wiped her tears with her sleeve: "Mother Lin, I have something that I want to confess to you."

Mother Lin glanced at her and said with a smile, "We'll talk about what's up with Madam."

"Mother Lin." Bi'er grabbed her arm, "I... I don't want to..."

"Okay, we're here." Mother Lin said with a smile, "Danju, let Madam know that Bi'er is here."

Danju opened the curtain and entered the room.

Xu's life is not comfortable these days. Ever since the old lady sent Xue's mother up the mountain, I believe that Qiao Wei has not received any help from Xu, but where did all the money go? The old lady didn't believe that the Ganoderma lucidum hall was losing money, so she insisted that Mrs. Xu used it to supplement her mother's family. She urged Mrs. Xu to spit out the money all day long.

Tell me, she doesn't have that much cash, but Shen has left a sum of money, which she secretly hid, but it is the private money she left to her son and daughter, and it cannot be tampered with, because the old lady put it away after a few words of suppression. She was unwilling to hand over the money.

But if you don't vomit, the old lady has neglected her for too long, making the master think that she is not filial to her mother-in-law, and treats her not as close as before.

Xu desperately needs a windfall to coax the old lady.

At this time, she really missed her mother-in-law, who came from a rich family, with high spirits and a broad mind, and she couldn't do such a thing of stealing money from her daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law helped her upright.

"Ma'am, Bi'er is here." Danju said.

Xu raised her hand: "Let her in."

Mother Lin led Bi'er into the house, and Bi'er saluted Mrs. Xu: "Ma'am."

Mrs. Xu looked Bi'er from head to toe, thinking that Bi'er would be very embarrassed doing things on the mountain, but unexpectedly she was much more energetic than imagined: "Are you still used to being on the mountain?"

"Back to Madam, I'm used to it." After a pause, he added, "Wherever Madam asks Bi'er to work, Bi'er will never complain."

Mrs. Xu smiled: "You child, you speak as if you are wronged. That's all right, I know you are wronged, and I won't treat you badly. I will change your parents to the East Courtyard this month, where there is an independent The small house is rewarded for you to live in."

"Thank you ma'am." Bi'er saluted.

Mrs. Xu took a sip of tea slowly: "How's the progress? Did you get the formula?"

Bi'er's eyelashes trembled, and she said, "Not yet."

Xu frowned: "It's been so long, and you still haven't got it?"

Bi'er said softly: "That lady is very wary, I stepped into the operation room, and every time they brought out the prepared mud, I was only responsible for applying it."

Xu was displeased: "Can't you think of a way?"

Bill bit her lip.

Mrs. Xu gave Mama Lin a wink.

Mother Lin helped Bi'er up, held Bi'er's hand, and said kindly: "Bi'er, how has Madam treated you?"

Bi'er lowered her eyes: "Ma'am... treat Bi'er very well."

Mother Lin said softly: "Madam is in trouble this time, you have to help Madam. You are such a smart person, I believe there must be a way to get the formula."

"I… "

Mother Lin sighed softly: "You probably don't know yet, your father owed a lot of debts outside, and it was all paid by your wife for your father."

Her father likes to gamble...

Bill clenched her fingers.

Mother Lin said: "Madam can ask for that money back at any time. Of course, Madam will not do this. Madam is the most affectionate. If you work hard for Madam outside, Madam will take good care of your family; if you...disobedient Well, then I don't think there is any need for Madam to protect your family, what do you think?"