The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 21: make out


On the third day of the twelfth lunar month, the sky that had been clear for several days suddenly began to snow heavily.

Today is Cuiyun's younger brother's birthday party, Qiao Wei got up early to prepare for herself and the children.

Qiao Wei is a science student, and she doesn't know much about history, but she happens to know a little about the Tongsheng Examination. The Tongsheng Examination is an examination for the Ming and Qing dynasties to obtain the qualifications of being a scholar, and it is mostly held in February.

The first is the county examination, which is presided over by the county magistrate. They test stereotyped essays, test post poems, classics, rhymes, policy theory, etc.

Then came the government examination in April, presided over by the magistrate or Zhili prefectural magistrate, and the Zhili hall Tongzhi. Scholars who had been admitted to the county examination were able to participate.

Those who pass the county examination and the government examination are Tongsheng.

If Tong Sheng passes the last round of the college examination, he will be a scholar.

In ancient times, scholars were exempted from taxes, and they didn't have to kneel down when they met the county magistrate.

Brother Cuiyun is only ten years old, and he has already obtained the qualification to be born as a child, gratifying to congratulate.

However, Cuiyun's younger brother's childbirth test did not start in spring, but in winter. From this, Qiao Wei deduced that she might have traveled to a dynasty that did not exist in history.

Qiao Wei took out the new padded jackets she bought a few days ago, and put them on for the children respectively. The elder brother's is royal blue, and the younger sister's is soft pink. Then, she combed her beautiful hair and made a pair of golden boys and jade girls.

Qiao Wei also sewed a pink padded jacket for the little ferret with the leftover fabric. The little ferret is actually not afraid of the cold, but her daughter loves to dress it up, so Qiao Wei makes a jacket from time to time and weaves a rope from time to time.

Qiao Wangshu was very happy after changing the little ferret into a pink parent-child outfit.

The little ferret rolled his eyes, he is a male!

A family of three went down the mountain under umbrellas.

This was the first time that Qiao Wei took the children to visit relatives, and the children were very excited. They used to be very envious when they heard the children in the village say whose rice noodles were delicious and whose rice noodles were lively.

But Niangqin doesn't like to socialize with people. They live on the mountain like guests.

Well now, they can also have dinner with everyone.

"Will Brother Er Gou go?" Qiao Jingyun asked, Er Gouzi was his only friend.

"Should it be?" Qiao Wei gently touched her son's head.

"Will Tie Niu go?" Qiao Jingyun asked again, Tie Niu was his only opponent.

Qiao Wei thought for a while: "Yes."

Aunt Liu loves to join in the fun, no matter who is hosting the banquet in the village, she is indispensable.

Qiao Jingyun was overjoyed when he heard that he could see Er Gouzi, but when he heard that he was going to see Tieniu, his face darkened again. Finally, after weighing it in my heart, I felt that in order to see Er Gouzi, I could tolerate seeing Tieniu.

The three went to meet Aunt Luo first, and Aunt Luo's eyes lit up when she saw the new clothes on the child: "It's so beautiful!"

Being praised, both of them raised their tails high.

Aunt Luo looked at the ferret in Qiao Wangshu's arms again, she almost didn't recognize her in clothes, it was so, so cute.

Four people and one beast went to Cuiyun's mother's house.

Cui Yunniang was already waiting at the door, it was the noon meal, this time it was early in the morning, and all the people who arrived were helpers.

As soon as Cui Yunniang grasped Mrs. Luo's hand, she was overjoyed and said, "My in-laws are here, come in and sit down!" Then she looked at Xiao Qiao and smiled happily, "Little Qiao, rare guest, rare guest!"

"Aunt Zhao." Qiao Wei greeted politely.

Cui Yunniang took her hand affectionately, asked her how her business was, and touched the heads of the two children: "Oh, it looks so beautiful! Why did you put it on for the dog?"

Diaobao: "!"

The children called Grandma Zhao sweetly, and Mother Cuiyun happily agreed, and led them to the backyard, where many children were already playing. Jing Yun and his sister soon joined them with their little ferret.

The adults are busy with business.

Cuiyun's family is very popular in the village, and every family has invited them, and there are also some from the next village and the town, adding up to hundreds of people. It is planned to have eight tables per table, eight people per table, and place them in the open space outside.

It's just that it snowed suddenly in the middle of the night, so we couldn't put it in the open air, and we are stepping up to build a shed right now.

Luo Yongzhi was also in the ranks of setting up the shed, and waved to Qiao Wei from a distance: "Sister!"

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "Brother."

A few buddies next to him made a fuss, and Luo Yongzhi said triumphantly, "Isn't my sister beautiful? I'm so envious of you!"

A group of people laughed hahahaha.

Cui Yunniang led Qiao Wei and her in-laws to the backyard, where many people were preparing things for the banquet, food, drink, and favors... The gentleman who remembered favors was an old scholar in the village.

It is said that the old scholar once worked for a wealthy family in the capital when he was young, but was dismissed for unknown reasons. These years he lived in poverty and was very depressed, but because he was the only scholar in the village, he occasionally wrote and kept accounts for others, so he would not starve to death.

Aunt Luo was afraid that Qiao Wei would be tired, so she arranged an easy job for Qiao Wei: help the old scholar.

That is to collect money, grind ink, and pass paper... In fact, it is cloth, and paper is too expensive for poor farmers to use.

"Mr. has a bad temper. Be smart about things. Answer him when he asks you. Don't talk too much if he doesn't ask you." Aunt Luo kindly reminded her.

Qiao Wei nodded: "Understood, godmother."

She didn't inherit the original owner's memory, and happened to take this opportunity to get to know everyone in the village.

The old scholar kept his head down and didn't look at Qiao Wei at all.

All things are low-grade, only high-level reading, ancient scholars, no matter how poor they are, are also qualified to be high-level.

Qiao Wei'an was doing her own thing quietly, trying hard to collect money, count money, and read.

After a whole morning, I actually gained a lot. Not only did I recognize all the people, but I could also write all the numbers, and I remembered almost the names, but... I couldn’t write my own.

Qiao Wei thought for a while, and took out a hundred coins from her purse: "Sir, I'll take a piece of money too."

The old scholar nodded and motioned for her to put the money in the basket: "Name?"

Everyone in the village knew her surname was Qiao, but they didn't know her name. They were called Xiao Qiao Xiao Qiao on weekdays.

Anyway, everyone doesn't know the original owner's name, so she just reported herself: "Qiao Wei."

The original owner's surname is Qiao, and she is also surnamed Qiao. No matter what the original owner's name is, from now on, she will be herself, whether she wants to change her name or not, Qiao Wei.

The old scholar suddenly stopped writing, and frowned strangely: "What did you say is your name?"

Qiao Wei thought he didn't hear clearly, so she said it again clearly: "Qiao, Wei."

The old scholar raised his head and looked at Qiao Wei seriously. It doesn't matter if he doesn't look at her, but this look made him stunned.

How can there be such a similar person in the world? She looks exactly like his wife, and her name is Qiao Wei...

He remembered the eldest lady's name, which was Qiao Wei.