The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 22: People steal and get


Will this person be Missy? How did she become a village girl? And two kids

What happened in the past few years when he left the Ember Mansion

"Sir, sir?" Qiao Wei called him softly.

The old scholar came back to his senses, there were too many people around, he suppressed the urge to ask the other party for confirmation, wrote down her name and said: "Okay."

I always feel that Mr. Wei is weird.

Qiao Wei put her own money away and continued to stand beside the old scholar.

I don't know if it was her own illusion, but she felt that the old man's attitude towards her was better than before, and he even let her sit.

Qiao Wei secretly thought: Is it because my husband ignored me at the beginning because I didn't have any money

In the backyard, the children were having fun, and the Qiao brothers and sisters suddenly became the objects of all children's favor because they had a cute little pet. There are quite a few dogs in the village, but none are as beautiful as Xiaobai. Xiaobai even wears clothes, pink and pink, so pretty!

The children scrambled to be friends with the siblings, just to get a hold of Xiao Bai.

As Jingyun's most loyal buddy, Er Gouzi still had the chance to hug Xiaobai.

Tieniu also wanted to hug him, but Jing Yun didn't like him and refused to give him a hug.

Iron Bull rushed away.

Aunt Liu was chatting with some women at the front, when she saw her son coming out of the backyard crying, she hurriedly put down the melon seeds in her hand, walked over and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

Tieniu told about Qiao Jingyun not allowing him to hold Xiaobao.

Aunt Liu slapped him on the forehead: "You're so good! Did you forget that beast scratched you? Still hugging it? I'll kill it if I'm you!"

Tie Niu stomped his feet and cried loudly: "I don't care! I want a dog! I want Xiaobai's! The same thing! I don't care! I want it! Give it to me!"

Aunt Liu pinched him: "Cry, cry, cry? You know how to cry? What about mourning? Don't cry! Isn't it just a dog? Just give it to you."

Not long after, the first round of seating began outside, and the children were not allowed to attend. A few small tables were set up in the backyard, and the children squatted to eat.

While the children were busy eating, Aunt Liu took a sack and quietly approached Xiaobai who was sitting on the open ground eating chicken feet...

Qiao Wei was almost busy here, and planned to go to the kitchen to see if there was anything I could do to help. After walking two steps, two little buns hurried over: "Mom! Xiaobai is gone!"

Qiao Wei said: "Don't worry, talk to mother carefully."

"I... I ate with my brother. I gave Xiaobai a chicken paw and let him gnaw there. After I finished eating... I found that it was gone! I called it, but it didn't come out!"

At the end, Qiao Wangshu almost cried.

"Don't cry, mother will help you find it." Qiao Wei comforted her daughter, then asked her son if he saw anything, and the son shook his head.

Over there, Aunt Luo heard the movement and came out to ask what happened. When she learned that Xiaobai was missing, she hurried to look for it with the children.

Others didn't know it was a mink, but she knew it. Last time in the town, she was almost robbed by the mother of the Enbo Mansion. Such a precious thing should not be lost.

Several people searched all the places they could find, but found nothing, so they had no choice but to ask them one by one if they saw Qiao's "puppy".

"The one in the pink jacket, what a look!" Aunt Luo pointed to Wangshu's cotton jacket.

Qiao Wei was also asking. When she asked about Aunt Liu, she found that Aunt Liu's eyes were a little dodgy. Qiao Wei's pupils moved, and she looked at Aunt Liu and said, "Did Aunt really see my Xiaobai?"

Aunt Liu said angrily: "Of course not! You ask others once, but you ask me twice, what do you mean? Do you suspect that I stole it? I, Liu Cuihua, am not short of money, so I need to steal your dog? I don't think I can buy it myself?"

"Auntie is right. I don't doubt Auntie. It's just that my dog is naughty and likes to drill around." Qiao Wei said, turning her waist slightly, and her smiling eyes fell on Aunt Liu who was hiding under the table, pinching her feet with her feet. On the tight cloth bag, "Auntie, this sack is quite big, and my Xiaobai likes to drill into this kind of sack."

There was a flash of panic in Aunt Liu's eyes: "I have tied the sack all the time, your dog can't get in!"

Qiao Wei smiled faintly: "Auntie doesn't know about it, it knows how to untie the rope."

If Aunt Liu was smarter, she would know that Qiao Wei was stepping down for her. But she didn't understand Qiao Wei's painstaking efforts at all, and sneered: "Whose dog can untie the rope? You can just say that I stole it! Just take it if you want to see it! But I can warn you, your Things scratched my son last time, and I haven't settled with you yet! You're going to wrong me again this time... pack up your bags and get out of Rhino Village! Think it over, do you have to search?"

Different from the private grievances, this time he openly questioned Liu Cuihua in front of the whole village and other villagers. After all, Liu Cuihua is a relative of the village chief. I'm afraid life in the village will not be easy.

Right now, even Aunt Luo and the old scholar feel that Xiao Qiao should not continue to take risks.

"What if I find it?" Qiao Wei's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

"What do you mean?" Aunt Liu gasped.

Qiao Wei said unhurriedly: "Literally, do you dare to let me search?"

Aunt Liu said arrogantly: "You can't find it?"

Qiao Wei said sternly: "If you can't find me, I will pack up and leave immediately."

Aunt Luo's complexion changed: "Little Qiao!"

Qiao Wei stared straight at Aunt Liu and said, "Anyway, you don't like me a long time ago, why don't you take this opportunity to drive me out of Rhino Village? Why? Don't you dare? Is Xiaobai really in your sack , so you have a guilty conscience?"

Everyone looked at Aunt Liu in shock!

Aunt Liu was in a state of confusion, she pretended to be calm and said, "Who is guilty? I just can't stand how you always slander me from outsiders!"

Qiao Wei said calmly: "I can't find anything, so I slander you."

Aunt Liu choked: "You..."

The old scholar opened his mouth: "Okay, okay, don't argue, this matter, my old man is the master, open the sack!"

Aunt Liu's heart skipped a beat: "Scholar! You doubt me too?"

The old scholar said seriously: "Nonsense, I told you to open the sack because I believed in you! I have long since disliked this doll. She is arrogant and arrogant. I quickly opened the sack and told her to leave!"

Everyone felt that what the old scholar said was very reasonable, and they persuaded Aunt Liu to open the sack to teach this ignorant foreigner a lesson.

Aunt Liu is suffering so much, she really wants to slap the meddling scholar to death—

Now that the old scholar had spoken, Qiao Wei had nothing to worry about. She pulled out the sack from under the table, opened the rope, and poured out the little ferret that was tied up.