The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 23: reward


This is embarrassing.

He swore that he did not steal anything from others, and threatened to drive those who slandered him out of the village, but the result was that he got both stolen goods, which left the villagers dumbfounded.

"Hey, Liu Cuihua, what's going on here?" Aunt Luo asked dissatisfiedly, "Is this what you said you didn't steal? Everyone can see clearly! This is Jing Yun and Wang Shu's Xiaobai! "

Everyone nodded their tut tuts. There is no other dog in the world that looks so good-looking and clean.

Qiao Wei didn't speak, and she doesn't need to speak now, Aunt Liu committed a crime on her own, cheating the feelings of the masses, everyone's spittle is enough to drown her.

She stretched out her hand to untie the rope on Xiaobai's body.

Xiaobai is just a young mink, he is clever and clever, but when he gets confused, the tortoise is faster than him.

Needless to say, she also guessed that it must be because she was so complacent with eating that Aunt Liu had an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Aunt Liu reached out to stop Qiao Wei: "What are you doing? If you see the same look, it must be your dog? I caught it myself! Your dog is wearing clothes, but mine has no clothes! You are blind ?"

Qiao Wei was about to be laughed stupidly by Aunt Liu: "Where was Auntie caught? When was she caught?"

"I... I caught it this morning! It's in my backyard! Old Liu, don't you think so?" Aunt Liu pinched her husband.

Old Liu was completely bewildered, but he was afraid of guilt. He usually didn't dare to refute what Aunt Liu said, so he hummed vaguely.

Aunt Liu raised her head triumphantly: "Did you hear that! It's mine!"

Qiao Wei touched the corner of her lips lightly: "Are you sure you caught it this morning?"

"Of course!" Aunt Liu straightened her waist.

Qiao Wei smiled: "That's good."

Aunt Liu saw that she could still laugh, and asked with vacant eyes, "What are you doing?"

Qiao Wei pulled out the dagger, and cut the rope on Xiao Bai's body amid Aunt Liu's screams. Xiao Bai was free, and jumped towards Aunt Liu with all her teeth and claws, trying to tear this vicious guy to pieces!

Qiao Wei said, "Xiaobai, come back!"

Xiaobai paused for a moment, then obediently lay back in Qiao Wei's arms.

"Do you remember where she threw your clothes? Go and get them back." Qiao Wei didn't mean to prove anything. She was worried about the fabric money and didn't want to waste the fabric to make another set for it.

Xiao Bai quickly walked around to the wall of the backyard, and took out his little pink padded jacket.

The stolen goods were obtained at the same time. Now, Aunt Liu has nothing to say.

What's more terrible is that even if she is stupid, she also treats the whole village as fools.

The face of the village head became very ugly. Liu Cuihua usually likes to mess around. Seeing that her grandma and his grandma are cousins, he turned a blind eye and passed by. But this time, she really went too far. up!

In front of the neighbor's village, he, the village head, has thrown his face into the ancestral grave!

"Apologize to Xiao Qiao!" he yelled.

Aunt Liu's mouth narrowed, and she was about to cry: "Third brother... why are you facing an outsider? I'm your sister."

The village head said angrily: "Now I know you are my sister? Why don't you think that you are my sister when you steal things? This matter has caused trouble, where can I put my brother's face? When you say that I am a villager Boss, you can’t even manage your own sister well. How can you manage such a big village? Don’t you admit your mistake? Okay, I understand. Don’t plant the land in the East Village. You! I'll make amends for you! Little Joe."

He turned to look at Qiao Wei, "You can plant that piece of land."

"What?" Aunt Liu was furious, "Third brother, you said you would give it to me! You can't say nothing, third brother!"

The village head looked at Lao Liu impatiently: "Take care of your wife!"

Old Liu bit the bullet and dragged his mother-in-law away. After walking a long distance, everyone could still hear Aunt Liu screaming like killing a pig.

Parents are gone, and Tie Niu naturally also left in a dismal manner.

He didn't understand, he just wanted a dog, why did this happen

Cui Yunniang called everyone to sit down: "Let's all sit down, huh? There are still a few dishes that haven't been served yet!"

Qiao Wei looked at the village chief who was still looking a little ugly, and said politely: "Village chief, thank you for upholding justice for me, and you don't dislike me as a foreigner. But you should take back that piece of land. There are already two people on my mountain. Acres of land."

The village head was actually red-eyed just now, and he said to give the land to Qiao Wei on impulse, but he actually regretted it later. Of course, Qiao Wei is not afraid to pick it up, he has plenty of ways to get the land back. But now Qiao Wei offered to refund him, which made him feel embarrassed instead.

He is a knowledgeable, not greedy and not in vain, and it is rare to understand.

"The location on the mountain is not good, and the sunshine is not enough, so you can't grow good crops." The village chief thought for a while, "The land in the East Village is actually not very good. You can plant it if you can, and it doesn't matter if it fails, no. I will collect your rent."

This time, he really wanted to give the land to Qiao Wei.

The original intention of Qiao Wei to attend the meeting was to help Mrs. Luo, but she unexpectedly got a piece of land by accident, even if it was a piece of wasteland, it was better than having no land at all.

Of course, this is all thanks to Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu won't lose a lot of rice by stealing chickens, I'm afraid I'm going to vomit three liters of blood when I go back

After Qiao Wei thanked the village chief, she found the old scholar in the temporary accounting room and thanked him too. She could see that the old scholar's words of disliking her were actually a way of provoking Aunt Liu.

The old scholar didn't help her just to hear her thank you. He went to the door to check and made sure that there was no one there. Then he looked at Qiao Wei excitedly and said, "You... what is your father's name?"

"My father?" Qiao Wei looked at the old scholar strangely, why did she suddenly ask this? After hesitating for a moment, he said truthfully, "I don't have a father."

"Then what about your mother?" the old scholar asked.

Qiao Wei paused: "I don't have a mother either, I'm an orphan."

When the master and wife passed away, the young lady was only five years old, so it is not wrong to say that she is an orphan. The old scholar was even more excited: "When were your parents dead?"

Isn't the old scholar planning to match her? They checked her account.

Qiao Wei shook her head and said, "I don't know, I was abandoned when I was born, and I grew up in the Lonely Garden."

No, Miss obviously grew up in Qiao's parents.

Could it be that he has identified the wrong person, Xiao Qiao just happens to look a lot like his wife, and also happens to be about the same age as the young lady, and what's more, he also happens to be surnamed Qiao

No, it's impossible, he believed in one or two coincidences, so many stacked together, he didn't believe it!

Since the lady is unwilling to admit her identity, then don't force her for now.

After a day's banquet, everyone was exhausted. Aunt Luo remembered that Qiao Wei wanted to ask about the private school, so she called brother Cuiyun over: "Your elder sister Qiao asked you a few things, how old are your private schools? How much is it a year?"

Cuiyun's younger brother said maturely, "Those who are over seven years old, two or two beams a month."

"Two taels a month?" Aunt Luo was stunned. Her husband works in the county government office, and the monthly payment is not even two taels! No wonder the four men of Zhao's family were farming, and they were still so poor that they all went to school for this child.

Qiao Wei also thinks that two taels is quite expensive. Her two children get four taels a month, and nearly fifty taels a year. For her who is still in her infancy, it is an astronomical sum.

"I heard there is a private school in the town," she said.

Cuiyun's younger brother compared his fingers: "That one is more expensive, it costs two or three!"

"Three taels..." Qiao Wei was silent.

"Do you want to read to the doll? Find me! I don't want money!"

The old scholar's head appeared outside the window, scaring Qiao Wei so much that she almost fell off the kang!