The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 25: see you again


Qiao Wei felt that she was really lucky. As soon as she went out, she ran into a cheerful person like Boss Rong, who not only solved her problem of setting up a stall, but also increased her income.

She doesn't care if she can't stop the local snake, as long as she can make money, that's enough.

Rongji Tea House originally wanted to pay Qiao Wei by monthly settlement, but Qiao Wei didn't have much spare money, and it was really difficult to buy so many things for the Chinese New Year, and then pay for the ingredients for a month by herself.

After discussing with Boss Rong, the settlement will be made daily this month, and the sale will be settled tomorrow.

Qiao Wei remembered that the servant girl in Enbo Mansion ordered forty snacks and waited until she came and handed the things to her before leaving.

The end of the year is approaching, and things at home need to be added, so Qiao Wei decides to go to the bazaar for a walk.

I bought two sets of cotton clothes and trousers for the children before, but found that they were not enough to wear. The mountain was cold, and after washing the clothes, they would not dry out in seven or eight days, so I had to buy two more sets.

"Girl, all the jackets in my store are made of new cotton, which is light and warm, and the price is cheap. You can buy two more sets." The proprietress said with a smile.

Qiao Wei bought clothes from this cloth store last time. After returning home, she opened the jacket and checked the cotton wool. It was indeed good cotton, but it was not necessarily cheap. At least as far as she knows, the price here is more than ten cents more expensive than the cloth shop next door.

"You are more expensive than others," Qiao Wei said.

The proprietress said angrily: "That's my stuff! Girl, just look at this fabric, and my cotton and workmanship. You can't find a second one in the town. Girl, if you want better ones, you have to go to the capital. !"

The capital, I have been here for so long, I still don't know what the capital looks like.

A flash of longing flashed in Qiao Wei's eyes, and then she smiled slightly: "Give me a cheaper price, I'll take four sets."

The proprietress hesitated for a while: "All right, all right, it's not easy to see your two children, so let's go for a small change, a total of one tael of silver."

Qiao Wei pointed to the opposite shelf: "Give me two more pairs of shoes."

The proprietress glared: "Oh! Two pairs of shoes? Girl, are you here to rob me? My shoes are so expensive! If you really want to buy them, I'll give you two pairs of insoles."

Qiao Wei rubbed her chin: "I can make the insoles myself, so if you give me a pair of shoes, I'll buy the other."

"Hey, you..." The proprietress has never seen anyone who can bargain so much, she is obviously a very pretty girl with a thicker skin than her.

Qiao Wei raised her eyebrows: "Sell it or not? If not, I'll go to another house."

The proprietress turned her face away: "Then you go." I don't believe you are really willing to go!

She can't play with Qiao Wei's psychological tactics. Qiao Wei didn't even raise her eyelids, she immediately put down her things and left. The speed was not as fast as the proprietress thought.

The proprietress was dumbfounded, and hurried outside to drag him back: "Oh, ancestor, my little ancestor, sell it, sell it to you!"

Qiao Wei ordered four sets of padded jacket and cotton trousers, one set of sky blue, one set of light green, and two sets of bright red; the padded vests were all in taupe color, so there was nothing to choose. OK.

Qiao Wei looked at the proprietress who was packing her luggage, and said, "There are also insoles. You just said you would give me two pairs."

The proprietress: "Didn't you say you can make insoles yourself?"

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "But if you give it to me for free, you won't take it."

I, I, I don't seem to say that...

The proprietress put the insoles in pain, and Qiao Wei happily carried the burden on her back and left.

Children love to eat mutton vermicelli soup, and Qiao Wei cut another ten catties of fresh mutton. I also bought some bacon. Because salt was expensive in ancient times, the price of preserved vegetables was also ridiculously high. She could barely buy ten catties, and she almost went bankrupt.

Carrying a bundle and carrying two heavy baskets, Qiao Wei left the bazaar and was going to hire a carriage to go back to the village.

When passing by a jewelry store, I couldn't help but take a peek inside, and I couldn't walk anymore after I took a peek.

It is a woman's nature to love beauty. She has been in ancient times for so long, and she doesn't even have a decent piece of jewelry. She wears a headscarf all day long, which is a waste of her long hair.

Qiao Wei hesitated again and again, and finally walked into the shop.

The boss was a bit snobbish, and seeing that it was a village girl, he was not interested in entertaining him himself.

It was the guy who greeted him with a smile: "Miss, do you want to buy jewelry? What kind of jewelry? Are you wearing it on your head or on your hands?"

This young man is more polite than the boss.

Qiao Wei wandered around in front of the counter, pointed to a topaz plum blossom hairpin and said, "How much is this?"

The clerk smiled and said, "Girl has good eyesight, this is the treasure of our shop, a hairpin made by Master Mei himself, only this one, one hundred taels."

One, one hundred taels? !

A broken hairpin can be sold for such a high price!

Qiao Wei was stunned.

The man looked at her dress and knew that she probably couldn't afford it, so he didn't laugh at her and said patiently: "If you want something cheaper, you can buy a jade hairpin."

The so-called jade is actually a stone, like jade but not jade.

With Qiao Wei's current financial ability, she can only afford this kind of money.

Qiao Wei picked out an orchid jade hairpin, and because it was the last one, she sold it to her cheaply.

Qiao Wei put on the new hairpin, left the shop contentedly, and walked towards the car.

When passing by an alley, she faintly felt that someone was chasing her. She paused, tightened the basket in her hand, quickened her pace, and walked towards the crowded main street.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she was quick, the people behind followed suit.

She simply ran, but before she ran out of the alley, she was blocked by several men who suddenly appeared.

There were wolves in the front and tigers in the back, adding up to more than a dozen people, all eager to fight, with fierce eyes, not comparable to the three ostentatious bullies.

She can deal with one or two, and five or six are no problem, but there are nearly twenty people on the other side, and the number is a bit huge.

Qiao Wei forced herself to calm down, looked at the leading man with a scar on his left cheek, and said, "My little girl is new here, and I don't know how to offend a few masters."

The man with the scar said: "You didn't offend us, you offended our elder brother."

Qiao Wei squinted at him and said, "Your brother is..."

"Wu Dajin!"

Oh, it's the man behind the scenes who was thrown into prison by her, she is really wronged, she doesn't even know what Wu Dajin looks like!

Qiao Wei laughed angrily: "Let me tell you some reason, okay? It's obvious that your elder brother bought the murderer to bully me first. Do I want to do nothing and be bullied for nothing?"

The man with the scar sneered: "My elder brother wants to bully you, so you are the only one to bully! If you are sensible, go to the building with our brother, and if you are satisfied with the service of the brothers, the brother will go around you."


Serving you pigs is worse than killing them with one head!

Qiao Wei lowered her eyes and smiled sweetly: "It's not impossible for me to serve you, but who will come first? You?"

As she said that, Qiao Wei took off the hairpin on her head, and three thousand black hairs hung down like a waterfall, smooth and shiny, which made all the men dumbfounded.

Qiao Wei walked towards the scarred man slowly, smiled, and suddenly stabbed him with a hairpin!

The man with the scar couldn't dodge in time, was stabbed in the shoulder, and let out a shrill scream.

Everyone rushed to help him, Qiao Wei took the opportunity to throw the basket and rushed out of the alley.

The group of people chased after them.

Many people on the street watched the excitement, but no one dared to step forward to help Qiao Wei out.

Qiao Wei ran desperately to Rongji Teahouse, she was running fast, but the group of people took a shortcut and blocked her all of a sudden.

She ran her legs back, and just happened to be a carriage passing by, and she jumped on it without saying a word!

The coachman was shocked!

Qiao Wei got into the carriage, and there was a person sitting in the carriage. It was a man, wearing a blue hat and a crescent white robe, which was soft in texture and faintly shimmering with pearls.

Although the man was sitting quietly, his aura was very strong. Even if Qiao Wei rushed in so recklessly, he didn't see the slightest bit of panic from him, as calm as an emperor.

Qiao Wei looked him up and down, and the more she looked, the more familiar she became, but for a while, she couldn't remember where she had seen him.

The carriage stopped.

Qiao Wei was taken aback, didn't she want to drive her out? !