The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 26: Make a profit


The group of people chased up and surrounded the carriage. The carriage was not eye-catching from the outside, so they didn't pay attention to the people inside the carriage at all. The scarred man at the head scolded: Listen up, hand over that stinky bitch! Otherwise, don’t blame your grandpa for being rude!”

The coachman got angry: "What are you doing? How did you talk to my young master? Call my young master grandpa! I think you are impatient!"

The coachman heard the accent of the capital, and the people in the town were still a little jealous of the people of the capital, but this situation was not included. As Zhu Dajin's first fierce general, he was actually stabbed by a little girl, and when it got out, he could laugh his brothers' big teeth off!

Today, no matter what, he wants to get his place back. Whoever dares to protect that woman will have trouble with their brothers!

The scarred man's eyes were as red as the blood on his shoulder: "Grandpa will ask you one last time, will you pay or not?"

At this point in the matter, Qiao Wei couldn't stay any longer. Her original intention of jumping into the carriage was to use the carriage to escape here, and she definitely didn't want to drag the other party into the water.

She bowed, closed the curtain, and was about to go out when the man beside her suddenly said, "If you have the ability, get it yourself."

As soon as the man with the scar heard this, he knew that the other party was provoking. The pain from the wound ignited his anger to the peak. He actually pulled out his dagger and rushed towards the carriage.

When the brothers saw that he had launched an attack, they also swarmed up one after another. Shouts, crashes, and screams of pedestrians interspersed one after another, and the whole street fell into chaos in an instant.

However, to everyone's surprise, before they even had time to touch the carriage, they were shaken away by a strange force. A black figure, like a phantom, moved more than a dozen people at an unbelievable speed. The man fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

Qiao Wei blocked the man behind, grabbed a stool, and was ready to "resist the enemy tenaciously", but suddenly heard a lot of screams, she hurriedly freed a hand, opened the curtain, and saw The group of men who "chased and killed" her were all lying on the ground in disorder.

This, who did this? The skills are too good, right

Qiao Wei looked at the young man who beat them to the ground, the young man turned around, revealing that clear face, Qiao Wei's pupils shrank: "Seventeen?"

If that person is Seventeen, then the man in the carriage—

Qiao Wei turned her head abruptly!

No wonder she felt familiar but didn't recognize him. When she saw him last time, he was driving an ox cart and dressed like a villager. This time, he changed into a low-key and luxurious silk shirt. The only thing that remained the same The only thing is that he still wears a bamboo hat.

At first glance, he knew that he could not be a real mountain villager, so now he was not surprised when he saw him like this. What really surprised Qiao Wei was that she ran into him again, and it was still on her own. When in a state of embarrassment.

Qiao Wei was a little embarrassed, scratched her little earlobe, and said softly: "Thank you, son, for helping me again."

The man didn't speak.

Qiao Wei said again: "I know that the young master didn't clean them up to help me. The young master is just dissatisfied with their disrespect, but no matter what, I have benefited. I still have to thank you, young master."

After all, I owe myself.

The man nodded slightly, which was a rare response.

Qiao Wei jumped out of the carriage, and the onlookers took a step back, as if Qiao Wei was also a poisonous snake and beast. No wonder they were so scared. The scene just happened was too horrifying. They have lived in the town until now , I haven't seen any kid who can knock down a dozen big guys in one move.

This girl and that child are obviously in the same group, and don't be a master.

"Seventeen." Qiao Wei greeted with a smile.

Seeing Qiao Wei, Shi Qi was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't expect to meet her here.

Qiao Wei smiled, walked up to the man with the scar, knelt down, and said with a sneer, "Do you still dare to find fault with me?"

"You..." The scarred man gritted his teeth in pain, "Don't be too complacent, wait for Brother Dajin to come out and see how he will deal with you!"

"Oh, so many of you can't win..." Qiao Wei glanced at Shi Qi not far away, and said in a low voice: "My little brother, do you think Zhu Dajin can win?"

Thinking of Shi Qi's skill, the man with the scar shuddered: "Is he your younger brother?"

This woman is obviously a village woman, how could she have such a powerful younger brother

Knowing that he didn't believe it, Qiao Wei said, "Of course he's not my little brother, but I have a little friendship with his master, so, do you understand?"

"Master?" The man with the scar was puzzled.

Qiao Wei said without changing her face: "Well, it's just the people in the carriage, otherwise why do you think I got in this carriage? If it was a stranger's car, would I dare to get in? If I got in, they would also drive me off, okay?" ?"

The man with the scar thought about it, it seemed to be such a reason, and he couldn't help looking at Qiao Wei with a trace of fear. That young man is so powerful, and his master must have a lot of background.

However, they are not vegetarian.

He said coldly: "So what? Do you know who is behind Brother Dajin? A big shot in the capital, if you speak out, you will be scared to death!"

Qiao Wei didn't even blink her eyelids: "Then do you know who is sitting in the carriage? If I say it, I can scare you to death! The whole world has heard his reputation, and the emperor is very afraid of him. The name is so big that I dare not call it at all, I say that, you should understand, right?"

Could it be that the person whom even the emperor the youngest and most promising prime minister in the world, Ji Mingxiu

The man with the scar showed extreme panic.

Qiao Wei knew that Scar Man had already used his incomparably (stupid) hard (stupid) IQ brain to make up a suitable character to be seated, so she suppressed her smile and raised her eyebrows: "Guess who it is? Dare you?" messed with me?"

The man with the scar thought for a while: "No, how could your lord ride in such a shabby carriage?"

Qiao Wei took it for granted: "Of course I don't want people to recognize my identity."

The man with the scar looked at Seventeen: "What's his name?"

Qiao Wei said truthfully, "Seventeen."

Master Mingxiu has seven masters, one of them is Shiqi. It is rumored that he defeated the champion of martial arts at the age of seventeen. Heifengzhai, a cancerous tumor, left the capital with Mr. Mingxiu, and there was no news for a year.

Could it be that this boy is really seventeen

The scarred man asked suspiciously: "My lord has been missing for a year, how did you become friends with him?"

Missing? This is so easy to make up!

Qiao Wei thought of the hermit who always bought prey in her cage, and thought that this material is good! Mysteriously said: "Your Excellency is not missing, but lives in seclusion in the mountains. The forest where Your Excellency lives happens to be on the top of my mountain. Every day, I go hunting in the mountains. Your Excellency often buys prey from me, coming and going. , I got to know him. But this, you'd better not say it outside, the adults don't want people to know his whereabouts this year."

When the scarred man heard this, he couldn't believe it anymore: "Don't worry, I won't reveal your whereabouts, not even with Brother Dajin. My lord..."

Qiao Wei said with a cold face: "My lord is very angry."

The scarred man panicked: "I beg the girl to intercede for the little ones, girl! Living Bodhisattva! Please!"

Qiao Wei held out her hand.

The man with the scar was startled: "Why?"

Qiao Wei said: "Money! How can I appease my lord without money? I have to treat my lord with delicious food and drink. I can intercede for you when your lord is full!"

The scarred man hurriedly took out his silver, and asked other people to hand over the money as well, and there was nothing left.

Qiao Wei looked at the white silver, and almost drooled. She lost nearly one tael of silver just now to escape, but what she found from these people was a full thirty taels!

Earn... overturned!