The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 33: Ask about medicine


This night, Qiao Wei finally officially recognized all the Luo family members. At first, she was a little worried that Uncle Luo and Luo Yongnian would not welcome her, but it turned out that she was too worried. Uncle Luo's friendly attitude was like a loving father. He also asked Qiao Wei how her health was, and told her not to be afraid of suffering, and to walk more, because she fell ill because she was too weak.

This is what only relatives would say, who would care about her outsiders

Luo Yongnian's attitude became even more friendly, almost like a younger brother who has played together since childhood, with one mouthful and one sister, and they called him so affectionately.

Qiao Wei went to the kitchen to help Aunt Luo, and he also followed, standing at the door and saying, "Sister, what kind of snacks do you make, do you also make some for me?"

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "Okay, but there are no materials here, I will make one and send it to you tomorrow."

Aunt Luo went to fetch water with a bucket, glared at her son and said, "Get out! Get stuck at the door and be a door god?"

Luo Yongnian clicked his tongue: "If someone asks me to be the door god, I won't do it, and you still despise me!"

Aunt Luo snorted angrily, her eyes were clearly doting.

Luo Yongnian looked at Qiao Wei: "Sister, I'm going out first."

Qiao Wei smiled and nodded.

Aunt Luo didn't know how much she was worried that her younger son would throw Xiaowei's face at him. Unlike the older son who was honest and honest, the younger son was born with a hard rock, and everyone in the village was afraid of him when he fought. She had no choice but to give it away. He went to the capital to learn crafts.

Looking at the relationship between the two of them, she is overthinking.

The family sat at the table and ate the New Year's dinner lively. Seeing a table full of chicken, duck and fish, Luo Yongnian couldn't believe his eyes. When did their family become so rich? And salted eggs

Aunt Luo knew why her son was surprised. The first time she sent mutton, bacon and salted eggs to her eldest son, the eldest son also had the same expression of shock.

She said: "Xiaowei caught the fish, Xiaowei hunted the chicken, Xiaowei bought the mutton, bacon, and salted eggs, and raised the ducks myself."

Luo Yongnian stared at Qiao Wei in astonishment. He knows everything about fishing and hunting. Is this really a woman

This new year's meal was very enjoyable. Luo Yongzhi and Cuiyun had been married for many years and had not had children. The family always lacked a little vitality. When Jingyun Wangshu came, it became more like a family of three generations.

After dinner, Luo Yongnian held the children and lit firecrackers outside. These were brought from the capital, and they were louder than the ones Qiao Wei bought from the town.

With a bang, the persimmons in Cuiyun's hands were so frightened that they dropped.

"Hahahahaha..." Outside the house, there was the sound of Luo Yongnian pounding the ground and laughing.

Cuiyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she married into Luo's family for three years, and she had never heard of her uncle being so excited. He really was a child, and only children could play together.

Qiao Wei stroked her swollen belly: "Is it about to give birth, sister-in-law?"

Cuiyun smiled and nodded: "The end of the first lunar month."

The children were sweating profusely from playing, and when they entered the room, their backs seemed to have been washed, and there was no dry place. Aunt Luo found two dry cotton cloths and stuffed them behind their backs.

Qiao Wei got up to leave, the children were tired from playing, and they might not be able to walk up the mountain, Aunt Luo wanted to see Qiao Wei off, Luo Yongnian said: "Okay, okay, you can sit down, I'll see you off, it's snowing outside, You can't move!"

Qiao Wei looked out the window and saw that it was really snowing.

The snowflakes, like catkins blown away by the wind, fell in large pieces.

Qiao Wei tied a homemade lantern on the back of the little ferret, and then went out with Luo Yongnian holding a child.

The snow was too heavy, the visibility was less than one meter, and it was difficult to distinguish the east, west, north and south. Thanks to the little ferret leading the way, we returned to the mountain smoothly.

After putting the children into the house, Qiao Wei poured Luo Yongnian a cup of tea. Luo Yongnian picked up the teacup, glanced at Qiao Wei inadvertently, saw something, and his ears turned red.

After drinking tea, he bid farewell to Qiao Wei: "Sister, I... I'm leaving first."

Qiao Wei was busy wiping the snow off the children's bodies. Hearing this, she looked back and smiled: "Thank you very much for today."

"One family, don't talk about two families." Luo Yongnian's eyes unconsciously aimed at Qiao Wei, but he held back at his stomach, and went down the mountain with a blushing face.

Qiao Wei asked Xiaobai to send Luo Yongnian off, while she boiled water to wash the children. After tidying up the children and preparing to wash them for herself, she unbuttoned the button and found that the button on her chest was gone, and a small strip was cut in the skirt. You can vaguely see her little white padded coat.

When did it drop? Could it be at Mrs. Luo's house? Then she was embarrassed.

She looked around and found her button under the threshold.

It fell when I entered the house, fortunately, fortunately.

Luo Yongnian probably didn't see it, right

He is so small, it doesn't matter if he sees it, not to mention that she is still wearing a thick cotton coat.

That night, Luo Yongnian suffered from insomnia.

I don't know if it was because of the startled wind at night, Jing Yun coughed twice at night, and the next day, Wang Shu also started to cough. In ancient times, when a cold could kill a person, Qiao Wei didn't dare to take it lightly, and hurriedly rented Shuanzi's father's carriage , took the child to the town to see a doctor.

In ancient times there were no hospitals, and the only way to see a doctor was to find a doctor or go to a pharmacy. There was a doctor Zhou in the town who had practiced medicine for three generations and had a small clinic.

Qiao Wei went to his house, and he didn't look carefully at the children. He felt the child's pulse at random and prescribed a prescription, but he didn't know if he was sure.

"Astragalus, Atractylodes macrocephala, Fangfeng, ginger, perilla... Isn't this a prescription for treating wind-cold? Are you sure my child is suffering from wind-cold, not wind-heat?" Qiao Wei asked holding the list.

The doctor said angrily: "In winter, where is the wind and heat? The wind and heat will cause high fever. Does your child have a high fever? It is a runny nose and a dry cough. Is it not a wind and cold? You are a doctor and I am a doctor? You come to kick Is it from the museum?"

Qiao Wei studied Western medicine, so she dare not say that she is proficient in Chinese pathology, but she felt that it might not be accurate to judge it as wind-cold just by such a little external phenomenon. After all, it was only the first day, and it is not surprising that some symptoms did not appear.

She left Zhou Langzhong's clinic and went to Huichuntang, the only pharmacy in the town.

The conclusion given by the doctor in Huichun Hall was consistent with Zhou Langzhong's, and the prescriptions he prescribed were almost the same. Qiao Wei took the medicine according to her words, but only six medicines cost her nearly half a tael of silver. No wonder the poor people look down on it. Sickness, no praise at all.

As a result, the children drank the medicine, but instead of getting better, they suddenly developed a high fever on the twenty-eighth night of the twelfth lunar month. Both of them were in a daze with fever, their faces were flushed, and their hands and feet were cold.

Patients with high fever with cold hands and feet will often continue to rise in body temperature.

It has been burned like this, and it will go up... Qiao Wei can't even think about it.

Qiao Wei hurriedly lit the stove, boiled a large pot of hot water, soaked the feet of the two, and cut ice cubes from the eaves, wrapped them in cloth, and placed them on their foreheads.

The feet were warmed by soaking, but the ice cubes had little effect, and the body temperature could not be lowered.

Qiao Wei opened the cabinet again, found the white wine used to sterilize the knives, mixed some warm water, and wiped the children's bodies.

After half an hour, the high fever finally subsided.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and within an hour, they soared up again in unison.

Qiao Wei didn't dare to wait any longer, she dressed the two of them, brought four sets of underwear, eight pieces of cotton cloth, found out the sheets, put Jing Yun on her back, and wrapped Wang Shu in her arms with cloth strips , covered Wang Shu with a sheet, and went out with a bag on his shoulders.

The cold wind slashed, cutting Qiao Wei's face like a knife.

Facing the wind, she walked in the snow with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

The little ferret was carrying the lantern, and it was very difficult to walk because of the headwind.

One person and one beast tried their best to reach Shuanzi's house, but what made Qiao Wei collapse was that Shuanzi's family all returned to Laoshan for the New Year.