The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 38: clap clap


Except for the old lady, Shi Qi is the person that Mr. Mingxiu cares about the most. Ever since he first learned of Shi Qi's existence, Qiao Yuxi tried every means to win Shi Qi over.

It's just that Shi Qi is different from other children, he can't speak and doesn't like to socialize with others. If he is stupid, he is so good at martial arts; if he is smart, he can't understand what Qiao Yuxi says.

It can be said that Qiao Yuxi's brain was completely troubled.

Now that Shi Qi's friend is sick (although I don't know how a guy like Shi Qi has friends), this is a good time to win Shi Qi over.

It doesn't matter if Shi Qi doesn't understand her words. It's enough for Shi Qi's friends to understand. Her top-quality medicinal materials add up to hundreds of taels of silver. She doesn't believe that the other party won't like it.

With indescribable excitement, Qiao Yuxi's carriage stopped at the intersection of Qingfeng Street.

This street looks deserted, and the people who live there are noble people who don't show the mountains and don't show the water. For fear of bumping into someone accidentally, Qiao Yuxi asked the coachman to park the carriage in the alley opposite the street entrance, while he and Fang's mother twisted. Walk in with supplements.

The two quickly found the courtyard Ming An mentioned. The gate was closed. Qiao Yuxi gave Fang's mother a wink, and Fang's mother knocked on the door lightly: "Is anyone there? Miss Qiao is here to visit Shiqi." .”

It was Ming An who opened the door. Ming An invited the two of them into the courtyard and told them that Shi Qi and his friend were in the East Wing.

Qiao Yuxi walked towards the east chamber, and heard a few coughs from a distance, she took light steps and walked slowly to the door.

The door was open, and there were three people in the room, a girl, a boy, and Shiqi in black clothes.

The clothes of the two strangers were a bit shabby, but being able to appear beside Shi Qi showed that their identities were not simple.

Qiao Yuxi didn't dare to be disrespectful, straightened her temples, walked in gracefully, and said softly like a voice of nature: "Seventeen, I heard that your friends are sick, so I specially brought them something to make them healthy."

Seventeen didn't respond.

On the contrary, Qiao Wei and Luo Yongzhi turned around slowly, their eyes met each other, Qiao Wei and Fang's mother "shuddered" at the same time: "Why are you?"

The corner of Luo Yongnian's mouth twitched: "Acquaintance again?"

It's scary enough for his sister to know two noble sons, but why is this pair of master and servant also her sister's "old friends"

The first thing Qiao Wei saw was Mother Fang. After all, she had a lot of dealings with Mother Fang. She was kicked out of the Ganoderma lucidum hall by Mother Fang at noon today. Even if Mother Fang was turned into ashes, she would recognize her.

It was the second time she saw Qiao Yuxi next to Fang's mother. Compared with the time in the town, Qiao Yuxi was a little less immaculate and immortal, and a little more gorgeous and delicate than a woman in the capital.

If she was a man, I'm afraid she would fall for such a woman.

Qiao Yuxi only met Qiao Wei once, and she didn't recognize Qiao Wei immediately, but when she heard Qiao Wei and Fang's mother say "Why are you", she remembered who the other party was.

Isn't this a vendor in Rhino Town? How could it be in Master Mingxiu's other courtyard

The answer to this question, I'm afraid I have to ask Fang's mother.

Fang's mother stared straight as if struck by lightning: "I'm asking you something! Why are you here?"

Compared to her fury, Qiao Wei looked extremely calm: "Why are you here?"

Mother Fang straightened her waist and said, "We are here to visit Shiqi's friends!"

Qiao Wei glanced at the tonic that Fang's mother twisted, and said with a sneer, "I'm Shiqi's friend."

Mother Fang was dumbfounded!

Luo Yongnian felt a little bit sorry at this moment, walked up to Mother Fang, looked at her coldly and said, "You are the one who bullied my sister today?"

Qiao Yuxi frowned: "Mother Fang, what's going on?"

Fang's mother's eyes flashed, and she yelled: "Miss, don't listen to his nonsense! It's clear that she caused trouble in the morning! The wife doesn't bother with her anymore, she wants to give her the seat, but she insists on grabbing him, and still You have to beat someone! I was afraid of hurting the innocent, so I sent her away!"

There really is such a superb product in the world, Qiao Wei would never believe it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes: "Can you show some face?"

Mother Fang was furious: "What are you talking about, little hoof!"


Luo Yongnian slapped her out!

Mother Fang fell down the steps at the door, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen.

The servants who were working in the yard, including Ming An, all looked at Mother Fang.

"Ouch, ouch, it hurts me to death..." Fang's mother screamed in pain, and the hand bone that had just healed seemed to be broken again.

Qiao Yuxi didn't expect such an accident to happen. She happily came to please Shi Qi's friends, thinking that she was determined to win, but she didn't expect this to happen!

She very much hoped that Shiqi could jump out and see how bad the friends she had made were, but it was a pity that Shiqi was completely immersed in her own world and had no reaction to the changes around her.

She suppressed the roiling emotions in her chest, looked at Qiao Wei and said, "Girl, is it too much for you to do this? A gentleman uses his words but not his hands. If Fang's mother has something to do to the girl, just apologize to the girl. Why bother?" This ruthless hand?"

Luo Yongnian said impatiently: "I'm the one who hit people, what are you doing to my sister? Don't talk nonsense!"

Qiao Yuxi turned pale: ""

You foul language!

Qiao Wei gently pulled Luo Yongnian away, looked at Qiao Yuxi calmly and said, "You don't even ask her what she did, just conclude that an apology is enough, then I will beat you half to death, isn't it also a sentence?" I'm sorry?"

If she hadn't met Seventeen today, her two children might have suffered some sequelae because they couldn't get timely treatment. Is this a grievance that can be resolved with an apology

Healing the wounded and saving lives is the duty of a doctor. If you don't have that benevolence, don't do this business.

Under the banner of hanging the pot to help the world, it is really embarrassing to make a name for yourself!

"If you're here to visit a doctor, you've already finished visiting." Qiao Wei gave Qiao Yuxi a slow-moving look.

Qiao Yuxi gasped, and an ugly crack appeared on her perfect expression: "This is not your house! Why do you drive me away?"

Wang Shu opened his eyes in a daze, looked at the young man who had been holding her little hand, and said weakly, "Brother Seventeen, it's so noisy."

Shi Qi reacted this time, turned his head in a swish, looked coldly at Qiao Yuxi who was standing at the door, and walked forward without saying a word.

Qiao Yuxi thought that Shiqi finally realized that she had been bullied and was about to stand up for her, so she almost cried with joy, but in the next second, Shiqi grabbed her by the collar and threw her out of the gate mercilessly!