The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 44: Confrontation


Huzi brought Qiao Wei into Wu Dajin's yard.

The small courtyard here is connected to the residences of Chen Dadao and others, but it is not Wu Dajin's house, but just a "office" place. His mother-in-law would occasionally come to tidy up, so it was much tidier than Chen Dadao's yard.

On the ground in the center of the lobby, there was a kneeling Chen Dadao tied up with five flowers. When I saw him a few days ago, he was still looking energetic, but now, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his body was covered in dirt.

Qiao Wei's eyes quickly moved away from him, and she looked at the brothers around her. There were twenty-nine brothers in total, ten of them were under Chen Dadao's men, and the other nineteen were Wu Dajin's men. There was no chance of winning in a fight.

The middle-aged man on the main seat must be Wu Dajin, he looks much bigger than imagined, with a square face, dark skin and a fierce look.

Qiao Wei just asked Hu Zi why Wu Dajin "hated" herself. It turned out that the street where the stalls were set up was the site of the Qinglong Gang, and all the hawkers there paid protection fees to the Qinglong Gang, but she did not.

Wu Dajin's original intention was to let the three bullies teach her a lesson first, and then come forward to ask her to extort a sky-high protection fee. Unexpectedly, before that step, she was sued into the yamen first.

Wu Dajin has been doing evil for many years, and no one dares to report to the police, Qiao Wei is the first.

The county magistrate is also a master who doesn't get in. Wu Dajin has suffered a lot in prison. Under such circumstances, can he not hate Qiao Wei

As soon as he was released from prison, he learned that instead of avenging himself, his most trusted brother had stolen his carriage to Qiao Wei. Can he swallow this breath

It was kind of him not to stab Chen Dadao to death immediately!

"Brother Dajin, I captured that... that little girl!" Huzi said pretending to be calm.

Chen Dadao shook his body, and looked at Qiao Wei behind him in astonishment.

Wu Dajin's eyes also fell on Qiao Wei.

Bloated clothes, thin face, white skin like a girl from the city, cold eyes, not the kind of woman who is breathtakingly beautiful at a glance, but has an indescribable temperament.

Wu Dajin narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you that stinky bitch?"

Qiao Wei asked back, "Are you that turtle?"


I don't know who couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Wu Dajin's complexion darkened, and he glanced at everyone coldly. Everyone's expressions were tense, and they couldn't see the slightest difference.

He looked at Qiao Wei again, and said with disdain: "You are so courageous, you dare to send her to your door to seek death."

Qiao Wei said calmly, "I've been looking for gold and silver, but I've never been looking for death. I don't know if Brother Da Jin has the ability."

"The tone is not small!"

"Where is there?" Qiao Wei touched the corners of her lips lightly, "Brother Da Jin is from the Jianghu, and the little girl is just a village woman. If there is something offended before, I hope Brother Da Jin will forgive me."

"Apologizing now? It's too late!"

"Brother Da Jin didn't realize that I was just talking politely?"

Puff puff-

There was unbearable laughter underneath.

Wu Dajin was so angry that he slapped the coffee table, shaking the coffee table to pieces, and everyone in the room fell silent.

Qiao Wei's expression didn't fluctuate at all, and she said calmly: "To make a long story short, I came today to settle the grievances with Brother Dajin. Since Brother Dajin is a member of the Jianghu, let's follow the rules of the rivers and lakes. I don't know Brother Dajin how about."

A stinky girl who actually talked about the rules of the world with him? I really laughed out loud!

Wu Dajin said: "Girl, don't say that Brother Dajin didn't remind you, you should kowtow to Brother Dajin a few times, and then sleep with the brothers for a night. I will treat the previous grievances as never happened. If you You have to follow the rules of the rivers and lakes... there is no room for repentance."

Qiao Wei said indifferently: "Brother Da Jin should save the words to scare children. Whether you dare or not, it's just a word."

When it came to this point, Wu Dajin couldn't justify not accepting her gauntlet: "What do you want to compare?"

A quarter of an hour later, everyone appeared in the underground gambling house in Rhino Town.

It was Chinese New Year, and the business of the casino was not very good. There were a few people deserted, and half of them were hangovers last night.

Wu Dajin seemed to be a regular visitor here, as soon as he entered the house, the gamblers greeted him one after another, but when they saw the village girl next to him, they showed surprise expressions in unison.

A casino is not a place where women can come!

Wu Dajin came to a long table for playing Pai Gow, and the gamblers who were drawing cards saw him and immediately gave up their seats in fright.

Wu Dajin sat down gracefully, gave Qiao Wei a look, and Qiao Wei also sat down.

The two were not in a hurry to start, but sat patiently, as if they were waiting for someone.

The surrounding area was soon filled with onlookers.

When Qiao Wei finished her second cup of tea, the waiting person finally arrived. He was a tall, thin man in his forties, and everyone called him Brother Zhao.

Before Wu Dajin took over from the Qinglong Gang, Brother Zhao was the boss of this area. He injured his leg in the back, washed his hands in a gold basin, and opened a tea shop in the town. In terms of power, he has passed away, but his prestige is still there. It is Wu Dajin When you see him, you have to politely call Brother Zhao.

"Brother Zhao." Wu Dajin made a gesture of getting up.

Brother Zhao pressed his shoulder: "Sit down."

He glanced at the only woman in the gambling house, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, "You guys have already told me about you guys on the way here. Today, I'll be a witness to you two. What happened, after leaving this gambling house, there is no grievance between you anymore, Dajin?"

Wu Dajin said with a smile: "Brother Zhao's face must be given."

"Girl?" Brother Zhao looked at Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei nodded.

"What do you play? Dice or row nine?" Brother Zhao asked.

Wu Dajin's gambling skills are well-known in Rhinoceros Town. No matter what he plays, he is sure to win. He looked at Qiao Wei proudly: "It's too late to regret it now."

Qiao Wei didn't bother to talk to him, paused, and said, "I'll choose Pai Nine."

There was gasping sound all around, Pai Jiu is Wu Dajin's specialty, in the past five years, she has never failed in any way, this girl is doomed.

More and more people came to watch the fun, and soon the deserted casino was full.

Wu Dajin took out a bag of silver from his pocket and threw it on the table: "Where's yours, girl?"

Qiao Wei took out a little ferret from the bag and put it in the betting place.

Everyone was startled for a moment, and then roared with laughter!

Qiao Wei glanced at everyone: "Is it stipulated that the casino can only bet with money?"

Of course not, losing the red eye, clothes and shoes, wife and children, all can be bet on the gambling table.

Wu Dajin smiled maliciously and said, "What else do you have after losing this dog? If not, you can only take off your clothes."

After finishing speaking, they winked at everyone, and they looked at Qiao Wei like hungry wolves, wishing that Wu Dajin would take all the clothes off her right now!

Qiao Wei's expression didn't change at all, she was as calm as if the person those people were talking about wasn't herself at all: "It's not a dog, it's a mink."

Brother Zhao took out a deck of cards: "Let's start."

There are two kinds of paijiu tiles - those made of animal bones and bamboo inlays are called domino tiles; those made of ivory are called tooth tiles.

Dental tiles are expensive, and ordinary gambling houses can't afford them. Brother Zhao is shuffling dominoes.

There are many ways to play Pai Jiu, the simplest one is to fight two cards and compare the size with the dealer. There is no dealer today, and the comparison between Qiao Wei and Wu Dajin is enough.

The two cards are paired, and they are compared in the order of "Heaven, Earth, Man and Mei Changbanx...".

If it is not a pair, according to the ratio of points after addition.

It is worth mentioning that Pai Gow does not count the total points, but only the fraction after the sum.

For example, adding seven points to ten points is only seven points.

Three points plus five points is eight points, and eight points win.

Therefore, it is not necessarily a good thing to draw a big card, and it is not necessarily a bad thing to draw a small card.

After all, it was a girl. Brother Zhao couldn't bear it, so he made a claim and added a rule: "Everyone has two chances to abandon the game. Abandoning the game means that the game is void, and there is no need to bear any losses."

Wu Dajin was holding the winning ticket, he didn't care about letting her go twice, and said with an evil smile: "Brother Zhao, brother Zhao, when did you become so sympathetic?"

Qiao Wei looked at Wu Dajin: "Looking back, I remember being grateful to Brother Zhao for winning two chances for you to survive."

Wu Dajin's smile suddenly froze on his face!

"Okay, let's start." Brother Zhao took out a dice and asked Qiao Wei and Wu Dajin to choose odd or even.

Qiao Wei chose single.

Brother Zhao rolled the dice to get the order, and Qiao Wei came first.