The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 45: supreme treasure


Qiao Wei chose two of the thirty-two dominoes, a pair of clubs.

Heaven, Earth and Man Harmony, Mei Chang'an Axe, Hong Gao Yao Wu, Nine Eight Seven Five.

Club ranked fifth among all the pairs, and she was lucky.

Brother Zhao looked at Wu Dajin: "Dajin, it's your turn."

Wu Dajin sneered and glanced at Qiao Wei: "Brother Dajin gave you a chance."

After all, he drew two from the end of the remaining thirty dominoes, and then turned them over and threw them on the table without looking at them!

It turned out to be a pair of land cards!

Qiao Wei's pupils shrank!

Brother Zhao looked at Qiao Wei's face that suddenly changed color, and probably guessed that her cards were not good enough. Wu Dajin's was a land card, unless she drew Supreme Treasure or a pair of sky cards, otherwise, she would not be able to win against Dajin at all.

"You can choose to abandon the game." Brother Zhao said.

A trace of nervousness appeared on Qiao Wei's face, thin sweat oozes from her forehead, she touched the little ferret tangledly, and said with a serious look: "No, I admit defeat in this game."

There was an uproar in the crowd.

Even a man can't win a big gold bet, so how can a girl's family have a chance of winning? I really don't understand where she got the courage to go to the gambling table with Da Jin, she is overconfident!

Wu Dajin smiled triumphantly, and embraced the winning bet—the little ferret.

This mink is indeed of the highest quality, its coat color is extremely soft, there is no unpleasant smell on its body, and it also exudes a faint fragrance.

What a delight.

Wu Dajin looked at Qiao Wei with a smirk: "Is there any treasure? If not, take off your clothes and put them on."

At this time, the crowd of onlookers was far more than just gamblers. Even the ordinary people rushed over to inquire. When they heard Wu Dajin's words, they looked at Qiao Wei in unison.

Some people laughed evilly, some rubbed their hands, and some shook their heads.

Qiao Wei took out a stack of medical books from her bag.

Wu Dajin almost lost his temper with a smile: "...just tell me, what else can you lose after losing these broken books?"

Qiao Wei said lightly: "Whatever you lose, what you lose."

The meaning of these words is a little bit more, Wu Dajin gave Qiao Wei a meaningful look, he is not a lecherous person, but he has to say that this girl does have a different kind of beauty: "Brother Dajin's ugly words Put it up front, in the next round, you will either be able to conjure money, or you will take off all your clothes and bet on it, Brother Dajin doesn’t want any other bets.”

Someone in the crowd whistled.

Qiao Wei glanced at him: "That depends on whether you have the ability."

In the second game, the winner draws the cards first.

After Wu Dajin touched the cards, he glanced at them hastily, and frowned. A long three (six points) and a miscellaneous five (five points) are not pairs, and they can only be counted. The sum is eleven, that is, one .


He actually touched a little bit!

This luck, no one else!

That girl can blow him up with any pair at will, and she is not afraid if she can't find a pair, as long as the points exceed one, he will die.

Wu Dajin touched his face, suppressed the emotions in his heart, and said with a smile: "Brother Dajin is lucky today, girl, it's your turn!"

A confident tone, but Qiao Wei noticed that he touched her face.

People touch their faces when they feel nervous, which is emotional control. Of course, not all people who touch their faces are out of nervousness, but if it is matched with the movement of his shoulders, it is almost the same.

One shoulder shrugged, indicating that he was extremely unsure of what he was saying.

It seems that his cards are not so bad.

Qiao Wei lowered her eyes, and couldn't help but bend the corners of her lips. When she raised her eyes again, her smile was so bright that it almost dazzled Huaren's eyes: "Brother Zhao, can you raise your bet?"

Wu Dajin's expression darkened, what the hell is going on? This girl wants to raise the bet? Did she see that his cards were bad? Or... did she draw a solid pair

Brother Zhao said: "You can raise your bet, what do you want to raise?"

I didn't even ask how much I added, knowing that Qiao Wei had no money.

Qiao Wei slowly unbuttoned one of her jackets. Everyone stared at her, stared wide-eyed, and held her breath, but she was puzzled by the second one, and put her hand on the betting plate instead. Up: "I bet one hand."

Around, there was a sound of gasping for air.

Brother Zhao looked at Wu Dajin: "Dajin, do you want to follow?"

Failure to follow is tantamount to admitting defeat.

That girl even bet on her own hand, it can be seen that it is a winning card, it is no wonder Wu Dajin dared to follow.

But he was not reconciled to losing money like this.

"I give up." He threw the cards out.

Brother Zhao stared, turned over his cards, Changsan? Miscellaneous? It only adds up to a little bit, no wonder I have to give up.

Qiao Wei pursed the corners of her lips that could not be suppressed no matter what, and turned over her dominoes one by one.

One for six and one for four.

The total is ten points, that is, zero points, the smallest point in Pai Gow, worse than Wu Dajin's.

Wu Dajin realized that he had been duped, and stood up abruptly: "You fucking lied to me!"

Qiao Wei spread her hands: "Is there a rule that no cheating is allowed?"

of course not.

Wu Dajin swallowed his boredom, and sat back on his seat: "Brother Dajin wanted to be more polite to you, you are looking for death yourself, don't blame Brother Dajin for being rude!" After finishing speaking, he put all his money down On the betting board, "You fucking don't bet on me! Bet on yourself!"

Qiao Wei didn't care and said, "You want me to bet on it? I'll bet on it? I don't, so I'll bet on the book, bet on the book, bet on the book."

"You..." Wu Dajin was half dead with anger.

Brother Zhao hurriedly smoothed things over: "Okay, Da Jin, it's the same if you win her book first."

Wu Dajin slapped Qiao Wei coldly, and touched two cards.

This time I drew a pair of cards.

Heaven, Earth and Man were in harmony, and people ranked third, and the land card was drawn by him in the first round. Unless this girl was a pair drawn with the sky card, she would definitely not be his opponent.

Qiao Wei looked at her cards and smiled with satisfaction: "Brother Zhao, there won't be two pairs of natural cards in a deck, right?"

Brother Zhao shook his head: "No."

Wu Dajin frowned, what does this girl mean? Did she really draw a natural pair

Are you cheating on him again

Qiao Wei looked at Wu Dajin playfully: "Brother Dajin, you are doomed to lose this game, you still have another chance to give up the game, do you want to use it?"

Wu Dajin slapped the cards face down on the table: "Do you think I will believe you? I have a pair of land cards! You have the ability to show your sky cards!"

When Qiao Wei saw his land card, she cut it with disdain, and raised her hand to turn over her own cards.

This time, there is no room for it.

All his belongings belonged to Qiao Wei.

Wu Dajin yelled: "Wait a minute! I forfeit the game!"

Qiao Wei smiled and turned over her own cards. How could there be any natural cards? There are no ordinary pairs, only a bench (four points) and a tall seven (seven points). Together, they can only be used for one point.

Damn, I got scammed again!

It's fine if she bluffed his bad hand in the last round, how could she give up the good hand pair this round because of her scare

Wu Dajin rushed over to beat Qiao Wei, but Brother Zhao swung her and pushed her down on the chair.

Brother Zhao said: "I'd like to bet and admit defeat, don't look like a fucking man!"

Wu Dajin's eyes were red with anger, if there were not so many pairs of eyes watching, he would have rushed over and tore this little bitch up!

Qiao Wei smiled lightly and said, "Brother Da Jin, do you still gamble?"

Wu Dajin said angrily: "When I win you over, I will do you on this table!"

The crowd started booing.

Qiao Wei smiled without changing her face: "Okay, I'll wait."

Among the onlookers, a little virgin couldn't hold back anymore, he covered his crotch and ran out, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

With bloodshot eyes, Wu Dajin drew two cards. After reading the cards, his whole heart was boiling!


It turned out to be a pair of natural cards!

I touched it four times, and three times it was a pair, and it was the top three pairs. How else can I say that he is lucky

Qiao Wei is really helpless this time.

Wu Dajin resisted the urge to laugh three times, and put the little ferret on the betting board: "I raise!"

Brother Zhao probably guessed that Wu Dajin had drawn a peerless card, and looked at Qiao Wei with a complicated expression: "You can choose to give up."

Qiao Wei said without hesitation: "I'll follow." Then she pulled out the jade hairpin from her head and put it on the betting tray.

Wu Dajin sneered: "I'm betting on a mink, so you just use a broken hairpin? Why don't you bet on yourself?"

Qiao Wei said casually: "If you want me to bet on myself, I can bet on your Azure Dragon Gang."

It's clearly a confident tone!

If Wu Dajin still believed her, he would go to hell: "You want to cheat me again? There is no way, I will not be fooled by you again, right? I bet on it! I don't believe it, you can still beat me!"

He threw a pair of naturals.

The casino fell silent for a moment.

Harmony between heaven, earth and man, Mei Chang's axe.

Day is number one.

This girl is about to be stripped naked and pressed on the table, really...


Brother Zhao looked at Qiao Wei regretfully, telling her to abandon her, is it okay now

If you are willing to bet and admit defeat, even he can't interfere.

Brother Zhao looked at everyone: "Let's all go out."

Everyone shook their heads and walked out one after another.

Qiao Wei suddenly said: "Brother Zhao, you haven't turned over my cards yet."

Brother Zhao sighed: "What is there to turn over? He is a natural card, how can you still..."

Qiao Wei turned over her own cards - Big Six, Ding San.

In the crowd, someone screamed: "Supreme Treasure?! Hers is Supreme Treasure!"

Above the sky card, there is only Supreme Treasure.