The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 50: silver


There were no restaurants open nearby, so Ji Mingxiu had to take the children to have some snacks. The children ate quickly, but they were a bit reluctant to eat snacks. They took small bites for fear that they would finish eating.

Ji Mingxiu didn't urge him, and just sat there quietly.

The two children are very well-behaved, and they have seen it since the first time they got sick. No matter how uncomfortable they are, they don't cry or fuss, unlike children of this age.

Maybe... because there is no father.

"Father, I want this, this, and this!" A three-year-old girl was carried into the shop by a farmer.

The farmer bought the snacks the little girl asked for, sat down and fed them to the little girl.

Jing Yun and Wang Shu stared at the father and daughter opposite, although they tried their best to endure, they still showed a look of envy.

However, the two of them seemed to be familiar with dealing with their own emotions, and they quickly looked away, never taking another look.

Seeing this scene, Ji Mingxiu's eyes paused, but he didn't say anything.

When Ji Mingxiu took the children back to Dafangzhai, Qiao Wei had already changed her clothes and was about to take Ji Mingxiu's clothes to wash.

"No need." Ji Mingxiu met her at the door, looked at the clothes in her hand, "Give it to me."

Qiao Wei thought that he didn't lack people who wash clothes, not to mention that the saponins here are cheap, not as high-end as his home's, and it would be bad to leave a strange smell after washing.

Qiao Wei returned the folded clothes to him: "Thank you, my lord."

Ji Mingxiu raised his eyes slightly: "Did Bai tell you your name?"

Qiao Wei's eyelashes trembled slightly, she pursed her lips and said, "Thank you Ming...Master Ming."

Ji Mingxiu pursed his lips: "You're welcome, Miss Qiao."

Ever since he teased her last time, "Miss Qiao, you are blushing", Qiao Wei has become a little restless when she hears this address again, and she always feels that there is a deep meaning in it.

Qiao Wei glanced at him quickly, such a person with such a clear demeanor, shouldn't molested her a little widow, right

She wants money or no money, wants innocence or no innocence, and also carries two small oil bottles. If she has anything to offer, she just has a passable face, but there are so many beauties in the capital, prettier than her, She has a good figure, but I don't know where she is, and they are all big girls.

He was out of his mind, that's why he came all the way from the capital to the town to tease her.

He must be thinking too much.

"Young master, why did you come to the town?"

Ji Mingxiu's next words confirmed Qiao Wei's guess: "I heard that there is a very powerful gambler in the town, and it's a woman."

Gambler? woman? It's her who won't say it, right? This kind of thing... Has it spread to the capital? How did you pass it on

The huge shock overwhelmed Qiao Wei's original intention of asking the question: "Is it... what happened on the third day of junior high school?"

Ji Mingxiu hummed, "It seems so."

That should... be her. She is the capital city that Chu San left, and it is also the bet that Chu San made with Wu Dajin. She can be sure that before her, no woman has entered the casino in Rhino Town.

But isn't that what the town does? How did it spread to the capital and even to his ears

Qiao Wei put her hair from her temples behind her ears, lowered her eyes and asked softly, "Master Ming is also interested in this kind of thing?"

It doesn't look like such a leisurely person.

Ji Mingxiu touched the corners of his lips lightly: "He came with a friend, he just went to the casino to find someone." It was an explanation of why he appeared in Dafangzhai alone.

Qiao Wei cleared her throat: "Then... your friend may be disappointed."

Realizing something, Ji Mingxiu's eyes flickered: "It couldn't be you, could it?"

Qiao Wei nodded embarrassingly.

Fighting and fighting, gathering people to gamble, well, it's all done.

"Fourth brother! Fourth brother!"

A carriage stopped at the entrance of Dafangzhai, and a man of about eighteen years old jumped down from it. He was dressed in red, wearing a jade crown. The end is suave and suave.

He walked into the lobby of Dafangzhai with strides, and his beautiful eyes flowed: "Fourth brother! Where have you been, fourth brother?"

Qiao Wei looked at the young man in red downstairs, thinking that there are so many handsome men in ancient times, there are those who are as clear as jade, and those who are as beautiful as peaches and plums, it really makes people unable to turn their eyes away.

Ji Mingxiu raised his hand towards the people downstairs.

The red-clothed boy's eyes lit up: "Fourth brother!"

Qiao Wei said: "My son's friend is here, I'll take my leave first."

Wang Shu waved his hand obediently: "Goodbye, Uncle Ming."

Ji Mingxiu nodded slightly: "Goodbye."

Qiao Wei took the child downstairs, and the young man in red happened to go upstairs, and met each other on the way, Qiao Wei nodded politely.

Li Yu didn't know her, and he didn't know her relationship with the fourth brother. From his previous glance, he only saw the fourth brother from his perspective, and didn't see her who was blocked by the fourth brother's figure. Seeing her greet him, he regarded it as a commoner's courtesy to nobles, so he didn't take it to heart.

However, when he saw the two children she was leading, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, such beautiful children!

Where did he meet? Especially the little boy, it seemed so familiar.

Li Yu found his fourth brother on the second floor. Of course Ji Mingxiu is not his own fourth brother, but they both worshiped under the same teacher. He ranks the youngest and is a junior brother. Ji Mingxiu ranks fourth. He couldn't pronounce it, so he changed his name to the fourth brother.

He waved the folding fan in his hand and said, "Fourth brother, it's a good thing you didn't go, I was so mad!"

Ji Mingxiu looked at the back of a family of three disappearing on the street, and smiled speciously: "What? Did you miss it?"

Li Yu said disappointedly: "Isn't it? They said that the woman appeared only once, and she never entered the casino after winning Wu Dajin's bet."

Ji Mingxiu jokingly said, "You want to see her that much? Do you want to worship her as your teacher?"

Li Yu snorted: "Who doesn't know that Master Yu, I am a small gambling tyrant in the capital? I will take a woman as my teacher? I want to see which woman is so courageous to drive away King Yin's minions! What do you say?" Is King Yin already mad with anger at this moment? The Jianghu gang he cultivated so hard was cut off by a woman overnight! Haha, thinking about it makes people happy! No, no, I want to see that girl so much !"

Speaking of this, Li Yu's smile faded away, and she drooped her little ears and said, "You are right, I want to worship her as my teacher."

Ji Mingxiu glanced at him and went downstairs expressionlessly.

Li Yu glared, and chased after him: "Hey, fourth brother, why are you not excited at all? Have you forgotten how that guy treated you five years ago? Sleep! This kind of person should be struck by lightning!"

"Wait." Li Yu paused, and murmured to himself: "I remember who that child looks like."

But it was said that Qiao Wei took the child out of Dafangzhai, her stomach was growling with hunger, and she had only one copper plate left on her body, but she couldn't even afford a steamed bun.

Diagonally opposite was a pawn shop, pawning hairpins could exchange a lot of silver, but she couldn't bear it.

Some things are more important than bread.

"Mother." Wang Shu handed her a small box.

Qiao Wei took the box, looked at it small, but held it heavy in her hand: "What's in it, so heavy?"

Wang Shu said in a milky voice, "Uncle Ming bought you some snacks. Uncle Ming said, we ate all of them, and mother also wants to eat, so that I won't be hungry."

Even thinking about her hunger, Qiao Wei's heart warmed, and she opened the lid, and there were five delicious crab roe cakes inside.

But why is the crab cake so heavy

Qiao Wei blinked suspiciously, took out the inner liner, and found that there was another layer under the box, and there were several white ingots lying impressively.