The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 52: midwife


Prepare for funeral

Qiao Wei suspected that she had heard it wrong. Aunt Luo's daughter-in-law was Cuiyun. She had seen her a few years ago. She had a small belly and a good bosom. Why did she have to prepare for the funeral

Aunt Luo held her back and refused to let her go: "Save her again! She is still angry! She can give birth!"

Aunt Wang forcibly broke off Aunt Luo's fingers: "Do you remember Maisui in your village? Your wife is in the same situation as her!"

Maisui, Aunt Luo remembers, she was the same age as her eldest son, got married seven years ago, and conceived a baby a year later, because her husband was a single heir to three generations, the whole family was very happy, but when the day of delivery came, However, Cornspike could not survive.

Aunt Wang tried her best to "rescue" her for three days, but she still failed to change the bad luck of one dead body and two lives.

Maisui's mother-in-law's family took their anger out on Aunt Wang and beat her so badly that she lay on the bed for three months before getting off the ground.

After that, Aunt Wang didn't dare to take on any work for a long time.

Now that Cuiyun is in the same situation as Maisuier, Aunt Wang doesn't want to pick up this hot potato anymore: "Go to the town and ask a doctor!"

Aunt Luo pleaded: "The year is not over yet, where can I get a doctor? Just show Cuiyun! Whether it succeeds or not, I don't blame you!"

"Speaking is better than singing. Something happened to her. You all have to blame me!" Aunt Wang pushed Aunt Luo away mercilessly. Aunt Luo couldn't stand still and fell backwards. Hold her up.

She sat down on the ground and cried in a daze.

Aunt Wang took the opportunity to slip away!

Luo Yongnian rushed over with a murderous look, and grabbed her by the back of the collar: "If you dare to run, your legs will be broken!"

Luo Yongnian was a bully in the village earlier, and everyone was a little afraid of him. At this time, he looked like he was going to kill someone, which made Aunt Wang even more frightened: "You, you, you... are you being unreasonable? I can't handle it well, so you still force him Shall I take it? I don't mean to ignore her, I really can't help it!"

Luo Yongnian also knew that she hadn't lied, she really had no choice but he was not reconciled, the elder brother and his sister-in-law had such a good relationship and waited another five years for this child, how could he just watch them die

"Yongnian." Qiao Wei led the child out of the carriage.

The children just woke up, still in a daze, leaning against her and yawning.

The appearance of the mother and the child caused the huddled crowd to disperse. Everyone looked at her with fear, fearing that they would have anything to do with her.

Luo Yongnian shook off Aunt Wang, walked up to her, and said sadly, "Sister."

Qiao Wei raised her hand and plucked half a dead leaf from his shoulder: "Take me to see Cuiyun."

Luo Yongnian thought that Qiao Wei was going to see Cuiyun for the last time, so he nodded with sobs: "Come with me."

Luo Yongnian took Qiao Wei back to his home.

Although Cuiyun and Luo Yongzhi built a new house in the village, they would go back to live in Luo's house during the holidays, and Cuiyun was also in Luo's house when the outbreak occurred.

Both Uncle Luo and Luo Yongzhi went to other villages to try their luck. Cuiyun lay weakly on the bed, pale and in pain.

Seeing Qiao Wei coming in, she didn't even have the strength to speak, she could only cry helplessly.

Qiao Wei took the cotton cloth aside, wiped the sweat off her face, and said softly, "Don't be discouraged, I'll show you."

Cuiyun looked at Qiao Wei blankly.

Qiao Wei turned around to lift Cuiyun's quilt, Aunt Liu strode over, blocked Qiao Wei and said, "What do you want to do?"


Aunt Liu smiled sarcastically: "Missing babies? You can also deliver babies? Why didn't you say you can cure diseases! You are a god!"

"She really knows how to heal diseases! I saw it with my own eyes! Last time someone almost died, she was the one who rescued him!" Outside the house, Shuanzi's father's voice suddenly sounded, "Liu Cuihua, ask her to give Cuiyun Look! Come out! Don't make trouble there!"

A gleam of light suddenly flashed across Cuiyun's dull eyes: "You... are you really good at delivering babies?"

Qiao Wei nodded.

When people are drowning, they are always used to grabbing at straws to save their lives. Obviously, Cuiyun grabbed Qiao Wei: "Aunt Liu, go out and let Xiaowei show me."

Aunt Liu glared at her: "You! How could you believe her nonsense? Be careful not to be killed by her!"

After saying that, she rolled Qiao Wei's eyes and went out reluctantly.

Qiao Wei touched Cuiyun's belly, her eyes froze, it turned out to be the breech position!

The breech position is the most common type of abnormal fetal position. It is more common before the 30th week of pregnancy. Most of them can be slowly converted to the head position. There are also a small number of cases that cannot be changed by themselves. Cuiyun belongs to the latter.

Cuiyun still showed her feet first, which is very dangerous, no wonder Aunt Wang ran away in fright.

In ancient times, there was no caesarean section, and aseptic conditions were limited. It was not an easy task to give birth to a breech baby.

But it's not impossible.

"Boiling water, soap soap, clean cotton cloth, scissors, shochu, chicken soup, brown sugar water, steamed buns...the sooner the better."

The chicken soup and brown sugar water are for Cuiyun to replenish her strength, and Qiao Wei eats the steamed buns herself. She is reluctant to eat the snacks given to her by Mingxiu, and she is still hungry at the moment.

Aunt Luo hurriedly brought the things in.

Qiao Wei and Cuiyun each ate some.

A very important step in breech birth is to plug the buttocks, block the baby, and wait for the cervix to fully open before giving birth naturally.

Doing so is not without risk, as a head stuck or a prolapsed umbilical cord can easily cause suffocation.

Fortunately, the conditions in Cuiyun are good, and the little guy is very cooperative, and there is no emergency.

Half an hour later, a loud cry came from the house, like the horn of dawn, which cheered everyone up!

"Mother and child are safe." Qiao Wei said to the door.

Aunt Luo was the first to rush into the house, looking at Cuiyun who was weeping with joy, and then at the little grandson who was held in Qiao Wei's arms, she was so excited that she couldn't speak.

Aunt Wang sentenced her daughter-in-law and grandson to death, but now they are alive! All alive!

Qiao Wei glanced at her, put the tidy child into Cuiyun's arms, turned and left the house.

Aunt Luo chased after her and said in a trembling voice, "Xiaowei!"

Qiao Wei took the child's hand for a while, Jing Yun and Wang Shu stared at Aunt Luo in a daze.

Aunt Luo really wanted to slap herself twice. She was blinded by eating lard, so she did such a thing to Qiao Wei. She recognized her godmother, and Qiao Wei was her child, but because of a momentary fear, she drew a clear line with Qiao Wei.

She is nothing!

It must be that God couldn't bear to see it, so the retribution fell on Cuiyun's head.

If Qiao Wei hadn't saved Cuiyun this time, she might never see Cuiyun and her grandson again!

"Xiaowei... I... I'm confused!" Her teardrops fell down.

Wang Shu asked in a daze: "Grandma, why are you crying? Don't you like little brother?"

Aunt Luo wiped her tears with her sleeve, knelt down and said: "Grandma has done something that I'm sorry to you, and I don't have the face to see you..."

Wang Shu didn't understand, he looked at his mother desperately.

Qiao Wei didn't move.

Jing Yun understood that grandma, like those villains in the village, also avoided her mother.

He resented grandma a little, but...he also missed grandma a little.

Grandma bathed him and his sister, grandma ate with them, and grandma took care of his mother when he was away.

He likes such a grandma.

"Then will you still avoid us in the future?" He asked crisply. If he still hides, he will not forgive her, and he will never like her again.

Aunt Luo tearfully shook her head: "Grandma won't, never again!"