The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 66: test


Eunuch Liu also felt that the village girl sang well, he didn't understand the words very well, and the tune was very strange, but it was clean and ethereal, and the souls of those who listened seemed to be washed.

Having been an eunuch for many years, he didn't dare to sing about anything else. He had seen many divas, and it was not for nothing that she had a better voice than this village girl, but she couldn't sing with such a pure feeling.

Looking at his own prince, he seemed to be attracted by the singing, and was in a daze.

In fact, Eunuch Liu was wrong. It is true that King Yin was attracted by the singing, but he was fascinated not because of the other party's good voice, but because he couldn't believe the fact that he saw in front of him-the daughter of the Enbo Mansion, who was pampered in the past, turned out to be like a peasant woman. Generally working in the fields, it seems that... enjoying it.

"Is it her?" Eunuch Liu asked Wu Dajin beside him in a low voice.

Wu Dajin gritted his teeth: "I recognize her even when she turns into ashes! It's her!"

Eunuch Liu really couldn't connect such a pure and honest person with a cheating murderer, so he asked his master: "Master, do you want a servant to meet her?"

King Yin raised his hand: "Wait first."

Maybe it's just someone with a similar appearance. After all, except for a face that looks like Qiao Wei, there is nothing that matches her name.

Qiao Weiqin, chess, calligraphy, painting, riding, archery, etiquette, and music are proficient in everything, but she doesn't know how to support herself. Be it gambling or martial arts, they are all things that have nothing to do with her. She is like A dodder flower clinging to a vine, beautiful but unable to stand on its own.

Anyone who has seen Qiao Wei will not believe that she can bend her noble waist and work in the fields like a poor peasant she has never looked down upon.

Qiao Wei was turning over the ground, when she suddenly felt someone was watching her, she quickly turned her head to look at the other person, and saw a young man in brocade clothes in blue standing on the ridge of the field. An outrageous air of nobility.

The distance was too far, Qiao Wei couldn't see his facial features clearly, but felt that his eyes were so cold that his forehead was chilled.

It's really strange, how could such a noble person come to this poor country? Still staring at her

Qiao Wei's eyeballs moved, she put down the hoe, quietly clenched the dagger in her wide sleeve, and walked towards the other party.

Seeing her coming, Wu Dajin scrambled and hid behind the tree. Now he is completely afraid of this girl. Seeing her is like seeing a natural enemy. He can't wait to dig a hole and bury himself!

Eunuch Liu glared at Wu Dajin, stepped forward, and protected his master behind him.

Qiao Wei looked at his actions amusedly, and thought to herself, I am a girl, you two big men, who should be afraid of

When she got closer, Qiao Wei could see the man's face clearly. It was indescribably stern, like an icy beauty, every pore seemed to have air-conditioning, but the delicate facial features were picturesque, just like a beautiful woman.

"Did I see you somewhere?" Qiao Wei looked at the man suspiciously.

My master has never been belittled by any woman with such naked eyes, and eunuch Liu was furious immediately: "Bold! How dare you be rude to my master!"

Qiao Wei glared at Eunuch Liu: "Why don't you just take a look? Why are you being rude? You have been looking at me for so long just now, and I haven't blamed you for being dissolute and frivolous!"

"You, who are you scolding for debauchery?" Do you know who the person in front of you is? The current Son of the Holy Majesty, the Seventh Son of the Emperor, King Yin! He sees what's wrong with you? Even if I get you, that's your luck!

Qiao Wei just has the ability to be so angry that people don't pay for her life. She raised her eyebrows and said casually: "Didn't hear you? Are you deaf?"

"You..." Eunuch Liu choked so hard that the corners of his mouth twitched.

King Yin gave him a look, Eunuch Liu obediently stepped aside, King Yin looked at the woman in front of him without blinking: "You said you... have seen me?"

Qiao Wei frowned, thoughtfully: "It looks familiar."

But I should have never seen such a handsome man, who can be remembered for a lifetime just by looking at him, how can he forget it

Prince Yin looked at her steadily, as if he was trying to tell the truth from what she said.

Qiao Wei patted the dust on her hands: "You have been looking at me just now, do you have anything to do with me?"

Eunuch Liu: "We..."

"Passing by, looking for a girl to ask for some water."

King Yin interrupted Eunuch Liu's words, and Eunuch Liu retracted his neck resentfully.

Qiao Wei glanced at the man from head to toe, and raised her chin with a sneer: "My house is from a spring on the mountain, and I can't drink it outside. It's a tael of silver for a bowl, no bargaining."

Eunuch Liu was dumbfounded: "You..."

"Okay." King Yin responded slowly, keeping his eyes on her face, not letting go of any of her expressions.

His eyes were too aggressive, which made Qiao Wei feel uncomfortable. Qiao Wei turned to look at him: "I know I'm pretty, but can you stop staring at me? It will make me misunderstand you I have a plan."

Eunuch Liu almost died of anger, my master is a prince, would he have plans for you, a "mature old lady" who has given birth to a child

Where is the face? !

Qiao Weimiao understood his thoughts, tapped the little dimples on her cheeks, and smiled playfully: "Here it is."

Eunuch Liu almost fell down!

King Yin looked at Qiao Wei's frowns and smiles with complicated expressions.

Qiao Wei carried the hoe and brought the two of them back to the yard. When they passed by the big tree, Wu Dajin hid himself tightly, and he let out a long sigh of relief when the three of them walked away.

His Azure Dragon Gang is gone, his martial arts are useless, and his last sliver of use value has disappeared when he helped the prince find the murderer. If he stays here, he won't be able to get any good fruit, so he should hurry up and slip away!

Qiao Wei led the way, watching the two from the corner of her eye as she walked, and never let go of the dagger in her hand until she entered the yard.

The yard was clean and tidy, as if someone had tidied it up. Miss Qiao couldn't do it herself. She loved cleaning, but others did it all the time. She couldn't even tidy up a closet by herself.

"You cleaned it yourself?" King Yin asked.

Qiao Wei took off the well cover, brought up a bucket of water, poured out half of it and washed her hands: "Otherwise, who else? I'm not like your rich family, who can afford a maid."

Eunuch Liu saw a small stool, wiped it with his sleeve, and said to King Yin, "Master, sit down."

Qiao Wei glanced at the two of them, curled her lips, took out two large porcelain bowls from the kitchen, scooped well water into the bowls: "Here, sweet and refreshing mountain spring water!"

Eunuch Liu looked at the well, then at her, and said in surprise, "This... isn't this the well water?"

Qiao Wei said without changing her face: "I just happened to dig a well, but the water in this well is spring water flowing down from the mountain."

Eunuch Liu held up the orchid and pointed: "Exaggerated words!"

"Would you like to drink it or not? If you don't drink it, you'll lose it!" Qiao Wei said, and she was about to take the water away.

King Yin suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist!

A strong force pierced into Qiao Wei's veins like a needle prick. The tingling sensation spread along her arms to her shoulders and neck, and half of her body went numb instantly!

What a powerful martial arts!

He is more than a hundred times stronger than the man in black last time!

If the other party wants to kill her here, she has no room to fight back!

Cold sweat broke out on Qiao Wei's forehead, her eyes moved, and she said coquettishly, "What are you doing? You hurt me!"