The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 67: Windfall


King Yin took a deep look at her, and there was an indistinguishable meaning in his eyes: "Water."

Is this necessary for drinking water? It was clearly testing him for something!

Qiao Wei returned him with a deep look, and said angrily: "Drink water as long as you drink, what are you dragging me for? Let go!"

King Yin let go, Qiao Wei regained consciousness, and handed him a bowl of water, which he took with one hand.

Eunuch Liu wanted to use silver needles to test whether it was poisonous or not, but his master had already started drinking it.

Eunuch Liu cleared his throat, picked up the water, and drank helplessly.

Sweet and delicious, it is indeed better than the water outside.

King Yin looked at the small clothes on the clothesline: "Do you have children?"

"Two little naughty bastards!" When mentioning the child, a smile appeared on Qiao Wei's face unconsciously.

King Yin lowered his eyes and didn't speak any more.

After the two drank the water, Qiao Wei put away the bowl: "Do you want more? Refills are free."

King Yin frowned slightly, and it took him a while to realize that she meant that the second bowl was free of money. He gave her a strange look, and said calmly, "No need, Liu Quan."

Liu Quan opened his purse and took out the money. He had less than two taels of change, so he had to take out a ten tael ingot.

Qiao Wei weighed the ingot and said without changing expression, "I can't find it."

King Yin stood up: "There is no need to look for it."

Eunuch Liu was shocked: "Master!"

That's ten taels of silver! Do you know how much ten taels of silver is? Enough for an ordinary farmer to eat for two years! We only drank two bowls of water from her! Just paid her two years of settlement expenses! What a loss!

Qiao Wei was so happy that she almost jumped up and down three times, she was so happy, what a windfall!

Holding back her smile, Qiao Wei said solemnly: "Next time you come to my house, you won't be charged, just drink whatever you want! Welcome again!"

On the way down the mountain, Eunuch Liu felt a throbbing pain in his chest. They came to inquire about the whereabouts of Guard Lin, but before the ghost found out, they put up twelve taels of "hard-earned money": "My lord, I see that village girl is very cunning!" No wonder Lin Huwei and Wu Dajin have stumbled in her hands! Why don't we take her back to the palace and force her to tell the whereabouts of Lin Huwei?"

King Yin looked at the village not far away and said, "Guard Lin is dead, but she didn't kill him."

Eunuch Liu was shocked: "Huh?"

Prince Yin was thoughtful: "Just now, this king tested her meridians with internal force, and it turned out that she has no internal force at all. Such a person cannot kill Guard Lin."

Eunuch Liu nodded suddenly, and quickly said: "But you... how can you be sure that Guard Lin is dead?"

King Yin said coldly: "Immortal, he came back long ago, but even if she didn't kill him, he should have something to do with her."

After thinking about it, Eunuch Liu would feel overwhelmed: "That's right, Guard Lin didn't hear from her after abducting her child. The person who wanted to help her rescue the child was the one who killed Guard Lin. The slave just said one thing." Where did the village girl get her extraordinary ability and courage? There is someone behind her."

King Yin felt that this possibility was very high, otherwise, a weak woman would never dare to openly oppose the Jianghu gang.

As for the cause of the confrontation, whether it was her personal reasons or aimed at him, Li Yin, needs to be carefully investigated.

However, compared to these, there is one more thing that makes King Yin more concerned and confused, and that is whether the other party is Qiao Wei from Enbo Mansion.

If yes, why didn't you know him? And why has there been such earth-shaking changes

If not, why do they look so similar? Could it be Qiao Zheng's other daughter left behind in the folk

King Yin ordered Liu Quan: "You send someone to find out where the daughter of the Enbo Mansion who was expelled from the house five years ago is now."

Wasn't that one five years ago Miss Qiao who climbed into the prince's bed and made the prince and the prime minister turn against each other

Why did the prince suddenly think of checking her

Liu Quan responded suspiciously: "Yes, the servant will do it right away."

"Uncle Ming!"

Xiao Wangshu ran over bouncingly, and hugged King Yin's thigh from behind!

She had just finished school and was going to grandma's for dinner, but Xiaobai wanted to pee, so she followed him to protect Xiaobai. She was lucky to see Uncle Ming at the entrance of the village!

I haven't seen Uncle Ming for many days, she thinks so much!

The little guy hugged tightly, his soft body was like a docile kitten.

King Yin didn't push her away immediately, but turned his head and stared blankly at the little glutinous rice dumpling who was acting coquettish and cute at him, a strange and strange feeling came to his heart.

There are many beggars like this in the capital, who hug people's thighs and won't let go. Uncles yell, and don't give up if they don't pay. Eunuch Liu saw how poorly dressed she was, and pulled her away almost without thinking: "Where is the little beggar from? Go away!"

Wang Shu fell to the ground!

It hurts!

Wang Shu's tears came out, and he looked at the other party tearfully. This time, when he saw the front face, he realized that there was no mask on his face.

But he and Uncle Ming look alike, not only in the back, but also in the face.

Is he Uncle Ming

On the other side, Xiao Bai, who had finished urinating, heard Wang Shu's movement, rushed out from the grass with a swish, aimed at the vicious eunuch Liu, and scratched it with his paw!

Eunuch Liu was scratched with three bloodstains, and the blood beads splashed out, he thundered and electric: "Little beast! How dare you scratch me? See how I will deal with you?!"

He kicked it!

Wang Shu hurriedly hugged Xiaobai into his arms.

King Yin has the ability to stop all this, but he didn't do it.

Seeing that Eunuch Liu's foot was about to kick Wang Shu's body, a stone flew from behind the tree and hit Eunuch Liu on the forehead!

Eunuch Liu groaned and fell to the ground!

King Yin looked at Eunuch Liu who was writhing in pain, and then at the old locust tree not far away. Behind the tree, a small shadow was cast on the ground.

He looked at Wang Shu again, the warmth in Wang Shu's eyes had been replaced by fear, his big eyes looked at him vigilantly.

He said: "I..."

"You are not Uncle Ming! Uncle Ming will not let people bully Wang Shu, nor Xiaobai! You are a bad person!"

After Wang Shu finished speaking in disappointment, he wiped away the tears on his face, got up, hugged Xiaobaitou and ran away without looking back.