The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 7: First lesson


Since Qiao Wei got the money, she started to count the money at home every day, and she already knows how to count. It turns out that the silver in this dynasty has specifications, ranging from one tael to ten taels, and broken silver is generally not circulated in the market. In the past, when reading novels, the girl took out twenty taels of ingots from her bosom without moving. Only after experiencing it herself did she realize that not to mention twenty taels, even ten taels was weird.

A modern tael is equal to 50 grams, but a tael in this dynasty is only about 37 grams, and ten taels of silver is 370 grams, which is slightly closer to a catty. It is actually a bit heavy. Twenty taels can be used as a brick. She really couldn't imagine the picture of a woman pulling out a brick from her arms...

Therefore, it is a wise choice not to set ingots of more than ten taels in this dynasty. Of course, this is for commercial use, and it is different for official use. I heard from Xu Dazhuang that the largest ingot can be fifty taels.

Fifty taels of ingot...

Just thinking about it, Qiao Wei sucked in her saliva.

After counting the money, Qiao Wei opened the "ledger" contentedly. Ancient brushes and inks were expensive, and the original owner did not have them, so she split wood chips to use as paper, and chipped charcoal to use as brushes. The wood chips are densely recorded with the things she needs to buy: food, winter clothes, quilts, beds, knives, bows and arrows, creams, menstrual belt... It is best to buy some more rammed earth and reorganize the house. She slept last night, Staring at the cracks on the wall, my heart trembled, fearing that if the wind and rain hit, the wall would collapse.

Speaking of the wind and rain, the roof should also be renovated. The snow has been melting for the past few days, and it is leaking.

In this way, funds are tight again.

Qiao Wei took a breath, saving money, saving money! See which item is not in a hurry, and get rid of it first.

Qiao Wei picked up the charcoal pencil, swung around the list three or four times, and finally gritted her teeth and scratched off the cream.

After confirming the purchase plan, Qiao Wei decided to leave for the town immediately. As soon as she put away the money, Er Gouzi from the village hurried in: "Jing Yunniang, go and have a look, Jing Yun Got into a fight with someone!"

Er Gouzi is ten years old this year, and he is one of the few people in the village who can play with his son. In the past, if a little guy bullied his son, Er Gouzi would stop him. Right now, Er Gouzi is coming up the mountain himself. It seems that Er Gouzi can't handle the person who fights with his son. Two dogs can't handle it, how can her four-year-old son do it

Qiao Wei hurried down the mountain, and as soon as she entered the village, she saw a woman in a purple floral jacket chasing Qiao Jingyun with a stick in the open space in front of Er Gouzi's house. Time is up!

Is this a fucking fight? How can such a big person chase and beat a four-year-old child? ! Do you want to lose face? ! Do you want it? !

Qiao Wei was furious, and ran towards the woman coldly, she had already recognized who that person was, it was Aunt Liu who slandered her son for stealing chickens last time. Looking at Aunt Luo's face last time, she let Aunt Liu go. She thought that Aunt Liu would be more sensible and would not trouble her family anymore. Who would have expected that she would be so "capable"!

Well, well, well, while she was not around, she dared to be cruel to her son. If she didn't give her a long memory, her surname would not be Qiao!

Just when Aunt Liu was about to hit Qiao Jingyun with a stick, Qiao Wei grabbed Aunt Liu's wrist.

She doesn't slap women in the face, never.

But there are ways in the world that are more effective than slapping the face.

Qiao Wei narrowed her eyes coldly, and fell Aunt Liu to the ground with an over-the-shoulder fall

Aunt Liu didn't realize what was going on at all, so she fell firmly, and she fell with gold stars in her eyes.

Seeing his mother coming, Xiao Baozi ran to her. She hugged the children into her arms, stroked the back of their heads and said, "Are you hurt? Is there any pain? Where did she hit you?"

Qiao Jingyun didn't speak.

Qiao Wangshu hugged Xiaobai Tuanzi and said, "She hit my brother."

Qiao Wei hurriedly let go of the two, and held her son's face in her hands: "Where did you hit you?"

Qiao Jingyun's small face flushed a little, "Nowhere, it doesn't hurt."

"Nonsense, it obviously hurts, I think she kicked your ass." Qiao Wangshu said distressedly.

Oh shit! And kick her son's ass? !

Qiao Wei walked over. Aunt Liu just got up from the ground, and her head was still dizzy. Seeing Qiao Wei approaching fiercely, she was terrified: "The surname is Qiao! What are you doing?"

Qiao Wei said coldly: "What am I doing? I should ask you this. You are too old to bully a four-year-old child. Are you ashamed?"

"I'm shameless? Huh!" Aunt Liu, who was already at a disadvantage, straightened up suddenly after hearing this, "Why don't you ask what your precious son did to my son? Tie Niu! Come here!"

Seven-year-old Tie Niu walked over with a runny nose and red eyes, as if he had cried. Aunt Liu flicked his neck: "Did you see that? Your son did it all! Your son let the dog bite Tieniu like this, what's the matter if I teach you a lesson?"

Qiao Wei saw the three ferocious scratches at a glance, and knew who did it without saying anything. Those things had nothing to do with dogs. Qiao Wei glared at Xiaobai Tuanzi in Qiao Wangshu's arms, and Xiaobai Tuanzi hugged Qiao Wangshu's neck timidly.

Qiao Wei squinted her eyes, and asked her son, "Jing Yun, what's going on? You let him bite the iron bull?"

Qiao Jingyun lowered his head.

Qiao Wangshu became anxious: "No mother, it was Tieniu who bullied brother and asked many people to beat him, so Xiaobai went to help brother."

Qiao Wei's cold eyes fell on Tieniu: "Tieniu, is that so?"

Tieniu trembled from the cold gaze, and threw himself into Aunt Liu's arms. Aunt Liu yelled, "What are you doing to my son? Are you justified when your son hurt someone? A broken shoe from outside, we didn't kindly take you in, you don't know where you died! You didn't repay your favor, you took revenge! It's not a thing !"

Qiao Wei scolded: "I'm not a thing, you are? What are you messing with when the children are fighting and fighting? A seven-year-old can't beat a four-year-old, and he still finds people to beat him up. It's really embarrassing!"

Aunt Liu was also so blocked that she couldn't speak, and pinched her son: "Useless things!"

Tieniu was pinched in pain, and cried out loudly: "He did it first! He did it first! As soon as he came up, he bit me like hell! I only ordered someone to beat him when I was in so much pain!"

Qiao Wei turned her head and asked her son, "You did it first?"

Qiao Jingyun bit her lip and nodded.

Qiao Wei said: "Why do you do it? Mother believes that you are not the kind of person who causes trouble, so you give mother a reason to do it."

Qiao Jingyun clenched his fists and remained silent.