The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 700: Episode 99 The little bun is here


Tianyuan, one hundred thousand and ninety-eight years, in the early winter, the sky fell with auspicious snow.

A hundred years have passed since the disaster between the Demon Race and the God Race. This is the first snow of this year. From the God Realm, all the way down to the Demon Realm, even the underworld, which has never had four seasons, is covered with heavy snow.

Ever since the Bikong Mirror was sealed, it has been placed in the place where the fairy spirit is the strongest in the fairy world, and it is guarded by Master Qingshui himself.

Today is an auspicious day in the fairy world, the elder Xianzun celebrated his birthday, all the gods came to congratulate him, even Qian Lanzong came.

It is worth mentioning that after the passage to the God Realm was opened, many immortals ascended to the God Realm, and occasionally gods went to the Three Realms of Immortals, Demons, and Humans. After being repaired by a god king, there are many more powerful monks in the world. Sovereign Xu, Venerable Lei and the Great Protector all ascended to the fairy world ten years ago.

Now the suzerain of Qian Lanzong is Lu Yuanzhen, the former three protectors.

Ganoderma lucidum has entered the Mahayana realm, and it is only one step away from ascension, and this time it is also in the ranks of invitations.

Before dawn, Ganoderma lucidum packed up and was ready to leave for the fairyland.

When passing by the new disciple peak, she paused and walked up.

In the New Disciple Academy, the disciples who have just entered the sect are undergoing their first month's assessment.

Deacon Liu has become a Dharma protector, Yu Jie has taken over the new disciple academy, the young master Rong, now the eldest son Rong, has become the number one spiritual chef of the Qianlan sect, he came here specially to find a few new disciples with "potential", In the future, I can follow him to make the kitchen bigger.

"Semi-spiritual root!" A big disciple looked at the words on the test stone and said Qisheng.

The half-spiritual root disciple retreated in disgrace. After coming for a month, the full-spiritual root degenerated into a half-spiritual root. It seemed that he was going to pack up and leave.

"Next!" said the eldest disciple.

A twelve or thirteen-year-old female disciple came up nervously and put her plain white hand on the test stone, only to see that the stone emitted a blue aura.

Everyone was amazed.

The eldest disciple said happily: "Shui Linggen, top grade!"

"My God, how long has she been here? She is already a high-grade spiritual root, and the speed of her cultivation is even stronger than that of Venerable Spirit back then! She is indeed a genius disciple of this year, no wonder she was accepted as a personal disciple by the Lu sect master! "

"Who said it wasn't?"

"I heard that he came from the countryside. He almost starved to death while begging on the way. Fortunately, Deacon Yu met him."

"The Venerable Ling was also from the countryside back then."

The new disciples started discussing enviously.

Ganoderma lucidum glanced at the little girl in relief. The thin and slender figure of the little girl seemed to be a little empty in clothes. After she stepped off the test platform, she was so excited that she staggered a little. She sat on the steps beside her and took the He drew out a peace talisman, and wiped away his tears while crying and laughing.

Ganoderma lucidum's eyes fell on the open space beside her, and vaguely, she seemed to see four-year-old Qiao Weiwei sitting there, quietly licking candied haws.

"Ganoderma lucidum, eat."

"I don't eat, you eat."


Ganoderma lucidum's throat suddenly felt a little swollen.

"Heh, what's so proud of the water spirit root? Are you still trying to compare it with the venerable spirit? Don't you know that the venerable spirit is the only chaotic spiritual root in the six realms?"

A female disciple in a goose-yellow shirt walked over arrogantly.

She is also a new disciple. Her father is the immortal of Lei Lingen, and her mother is a mortal. She was born with half of Lei Lingen. Accepted as a personal disciple.

She walked up to the little girl unhurriedly, and looked down at her: "Have you memorized all the mental methods taught by the master? Have you read all the books given by the senior sisters? Have you finished practicing all the big characters?"

The little girl shook her head in fear.

She held her arms in her arms, and snorted disdainfully: "Then you are still here to be idle and happy? Do you really think that you can be complacent with a little talent? You don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the girl!"

The little girl stood up grievously, and was about to go back to her room to study, but when she saw the Ganoderma lucidum in front of her, she was so frightened that she leaned down: "Master Ling!"

The Leilingen girl heard her address, turned around quickly, glanced at Lingzhi in shock, and saluted, "Master Ling."

Who doesn't know that Venerable Ling has the strictest temper, so he made things difficult for his junior sister, so he would be punished by Venerable Ling.

However, to everyone's surprise, Venerable Ling didn't say a word, just nodded lightly, then turned and left.

The Leilingen girl's legs were limp, she patted her heart, panting heavily: "I'm scared to death, I'm scared to death..."

Ganoderma lucidum is far away, and the lavender figure gradually steps into the halo, ethereal and dusty, so beautiful.

Everyone stared blankly, with an indescribable envy flashing in their eyes.

I don't know if it's envy of her appearance that surpassed the Nine Layers Fairy, or her talent comparable to the gods.

In just a hundred years, he was about to aspire to the title of Supreme Immortal. With this level of strength, he might not be able to find a second one among the six realms.

Yu Jie's gaze has not moved away from Ganoderma lucidum since she appeared, his handsome face is full of intriguing complexity.

"Mother!" A small bun carved in pink and jade poked out a round head from behind the rockery.

Ganoderma lucidum's cold face was dyed a warm color at this moment, she stretched out her hand, bent down and hugged the little thing into her arms.

But the little thing twisted his body and slid down: "I've grown up, I can't let my mother hug me anymore, I'll be ashamed!"

Ling Zhi pinched his little nose, said with a smile: "Okay, Mu'er has grown up, don't want to be a mother."

Xiao Mu'er said with a serious face: "I want everything! I want everything when I grow up! I like mother the most!"

Lingzhi smiled gratifiedly.

Mother and son held hands, Ganoderma lucidum walked quietly and gracefully, while Xiao Muer jumped up and down, humming a little tune, and happily went down the mountain.

A group of disciples looked at the mother and son who were so outstanding in appearance, and felt that the beauty of Qian Lanzong was overshadowed.

"Whose flesh and blood is it?"

"I don't know, but, I heard that the day Xiao Mu'er was born, the sky in Central Territory almost collapsed. The laws of Central Territory can't tolerate him. He might not be a fairy bone!"

"Born to be a fairy?"

Xiao Mu'er muttered to herself, what kind of fairy? How could he be born a fairy? He is clearly a god!

But his mother wouldn't let him reveal his real body.

Xiao Muer thought a little depressed.

The mother and son sat in the teleportation array and arrived at the fairy palace in a short while.

Today's Immortal Palace is really beautiful and bustling. Reputable monks from all walks of life have arrived, and the demons have also received invitations. However, Lord Mozun has not yet shown up. It is said that she has been looking for a way to unlock the seal. Everyone in the demon clan was mobilized, even Qin Xuan's "fat-headed fish", the Priestess Priestess, was enslaved by her to search for a way to lift the seal.

Ganoderma lucidum entered the gate of the Fairy Palace, and the melodious music of silk and bamboo pipes rushed towards her face. Xiao Mu'er's eyes lit up, looking at a few little fairies playing near the music shed, she jumped up excitedly: "Mother Mother, I'm going!"

Lingzhi let go of his hand, stroked his forehead: "Go."

Xiao Mu'er left in no time!

He is the body of a god, and he can't play with ordinary people. He is always afraid that if he is not careful, his life will be lost in the game. It's better to be a little fairy boy, and he will fall! Take a beating!

The screams of the little fairies soon resounded in the music shed.

Lingzhi shook her head, and was about to catch her son back, but just as she turned around, a stalwart figure blocked her way.

A hundred years may be an extremely long time for mortals, but in the eyes of a god, it is just a flick of a finger.

There is no change in Yun Ye's appearance, he is still young and handsome, in a prosperous age.

Ganoderma lucidum has lost the youthfulness of the little daughter's family, and has a bit of maternal tenderness and elegance.

Yun Ye looked at her fixedly.

But she didn't want to talk to Yun Ye.

She turned to the left, and Yun Ye also turned to the left.

She turned to the right, and Yun Ye also turned to the right.

She raised her head and gave Yun Ye a faint glance: "What's the matter, Lord Shenjun?"

Yun Ye opened his thin lips lightly and said, "Where's my son?"

Lingzhi sneered: "What is your son?"

Yun Ye said: "Don't pretend to be garlic for me."

Ganoderma lucidum smiled and said: "At the beginning you watched me drink the Bizitang with your own eyes, how could I give birth to your son?"

Yun Ye turned his head, his intriguing eyes fell on Xiao Mu'er's handsome face sculpted in pink and jade.

Lingzhi smiled lightly: "Don't look at it, it's not yours."

Yun Ye squinted his eyes: "If it's not my lord's, who could it be?"

"Then I won't do your business." Ling Zhi glanced at him with a sneer, ignored him, turned around and went to the music tent, took his son's hand and left.

Yun Ye was so angry that his teeth itch!

He clearly looks the same as him! How dare you say it's not his son? !

This woman's courage is really getting bigger and bigger!