The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 76: Gold list title (modified the ending)


Qiao Wei brought a lot of good things from the capital, and what she gave to Aunt Luo was a jar of rice wine. Aunt Luo's father had contracted a fish pond in the early years, when she was a little girl, she often helped her father to do things in the fish pond, and she was tired at night She also sleeps in a small shed by the fish pond. Over the years, her body has dampness. Afterwards, she found a doctor to cure the dampness. Somehow, she suffered from cold hands and feet. The doctor suggested that she drink some rice wine to drive away the cold and activate blood circulation. As she drank and drank, she never thought that she became addicted to alcohol, and would drink a small glass with every meal.

Uncle Luo doesn't drink alcohol, he drinks tea. Last time Brother Zhao sent tea, she used the black tea to make preserved eggs, and sent all the green tea to Uncle Luo. This time she bought two boxes of Longjing from the capital.

Longjing was also given to Luo Yongzhi. He followed his father and loved to drink tea.

Cuiyun’s is a box of cream. Cuiyun is actually very beautiful, with regular features, thick eyebrows and big eyes. She has been exposed to the sun all year round, and her skin is a little rough and dark. The last time Qiao Wei saw her, her arms were sunburned, which made her feel distressed. of.

The last one is for my little nephew, four sets of soft cotton clothes, two for now and two for hot weather.

Aunt Luo looked at the kang full of things, and didn't know what to say: "Oh, you... this is too much, you said your money didn't fall from the sky, what are you buying?"

Qiao Wei knew that Mrs. Luo was not being polite to herself, but was really heartbroken that she had spent too much money. She smiled and said, "I don't buy it every day. It's rare to come to Beijing once. I don't know when the next time will be. Of course you have to bring something good!"

"Where's Jing Yun and Wang Shu's?" Aunt Luo remembered the two little buns.

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "They bought it too."

When she buys things, she must first think about the pair of little buns, and she will not give away good things for the sake of face, but make her own children greedy.

Aunt Luo originally recognized Xiaowei as her goddaughter, but she just saw that their orphans and widows are pitiful, helpless, have no serious income, and are always bullied by Aunt Liu and his gang. She never thought that one day she would become like this Capable, where is she taking care of her now? It is clear that she is subsidizing herself.

"By the way, where did you live last night?"

"At my uncle Ming's house!"

A crisp and crisp sound came from the main room.

The corner of Qiao Wei's mouth twitched, this is a video of a girl in the corner!

"Uncle Ming?" Aunt Luo looked at Qiao Wei meaningfully, "I knew you had something to hide from me! Look at your proud appearance when you first entered the room, you really thought you were hiding well!"

Qiao Wei said solemnly: "I don't, godmother, that's a friend. I happened to meet him this time, so I lived with him."

"What kind of friend?" Aunt Luo didn't believe it. They lived together because they were not relatives or friends. This relationship, tsk, she didn't believe it unless it was right.

Qiao Wei hurriedly explained: "Godmother, don't think about it, we don't live together, he doesn't live, it's just us, Yongnian is here, you can ask Yongnian later to see if he stayed overnight. "

Aunt Luo scolded her: "When you get nervous, you talk too much."

Qiao Wei shut her mouth tightly.

Aunt Luo said, "I haven't told you how you met?"

Qiao Wei took a sip of cold water: "Do you still remember when we first set up a street stall in the town and encountered three bullies?"

Aunt Luo nodded: "I remember, what's the matter? He sent it?"

"Godmother, what are you thinking?" Qiao Wei was amused by Aunt Luo's brain circuit, "Didn't the coachman kidnap Wang Shu back then? He was rescued by a teenage hero, and that hero was Mr. Ming men."

"You...are you talking about the cattle driver?" Aunt Luo was sitting in the carriage with Jing Yun in her arms. Although she didn't witness the rescue of Wang Shu with her own eyes, she saw a man wearing a bamboo hat driving a bullock cart passing by. A young man in black clothes was sitting in the car. Afterwards, of course she knew that the two were Wang Shu's saviors, but she didn't expect them to know Xiao Wei.

As if knowing what she was thinking, Qiao Wei added: "That was also the first time we met, and later, we bumped into each other a few times by accident."

Qiao Wei didn't say what the specific method was, and Aunt Luo didn't break the casserole to ask the end. Aunt Luo was more concerned about whether they were alone or not: "This is also fate, he has a family ?”

Qiao Wei pursed her lips: "Well, we're engaged."

"Sigh." Aunt Luo sighed, "This is the end of the story."

"If there is no play, there will be no play." Qiao Wei said lightly.

The crying of the baby came from the main room, Aunt Luo went out to have a look, Cuiyun came out of her and Luo Yongzhi's room in a panic, buttoned her chest buttons as she walked, and hugged the baby with a blushing face: "Come on, come on!" gone."

I took her back to the house and went to breastfeed.

"Don't make trouble, the child is eating!" It was her scolding voice, soft and coquettish.

Jing Yun and Wang Shu lost their little brother to play, so they took out the glazed beads given by Uncle Ming and played on the ground.

"Don't run around." Aunt Luo told the two of them, and they agreed, Aunt Luo went back to the back room and continued to talk to Qiao Wei, "Xiaowei, you are so young, you can't If you live like this for the rest of your life, you have to find another man.”

She also wants to find a man, but what should she do if she can't find a suitable one? She didn't want to marry for the sake of marriage, but if she had the slightest thought of this, she would have been married in her previous life.

"I didn't tell you. In fact, someone asked me about you." Aunt Luo said.

"Who is it?" Qiao Wei asked.

Aunt Luo smiled: "You know Xu Dazhuang."

Qiao Wei was surprised: "Brother Zhuang? Isn't it? I haven't seen him for a long time. When did he ask me?"

Aunt Luo didn't care much and said: "It's not that you let him have a meal, so he thinks you two are right?"

Qiao Wei is speechless, this is... too bloody, isn't it

She invited him to dinner just because it happened to be a meal, and she had already prepared the meal. He helped her bring the money for selling tigers, and she was polite. Just like that, it could be regarded as that she fell in love with him, and he also fell in love with him. lost her

Thinking of something, Qiao Wei frowned: "Aunt Liu told me that I slept with him, do you also know that he inquired about me?"

"That's not true. Aunt Liu's mouth can be black and white. She likes to make trouble. Da Zhuang only mentioned it to me. I know you don't mean that, so I rejected him." Aunt Luo looked at Qiao Wei glanced, "You don't blame me for not telling you, do you?"

Qiao Wei hurriedly said: "No, no, don't worry."

Aunt Luo thought about it carefully: "Shuisheng from our village also asked you. I thought he was lazy, so I just gave it back; Lame Yang from the next village asked you, and Zhang Aniu..."

After reporting more than a dozen names in one breath, Qiao Wei was dumbfounded.

How dare so many people miss a little widow

Aunt Luo snorted: "They don't even think about what they are like, how can they be worthy of you?"

Probably because she thinks that she is a widow and not easy to marry, so anyone who is willing to marry him is his own blessing, straight male cancer!

It is worth mentioning that Aunt Luo has a different thinking from most feudal women. She does not think that Qiao Wei should just find a man to make up for her when she has a child. In her eyes, Qiao Wei is beautiful, sensible, capable, Filial piety is better than any girl in the village. It is a real blessing for a man to marry such a woman.

She looked at Qiao Wei and said with a smile, "Xiao Wei, I'll go to the town to find a matchmaker. There should be quite a few men in the town with good conditions."

Blind marriage and dumb marriage are similar to modern photo deception. What a person looks like and how good his character is depends on the matchmaker's mouth that is comparable to PS.

Qiao Wei shook her head: "It's better to say goodbye to the godmother. Marriage can't be forced. Isn't there a saying-"Sometimes in fate, there must be something eventually, and there is always time in fate, don't force it"?"

Aunt Luo glared at her: "What bastard talk? Why are you gone?"

Qiao Wei laughed dryly, "I'm just making an analogy."

Aunt Luo still wanted to show love and reason to Qiao Wei, but on the other end, Aunt Zhao came.

Qiao Wei heaved a long sigh of relief, and if she was "forced to marry", she would probably avoid Aunt Luo just like Mr. Ming avoided his sister.

Aunt Zhao came to ask about Ah Sheng's exam situation: "...that kid didn't say anything when asked. I'm worried whether he didn't do well in the exam."

Qiao Wei felt that Ah Sheng was not very interested in taking the prodigy exam. When he went, Wang Shu and Jing Yun were very excited, but he looked preoccupied. After the exam, he didn't say a word about the exam. Strength, seeing Shu is so excited, it's like a chicken blood, didn't he just send it out after passing the level? Ah Sheng passed the third subject, which can be included in the total score, and the first two written tests are his strengths—

"He took the exam seriously, Aunt Zhao can rest assured and wait for the results to be announced." Qiao Wei said.

Aunt Zhao asked, "Did he say anything about how he did in the exam?"

Qiao Wei said: "No."

It's true, of course she didn't ask. It's not that she didn't care about A Sheng, but she didn't even ask about Jing Yun and Wang Shu. For the exam, just ask before the exam. After the exam, ask how taller you can be. Inseparable

Do your best, obey the destiny, that's all.

Aunt Zhao rubbed the corner of her clothes distressedly: "This child is not worry-free at all!"

Aunt Luo comforted her and said: "Don't worry, Ah Sheng is so good, he will definitely be on the list! He and the adults have passed the exam, and a group of children, isn't that a piece of cake?"

"That's the reason!" Aunt Zhao felt much more at ease, she got up to leave, and Qiao Wei also took the opportunity to escape, otherwise she would be "forced to marry" again.

Qiao Wei was carrying big bags and small bags, and the children were holding a bag in each hand. Even Xiao Bai was carrying a box of pineapple cakes. He walked up the mountain in a "mighty way". When passing by Aunt Liu's door, Aunt Liu was caught I see, Aunt Liu is so jealous, she can't wait to snatch what they have in their hands!

Speaking of robbing, Aunt Liu remembered the land in the East Village, which Qiao Wei had snatched from her. She became more and more uncomfortable, and decided to go to the village head's house to cry and bring the land back!

Anyway, the land has been plowed and fertilized, so if you want to come back, just plant something in it!

Save trouble!

As soon as she said it, Aunt Liu closed the door immediately and went to the village chief's house. When passing by the village entrance, she was stopped by a rich woman in her forties.

"Excuse me, are you from this village?" the other party asked.

Aunt Liu looked her up and down, she was dressed in gold and silver, very decent, she should be from the city, she said politely: "I am, you are not from our village, right? What's the matter?"

Looking at her eyes, Mama Wang knew that she was easy to be baited. She smiled politely and said, "This eldest sister is really kind, and I want to ask her about someone." Silver nude, hand it to Aunt Liu.

How long has it been since Aunt Liu has seen Yin Zi? His eyes lit up immediately, he took the money with both hands, and said obsequiously: "Who do you want to ask? There is no one in the whole village that I don't know!"

Mother Wang said: "My daughter-in-law got separated a few years ago, I want to ask if you have seen her."

"How is your daughter-in-law?" Aunt Liu asked.

Ms. Wang compared her height with her hands: "It's about this tall. She's thin and pretty. She has dimples when she smiles."

Small dimple? Doesn't that mean Little Joe

Aunt Liu said: "We have a woman here who is similar to what you said, with two children, twins."

Mama Wang's eyes flickered: "Then... maybe she was pregnant when she left? When did she come to your village?"

Aunt Liu recalled: "About... two years ago."

The eldest lady was kicked out of the house five years ago, so could it be said that the other party is not the eldest lady? Or, the eldest lady has lived outside for three years and only moved here in the last two years

"Is your daughter-in-law's surname Qiao?" Aunt Liu asked Mum Wang.

Mama Wang nodded: "Yes."

Aunt Liu shook her handkerchief: "That's her! She and her children live on the mountain! I'll take you to find them!"

Ms. Wang took Aunt Liu's hand and said meaningfully: "Wait, don't worry, I haven't seen her for several years, I have to find out some things, right?"

Aunt Liu quickly understood the foreign language of her words, smiled and gave a look that I understood, and then, looked at Mama Wang's purse, Mama Wang generously gave her a silver coin, and she accepted it with a smile: "ask Let's go! I will say what you ask! Absolutely no ambiguity!"

Ms. Wang asked her about the situation of the eldest lady, but found that she did not get any useful information. For example, the other party didn't even know the name of the eldest lady, only her surname was Qiao. As for her hometown, who was in the family, and why Living here, she doesn't know who the father of the child is. The only thing she can be sure of is that the eldest lady's man is dead, and he died before entering the village.

Ms. Wang thought, the eldest lady must be married, otherwise where would the child come from? She doesn't think that the eldest lady has the courage to conceive without marriage.

Afterwards, Ms. Wang asked some questions about her personality and mannerisms, and the more she listened, the more surprised she became—killing tigers, working in the fields, doing business in the streets, fighting with people, feuding with gangs, and hooking up with men everywhere...

Aunt Liu never had good words to say, and she hated Qiao Wei so much, so she naturally added more oil and vinegar.

Thanks to her embellishment, Mama Wang couldn't believe that the other party was her eldest lady, but suspected that she was just someone who looked exactly like the eldest lady.

"Is what you said true?" She asked seriously.

Aunt Liu patted her chest and said, "Go to the village and inquire about me, Liu Cuihua, to see if I am the most honest person in all the villages! I never tell lies!"

If what the village woman said was true, then the other party must not be her eldest lady, but what if her words were filled with water

After some weighing, Ms. Wang decided to follow what his wife said and stay to investigate thoroughly.

Tossing and tossing in the capital for two days delayed a lot of business. Boss Rong estimated that it would blow up. The next day, Qiao Wei got up in less than four o'clock and made a hundred red date yam cakes and a hundred walnut cakes.

The sound of hissing and frying in the oil pan is very clear in the mountains in the early morning. The birds are chirping and chirping, and a new day has begun.

Qiao Wei no longer used baskets to carry snacks, but bought a few large multi-layer food boxes. The beauty of this food box is that there are hooks on each layer. If you want to pack as many layers as you want, 20 per layer , Two five-layer large food boxes are enough.

Everything was ready, the genius was bright, she entered the room, and saw the sweetness of the two children, the thin morning light shining on the faces of the two through the window paper, that kind of quiet and peaceful feeling made people feel warm unconsciously.

She kissed the foreheads of the two little guys and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

She found that children prefer things with a bit of soup, such as mutton vermicelli soup, mutton steamed buns, and soup dumplings. The family has not bought vegetables for two days, and there is no fresh meat. There are only preserved eggs and bacon. She cut some ginger He boiled a pot of bacon porridge with preserved eggs and green vegetables, and baked two thin and crispy fennel and sesame cakes. When he returned to the room, Jing Yun was already up and was sitting on the bedside wearing his pants, most of his buttocks were exposed , Seeing my mother come in, I was so "scared" that I got under the quilt!

Qiao Wei couldn't help laughing, she was only a few years old, and she knew she was shy, didn't she read anything in the shower

Qiao Wei walked over, uncovered the quilt, put on his pants, and he blushed awkwardly and ran out to pee, very happy!

After breakfast, Qiao Wei sent the two children to the old scholar's house, then took the food box and got into Father Shuanzi's carriage and went to the town.

The day before entering Beijing, Qiao Wei asked for leave. Counting the 26th and 27th days, she hadn't delivered dim sum and preserved eggs to Rongji for three whole days. Boss Rong was indeed about to explode, pacing up and down in front of the counter , finally saw Shuanzi's father's carriage, and flew over in one stride!

"Little Joe!"

Gein and Gein are basically familiar with each other, and they are also much closer in terms of address.

Qiao Wei's heart trembled violently at the howl, and she almost dropped the food box in her hand.

Boss Rong opened the curtain in a hurry, looked at the two big food boxes she was carrying, and excitedly said, "I'll come, I'll come, I'll come!"

After that, he reached out and took the two food boxes.

But the food box was too heavy, he couldn't lift it at all, and after taking a step, his face turned pale.

"Let me do it." Qiao Wei took the food box in her hand and walked into the lobby with ease.

Boss Rong: "..."

Qiao Wei gave the dim sum to Xiao Liu, who took it to the kitchen and put it on a plate.

Boss Rong followed and said with a little dissatisfaction: "Where's my egg? You haven't delivered it for several days. Do you know if the customer urged you?"

A preserved egg sells for two hundred yuan, and it can really be sold to the point of being urged by customers. I have to say that Boss Rong does have two brushes.

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "I made some bacon porridge with preserved eggs and bacon this morning, and found that the eggs are not completely ready yet."

The truth is, the good jar was given to Chen Dadao yesterday, and this morning I made a few of them in bulk for my own consumption, and the next batch will not come out until the next day or so.

Boss Rong curled his lips: "It's no good if you smile! You must be lying to me again!"

Qiao Wei laughed out loud. This time, she was really amused by him: "I promise you, I will pay you two hundred before the 3rd!"

"It's about the same!" Boss Rong finally felt less unhappy, and invited Qiao Wei to his account room for tea, "By the way, you two are going to take the child prodigy exam. How are you doing?"

"I tried my best in the exam. How about the results, I have to wait for the results to be announced at the beginning of the month."

"You're still young, don't worry." Boss Rong comforted him. In his opinion, a five-year-old child was simply too busy to participate in that thing. His child is seven or eight years old and still refuses to go to a private school. Playing wildly in the backyard all day.

Qiao Wei smiled.

Boss Rong opened the drawer, took out a key, opened the cabinet door, took out an account book and a brocade box from inside, handed the account book to Qiao Wei and said, "This is the account book for this month, please have a look at it."

Qiao Wei is good at reading the account book, Qiao Wei took it, and at a glance she knew it was a hidden account, not an open (false) account that was placed outside for the government to check. She only looked at her own part in a very ethical manner: "Sell it Not bad, Boss Rong."

Boss Rong proudly said: "That's right, I don't want to see who sold it!" Pushing the brocade box to Qiao Wei, "Here, fifteen taels of dim sum, seventeen taels of preserved egg, twenty-two taels of five hundred Wen. "

Seeing the gold, Qiao Wei's eyes turned green.

For dim sum, Qiao Wei gets 70% of the total sales, and preserved eggs get 70% of the sales after deducting the guaranteed reserve price of 100 Wen each. The price, but it shouldn't be so much as a dozen taels of gold!

Thinking of something, Qiao Wei looked at him suspiciously: "You can't..."

You really killed the daughter of the Enbo Mansion, right

And slaughtered so hard!

Kill everyone's gold!

Boss Rong took a sip of tea leisurely, and said in a tone of voice: "That's right, I slaughtered that big fat sheep of yours! I didn't mean you, Xiao Qiao, you have to live with Boss Rong for your ability to butcher people." Learn!"


If three of you are together, there must be my teacher. She really can't tolerate the boss's tricks, and she will definitely ask for advice with humility in the future!

Earning the first pot of gold in ancient times, the real gold, Qiao Wei was in an indescribably good mood, holding the brocade box and giggling on the carriage, laughing so hard that Shuanzi's father was frightened, afraid that something happened to the child, Stupid to stimulate.

One tael of gold is equal to ten taels of silver, plus the previous guarantee money, she earned more than two hundred taels this month, which is the most she has earned in a month since she traveled here! It's hard to imagine that when I first came here, I couldn't even afford a box of 100 Wen cream, but now, I can almost buy half a box of cream!

Qiao Wei asked Father Shuanzi to drive the carriage to the bazaar. She bought two large baskets of duck eggs. The duck eggs retailed for two yuan each, and the wholesale price was slightly cheaper. For four hundred and fifty yuan, she bought three hundred duck eggs.

After that, she cut some fresh mutton and pork belly, beat 10 catties of sesame oil, and bought white flour, corn flour, buckwheat flour... different styles of flour, as well as red dates, yams and other ingredients for snacks.

Just looking at the meat, Shuanzi's father clicked his tongue, not to mention the cart full of big bags and small bags. It seems that Xiao Qiao has really made money in business, and his life is even richer than that of the village chief's family!

After returning home, Qiao Wei immediately dug a big pit to bury the gold in the backyard. There is no reliable bank in the town, and she will save the money when she goes to Beijing someday.

On the day of the end of the month, Aunt Luo invited two honest peasants from other villages to help Qiao Wei plant sorghum. Here, there are many people and great strength, and all of them are good farmers. With ten acres of land, one day's work is almost enough.

In the evening, we eat at Luo everyone. After working hard all day, good wine and good food are indispensable. The farmers in the next village have to pay some wages because they are not their own. Qiao Wei thinks this should be done, not to mention the two crops Even if she is acquaintances like Aunt Zhao and the others, she will not let others suffer in vain.

Aunt Luo went back to cook first, and the rest stayed behind, preparing to plant the last small piece before sunset.

At this moment, the village chief's wife rushed over, waving her hands and saying, "Oh, why are you still farming? Stop planting! Stop planting! People are coming from the city! Come to announce the good news!"


Could it be a child prodigy

Didn't you say that the list will be released at the beginning of the month? This is number thirty-one.

Qiao Wei wiped the sweat from her forehead in confusion. On the other side, Aunt Zhao had already dropped her hoe and was the first to rush out!

There has never been anyone from the government to announce the good news in the village. Seeing the man coming on a tall horse, everyone seemed to have seen a fairy, and swarmed up to watch. Everyone greeted and got off their horses.

The village chief personally led the horse for him, and invited him back to his house. After all, he is the village chief, so he has the duty of entertaining officials.

The villagers were all crowded in the village head's house, they couldn't stand in the main room, they stood in the yard, the yard couldn't stand in it, and they crowded towards the door, in short, there was no way to get through.

The village chief was afraid of disturbing the officials, and waved his hand: "Don't look, don't look! Go back to work!"

The official said politely: "It's okay."

The village head nodded repeatedly, smiled and asked his wife to make tea, but the daughter-in-law had already run away, so he hurriedly made a pot of tea by himself: "Poor people make bad tea, so don't dislike it!"

The official took it, and didn't know if he hated it or not, but he didn't drink anyway, so he glanced at the crowd and said, "Which one... is from Qiao Jingyun's family?"

"I, I, I, I—" Aunt Zhao went through all sorts of difficulties and dangers, she squeezed out a layer of skin, and finally squeezed in front of the official, and smiled foolishly, "Master Guan, did my child pass the exam?"

"Your child is..." the official looked at her.

She excitedly said: "Mr. Zhao!"

The officer flipped through the roster in hand and said with a smile, "This one belongs to Qiao Jingyun."

"Oh." Aunt Zhao's face collapsed in disappointment, and she glanced at the thick stack of rosters on the table, "Isn't there only one?"

"No, ma'am." The official was very accommodating and polite.

The village chief's daughter-in-law brought Qiao Wei over. Seeing that the door was blocked like a wall, she pushed hard and screamed, "Get out of the way! The official wants to see his mother, Jing Yun! It's not you!" !"

Seeing that it was Qiao Wei who came, everyone automatically gave way.

Qiao Wei was pulled directly from the ground. She was wearing coarse linen clothes, her face was covered with dust, and her hands were also covered with mud. She was in a terrible state, but only her bright and clear eyes were shining brightly. Moving the rare light in the world.

Almost at a glance, the officer confirmed that the person he was looking for was her. The officer stood up and saluted her: "Mrs. Qiao."

He didn't even look at the village chief's officials, but bent his noble waist in front of Qiao Wei, and the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

Qiao Wei looked at him fixedly: "Are you here to announce the good news to my family, Jing Yun?"

The officer said kindly, "Young Master Qiao won the third place in the child prodigy test, and he is the young prodigy of this year's child prodigy test!"

No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.

Exploring flowers

Her son actually won the prize? !

"Jing Yun, he..."

The officer understands what she wants to say: "Young Master Qiao missed one of the exams, and his overall score is indeed not high enough, but he is the only candidate who has passed six doors this year. Since the child prodigy exam, there are countless tops, but only two. I passed the six doors in the exam, one is the current prime minister, and the other is your young son. The prime minister was seven years old when he passed the six doors, and your young son was only five years old. If you really answered It is said that there are talents from generation to generation. Even the emperor knew about it, and when the emperor was happy, he made an exception and appointed young master Qiao as the prodigy's little Tanhua."

It turns out that the six doors are so difficult to walk. Seeing her son walking so easily, she thought it was easy!

"Tanhua... How much is the reward? I... I remember that you have money." Qiao Wei said vaguely.

If you are really a money fan, it seems that the prime minister is right, the official guard held back his smile and said: "The reward for finding flowers is fifty taels, but the prime minister said that he waited for twenty years before finally one of them also stepped through six doors." He admired Young Master Qiao's ability very much, so he rewarded him with fifty taels in his own name, madam, which is the same as that of the young champion."

Qiao Wei's smile disappeared: "Wait, didn't you say one thousand taels?"

The official said: "The total is one thousand taels, one hundred taels for the top prize, eighty taels for the second place, fifty taels for the third to tenth, and thirty taels for the third to tenth, and the rest will be distributed to the remaining hundred taels." candidates."

That's right, this old scholar! You got the information wrong!