The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 77: Buy land and build a house


One thousand taels changed to one hundred taels, what a heartache!

In Qiao Wei's heart, sadness instantly flowed upstream—

Guan almost died of laughter from her appearance of crying. Does she know how many people participated in the child prodigy test? There are 600 people in Nanshan Academy alone. This is not the academy with the largest number of people. There are a total of 16 academies in the whole capital that hold the exam at the same time. How difficult it is for her son to stand out among more than 10,000 candidates, let alone the candidates They are all well-to-do and well-educated.

And according to what he had just learned, Qiao Jingyun only started studying last year, and within half a year, he was able to be so supernatural.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that such a child really existed in the world.

It's a pity that such a good child has no father, and his mother's surname is Qiao.

Aunt Zhao doesn't know much about the No. 1 Scholar, but she knows what it means to be the third place. This kid Jingyun won the third place, so her son should be better, right

She looked at the thick roster, and said with bright eyes: "Master, Mr. Zhao, who is Zhao Sheng? First or second?"

It doesn't matter the second one, didn't he just say one hundred taels, eighty taels, fifty taels? Eighty taels for the second place is also a lot of money!

The officer looked at her with some hesitation, and flipped through the roster: "There is no Zhao Sheng's name in the top three."

"No?" Aunt Zhao wiped the sweat dripping from her forehead, and the mud on the back of her hand stained her face, looking very embarrassed, "Then how old is he?"

The officer read the roster line by line: "There is no Mr. Zhao."

"Why not? Did you read it wrong?" Mrs. Zhao said, going to get the roster.

When the village chief looked at her black hand, he was terrified, and quickly blocked her hand: "How could the official see it wrong?"

Aunt Zhao did not give up: "Little Qiao, you can read, help me to see, did he miss it?"

Qiao Wei actually didn't believe that the official clerk would be wrong, but she hesitated for Aunt Zhao's expectant eyes, and then looked at the official clerk. The official clerk was very accommodating, and immediately handed her the roster. She started from the first place. , Seeing the hundredth place one by one, there is indeed no A Sheng's name, nor Wang Shu's name.

It’s not surprising that Wang Shu didn’t make the list. After all, she was the first to be sent to the third gate, and she didn’t pass through any of the gates. But Asheng got a pass in the third gate, and the first two gates were his strengths. , why didn't it make the list? Could it be that those children were all above Ah Sheng's ability

The officer bowed his hands to the village head and Qiao Wei: "I have to go back and report to my life, so let's go."

The village head asked to stay: "Let's go after eating!"

The village head's wife hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! The food is cooked! You eat before leaving!"

The officer smiled and said, "Thank you Village Chief Yao for your kindness, I appreciate it." Then he said to Qiao Wei: "I wonder if Mrs. Qiao can send the official down?"

This is something to say to her.

Qiao Wei nodded, and sent him out of the village chief's house. Behind her was the sound of Aunt Zhao falling to the ground, and then howling...

Probably the village head understood the meaning of the official post and didn't ask the villagers to catch up to join in the fun. When he reached the entrance of the village, the official stop stopped and said to Qiao Wei: "Zhao Sheng's total score is actually within the top 100."

Qiao Wei wondered: "Then why is he not on the list?"

The officer said with a complicated expression: "Madam, do you know that he cheated when he walked through the six doors?"

Qiao Wei was dumbfounded.

The official took out a brocade box from his wide sleeve: "This is a reward from the Prime Minister to Ling Qianjin."

"Wang Shu?" Qiao Wei took the brocade box, opened it, and was almost blinded, it turned out to be a golden abacus the size of a palm!

The officer looked at the green light in her eyes, remembered that she almost cried just a moment ago, couldn't hold back, and smiled: "Lingqianjin's first and third doors are not satisfactory, but they are considered good." Very good, Lord Prime Minister learned that she is only five years old, and it is really rare to get such a result in the exam, so he gave a small gift as encouragement."

The prime minister is such a good man!

Not only did he take action to teach the dog officials a lesson, but he also has such insight to recognize talents, which is much better than those stupid officials who only take their salaries and do nothing practical!

Originally, she was very sad when one thousand taels changed to one hundred taels, but with this golden abacus, she felt that the rain was over and the weather was over. Although it can't be spent as money, it can still look good! And if one day you are really down and out, if you pawn it, you can pawn a lot of money, right

More importantly, the two little buns took the exam together, and the elder brother got the little Tanhua, but Wang Shu got nothing. He must be very sad. Now that he is all right, he will jump for joy when he sees the golden abacus.

Thinking of her daughter's sweet little appearance, a trace of warmth flashed across Qiao Wei's eyes.

The official bid farewell to Qiao Wei. Qiao Wei couldn't let her go for nothing, but she didn't have any money with her, so she went to Aunt Luo's house to borrow a tael of silver.

The official did not refuse, accepted the offer and thanked him, and rode his horse away from the village.

Afterwards, the village chief approached Qiao Wei and asked what the officer had said.

Qiao Wei hesitated for a moment, and felt that there was nothing to say to the village chief, so she told him about the situation of A Sheng and Wang Shu.

After hearing this, the village head let out a long sigh.

The fact that Jing Yun won the third place caused a stir in the village. When Qiao Wei bid farewell to the village chief and returned to Aunt Luo's house for dinner, the room was already full of people who came to watch the fun.

In the village, it is a big thing for someone to study, and it is even more important to be famous in school. Isn't there a saying that everything is inferior, but reading is high? They couldn't say the original words, but they understood the truth.

Years ago, when Ah Sheng was admitted to Tongsheng, it almost caused a sensation in all the towns and villages. That time, no officials came to announce the good news. This time, even the officials from the capital came to the door. It can be seen that Jing Yun is a promising kid!

The village head's wife brought ten catties of sesame oil and ten catties of white flour to Aunt Luo's house to congratulate Qiao Wei. She was born in the city, but because her family was poor, she was a concubine, and her status was not high, so she married a promising She is a rural person, but she still retains the nobleness of a city person in her bones, and she is not a person who will come to the door easily. She didn't go to Ah Sheng's childlike dinner.

This night, the Luo family was extremely lively. If it wasn't for Aunt Luo's dinner, everyone would be embarrassed to keep the meal, and they might have to stay until late at night.

The group of people who helped with the farming all ate at Aunt Luo's house, but Aunt Zhao and Asheng did not come.

Qiao Wei paid wages to two farmers in the next village, one hundred Wen each, and sent a basket of duck eggs to Shuanzi's father, Er Gouzi's family, and Aunt Zhao's family.

When it was sent to Zhao's house, before entering the yard, Qiao Wei heard Aunt Zhao's scolding: "Are you still promising? Huh? Is it easy for me to sell pots and irons with your father for you to study? You think our money is picked from the ground Here? You repair two taels of silver a month! Do you know how much it is? Do you know how many things you can buy? It’s not that you want to study, our family will build a new house early, and I will marry your brother a wife! For you, what kind of life did the whole family live? What if you can’t see? Why are you so unprogressive? Ah?!”

"You say you can't pass the exam as a scholar, but why can't you even pass Jing Yun? How old are you? Jing Yun doesn't have a father yet! You can't even pass a child without a father! What else can you do? Tell me What else can I do in the future? After spending so much money for your studies, in the end, you still have to come back to farm, right? Then just stop reading!"

"Why did I give birth to such a worthless thing like you! Your father is so sick that he didn't even bother to see him, so he left the money for you to study! Where did you go? You went into the belly of a cow! I regret living you and me!"

Qiao Wei couldn't take it anymore, Ah Sheng was a ten-year-old child, he was not too old, he was not too young, wouldn't he be able to bear such hurtful words

Qiao Wei yelled towards the room: "Aunt Zhao, I'm here!"

The noise inside stopped abruptly.

Qiao Wei walked into the main room with a basket of duck eggs. Uncle Zhao was sitting in the backyard sharpening his knife. She called Uncle Zhao, and Uncle Zhao said, "Little Qiao is here." He could hear that he was not in a good mood. Qiao Wei carried the duck eggs Into the back room.

Ah Sheng was sitting on the bed, his eyes were red, suppressing his anger.

Aunt Zhao sat on the stool opposite him, wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

Qiao Wei put the duck eggs on the table, so she couldn't persuade them directly, so she said, "Ah Sheng didn't eat tonight? Why don't you go to my place to eat?"

Ah Sheng was about to stand up, but Aunt Zhao yelled, "You still have the face to eat?!"

Ah Sheng straightened his back and hunched down again. He clenched his fingers tightly and said nothing.

Qiao Wei said to Aunt Zhao again: "Aunt Zhao, my godmother has something to do with you, please come with me."

Aunt Zhao knew that Qiao Wei was looking for a ladder for herself, and she was not that ignorant person, so she sniffed and walked to Qiao Wei's side, ready to go out with her, when she just walked to the door, Ah Sheng on the bed He opened his mouth: "I'm not going to study anymore, you can drop me out tomorrow."

Aunt Zhao frowned: "What did you say? Say it again!"

Ah Sheng's pent-up air finally exploded, he stood up, his veins thumping and roared, "I said I won't study anymore! I'll go home and farm! I'll go to Beijing to learn crafts! I can do anything! I won't eat you guys." Yes! I won't drink yours! I feed myself!"

Aunt Zhao choked with anger, pointed at his nose and said, "You can't even read, so what else are you going to do?"

Ah Sheng said angrily: "Then you will? I don't care what I do! I'll leave tomorrow! I'll go find Brother Yongnian! I'll never come back again!"

Aunt Zhao smoked from her seven orifices: "Okay, okay, go find it! If you have the ability, go for me now!"

Ah Sheng stood up and walked out without looking back!

"Asheng!" Qiao Wei pulled him back.

Aunt Zhao was so angry: "You let him go! See if he dares to come out of this door! If he goes out, I won't have his son!"

Ah Sheng gritted his teeth and said, "Who cares about being your son? Do you think it's good to be your son? You don't eat well! You live poorly! You know how to make me study all day long! You don't treat me like a son at all! You just count on me I'll give you money! If I don't make money, you'll hate me! I've had enough of you! I don't want to come back!"

"I...I...why didn't I throw you into the well and drowned? You're a murderer, dare to talk to your mother like that, I...I'll kill you!" Aunt Zhao stepped forward and slapped you go down!

Qiao Wei quickly grabbed her hand: "Aunt Zhao! You calm down first, and speak up if you have something to say!"

Aunt Zhao struggled, and the anger in her eyes almost burst out: "I have nothing to say to him! Even a five-year-old can't pass the exam, what is the use of this kind of waste! It's useless to spend so much money!"

Qiao Wei really doesn't know what to say. According to Aunt Zhao, those who rank below the third are all trash? I really don't know if I'm scolding Ah Sheng or Jing Yun.

Ah Sheng gave Aunt Zhao a hard look, then turned around and left!

Aunt Zhao was so angry that her body was trembling: "Go away! Good! You go! Don't come back to me after you go! I'll pretend I didn't have your son! You'll be clean only if you die outside!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a thud from the backyard, and Uncle Zhao broke his throat: "Sheng—"

Ah Sheng fell into a well.

Qiao Wei never thought that this kind of plot that she only saw in the news would actually happen to her, and it also spanned a thousand-year dynasty.

The shock at that moment was like a bolt from the blue, hitting her and Aunt Zhao's hearts.

No one in the Zhao family knew how to run water, so Qiao Wei jumped down the well and rescued Ah Sheng.

Aunt Zhao cried faintly.

Aunt Luo asked, and rushed over with Cuiyun.

Aunt Luo gave Aunt Zhao a scolding in the next room: "I didn't say you, Xiaofang, why can't your Asheng do it? He was only ten years old when he left the stage. He gave you a boy student and came back. You can’t see how hard he works? You’re not satisfied yet! You still have to scold him! If I, Yongzhi Yongnian, were half as smart as Ah Sheng, I’d wake up laughing in my dreams, and I’ll tell you!”

In another room, Cuiyun was also reprimanding her younger brother: "It's not easy for your parents to raise you, and you just talk back to you a few words, but you still talk back? Are you going to seek death? Don't you think about what your parents will do when you die? Your elder brother is an idler, he does not do serious things all day long, our family is counting on you, why do you still risk your life?"

As Cuiyun spoke, she began to cry.

Qiao Wei sighed, and patted Cuiyun's hand: "Sister-in-law, please pour me a cup of tea first, and I will have a few words with Asheng."

"Hey." Cuiyun stood up with red eyes, walked to the door and threatened Ah Sheng again: "Don't do this again, you know?"

Asheng lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Cuiyun went out.

Qiao Wei looked at him and said softly, "Ah Sheng, tell me what's on your mind."

Ah Sheng raised his red eye circles: "Aren't you scolding me?"

Qiao Wei shook her head slightly: "It takes effort to swear, I don't have the strength, I want to hear from you."

No one has ever heard him say that his ideas are not important in this family. His only existence value is to study continuously until he is admitted as a scholar, which will reduce taxes for the family, and until he is admitted to a high official, so that his family Soaring to the top.

He is very envious of Jing Yun and Wang Shu, because their mothers will ask them what they like to eat, what they like to play, and what they like to do, and they never force them to study. Nobles like Brother Seventeen and Uncle Ming doted on them.

Although they don't have a father, they are very happy every day. So what if they have a father and a mother? They all want to kill him!

He often thought that it would be nice if he was also sister Qiao's child, or Uncle Ming's child, but he was not.

Ah Sheng wants a capable father and a gentle mother. This Qiao Wei can understand. There is probably no child in the world who does not want his parents to be like this. Father's love is like a mountain, and mother's love is like water, but how can the world be perfect

He was born into such a family, he had no choice.

All he can do is to change himself, make himself strong enough to become that mountain, and then find his own spring water.

It was an hour after Qiao Wei came out of the house, Aunt Zhao asked her in a trembling voice, "How is Ah Sheng?"

"Sleep." Qiao Wei said softly.

Aunt Zhao looked relieved.

Aunt Luo and Qiao Wei left Zhao's house. Along the way, Aunt Luo kept feeling: "I really didn't expect that child to be like this. The most honest person in the world, he committed suicide when he twisted it!"

Perhaps this means not dying in silence, but erupting in silence

Ever since the official told her that Ah Sheng was cheating at the Six Doors, she had guessed that Ah Sheng would go to extremes if he was in a hurry, but she didn't expect it to be this extreme.

Leaving aside this point, Ah Sheng is actually a very good child, but what Aunt Zhao does not want is a good child, she wants a child prodigy.

Once people have desires that do not match their abilities, they will become painful.

Qiao Wei shook her head, thinking of the mess in the Zhao family, she couldn't help but sigh: "The poorer you are, the more problems you have, and the more problems you have, the poorer you will be."

"Isn't it?" Aunt Luo sighed when she remembered that the Zhao family owed her and Xiaowei the money they hadn't paid back yet.

When the two returned to Luo's house, Jing Yun and Wang Shu had already fallen asleep on the bed. Wang Shu was holding the golden abacus in his hand, and he didn't let it go even in his dreams, which shows how much he likes it.

Xiaobai lay on Wangshu's stomach, pawing at the little abacus he earned by plucking hairs with his little paws, with a proud expression on his face.

Qiao Wei thought that she was pretty good to the two children on weekdays, but she was a little mean to this coquettish little guy. She walked over and patted its little head.

Xiaobai finally got the intimacy he dreamed of, so he didn't want to think about it! She threw herself into Qiao Wei's arms coquettishly!

Oh, so comfortable~

Qiao Wei hugged it, and said softly: "If you can't think about it someday, don't jump into the well. It will be swollen when you pick it up. Hit the wall. The skin is intact, and I can still sell a mink."

noob:"… "

My heart was hit by 10,000 points...

However, after meeting Aunt Liu, Ms. Wang did not return to Beijing immediately, but quietly stayed at Aunt Liu's house. Aunt Liu told her family that she was a distant relative of her natal family who had come to hide from debts, so as not to be found by creditors. It's best not to leak the news, the Liu family thinks that, after all, they have been forced to pay debts all the year round, and they have already gained a lot of experience.

Therefore, in the entire Rhinoceros Village, no one knew that Liu's family had a "guest".

The "guest" stayed at Liu's house all day long, secretly observing Qiao Wei and waiting for the opportunity.

According to her observations... She couldn't see the result, but before she left, Madam told her that there was a small crescent birthmark on the young lady's back. Miss, if not, then Madam will let her go; if so, I'm really sorry Miss.

"Are you sure it's suitable tonight?" Mama Wang asked Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu said confidently: "Don't worry, she planted the land for a day, and she fell asleep next to the bed when she went back, and she will never wake up!"

The little doll won't wake up even more. Which child doesn't sleep like a pig at night

Ms. Wang thought it was feasible, so she changed into a set of dark clothes, covered her face with a scarf, and went out under the leadership of Aunt Liu. There are many dogs in the village.

Aunt Liu took Mama Wang straight from the back door of her house, walked to the foot of a mountain, took a detour slowly through a small road, and entered the forest: "Okay, I'll take you here, remember, follow this Go straight along the road, and you can see a fork in about two miles, do you know if you go east? You will come out of the forest when you go east, and you will see her house as soon as you go out of the forest. "

"East..." Ms. Wang murmured, it was so dark at night, who could tell the difference between east, west, north and south

"It's the one on the left!" Aunt Liu said.

Mama Wang wrote it down.

Aunt Liu said seriously again: "Okay, then go and arrest your daughter-in-law."

I don't like her a long time ago. If you take her away, the land in the East Village will be mine.

This road is usually used by Xu Dazhuang to go up the mountain to hunt. It is not scary, and there are no beasts infested. Some small bugs and voles are not to be feared.

Ms. Wang walked in holding the fire folder, and after a short walk, she saw the fork in the road that Aunt Liu said, to be precise, it was a crossroad where two roads intersected. Standing there, she suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Where are you going

A small field mouse brushed past her hakama leg, and she jumped up and down in fright! The torches all fell to the ground!

When she picked up the booklet, she suddenly remembered that what Liu Cuihua said was to go to the left.

She breathed a sigh of relief, turned left, and sank into the depths of the night.

But she didn't know that when she jumped up and down just now, she had already turned a direction, and the left side at this time was no longer the left side before.

Qiao Wei had a good night's sleep, and at four o'clock in the morning, she was woken up by the biological clock in her body on time. She walked into the yard and took a breath of mountain air, feeling extremely comfortable!

She made snacks and breakfast as usual, and went to wake up the children, but when she entered the room, Jing Yun and Wang Shu had already woken up.

It's not surprising that Jing Yun wakes up early, he's always conscious, but the little slob Wang Shu has opened his eyes.

"Hee hee." Wang Shu smirked at Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei walked over and kissed her forehead: "Why are you so happy?"

Wang Shu swung his little hand out of the quilt with a swish, holding a small golden abacus, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his eyes: "I won the prize!"

It turned out to be this, Qiao Wei couldn't help laughing.

"Am I very good?" Wang Shu asked with a smile.

Qiao Wei smiled and nodded her little nose: "Of course, our Wangshu family is the best!"

After dressing Wang Shu neatly, Wang Shu walked to pee on his short legs. Qiao Wei walked to her son who had finished washing and was sitting in front of the window packing his book bag, leaned over and kissed his soft cheek: "I My son is also very powerful, the most powerful little man in the world."

Jing Yun blushed and smiled shyly.

The brother and sister went to school hand in hand, and Qiao Wei went to the town with dim sum and preserved eggs.

Ah Sheng still went to school, Qiao Wei saw him from a distance on the way, and Shuan Zi's father also saw him, and asked if he should catch up and let Ah Sheng get in the car, Qiao Wei shook her head.

This child has only been with her for a few days, and with Mingxiu Qiqi for a day, and he has already started to fantasize about unrealistic things. He even wants to have a father like Mingxiu. This idea itself is not a big mistake , but if you despise your parents because of this, then it should not be.

Qiao Wei went to Rongji to deliver the goods and returned to the village.

Now that she has some savings on hand, she wants to change to a better place to live. The earthen house on the mountain has a bad orientation and is exposed to the west. It must be very hot in summer, not to mention that it leaks wind and rain. Qiao Wei is afraid that one day she will end up In a big thunderstorm, it just collapsed.

"You want to move?" Aunt Luo asked in surprise.

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "No, I really like the mountains, I just want to push the house down and make a new, stronger one."

The earth house is indeed not strong enough, and there are many problems. In summer, snakes, rats, insects, bees, and cockroaches all go through the wall. Most people build earth houses, they will add some bamboo, thatch and reeds. If conditions permit, such as Mrs. Luo’s house and Xu Dazhuang’s house , used some wood, and put tiles on the roof. The village chief's house is the most luxurious, basically using green bricks and wood, warm in winter and cool in summer, beautiful and practical.

The house Qiao Wei currently lives in has nothing, and it is a miracle that it has not collapsed after living in it for so many years.

Aunt Luo also thought of this, so she was in favor of Qiao Wei building a house: "It would be even better if it could be built like the village head's house."

Qiao Wei doesn't want to be like the village chief. She wants to build a small country villa with a unique style. If conditions permit, and dig a swimming pool, it will be a comfortable place to live.

"Is it expensive to build a house? Godmother." She earned more than two hundred taels, and Jing Yun earned one hundred taels, adding up to more than three hundred and twenty, which is a huge sum of money.

Aunt Luo thought for a while: "No one has built a house in the village for a long time, and I don't know if the market has risen or not, may still have a problem with building a house."

account problem.

The land on the mountain itself is not Qiao Wei's. It's nothing for her to live in. Anyway, it's an abandoned small mud house that no one wants, but if she wants to build a house there, the nature changes.

Aunt Luo analyzed: "You built the house, but the land is not yours. Someday in the future, the village will take the land away to do something else, and your house will not be kept!"

The mother and daughter went to the village head's house with a basket of duck eggs.

The village head was not there, and it was the village head's wife who received him and the others.

The village chief's wife really likes this foreign widow now, and when she went out, she said that the little Tanhua who the prodigy tried was from their village, so she didn't know how much face she had!

The wife of the village head invited the two of them to the main room, brewed a new pot of tea, and said happily: "What wind brought our Tanhua girl here?"

Qiao Wei smiled slightly, bluntly explaining the purpose of her visit.

The village chief's wife was afraid that she would run away if she got rich, but this really coincided with her own thoughts!

She smiled and said: "You want to build a house, it's easy, just buy that piece of land? I'm trying to get your household registration, and you are really a member of our rhinoceros village!"

Qiao Wei paused: "Is that piece of land... expensive?"

In the afternoon, the village chief and his wife went up the mountain to measure the land for Qiao Wei.

This land is not on the top of the mountain, but strictly speaking, it is halfway up the mountain. The scenery is excellent, the soil is fertile, and it is close to the mountains and forests. It can be regarded as a geomantic treasure land. There was no precedent for selling land to outsiders in the village. If Qiao Wei had mentioned this matter to the village head a year ago, the village head would probably have ignored it. But now, she is Xiao Tanhua's mother! When Jing Yun grows up, he might become a top candidate, a top pick. Think about how glorious it would be if a golden phoenix flew out from their village!

After the village head measured it, the area was a bit large, nearly one-third of an mu of land: "Do you want to buy this whole piece or..."

"A whole piece." She wanted to dig a swimming pool.

That would be a bit expensive. To be honest, even people from this village would have to spend a lot of money to buy such a large piece of land.

Thinking of something, Qiao Wei asked in confusion: "Village chief, are you sure this land can be sold?" In modern times, collective land in rural areas belongs to the collective, and individuals cannot buy or sell it. Villagers only have the right to use it, but not the right to dispose of it. , even the village head cannot buy land for private use.

The village chief nodded and said: "It can be sold!" If not, how did those powerful people enclose the land? The land enclosure in the previous dynasty was serious, and eventually the government forced the people to rebel. In the current dynasty, the purchase of land for private use is much stricter, and the land is distributed to the villagers for their own use, and the villagers do not need to spend money. But if they buy it separately, the price is a bit irritating. Stay away.

This matter had to be approved by the yamen, and the village chief went to the county yamen the next day. He sincerely wanted to settle the matter, and his lips were almost worn out, so he negotiated the lowest price—five hundred taels.

Qiao Wei almost pissed in fear!

Five hundred taels, that's three hundred thousand RMB!

Rural land can be sold at such a price, it is really cheating!

The village head explained: "If you buy it, this land is yours, and your children and grandchildren can use it, and the yamen will not take it back."

Oh, so there is no maximum land use authority for 70 years, and her descendants can use it for a thousand years, and if they don't want to use it, they can sell it. Thinking about it this way, the price is not too expensive.

Having dinner at Aunt Luo's house in the evening, Aunt Luo scooped up a spoonful of braised pork for Jingyun Wangshu and asked Qiao Wei, "How much money do you need?"

Qiao Wei counted her small coffers and took a bite of rice: "It's still one hundred and seventy taels short."

Aunt Luo didn't speak anymore, she waited until Cuiyun went to wash the dishes, she pulled Qiao Wei into her room, took out a small box from under the bed, and opened the lock: "This is thirty taels, you use it first, Not enough for me to think of a way.”

She only has so much savings on hand, but all the debts outside should be paid back, so she should be able to make up another five taels.

She lowered her voice and said, "Don't tell Cuiyun, she doesn't know that I have these, she knows, and she will use the money in her hand to support her mother's family."

The mother-in-law really saved something in front of the daughter-in-law.

When Qiao Wei went out of the house to help Cuiyun wash the dishes, Cuiyun suddenly closed the door and took out a money bag from her arms, with a faint scent of frankincense on it.

She put the purse into Qiao Wei's hands: "Sister, your elder brother and I are incapable, and all our belongings are only five taels of silver. You can take it, and you can add a little bit. Don't tell my mother-in-law. If you say that I hid money from my own house, do I want to subsidize my mother’s family?"

The daughter-in-law also kept a hand in front of her mother-in-law.