The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 80: Refusal to marry Qiao Yuxi


During these days, because of the land purchase, Qiao Wei has almost become a regular visitor to the village chief's house. At first, the village chief and his wife admired her only because she had a capable son, but after getting along these days, the two I really fell in love with this down-to-earth and capable woman.

She should be less than 20 years old, younger than their eldest daughter. Their eldest daughter married to the town, so she has no worries about food and drink, but she doesn't know how to manage the house, and her money will be wiped out. They are almost worried to death!

If the daughter had half the brains of Xiao Qiao, they would be Amitabha.

Qiao Wei put the silver on the table one by one: "Village Chief, count it and see if it is five hundred taels?"

"Don't count, I believe you. Besides, the money is not handed over to me. Later, I will take you to the county government office and go through the formalities." The village chief paused, and said puzzledly: "But Xiao Qiao, you Where did the money come from? Don't get me wrong, I don't suspect that your money comes from unknown sources, but... "

Qiao Wei understands the concerns of the village chief. Years ago, she was a poor widow who couldn't even get a decent piece of clothes at home. She didn't eat her last meal, and her two children were skinny. Not enough, and even took out five hundred taels of silver in one breath, which is really suspicious.

In fact, if she hadn't robbed a purse from that sixth master, she really wouldn't be able to make up the five hundred taels.

But this kind of thing, it's good to know, don't tell the village chief.

Qiao Wei smiled and said: "I do business in Rongji, and I give them 150 to 200 snacks every morning, and each snack is ten yuan, and I get one tael of silver in a day; I regularly go hunting in the mountains, rabbits, pheasants They can be hunted almost every day, and can be sold for a lot of money, do you remember the tiger I hunted last time?"

The village head nodded.

Qiao Wei continued: "I earned thirty-five taels of that tiger. Although I didn't hunt such a valuable one again after that, it was still a lot of money. Aunt Luo and Boss Rong borrowed it from each other." I have some... so don't worry, there is no unknown origin of my money."

She didn't say anything about the preserved eggs for the time being. One is that preserved eggs are too valuable, so it might make people jealous. Second, Boss Rong won't let her talk about them. Boss Rong is still bragging to people that preserved eggs are pure natural, fairy lake ducks Emerald eggs laid.

The village chief didn't know how much Qiao Wei spent, but in terms of income alone, it was indeed quite a lot, and since the big boss lent her money, there was nothing to be suspicious about.

"Don't worry too much, Xiao Qiao, I'm just asking casually." The village head said with a smile.

Qiao Wei said understandingly: "I understand."

In the afternoon, the village head took Xiao Qiao with him and went to the county government office in Father Shuanzi's carriage.

Because Uncle Luo was in charge of the warehouse in the county government, Qiao Wei brought the tea bought for him from the capital before departure. Uncle Luo was very happy to see the tea, and immediately wanted to brew it for Qiao Wei and the village chief. The village chief said: " Next time, Lao Luo, let's rush to find the county magistrate to get a seal!"

Looking at the backs of the two leaving quickly, Uncle Luo shook his head, this girl has money to buy land in a flash!

When I arrived at the Yamen, the county magistrate was packing his bags.

The policeman said: "It's a coincidence that you came here. Two days later, the magistrate will be leaving."

"Go? Where are you going?" Qiao Wei asked.

The catcher said with a smile: "The magistrate of the county has been promoted to Xuzhou as the government office."

Qiao Wei couldn't help laughing and said, "That's really congratulations to the county magistrate."

She had a very good impression of the county magistrate. She thought that when she was hunted down by the three bullies, he was the one who selflessly took the three bullies and Wu Dajin into prison. Like the prime minister, he was a good official who made decisions for the people.

The county magistrate read the document submitted by the village chief: "Where is your hometown, Mrs. Qiao?"

Qiao Wei expected that the county government would ask this question, and she had already thought up the answer on the way here: "I used to be from Diandu. The earthquake in Diandu five years ago destroyed the entire village, and I had no choice but to leave my hometown."

She asked the old scholar about the earthquake in Diandu, in order to pretend to be a suitable identity. There were countless casualties in the earthquake that year, and it was impossible for the government to investigate one by one. Are you trying to find out

Sure enough, the county magistrate stopped asking about this, and when he asked who else was in her family, he learned that her son was the young prodigy in this year's trial, and he couldn't help showing admiration in his eyes.

The next thing is much easier to handle. The county magistrate unambiguously stamped the official seal and asked Qiao Wei to draw on the document. I thought she was illiterate and wanted someone to sign it for me. Unexpectedly, she picked up a pen and signed herself eloquently. name.

just the word—

Some are beyond words.

It was evening when Qiao Wei and the village head returned to the village. Qiao Wei hadn't seen her children for a day, and her heart ached from thinking about them. Strobe Xiaobai on the bed.

Aunt Luo told Qiao Wei about Ji Mingxiu's visit.

"He's here again?" Qiao Wei was surprised. Last time she gave him a full fifty preserved eggs. It's only been a few days, and their family has finished eating? How did she know that the Prime Minister's Mansion has a large population, and the old lady is generous and hospitable, so she recommends one to others, saying that the preserved eggs bought by my grandson are so delicious, etc., out of fifty, only three or four actually went into her stomach, and the rest Yes, it was all used by her to show off.

"I gave him an altar and charged him ten taels of silver." Aunt Luo knew the price of Rong Ji, two hundred Wen for a jar, and fifty taels for a jar, which should be ten taels.

Qiao Wei laughed dryly: "Why did you still charge him?"

Aunt Luo elongated her voice: "What? Shouldn't you accept it?"

Qiao Wei smiled helplessly: "He has helped me a lot, and I am too embarrassed to ask him for money."

Aunt Luo lowered her face: "Brothers have to settle accounts!"

Aunt Luo would not admit it, she was just angry at that guy for scaring Mr. Zhou away, and she didn't know what tricks he had used. It was as if Mr. Zhou's back was on fire, and he couldn't even shout!

Qiao Wei didn't have much feeling for Young Master Zhou, at most she felt that he was a rather seductive little fresh meat, if there was absolutely no love between a man and a woman, so she didn't ask Young Master Zhou at all.

Aunt Luo sighed secretly when she saw her appearance, this girl, she didn't look at Mr. Zhou...

How come such a handsome figure as Mr. Zhou still doesn't catch her eyes? She wants to have a family background, to be talented, to be talented, to be a real scholar, and she doesn't dislike her having a child at all, why doesn't she like it

Of course, Mrs. Luo would not give up so easily. It doesn't matter if Xiao Qiao doesn't like Mr. Zhou. There are also Mr. Wu, Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhao... There are so many young masters in the town, there is always one who can catch Xiao Qiao's eyes.

The amaranth juice was fermented, and white bubbles appeared in the red water. Qiao Wei scooped up the amaranth stalks. The amaranth stalks can be used for cooking, but Qiao Wei didn't like the taste, so she threw them away , the remaining bubble water is the essential juice for making stinky tofu.

Qiao Wei crushed the old tofu she bought and poured it into the juice, covered it and let it stand for three days. When she opened it again, the soup in the jar had changed from red to light green. The water quality was clear, but the smell was very smelly .

The last step is to put the pressed plate tofu cut into pieces into the juice, do not use soft tofu.

Qiao Wei released it at the fourth watch, and she was able to pick it up when she came back from working in the fields at night.

Qiao Wei fried the sauce with green peppers, red peppers and brine, and then put the shriveled tofu cubes into the oil pan for frying. The tofu cubes swelled up in the oil pan. .

The two little buns finished their homework (Jing Yun switched his right hand to his left after writing, and Wang Shu was only in charge of grinding ink), and they lay curiously at the kitchen door, wanting to see what mother is doing, why is it so stinky

Aunt Luo came to deliver pickled radishes to Qiao Wei. As soon as she entered the door, she was almost suffocated to death by the pungent smell!

"Jingyun Wangshu, come into the room quickly, don't get smoked!" She "bounced" the two children back to the room, covered their noses, and put the diced radish on the stove, "Here, the radish you want."

Qiao Wei smiled slightly: "Thank you, godmother."

Aunt Luo looked at the dark tofu cubes in the pot with distaste: "Is this thing edible? I can't stand the smell."

"Don't worry, I'll keep it for you later, and you still want to eat it!" Qiao Wei said with a smile, scooped up the fried tofu cubes, put them on a plate, pierced them with chopsticks For the hollow stinky tofu, put the pickled radish in a spoonful, then pour over the sauce you made yourself, sprinkle with minced coriander, and you're done with a plate of stinky, delicious and visible stinky tofu!

The pickled radish has a hint of sweetness, and the sauce is sweet and salty, and it is very refreshing when paired with the taste of the tofu itself.

The little guy was sweating profusely after eating, it was spicy and enjoyable.

Aunt Luo also nodded again and again: "This dish is good, it smells bad and tastes good."

Look, it is suitable for all ages, who dares to say that there is no market for stinky tofu

The next day, Qiao Wei took the marinated black stinky tofu to Rongji. Unlike the last time, everyone was rushing to eat it this time.

Last time I only used a simple sauce, but today, in addition to the sauce, I added sweet and delicious radish sauce. The radish is crunchy and cool, while the tofu is hot, and the juice is salty and spicy. It's very exciting to eat!

Boss Rong put down his chopsticks, called Qiao Wei to the accounting room, and pushed the things in front of Qiao Wei's hand: "This is the document and the deed, please take a look."

Qiao Wei opened the document: "Have you figured it out?"

In fact, he had figured it out a long time ago, but he just hoped that Qiao Wei would not wait any longer and come to him to lower the price, but seeing her not worrying at all, he knew that his calculation was out of the question.

Qiao Wei laughed secretly, it's not okay to play psychological tactics with her, she would rather give up than lose her temper.

After Qiao Wei read the document and the deed, there was no problem, and she signed her name.

Boss Rong pretended to have suffered a big loss: "The owner pays dividends at the end of the year. If you don't have enough money on weekdays, you can also advance some money."

She still has a little money left from the robbery, and the preserved eggs and snacks are also getting in every month. The money for buying a house should be enough, and there is no need to advance it for the time being. But it's hard to say what will happen in the future, what if one day she needs a sum of money

Qiao Wei responded with a smile: "Okay, if I'm short of money, I'll come to you to make an advance payment, but how much is your advance amount?"

"As much as you want!" Boss Rong said richly. It's not that he really has no quota, but in his opinion, if Xiao Qiao is going to break the sky, he can buy a house in the town, and it won't cost much.

Qiao Wei didn't think about the long-term for the time being. After all, she was not a serious businessman in her previous life. It was just for survival. She had to do some business since elementary school. Her real profession is a surgeon, which is her favorite. What she did was just the current status quo, which did not allow her to choose.

In the following days, Qiao Wei started to build a house. The area of the land was large enough, and the house alone didn't take up much area. She had to dig the swimming pool. In addition, she could also surround a vegetable garden.

"How many rooms do you plan to build?" Aunt Luo asked.

Qiao Wei thought for a while: "I want to build two floors."

Aunt Luo was startled: "Xiulou?"

She has only heard about embroidery buildings in dramas, and knows that some rich families will live in embroidery buildings. They are clean and beautiful, but the cost is too expensive for ordinary people to build.

Qiao Wei is Rongji's owner now, and an embroidery building can still be built, but after considering that there were no security windows in ancient times, it was really a second floor, afraid that the child would fall, so she gave up the idea: "Just Make five main rooms and three side rooms."

One room for her, one room for Wangshu, one room for Jingyun, one account (book) room, one guest room, and the side room can be set in the back, like a row of back rooms: kitchen, firewood room, warehouse, and no maids are invited Ma'am, these rooms are enough.

"It must be a lot of money." Aunt Luo pointed to her house, "This house was built eight years ago, with three main rooms, a kitchen, a woodshed, a big backyard, and a pigsty. It cost about fifteen taels of silver."

Qiao Wei raised her eyebrows: "So cheap?"

Aunt Luo said angrily: "Ten years ago, the price is more than this now! Have you decided what kind of house to do?"

Qiao Wei hesitated for a moment: "Wood and brick houses, and some bluestone."

"What do you want Qingshi for?" Aunt Luo asked.

Qiao Wei smiled narrowly, let's make a swimming pool!

In ancient times, there were no construction companies, and everything had to be run by itself. Bricklayers, carpenters, and craftsmen were hired from different places. Aunt Luo took care of the hiring, and Qiao Wei had to do the shopping herself.

Qiao Wei is not worried about wood, there are so many in the mountains and forests, it is enough to chop casually, but the blue bricks are worrying.

There is a green brick yard in the town. Qiao Wei went to see it. It is cheap, but the quality is not good. She can break it with bare hands. What kind of good brick is this

Brick Factory Boss: Haven't you considered that you are too strong...

"Are there any other brick factories?" Qiao Wei asked Aunt Luo during dinner.

"Mom, do we want to buy bricks?" Wang Shu asked with blinking eyes.

Qiao Wei rubbed her hot little head and said with a smile: "Yes, mother wants to buy bricks and tiles to build a big house!"

big house


Wang Shu happily narrowed his eyes.

The children were also longing for a big house. This knowledge made Qiao Wei's desire to build a house more urgent.

On April 14th, Qiao Wei went to a brick kiln factory in the western suburbs of the capital. The owner was not there, and Qiao Wei was received by a steward in her fifties, surnamed Qiu.

Qiu Guanshi welcomed Qiao Wei into the reception hall, and said with a pleasant face, "I don't know the girl's last name."


"What would Ms. Qiao want to buy?" Qiu Guanshi asked kindly.

Qiao Wei said, "What do you have here?"

"Bricks, tiles, wood, stone, everything you need, it depends on whether Ms. Qiao can afford it."

Qiao Wei smiled: "Guan Qiu is really straightforward."

Qiu Guanshi also smiled: "At first glance, Ms. Qiao is a sensible person, so I won't go around in circles with her."

Qiao Wei looked around: "I have to inspect your goods first to see if they are worth my money."

Qiu Guanshi stretched out his hand: "Miss Qiao, please."

Manager Qiu took Qiao Wei to the warehouse where the goods were displayed, pointed to the different categories of goods and said, "This warehouse is full of new tiles and blue bricks, Miss Qiao just take a look."

Qiao Wei looked around and found that the goods were all good, with few impurities, high hardness, neat and beautiful, which met her requirements: "Do you have bluestone here?"

Manager Qiu called a clerk, and after asking, he replied: "There is no stock. If the girl wants it, you can bring it to the girl. How much does the girl want?"

Qiao Wei reported the approximate area of the swimming pool, and Qiu Guanshi nodded: "Okay, I have almost counted it, how much is the rest?"

Qiao Wei took out the drawing, although it was not a very standard design drawing, but the length, width and height were clearly marked, Qiu Guanshi understood it at a glance, and smiled in surprise: "I didn't expect the girl to have such a hand, we draw here, But they're all men."

"I made Guanshi Qiu laugh." Qiao Wei said politely.

It is rare for a woman to show her face in the public eye, and no one is willing to do it unless she is forced to do so. Qiu Guanshi had a little bit of pity for her before, but now he has a three-point appreciation: "Your house probably needs five cars of blue bricks and two cars of tiles. piece, does the wood need to be customized from us?"

"No, I have a lot of them on the mountain, and I can cut them from there."

on the mountain? You can't see the vulgarity of the mountains and villages from her body. Qiu Guanshi smiled and said: "A cart of green bricks costs five taels of silver, and a cart of ordinary small tiles costs five taels of silver, but the roof needs some special tiles For modeling, the price will fluctuate a bit.”

Qiao Wei clicked her tongue. The blue brick she just saw was only 80 or 90 cents in modern times, and it was only 80 yuan per square meter. When it came to him, it became a cart of five taels of silver! That's a full three thousand yuan, and its car is not a big truck! Is it a super invincible and huge carriage? !

Who said ancient times were easy to mess with? Inflation is still unbearable.

Of course, the prices of blue bricks and tiles are not necessarily inflationary, and the blue bricks of the Liang Dynasty were not sold to the common people.

Qiao Wei twitched in pain: "Can't it be less?"

Qiu Guanshi smiled and said: "Girl, this is already the lowest price. I think it's not easy for you to travel around as a woman, and I didn't ask you for a price."

She went to several brick kiln factories in the past few days, and knew that Guanshi Qiu didn't ask for prices, but she definitely didn't give the lowest price as he said.

She straightened her body, and tapped her fingers on the table a few times: "Qiu Guanshi, don't bully me as a woman and treat me as if I don't understand the market. I admit that the quality of your bricks and tiles is not bad, but others A cart only sells for two taels, and you sell five taels for a cart, isn’t that too much? Are your bricks and tiles indestructible with a hammer, or are they invincible with gunpowder?”

Qiu Guanshi didn't expect that she would quote the price in the industry as soon as she opened her mouth, and said awkwardly: "You get what you pay for!"

The corners of Qiao Wei's lips twitched slightly: "It seems that Qiu Guanshi has no sincerity in doing business, so forget it, you are not the only one in the brick and tile factory. I have searched every family, and I can always find good quality and cheap ones."

Qiu Guanshi said anxiously: "Hey, girl! You can't find better bricks and tiles than mine!"

Qiao Wei smiled lightly: "I can't find a better house than in the capital, but can I afford it? It's not the best, it's what I want."

The meaning of these words is clearly that he would rather sell low-quality bricks and tiles at a lower price. Qiu Guanshi is a little angry. Just high.

He clenched his fist and coughed: "That's a car of four taels."

"Three two."

"Girl, you want me to bleed!"

"Three taels, you have earned a lot."

In ancient times, labor was the cheapest thing, but if it was better than farming, there were people who squeezed their heads to do it. It is not like modern times. There are many industries that can be done, and the living standard is high. Some people can have a father even if they don’t make money. Mom raised it, so I didn't bother to enter the factory.

In the end, it was sold at a price of three taels of silver. Qiu Guanshi reported a reference figure for the total bricks and tiles, but Qiao Wei felt that she should ask a professional again. If she bought too much and he didn't return the goods, she would suffer a big loss. up.

It is rare to see a woman so cautious, Qiu Guanshi smiled and shook his head: "It's up to you, you can come here and find me directly after you are sure." After a pause, I don't know what to think, and said: "But Don't come here on the 15th day of the new year, lest you run into our boss."

This sounds strange, what happened when she ran into his boss? Could it be that his employer does not allow him to do business with women

Soon, Qiao Wei had the answer.

A round figure walked in the flower hall, Qiu Guanshi was stunned, stood up and greeted him: "Boss, today is less than fifteen, why are you free?"

While talking, he gestured to Qiao Wei behind him, signaling Qiao Wei to back down, but unfortunately, it was already too late.

The boss just came over reluctantly when he saw a little beauty sitting inside, otherwise? He was just passing by, entering the factory to go to the latrine, how could he enter the flower hall to discuss matters with the manager

When he got close, he recognized at a glance that the other party was the Rongji Pepper that he was looking for so hard, and immediately smiled incredulously: "It's really hard to find anywhere, and it doesn't take much effort, little lady, you Let me find it easily!"

Qiao Wei's heart is really beeping. If you can buy a brick, you can buy it on the site of this big fat pig. What kind of bad luck is she

Qiu Guanshi knew that something was wrong as soon as he saw the battle, and he didn't care whether the two seemed to know each other, so he said to Liu Ye: "Master, she is the daughter of the owner of the Fulai Inn. The Fulai Inn is going to be renovated. She came to order some tiles." !"

Sixth Master glared at him coldly: "Don't fucking lie to me! She's just a cook! Get out of here!"

Qiu Guanshi had no choice but to back away.

Master Liu walked towards Qiao Wei slowly, and said with a cold smile, "Little lady, you took Master Liu's money and came here to buy Master Liu's roof tiles, you are quite courageous!"

If I had known that this brick kiln was yours, I wouldn't have come!

Qiao Wei really suspected that she was unlucky in the past, and there was no one else who was as unlucky as her.

"I still want to run, do you think you can run away this time?" Liu Ye smiled, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, several shadows leaped into the flower hall, each with a silver The mask covered the entire face, only a pair of eyes were exposed, but the chilling aura slowly came through the mask, and the temperature in the entire flower hall seemed to drop.

Outside the brick kiln factory, on a luxurious carriage.

Prince Yin flipped through the bank notes in his hand boredly: "Go and see why Liu Ye hasn't come out yet?"


Eunuch Liu hurried into the arena, half a quarter of an hour later, Le crookedly ran over, and said with a smile on his face, "My lord, who do you think this servant saw?"

"Who?" Prince Yin asked lightly.

Eunuch Liu covered his mouth and smiled: "That little village girl! No wonder the sixth master had to go to the toilet halfway, so it turned out that he hid the little girl in the factory! Now she is doomed, and the sixth master is a good hand at destroying flowers!"

Why did this woman fall into Liu Ye's hands again? !

King Yin frowned thickly, dropped the silver ticket, and got out of the car!

In the flower hall, Qiao Wei leaned on the chair, raised her legs, and ate a melon seed: "I finally met Liu Ye, why am I running away?"

Sixth Master squinted his eyes, this little guy is full of tricks, what kind of tricks is he playing

He said: "You beat me so badly last time, how should you settle the debt?"

"Calculate what you want! Sixth Master set a price!" Qiao Wei said briskly.

Sixth Master sat down beside her, and looked her up and down: "Little girl, for what you did to Master, you can die a hundred times, but it's because of your good attitude of admitting your mistakes." , Let me sleep once, and I will walk around you!"

Qiao Wei knocked a melon seed: "Are you sure you want to sleep with me? I'm no longer the daughter of a big girl."

Sixth Master was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "If it's someone else, I won't sleep. If it's you, I'm still a little interested."

Qiao Wei threw away the melon seed husk, and grabbed another one: "Don't you ask me who the man is?"

Sixth Master casually smiled: "Who?"

Qiao Wei smiled: "I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I say it."

"Hahahaha..." Liu Ye laughed loudly, "little girl, do you know what I do, Liu Ye?"

"What do you do?" Qiao Wei asked obediently, continuing to eat the melon seeds in her hand, and then ordered Qiu Guanshi, "Bring some watermelon seeds."

Qiu Guanshi's mouth twitched, and he entered the room and brought her a plate of watermelon seeds.

Qiao Wei grabbed a handful of watermelon seeds: "Sixth Master, tell me, what are you doing, I'm listening."

Seeing her calm look, Liu Ye was not sure whether she was really confident or pretending to be calm, so he took a deep look at her and said, "Liu Ye has done a lot of things, only you can't think of it, no Master Six can't do it."

Qiao Wei laughed: "It seems that the sixth master did not see the light."

Master Liu was slightly surprised, which can be heard!

In fact, you don't need to listen, you can guess it. If it's a serious matter, why would King Yin avoid the capital city with many eyes and ears, and hide in a remote town to discuss "business" with him? This brick kiln factory is nothing more than a means for him to deceive others.

Besides, she didn't believe that Prince Yin could find decent people to do business with.

The Sixth Master smiled disdainfully: "The things that the Sixth Master did are indeed not tolerated by the court, but so what? There are many people in the court who beg the Sixth Master to do things."

Qiao Wei squinted at him: "You mean that Prince Yin?"

Liu Ye's eyes darkened: "You really recognize him? Last time I suspected that he was letting you escape."

Qiao Wei: "Hehe."

At this time, she will not speak well of King Yin.

As if thinking of something, Liu Ye looked at her suspiciously: "Your man... Could it be Prince Yin?"



King Yin and Qiao Wei spoke in unison.

Qiao Wei glanced at Prince Yin who appeared at the door at some unknown time, and smiled lightly: "Hey, when did I become the prince's man? Why don't I know?"

King Yin stepped into the flower hall and looked at her with serious eyes: "Have you had enough trouble? Come back home with me when you've had enough trouble, and don't show your face outside!"

I go!

You are an embarrassment!

Qiao Weiniao didn't care about him, and continued to eat melon seeds in her hand: "Master Liu, I don't know this person."

Liu Ye looked at her, and then at Prince Yin, his expression became a little playful.

King Yin grabbed her wrist and said in a cold voice: "Climb on my king's bed, and gave birth to this king's child. How dare you say that you don't know me? Would you like me to let you recall once, how did you spend the night with me?" Couples?"

"Ahem!" Qiao Wei choked.

The sixth master observed the two meaningfully: "What's going on, my lord?"

Qiao Wei's eyes widened: "Yeah, what's going on? I can't understand what you're talking about!"

King Yin said solemnly: "Master Liu, this is Daqiao, the daughter of Enbo Mansion. She had a dewy marriage with me a few years ago, and was expelled from Enbo Mansion. At that time, I didn't know that she was pregnant with me. Flesh and blood, so I haven't looked for her in these years. I didn't know that she gave birth to a pair of twins behind my back until not long ago. Liu Ye, although I ask you for business, it doesn't mean that I am afraid of Prince Yin's mansion. You, my woman, please don't provoke me."

The sixth master knows how to measure. Although he suppresses King Yin in business, he will not really offend King Yin. After all, King Yin is the royal family. Since ancient times, those who oppose the royal family have no good end.

The sixth master smiled and said: "You can't bully a friend's wife! I didn't know the identity of my wife before, so I offended you, please don't take offense, my lord!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Qiao Wei's hand was grabbed tightly by him.

King Yin lowered his volume: "If you still want to get out alive, just shut up!"

Until this moment, King Yin didn't think she was Qiao Wei, and he had to lie to Liu Ye just to save her.

Qiao Wei also knew that he was lying, but Qiao Wei didn't want to accept him: "The child is not yours! I won't go with you! My relationship with you was severed five years ago!"

A woman who doesn't know how to live or die, if she sacrifices her name to save her, she would be better off to "wear a cuckold" for herself, right

King Yin bit out a few words from between his teeth: "The child is not mine and whose is it? Are you still having an affair with another man?"

"... Yes!" Qiao Wei had a serious face.

King Yin knew that whether it was a child or a bed climber, they were all fake, and the two of them were just competing in front of Liu Ye, but he was still very angry with her.

The story became more and more interesting, Liu Ye looked at the two with great interest.

King Yin squeezed her wrist tightly, almost breaking her bones: "Who does that child belong to, you have the guts to tell me!"

Which one is better? You can't say that someone is worse than the prince, how can the sixth master believe it

Qiao Wei rolled her eyes: "Master Prime Minister!"

"My lord, Ms. Qiao please see me." In the courtyard, Lu Zhu walked to the door of the study and reported softly to the people sitting quietly inside.

Ji Mingxiu frowned impatiently: "Tell her I'm taking a lunch break, so don't bother me."

Luzhu hesitated for a moment, wondering: "But..."

"But what?" Ji Mingxiu asked quietly.

Lu Zhu lowered her eyes and said: "She was ordered by the old lady to come to invite your lord to return home for dinner. The old lady said that unless your lord is too sick to get out of bed, you will go back home with Miss Qiao."

Ji Mingxiu sneered, threw the folder in his hand on the table, stood up and walked out.

Qiao Yuxi stood quietly at the door, wearing a pink tunic skirt and a piece of plain white neon dress, pink and white like a budding peach blossom, charming and charming.

"My lord." She saluted gracefully, her voice soft and soft.

Ji Mingxiu's expression didn't fluctuate at all, and he said straight to the point: "Miss Qiao, I've been avoiding you, you should be able to see that, right?"

Qiao Yuxi's complexion changed slightly: "My lord..."

Ji Ming corrected his complexion and said, "Before, I considered that you are a girl's family, and you are thin-skinned, so it is inconvenient to hurt you, so I hide from you everywhere, I just hope you can understand for yourself."

"grown ups… "

"The wife that the previous empress made for me was your sister, not you."

Qiao Yuxi turned pale: "But my sister..."

Ji Mingxiu said indifferently: "If she appears in front of me and asks me to marry her, I will accept this marriage."

Qiao Yuxi blushed, she couldn't tell if she was angry or ashamed: "But, she has done such a thing, she is no longer qualified to marry into Ji's family!"

"She didn't, and you didn't." Ji Mingxiu finished speaking unceremoniously, then turned and left.

"My lord!" Qiao Yuxi stopped him, clenched her hands tightly into fists, "I don't believe you rejected me because of my sister, is it because sister Wan disagrees? Sir, please give me some time, I It will make Sister Wan fall in love with me!"

Ji Mingxiu was impatient: "It has nothing to do with Ji Wan."

"That's why?" Qiao Yuxi looked at his muscular back, and said very seriously: "If your lord can't give a reason that convinces Xi'er, Shu Xi'er can't give up his marriage contract with you."

Ji Mingxiu paused, then turned to look at her: "I have a child, is that enough reason?"